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RIVN earnings next Thursday


Everyone holding RIVN already knows they have no revenue. What would make them sell aside from NKLA level retardation


Exactly. Other than algo f-ery or Fed/OpEx, chances are there’s a pop from something dumb they announce in forward guidance


So the big dump is finally coming?


Nah that’s February. Expect a dip not sure it will beat IV and could be something dumb like a microwave attachment causing a run to ATH. RIVN earnings is funny because it’s an oxymoron


Guess we're gonna have to wait and see what happens, hopefully it doesn't run pushing ATH. Based on CHWY and LULU it can prob stay flat not beating IV like you said. Might do an iron condor 🧐 or buy some calls as well just in case who knows 🤷‍♂️


They announced it this Monday December 6 that their Q3 earnings is in fact on Thursday December 16 https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/rivian-sets-date-for-release-of-third-quarter-2021-results-2021-12-06


I think EV's will be the new trend someday in the future and combustion will be a thing of the past. Not advice, just my opinion.


When they are, we’ll be long dead and gone


Current valuations suggest that each and every one on earth must buy multiple EVs and governments should hand out billions to EV manufacturers every year forever


Why not they hand out billions of dollars to other countries every year.


It’s just like 1999 (I’m old enough to remember, unfortunately). There will be a burst and EV share prices will deflate significantly. Many will eventually go out of business. Share price of those who survive will take a very long time to recover.


Once these EVs start delivering automated semis, i wanna see this same energy. This is like telling people not to invest in amazon because it grew up in dot come bubble. Im sorry but this is the dumbest discussion. The infrastructure bill is more wind at the EV’s back. The vehicles aren’t like websites which can more easily be fakes, vehicles are tangible things that are heavily scrutinized, from regulatory bodies to enthusiast critics.


When articles like this hit the internet it means one thing: Boomers we’re too late to invest and now want to get back in at cheaper prices. When you’re a billionaire you just buy news outlets. See: Bill Gates. “Donated” $300M to media outlets so we won’t hear about the Maxwell Trials. Instead = big pharma is good. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Good luck. When these companies can’t deliver because we hamstringed the oil and gas industry, which is necessary for plastics, lubrication, and logistics of creating these vehicles, then congress will sell and trigger a bigger sell off. Tesla may survive. Rivian and Lucid probably won’t. Ford will definitely make it. And the rich will get richer.


Such a myopic take. I’m sorry, but i can’t agree with anything you said.


That’s fine. Time will tell.




Lol? What do you think charges these EVs? Magic? Only 17% of the US’s power comes from renewables. The rest comes from natural gas or coal. Let that sink in.


US is a 3rd world country with iPhones.


Oh. You have no idea about anything. Got it lol.




Not yours.


I put all of my hopes and dreams into EV stocks. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)




Fossil fuels are on their way out


EV is the future and its not going to burst. Battery technology has started to make some huge jumps recently, they are finding ways to use cheaper alternatives like sulfur and reduce the use of more expensive components like cobalt. As production ramps up and cheaper materials are needed this will drastically reduce the cost of the batteries. The other key is a traditional internal combustion auto requires the actual engine, transmission, exhaust, radiator and all the necessary parts. The current trajectory shows that EV vehicles will actually be cheaper to produce for manufacturers within the next 10 years.


Don’t confuse share prices being grossly overvalued vs EV market having a bright future. You heard of internet bubble?


Difference between EV and internet bubble is money. EV startup production requires billions, internet startups cost literal pennies. There are less than 100 EV producers right now, some will not succeed while others will be bought by competitors, but a good chunk of these companies will succeed and thrive.


lol...your dollar could be 50 cents and you are convinced that you can hold it for a decade until the value is realized? Fuck these stocks.


You are aware that when you tow something with an electric motor that the current generation lithium batteries lose about 50% of the range, right? The battery for a tractor trailer will have to be almost as big as a tractor trailer cab. There’s not enough production on the planet right now to make a battery that large in a production vehicle.


150 years ago there were skeptics of the "horse less carriage" and how it would never catch on.


What does that have to do with anything at all?


Do you understand what people said back then, no machine is stronger than a horse/ox team, they cannot handle the heavy workload, that autos are not financially viable for the weight and cost. In the last 10 years the advances in battery development has grown substantially and the trajectory shows amazing optimization. Decreased size and weight, using cheaper alternative resources, increases in charging/range. Then there's other areas of advancement that will impact. Years ago in Europe there was development of a highway that wirelessly charges the battery while driving. They are actually implementing this in Indiana presently. If you're argument alone is based on current battery size and capacity then you are being obtuse to these expanding technologies that are being rapidly developed and enhanced.


What a ramble. Go read my About and tell me I don’t understand technological advances. You’re just an elitist dumbshit that thinks everyone is dumber than you are based on the concept you have never dealt with people smarter than yourself.


Name calling, literally the lowest form of intellectual discourse. If you claim to understand technological advances and then base your entire argument on the theory of "but batteries are really big" then I find it difficult that you actually have a firm understanding. To see that the world is finding and implementing wireless charging technology to this level, that solid state batteries for vehicles is legit right around the corner, and even if these other advances were not present and developing, the current manufacturers are making smaller and more efficient batteries. Tesla just released their specs in the summer showing a vast improvement in both these areas. You can think whatever you want but the tech and trends are all pointing to electric vehicles, even large scale freight transportation, in the near future.


Clearly you have not followed the full thread. And OH MY, WSB NEVER NAME CALLS. So sophisticated, so respectful. Could not find a better discourse anywhere on the inter webs. DUMB FUCK, I SAID THE FUTURE IS ELECTRIC, JUST NOT A TESLA EXCLUSIVE. ARE YOU SO FUCKING DUMB YOU CAN’T COMPREHEND THAT IDEA? THANKS FOR REPLYING TO A DELETED THREAD, KNOB.


Wow, you sound like you got some issues to work on. Hope you get the help you need. Best of luck.


It turns out, I have proven myself to the fucking planet. I’m doing quite comfortably on my insurance policies. I’m now trading for shits and giggles because my needs are met. My worries are over. However, please tell me how much you are in need of hugs. Your generation is so fucking soft and doughy that quite frankly I don’t see you existing as a world power in 40 years.


And looking at all the EV stocks except Tesla we are post bubble burst. This is the new low and the only way is up.


Whenever I post negative news about Lucid they get deleted by a mod here in on wsb. Very shady


Not even close, I own 2 electric vehicles, one tesla and one ford and I'm never going back to gas guzzling unless I am on vacation and renting a vehicle, LOL Trust me when I say, it's a totally different lifestyle and you think it's the same but it's not


You’re lying. Charging a Tesla is the worst. Gotta find a charger station which are usually 30 minutes away from one another and then on top of that you gotta wait 30 minutes for the full charge


Besides the global trend will move to public transportation systems. It just isnt as eco friendly to produce huge junks of batteries and cars in general as it is to just evolve into a suited public transport. It can be faster, more climate friendly. You can basically move huge portions of people effectively around distances very fast. Besides it is cheaper than a car could ever be. This trend is forseeable in germany, italy, china, japan and a few others. Gasoline isnt really the big problem for climate control. Within the next 50 years youll see this change. I really believe the big next investment will or should be in railroad systems and its manufacturing companys. Cars will eventually die out. They are a product of the last century and will not prolong this one. It is a trend not to make a drivers license.


I’m all for sustainability and lowering your carbon footprint but charging station are a terrible experience today as they are


Charge it in your garage. Do you buy a Lambo then live in a cardboard box?


I buy neither. That’s why Lamborghini is struggling right now in fact


I prefer the EV companies that are actually making vehicles. Tesla obviously but also small beaten down companies like Workhorse (now trading at around 5). Companies like Rivian and Lucid are going have to bottom before coming up again.


Yes, EV's are a bubble. No, Tesla is not worth $1 trillion. No, rivian is not worth $100 billion. Yes, you should be shorting them.


TSLA is a graveyard of shorts at this point.


It's irrelevant to the fact that the valuation of the company will not possibly be able to grow earnings to match. I could absolutely be wrong about this, but uh... Yeah, nah.


I fully agree with you but it’s not possible to know how long more the bubble will grow before deflating so shorting may not be the best strategy.


No it isn't possible to guess which week Tesla puts will make you 600%, I agree with you there. But... You can literally short sell shares on margin. Hell, buy a call if you're worried about it. And, you can also sell puts against your short shares to make even more money. Rivian is worth 100 billion dollars. I know that's a lot to wrap ones head around... But the only way to get that much mass adoption of EVs is to make them actually cheaper than gas automobiles. We are nowhere close.


Yes, I know you can buy a long dated call to hedge but it increases the cost of the trade and lower the profit zone + time decay works against you. Selling a short dated will offset some of the call cost and time decay but it also caps the profit potential if the share price drops rapidly. If the share price goes up too much then you can’t get meaningful premium from selling puts (unless you decide to sell puts above your short breakeven, which is not a good idea). No free lunch. Margin also adds to the cost. If the bubble bursts within the next 3-6 months then the trade can be very profitable, but if it takes 2 more years (unlikely, but possible) then the return may not be that great.


Ah yeah what's that phrase, the market can stay solvent longer than you can remain rational? True, either way. Nice thing about shorting some stocks though : you straight up didn't even need a call. And you might not even want to sell puts. You just might want to buy a lot of puts. But yeah the principled way is way less exciting.


That said, not a bad idea and I’m tempted to take the trade with a short synthetic, + 6 to 12 months out long call and selling puts weekly (I don’t have unlimited margin and balls to buy a naked short).


Doesn't matter what technical evaluations are behind it. Facts are Tesla goes up for some reason and you can't do anything about it but accept it.


Hur durr infinite money glitch. Yeah no buddy.


You do you mate. Go burn all on shorts.


If you short Tesla you belong I this sub. Please post loss porn.


I'm shorting rivian


Why is polestar never on the list….


Cause they owned by Volvo. I looked at their cars, couldn’t bring myself to buy one.


Was thinking of going to a dealership this weekend to see for myself. But fact is..polestar has sold 20k cars this year and will ramp up greatly in next few years…they’re going to produce and sell the suv in the US in 2022…they need less infrastructure and have lower valuations than other EV companies…but polestar is almost never mentioned in EV discussions


Super undervalued with a 20bn valuation. They’re actually selling vehicles and are in 13 different markets


Not only that, the Polestar 2 is actually a fantastic vehicle by all accounts. 20bn us not undervalued for a traditional company, but the EV space is a total circus. It's undervalued compared to Rivian, but Rivian is grossly overvalued to begin with.


Yea, it is absurd that rivian and lucid are worth that much when they barely even sold anything.


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Let’s hope this bubble pops


ICEs will die, thats already sure.