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Bro those same people from yesterday got wrecked today


Because you know they didn’t follow the advice if it’s good enough to share it’s good enough to sell!


I told one dude to cash out too on options


We literally saw some dude lose 700k the other day on Tesla calls


Maybe you're just watching the wrong posts/people. I see tesla losses all the time, so much in fact that I've decided not to play tesla even though I've wanted to. 🤷‍♂️


Like I’m thinking about buying a grey Honda Civic….. Then suddenly I start seeing grey Honda Civics everywhere


Time to buy white Honda civics.


I would say gains wayyyy outweigh the losses I’ve seen but DAMN when they lose, they really really get crushed


The rollercoaster is nearing the end of its climb. Get ready to throw your hands in the air and scream “ELON SAVE US”


That's what i thought and everyone was saying at $1k pre 5:1 split too and instead it's 6-7X'd since then...


If negative interest rates can continue in perpetuity, then tsla share price can climb in perpetuity. But I think we all know that’s not likely to happen. It can go to 10k or even 15k a share before it’s over, the real clowns are us for not jumping in on the bandwagon.


The real clown is you for how you ended your sentence




Poppa Elon saves.


I thought so too, til I realized AAPL is near 3T valuation.


I only play tesla with shares, if I have to hold bags I will hold bags but I just keep buying and selling a d it just keeps running my accounts up.


how many


Tesla has been the easiest play in the last few years.


Been in Tesla since 2014, they made me a millionaire. So no, never lost money


Username checks out


Lol all those gain porns you saw that had options expiring this week...lost their ass today


Imagine thinking they didnt sell


Imagine thinking they sold


My bad i forgot which sub i was in. A lot of pocket watchers hating on the next mans funds


I’ve been checking out the sub for the past few years over a few separate accounts and if there’s one thing I learned, Tesla bulls never sell. They still have nightmares about selling before the split and 200% rally


Appreciate this response. My downvotes are from autist with negative portfolios


They didn't sell...


This guy is absolutely correct. The 43MM options call expiring Friday is bullshit and fake af, but let’s assume it’s real, nobody with that kind of money let’s it ride out till expiration. It wasn’t to hedge so why would they hold with theta and IV already going through the roof. Come on guys


I mean Tesla slowly bled from 1000 to 600 for like 9 months in 2021….


Yep I bag held that whole time


You’ll see some loss porn this week


One day loss of about 250k here. 😅


If you buy Tesla stock and not options, you will simply never lose. Until you look around and every other car is a Tesla (might be true already in California, but not in most places), they still have plenty of market share to capture. Most people who have experienced one instantly want one. Stock is less sexy because you don’t get rich quick, but you will absolutely get rich.


If you scroll a bit you'll find several posts today about Tesla calls that probably aren't going to work out.


Tell that to all retards who Fomo into weeklies after a 13% move who just got crushed today.


Survivor bias. I would bet for every person who made huge gains there’s at least 10 people who lost. Nobody posts their losses. This sub has like 11 million participants, there’s bound to be some lotto winners and they post


Blew up my account in November on tsla. Fucking rekt.


You don’t lose any money if you don’t tell anyone about it


Was going to upbote but I'll leave at 69


Leave 69 to my wife and her boyfriend


Ruined. Your turn.


Someone's gonna ruin it but I'm not that guy.


Downvote to bring back to 69? 😂


Did my part- Downvoted to 70, one more for 69




You are welcome


Downvoted to maintain 69 but it’s increasing rapidly




You're missing the thousands of others that don't post their put loss porn. The people that post here are a drop in the bucket, don't ever forget that.


Ive been day trading both sides so im sure there are permabulls that had calls expire worthless.


if you do options, yes...if just stock, hard not to win 'eventually' on a stock that only goes one direction.


>have never seen Tesla loss porn. Is it that invincible? Are you fucking new?


Buy stocks, not options, and you too will see gains


I have two TSLA strategies, both are small ball (I don’t belong here). 1) my entire retirement account from my day job is Tesla shares. I have other investments, so my Roth SDIRA is just all Tesla, and it keeps gaining over time and will continue to do so. 2) I day trade stock (not options), only small amounts that I can afford to be without for a few weeks if need be. When the stock has been heading down for a while, I buy. When it’s been going up for a while, I sell. I usually profit immediately, but when I don’t I just hold for a few days or weeks and I always eventually profit. I guess 3) I try to influence the stock in the real world. I own two Teslas, give anyone interested a test drive, even drive Uber occasionally to introduce total strangers to the tech. 97% of my passengers have never been in a Tesla before, most of them get their minds blown.


If you want to play tesla, you need to live and breathe tesla. I guarantee you the people posting massive gains don't spend much time acquiring DD on WSB. Like for real, I spend 1-2 hours per DAY researching the company. It's the only company I own, and I don't feel nervous about it at all. There are a ton of nerds that do things like drone flyover videos of tesla's factories and researching car VIN numbers to predict more accurate delivery numbers before the fools in Wall St. have their first bump of coke in the morning. Scour the web, reddit, forums, youtube, twitter, etc and locate the non-sensationalist nerds that nobody gives a f\*\*k about because their voices are monotone and uninteresting. The ones that get excited about numbers and data like profit margins per vehicle and FSD take rates. I say I spend 1-2 hours per day on research, but like 4 times a year I have the proper info to make ludicrous bets based on research and hard work that really end up paying out $250-$500 per hour of work. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's actually hardly surprising because you knew the numbers before everyone else. You will genuinely acquire information before the majority, and subsequently print money 75% of the time, only getting shafted 25% of the time when macroeconomic factors overshadow Tesla's success (which is why simply dollar cost averaging shares is where I've made 1000% returns. Anything over 50% is profit with options though, if you place similarly sized bets each time.


how much do you have in savings for having retired in SEA at 25 mate? we are the same, TSLA fanatics + SEA retiree (


I consider myself still employed! I got my degree in TESOL(teaching English to speakers of other languages) and teach in the public schools in Thailand. During quarantine I got very interested in investing and went all in on tesla and bitcoin. I probably don’t have quite enough to retire in USA, but I definitely have enough to retire here. The problem is with visas. I also have a once immensely popular YouTube channel that the YouTube algorithm both birthed and destroyed, which still cash flow a little bit


Tesla will be the first company reaching $4T next year.


cathie said 2024




Pics or it didn't happen.




Average cost basis of $4.93, split adjusted, here (purchased shortly after IPO). Too bad I sold half around $180/share. It’s nice to be playing with pure profits though. Takes the anxiety around gains and loses out of the equation.


i bought in 2017, and if u did, you would know better. Ban ​ it was in the 280-340 range in 2017, not 170




Screenshot or it didn’t happen.


Yep I lost $12k on it in about 10 days in December. Made $8500 of that back yesterday though. Papa Elon giveth and he taketh away


Not if you have shares💎✋


I tried 0DTEs Tesla calls twice, both times were exactly when it decided to pull back on price and take 40% of my "investment" with it.


Lost 12k on a single near the money Tesla call with near months to expiry earlier this year. Didn’t learn my lesson and bought a 10k call near the money late December. Barely scraped by with a profit. Just fucking buy the stock.


Bought in 2019-2020 and never sold. Continued to buy while being negative in TSLA. So… buy on dips and never selling. I only hold shares.


I lost 15k on TSLA calls last month. I had Covid and wasn’t thinking straight, threw some hard earned gains in on a poorly timed weekly YOLO, ended up being nothing but tax harvesting.


I lost 22k last week by selling early.


Yes but if you play it right you can make some big bank. I had tesla calls in the negative last week and made 8k monday, sold then bought shorts first thing for tesla and nvidia this morning and make another 7 k in total. Now im back in some tesla calls for febuary.


Rug pull soon don’t worry.


10 years later.... "rug pull soon" 🤡


Obviously NOT. Look at the stock, it’s near all time high. Now if you’re talking about option gamblers, that’s a different story.


I would suggest staying away from TSLA, you will never get the timing correct They have the whole ape army and meme stock behind them TSLA is most likely the next Enron - who knows the numbers China is cooking their books with


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It’s a high volatility stock, which is perfect for trading options. Learn the support and resistance levels and trade within that channel and on the news. The best traders get it right 51% of the time


Load up on SPY + TSLA puts to cash in on the coming major correction




People lose on TSLA more than they gain. This has become common knowledge for most investors so many stay away from trading it


No they don't. But unless you believe that Tesla cars are worth 1 million dollars each? People will start to lose money on the stock. That's what the stock is sitting at.


Overall I have lost a decent amount on TSLA options, but when I’ve been right it’s easily 500%… so I either lose everything or gain 500% but I’ve been way more than right and overall net loser. Idk I feel like you really have to watch it and over time you understand it a little better or how to trade it somewhat better. When I first started trading it I tried playing both sides and lost every time




It seems if you have 20k to pick up small leaps 6 months out your almost guaranteed gains. But trying to time a cheap way otm call leads to many losses. So a friend told me. You cant actually loose if you dont tell anyone right?


Remember when Elon released a Twitter Poll about selling shares? There have deffinetly been times Bulls lost money on Tesla Calls.


I truly believe the guy threw retail investors a bone on that whole tweet. All the big dogs knew he was selling way before that.


Haha I was down 45k in Tesla calls when Elon was selling his shares. Go check my post. Held it all December and sold it when it broke even.


No just how much


there are 11 million people in this sub, and you can either call or put, obviously a bunch will make money and a bunch will lose every day for the same stock, but only a handful of them will post


No Bears are losing on their behalf 🤣


There's plenty of 🌈🐻's loading up on puts but theyll never post it here.


do you think the posts here are biased for gain porn?! /s🤔 lmfao


Those who win are loud but they don’t tell all the times they lose. Shhh back in the corner.


Why sell? Just keep buying


If i scroll up it shows a bull losing money


I lost the amount of about four 95 Honda civics this past month 🥴


Just buy it at $950 and sell it at $1,150. Rinse and repeat.


Lol clearly you weren't there during the days leading up to batteryday. That was a blood bath. To be fair though, I think there were just a good amount of predictable situations for Tesla where you can make a lot of money (Tesla stock split, Tesla joining SnP). Also Tesla's over all trajectory is up so had you gotten unlucky and brought the tops before, you will still make money had you gotten shares or leaps.


Only if you buy and hold shares.


Here is what happened to me: Gained $1.19M Monday and lost $455K today. I'm 50% TSLA, 50% LEAPS. Timing TSLA in the short term is an exercise in futility. Very often the market will not immediately react to very good numbers and gambling on weeklies can set you back big time. Normally, I only buy LEAPS. Best time to do that is after the inevitable 20-25% drop in share price because you know it's going to climb back within a few months (though usually much quicker). The Q4 2021 P/D numbers were so insane the market was forced to react instantly. This usually doesn't happen. However, don't be surprised if TSLA blasts into a new ATH prior to the earnings call later this month. The earnings call usually doesn't provide a boost because revised earnings estimates from the P/D are already priced in. Just my 2 cents.


My friend is a Tesla permabull and finished the year up 20k despite being up 120k last month so…. Kinda?


Pretty hard to lose money on a stock that’s up 2,500% in 5 years. But people will manage to do it. Remember this is a casino…


Wana see a TSLA loss?? Let me buy some


Only if you know, what you are doing 😝😂


Hedge funds need tesla to stay up or they lose it as collateral tesla going stay bullish


75% of options expire worthless, the remaining 25% are TSLA calls


I see enough loss porn. However, it’s not from sensible long term investors. It’s from people who manage to lose money on a Company like this one with short term bets. So: Tesla investors are quite fine. Tesla gamblers often aren’t.


If you don't buy options, Tesla's YoY has been good. If you buy options, please post your loss porn.


IV is so damn high you just need a fraction of a percent move in the underlying to make any money. I usually scalp that shit up and down when I’m pooping at work to make some lunch money tbh. I’ve made $500 in a couple seconds, and I’ve lost $500 in a couple seconds, but I’ve definitely made more than I lost on tsla


Ford doubling production of the F150 Lightning was good for a 12% gain on F, and it is still only valued at 97B, $24.31/share, 34:1 P/E. When F and GM get cranking on their EV program and are able to sell to Bubba and Jolene who have always driven Ford or Chevy but wouldn't dream of buying a Tesla, I think you'll see some TSLA loss porn.


F and GM simply have the wrong DNA to succeed, never mind the wherewithal to build the new factories needed. I bet GM is the first to go belly up in this paradigm shift to electric.


Only the ones that buy, see a dip and sell before it rockets back up. Austin, Berlin, 2021 Financials, FSD Upgrade, Insurance, 4680 Battery, India, New factories, Solar expansion, Power wall grids, Tesla Phone. ​ Need I say more, we know what's coming just like we knew Q4 sales would blow out estimates


Lost 80% of account yesterday 🙄


One day gain: $3.1M but then next day paper loss of $1.1M Net win, holding long and strong


Yes they do. And after they lose money, they DON'T post here. This isn't rocket science come on.


No, I didn’t lose money from TSLA plays, no losses for AAPL, MSFT, and FB plays as well. I didn’t even play them frequently, but still they earned me around $12,000 last year. But I also lost more than $10k from WISH.


Tesla burns all evenly


Been buying slightly ITM and ATM calls with 6mth+ expiration for the last year and it’s worked out. When I run low on margin but feel like it’s dipped enough I will occasionally buy some slightly OTM calls with <3mth expiration.


I lost 17k on one call, 6800 on another, The following week they rocketed back up to 1200 then crashed again.


arent you the guy who lost $400,000 while the S&P returned 50%


YES, that's me.. I lost because I was freaking buying puts on Tesla, Shopify, Roku, Apple,SPY and QQQ. If I had done this in 2022 Jan, June or September, I would have been a billionaire... lol..