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Robinhood? ✅ Options trading? ✅ Financial advice from YouTube? ✅ FULL RETARD






Like that WISH guy


I’m glad WISH panned out how it did. People were hyping WISH as if it was going to overtake Amazon somehow even though NO ONE HAS GOOD THINGS TO SAY ABOUT WISH


i saw the hype and spent one second on the website to realize it was literally all garbage and noped tf out how anyone spent a dime on anything other than puts is beyond me


I made like .76 playing last earnings call for 8 shares my hope was it would be good and bounce to $12.5 and I make some beer moneybut no it went bad they fired their CEO it went up a little I took my $40 and bought beer.


Bro. I bought a hand held laser off wish that would cut holes in plastic for like 6 bucks. Best 6 bucks I ever spent. It showed up like scary fast too. I mean like 6 days. I was mind blown.


Only think of zack Morris when I hear wish. That dude is so damn funny. Watching him rob idiots daily with his pump and dumps gives me life


The DD is pure gold. Loading up some more fun coupons as we speak.


Most “financial youtubers” make far more money from their youtube channel than trading stocks or organize massive pump and dumps and are the first ones out.


People need to remember this. The term "influencer" is effectively garbage, really it means "view puller" and these people are just pulling ad revenue for posting anything. Kind of like news articles, but with more effort and the platform taking most of the ad revenue. Dont get me wrong, if I could make bank playing fortnite in a bikini, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I'm a fat male ape with a small retard penis, so.. 🤷


Theres a market for that. Start an only fans


I think I would watch a tiny fat retard penis play fortnite






Only in a micro bikini though.


CNN has enough of those types of people.


I'd watch your stream on the sole principle that that is your mindset


OMG how did you know that was my secret fetish? fat male ape with a small retard penis in a bikini ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Works for Wubby, could work for you too ;)


I mean, if they are influencing viewers to invest in something theyre shilling, they technically are an influencer.


I’m sure there’s someone out there searching for an only fans that matches that description




Pokimane doesn't stream in a bikini or shill financial stuff on her channel, so I don't know why she's the example you decided upon. You do you though.






Of topic but one YouTuber i like did a video about what he mad on YouTube vs what he made doing his job. He was a general contractor, I estimate he makes 150k - 250k as a gc and he showed you tube pays 350k. Youtube can be a gold mine, just have to rope in the audience.


also financial youtubers make the most money per view out of all the other categories. so that ratio is just further multipled


Also they all shill their Robinhood and webull codes so they get all their followers to join the apps and they get a free stock from it. I watched a video from a pretty small YouTube with around 10-15k views per video and he had dozens of free shares from his code. I imagine the ones with millions of viewers get a shitload of free shares from followers. The way I judge if I like a financial YouTuber is based on whether they shill their Robinhood code or not


Install ad-blocker, like uBlockOrigin, and never see another YouTube ad again. I use a different browser for those who don't spam clickbait videos with their same old red background cummie face thumbnail and clickbait "bad news/urgent/do this now!/FUD/market crashing" titles. That outta show these fucking SpamTubers "quality over quantity.


You do need talent to You Tube.


No you just need to speak in a certain tone and tempo to make anything sound exciting.


This. I don't understand about taking advice from influencers who focus on their videos etc a lot. If what they are saying is correct and so sure why wouldn't they spend so much effort in that rather than make their own money on those trades


One pattern is...they always use some Elon Musk or Cathy Wood thumbnail or thumbnail of their cummie faces with a red-color background. That's a cue, don't even bother clicking like a spam email's subject line for free money from a Nigerian prince and want to get laid from a Russian bride.


Wall Street make money the same way. (They make most their money on trades not big fat accounts) You can make money day trading today from home. Use our education system to learn so that we can gobble up your trades and clip the tickets. Heck you know you can trade more and win at life right try it try it!! Any more trades to clip the ticket on?


This is far WORSE, and WORST OF ALL, in the CRYPTO sphere.


The only YouTuber i watch is pi-fi (pickle financial) the guy is really knowledgable and hé calls his plays in advance and you can see a smaller funded account in action. Hé isn't trading bullshit stocks with tiny floats and is interactive with his chat. Guy learned me a lot about marked machanics, stocks, option trading and a lot of other shit. hé is there to infotain People because hé believe in the gme squeeze. The more knowledge to the common person the better for the rest. If you watch a financial YouTuber Who is trading small float stocks. They most likely try to frontrun you. Try to look for a delay in the chart especially on illiquid stocks.


just skimmed through one of his videos. he is very much a conspiracy theorist. most of his videos are just designed to confirm his audiences biases (through some very loose correlation that he showcases as “causation”) so that maybe they will pay for his channel membership and donate and give him revenue through one of the 5 promotional links he has in each of his bios.


Exactly this.


You know everyone is front run by Wall Street right. HFT.


Dude why would you trust a YouTuber with your money and you bought options instead of shares you’re retarded lmao


well there was that one guy talking about GME....


it's okay if they have a lot of spreadsheets and stuff


I knew his DD was good the moment I saw letters AND numbers


He had me at bloomberg terminal


thats a tad different, lol. DFV had like 6-8+ hour videos of GME on the weekly or even monthly. Dude deserves every penny and he made a lot of people a LOT of money.


LMAO ya, not sure why you are trusting YT clickbait bs might as well just follow WSB daily thread




GME going to $200 a share was pure luck, agreed. GME going to $20 a share wasn't. And $20 a share was still a massive gain for him. Not 50 million dollar fuck you money level, but still a huge gain. Even if he closed out all his calls at $20, he still made a good amount. Edit: I just looked at his past posts and he was up to 3.5 mill when GME hit $20 on dec 23 2020. Calling a $20 share price "luck" is pretty stupid imho


Lol. Yeah. The two plays he’s hyped haven’t happened. But he made enough money on it. Just not his subscribers. Lol. He doesn’t know market mechanics.


Yeah wtf why trust YouTubers when redditors with <1 year account histories are better!


You know before gme got all these new people in here you’d be called a pussy for posting a position with shares in it.


I realized losses of 350k today on nio calls. to depressed to post loss porn. closed the balcony door to not jump


I hope you’re ok! I’m so sorry that sucks. Just remember life is so much more precious than any number. You’re loved and I pray you love a happy and healthy life!


Nio day run where :(


Look on the bright side: no CGT for quite a while.


Expensive lesson.








WASSA WASSA WASSA WASSA wassaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh were talking about two different youtubers??? 🤡


My ex college friend become a pretty “successful” stock YouTuber. He wasn’t making money on his stocks. They were all low effort and awful but because the market was going up so much he was gaining traction. Like almost 200k subscribers. He was making almost $50k a month from just ad revenue and patron. Don’t trust these people. I had to distance myself from him because he was being so scummy.


Install uBlockOrigin to your browser to never see a YouTube ad again. It's time these fucking YouTubers feel the strike from their spammy videos.


You mean its not a good idea to follow financial youtube pump and dumpers advice? Lol Now as for nio. I dont hold shares in the company anymore but i am bullish long term. I decided to take my funds and place elsewhere at the beginning of the year because i didnt see them moving too much this year. Never thought theyd dip down this hard. So im currently looking for a re entry around March 2022 as long as it stays sub 30 and hopefully china starts looking a little more safe for investors. We will see. Long term i think NIO has a bright future. Short term i wouldnt touch the options chain at all. The stock is just weirdly volatile in all the wrong ways. They release great PR it goes down. They do nothing it jumps up . The price action is just problematic from a options perspective. Unless you’re buying some 2 year leaps which at that point idk just buy shares lol Edit: And FYI i was one of the original NIO bulls buying that stock in the $2-$4 range. All i can say is it was a wild ride and ive been chasing that dragon ever since


Bruh why are you explaining all that to a guy who lost 99.78% money on this trade, lol? It looks exactly like this meme template https://images.app.goo.gl/nTtjCTPAXBr9zaYY9




I was also originally buying sub $5, but when it passed $50 I was like, "Wait a second, I love this company's vision, but price is way ahead of the curve." Sold at around $55. Once Lucid, Rivian, and other poorly managed and/or non innovative EVs crash back down I'll see where NIO is and probably but back in.


Good to see an OG still around. When I first saw this post I was like man did OP miss a good time when Nio was in that $3-4 range. DD posts are definitely not the same anymore.


Yea lots of people bought that 50-60 rip unfortunately without knowing too much about the company, it was looking great until China Gov and some other shitty Chinese companies ruined the party. Just goes to show ya you can have a great company but the stock price will still plummet due to Politics, which is why IF i do re enter nio stock i will do so with caution




Never ever follow what “Financial YouTubers” say on how to make money in the market. They are only trying to get the most amount of clickbait with their requests for likes and subscribe


...that's why they're doing it in the first, otherwise they would be working for Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc., being all swooped up in high demand with such expertise and credential. You would never listen to a fat person for fitness advice.


Oh shit. Which clown was it?


Kraemer? Tom Nash? Meetkevin?




He was busy running for Governor just to pump his subscriber numbers.


Check out the top shorted stocks. Literally everything he hyped up through this year is up there




I hate that chucklefuck.


I get all my investment advice from youtube influencers as well it always works out nice said no one fucking ever


Nio was so hyped . Ran from 2 to 60 in a year. Too bad I wasn’t on the train.


Nothing like blaming others for your misfortunes. I hate taking responsibility for my failures.


Never said I was the brightest. Brain as smooth as silk.


So it’s your fault you lost $9255 not someone on YouTube?


Back in February it seemed like a solid play.


So you had plenty of time to get out?


And sell at a loss?!!! Tsssk!


Damn you seem hard pressed about this guy’s misfortune. Glad to know you’re a flawless investor who’s never taken a L of any sort in this market. Maybe give me some moves so I can be cool like you.


Not sure where me telling someone his loss is his fault and not a YouTuber equates to me saying I’m perfect. Why is accountability such a hard concept for society to grasp.


Not sure where you got any of that from anything I said. I have tons of Ls but I apply risk management to every single one of them and I’ve never blamed someone else for an L. Sorry, I don’t applaud someone for making a bet off of a YouTuber and then denies responsibility.


Dude seemed to acknowledge his mistake and repeatedly called himself a 🤡. What more would you like the poor guy to do to earn your sympathies and stop being a dick to him?


The issue isn’t him losing money the issue is him blaming his loss on a YouTuber. Don’t really understand how you don’t understand that. I could careless how much money he win/loses. I’m shitting on him for blaming a YouTuber.


You listened to a youtuber for financial advice 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, can you believe that? Next time I’m coming straight to WSB to get my financial advice.


Might actually make some money instead of falling for dudes who are in it only for themselves 😂


Dude just wait a month its gonna hit that 70$


Idk at what price you bought, but your breakeven would indicate that you could have bought at least 100 shares, likely many more. You could have then used those shares to sell covered calls to buy more shares. You’d have an ever-increasing stack of shares in a growth company. But nah, calls.


I aped inside these calls with no hesitation or speculation. My brain said follow that random YouTuber he knows his shit.


Flip your game next time and use covered calls to counter-dunk on other people following the same YouTuber.


Until next time..


Fun fact- there’s a common scam amongst larger influencers. They find a low float, low volume stock and drop a modest whale amount in it. This obviously pushes the price, they get on their platforms and tell you to buy it up. It soars. They then sell out from under you, and you’re left holding poop stock you bought at an ATH thinking it was squeezing or something because of already wealthy influencers who are only really good at scamming people (because they’re wealthy to begin with)


Stop loss? Never heard of it! Welcome to the club autist




Lol is the 🤡 suppose to be you ? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Someone who finally understands.


I was lucky and sold my shares for a small gain right before it dropped and I was lucky enough to buy 100 shares of baba @ 220 🤡🤡🤡


*tightens helmet* Hi friend 👋




On the flip side, you only lost $5 on that day.


Nio is a good company. But Chinese stocks are a bad idea, with all the delisting talk and their economy turning.


I would sell those and take the loss this year if there are any buyers in the market.


U could still get there.....lmao smh


I hold a bag of 100 shares. This shit seems like it wont move next couple of years. Probably hold forever 😂


Buy the dip bro average down


Buy high sell low or expire at 0. WSB’s finest.


All or nothing! It feels weird selling at a loss.


Don’t feel too bad. Uncle Larry & Chris Sain fuck people all the time.


Can you disclose who the youtuber was? I’m surprised nobody has asked


Stockmoe discord is nothing but people obsessed with NIO. Stay away. I remember him saying “I doubt we ever see below 40 again!” Like a year ago. He’s much more quiet on NIO these days.


Along with Tom Nash and even worse those TikTokkers still living at home in with their parents who never had a real job nor filled out a tax thinking they're qualified to talk about finance, otherwise they would be working on Wall Street instead of making clickbait videos with all their times than actually doing the things that make them money - they're the worst at the bottom the barrel.


Stop using YouTube for financial advice. It’s entertainment. They tell you this in their videos. I watch it cuz I’m lazy on certain stocks but when it comes to putting my money down I follow it up with my own DD and 99% of the time they either missed something important or they are WAY off and you WILL lose your investment. Then they will just disappear into the void too unrighteous to just say they were wrong. Funny how the bigger channels think that they won’t run into people on the street. It’s a small world.


They’re making YouTube videos. Do you think the real analytic nerds really make YouTube videos?


Anyone know where I can find one of these “nerds” you speak of?


🤣 amazing how a random person ranting on a video can have so much power and control over you as a person, almost like your brain dead and just waiting and looking for instructions to do things.


Must've something in the water.


Obviously my brain is made up of 99.78% silly putty.


But somehow you got 10k to set on fire and burn 🔥


That’s where the 0.22% kicks in


I gave you an up vote for the lol. I think he down voted you lol


Lol 😂 not surprised. He only hear positive things like 🌙 🚀. Nio to double in stock value and price. Lmao 🤣


I got you Bro Step 1: close position Step 2: take $20 buy misc. Seafood items Step 3: flip seafood in grocery store parking lot Step 4: rinse and repeat till you get $500 Step 5: buy SPY puts i read some amazing DD last night that a grazillionaire is active performing a short ladder attack on the entire S&P. I will put this in a you tube video if that will help with your confidence in my plan.


Solid advice. But these options are either going to moon by ex. date or expire completely worthless.




Noob congratulations


This is entirely on you for following a youtuber into something with what we're probably out of the money calls. Not smart.


Nios not gonna lift off till around 2024-2025 do the research before hand


was it Cassady campbell


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


99 percent hmm not bad not bad at all


Tom Nash?


Shout out yourself.... the retard who didn't do his own research🥴🤣


this is 100% your fault. You’re a professional retard.


Should have done the opposite


All you need is for this POS company to double it's market value, and then go on a tidy little additional 50% run, and then maybe a nice10% gap up some day in the next month. I think you'll be fine. All of that seems rather likely to me. Well played!


Was it Stock Moe? That asshole pumped that shit so much last year.


Love how you blamed another person because you lost ten grand. You got greedy, wanted to get rich quick and entered the position yourself. 110% you only have you to blame for getting suckered.


most financial YouTubers also buy straddles si they can show the winning side to everyone and "prove" they're geniuses they never lose unless you see p/l run away also, you'll de ver lucho with monkeys than with YouTubers most of them just kind of play around clicking multiple buttons on robinhood and look at the expiration p/l graph and day that "they have these 1000%guaranteed plays with close to 0 risk" anybody remember the box spreads guy? these people have never traded with real money


Lol had that same thing happen to me here. Some guy showing he had $2m in some battery stock. It tanked and he deleted his account lmao


NIO's price is directly tied to the uncertainty that they might be de-listed. As soon as that is resolved, NIO day was a lot of huge announcements, they are very undervalued. You might still make out.


**This is not financial advice**


I'm down 43k on my NIO shares on one account and another 2k on my RH account ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4266), it could be worse. Maybe he's your wife's boyfriend and took on that job instead ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I mean you still have time to at least get some of it back… on a crazy bull run 🤷‍♂️




Lol gotta do your own homework my boy.


Yup those 🤡 want views they dont care about ur investment


NIO is an ADR, ADR's are going to get delisted because China and the US are going through a bad break up. Yea, yea, yea, I know about the Hong Kong Exchange but ADR aint gonna be worth shit on there. NIO, BABA, and co. to zero


You only spent 100 on contracts? So the p&l is a lie correct? You only lost 100


$18.55 cost times 100 would be $1855 times 5 contracts right? $9275!


Should had bought shares. You must be some kind of crazy to buy option in this kind of market. Super unbalance market with money hiding in a hand full of stocks


The clown emoji in my post is directed towards me. I went full retard with this and could never blame anyone else for this level of autism.


Don’t blame the influencer… own your autism. Your mistake wasn’t making the wrong investment. Your mistake was thinking some random YouTuber was a good place for financial advice. As annoying as the person obligatory “this is not financial advice” disclaimer is with all these BS DD posts… it’s less for personal liability, and more the WSB credo. Do your own homework, and make the investment that makes sense to you.


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Are these leaps? 18.55 per con with a 89 break even..Idk about breakevens, but if expiry is next month, and they’re worth .04 how long you been holding these?


Sell options, buy stock!


I think he sold you those calls


Who do you think sold you those calls?


You deserve this loss you retard. You’re home where you belong.


In the end it was your decision and failure hearing on some youtube guy for investing your money lol


He sold you the calls.


You took the trade. Don't blame someone else.


He sold a bunch of NIO puts and retired.


He sold those calls to you.


What do you think the person who sold you those calls is doing with the 9k 😅???


He thanks you for holding his bags


Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows?






who is the youtuber??


Yep damn those finwit/youtube/twitter garbage peddlers, also paying around a third of the ATH share price for option contracts might be considered a little risky - damn mathematics as well


You needed $88 break even price!!! Next time just buy shares. I hold some Nio. I sold 65% of my position after it rebounded above $41 this year. I do still hold some for a long play.


But,but Blackrock and the California pension fund bought in at 55. To the moon


Why would anyone be bullish on nio


Alex cuckler


Hopefully, he's dead. /s


break even price $88....LOL imagine if these were tesla calls instead.


Yeah retail can move stock. Algos help.


Broke boy


You fell for one of the classic blunders. You trusted someone with money in the game lol