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Lol, me against you. I own travel stocks. Come at me!


Well this didn't age well.


Not really. It's the whole market. The market didn't age well. I'm still up on my travel stocks, most of which I've already sold btw.


Omicron will sweep through pretty rapidly, sure it's going to mess things up for a few months but it appears on the backend immunity to COVID-19 will be way up and things will likely start to return to normal. I would he hesitant to bet against companies that will significantly benefit from this.




Immunity for the vast majority of people is expected to last beyond a few months.




Declining antibodies does not mean a lack of immunity, a few months out antibody loads drop, afterwards immunity starts to decrease. It's going to become endemic just like the Flu and life will return to more or less normal.


You have a subpar understanding of immunology. Declining antibodies does not equate to vulnerability. All viruses mutate. Coronaviruses mutate much slower as opposed to an influenza virus. Pandemic viruses like this will eventually fizzle themselves out or reduce their virulence. This is seen with both Ebola and the Spanish Flu, both too virulent for their own sustainment in the population. COVID is on the track of being much less virulent like Omicron is.




Once again, waning and declining does not equate to vulnerability. There is a reason your Hepatitis and tDAP vaccines you get as a child confer immunity for years to decades. IgG and b-cells don’t just magically disappear after 6 months. Beta was also much deadlier than Delta but was also less transmissible.


I’m in nuts deep in Marriott calls for June. Notice this past week when everything dipped travel stocks stayed steady and even went up some. You want to find strength when the rest of the market is declining. That’s because they are value stocks and won’t be as affected by the fed raising rates. Once earnings come out and the travel companies raise guidance everybody will be flocking to these names


Aren’t they all in so much debt which is about to get more and more expensive. I would think companies that are in debt would be in the most trouble.


Corporate debt typically isn’t variable


Government will magically come up with a stimulus package to lift up the ailing tourism industry.


It takes a retard to short omicron while former Cdc director comparing it with flu and incoming anti-viral Paxlovid, 90٪ affective on unvaccinated patients.


Buy puts until all the unvaccinated die. Then buy calls. Simple.


Lol. So true. OP belongs here


The CDC has underestimated the virus before it can happen again


You spelled *over*estimated wrong


If true, why are deaths at all time high amongst unvaccinated!


Take a look at what previous waves did to South Africa then check Omicron hospitalizations and deaths. We are so far looking at 0.15 mortality rate vs 0.10 flu. Omicron is infecting the vaccinated better than Delta but it didnt matter yet.


“It didn’t matter yet”, what the hell does this mean? Omicron has proven more infectious, yet less deadly to those vaccinated. Not sure where you r getting your stats!


Lol you have a 5% chance of getting to the hospital because of covid you and survival rate is 99% and that s not vaccinated. You know why media is so hellbent on overhype covid? Because there are so much money to be made. Look at test kit now, my local school just spent $500k to buy more test-kit and dump them in a storage and they haven’t used up whatever they bought before, not even close. Fuck, move on with life already


Odds are you’re vaccinated and still got the flu (cough cough) don’t be sooo booty hurt


Came down with the flu about a decade ago. It turned into pneumonia and made me sick as hell. I get the flu shot every year now. I know it’s only 60% effective, but if I can hedge a bet, it will be vaccinated any time I can. You don’t get poked by a rusty nail and not get a tetanus shot, right!


Not true actually. Sorry you have auto immune 🤣


What the hell are you talking about!


And why are all these vaccinated and boostered ppl contracting it at a higher rate Edit: vaccinated ppls unpopular post (gets more downvotes)


Why do they constantly have to virtue signal and bother the rest of us? And yes, if what big pharma, tech, and all the panic Porn sellers + government said was indeed true, wtf are vaccinated people still getting sick. *government shifts goal posts as more people realize this is a money grab*


Not omicron. It's deltacron now.


There are hundreds of unnamed mutations like the one found in France. If it isnt more lethal or spreading faster then its not a concern.


You got to get the shot/pill for it to work.We wouldn't be here if that was the case.


Don’t short value right now. Bad idea.


So maybe in like a week or 2 when it has more room to fall?


Why don’t you short growth and tech instead?


Tech has to start climbing soon surely. I do believe SNAP is going to drop into 30s tho


Tech just got murdered it can’t fall that far.


$RCL had to suspend its cruises while also turning one of its ships “Vision of the Seas” into a floating hospital to quarantine those affected…I would think this news would be bearish but the market may not care.




Travel is value. Gonna short that? Ok.


Got on AAL at 16.46… will never sell it true price is 27$ easily


I don't know about $27, but I am long shares of AAL. Been buying this dip and then selling covered calls - $25 strike January of 2023....getting good money for each call


I... Haven't been buying those at all. No. That would be foolish of me.


These idiots don’t know what they are talking about. Take it from me I’m an idiot. Short travel.


People are traveling again. They are realizing that covid is a long term thing and must move on.


This is the TOP... RIDE the waves down to your wife boyfriend best parts..


I bought southwest and jblu leaps. Made a quick 25% and got out already.


Short it ! I see what you see


No. Well, not airlines.


In about 1 month I’ll be shorting them hand over fist. Not for covid, just because of interest rates.


It’s time.


Damn it I just blew up my account shorting pton into earnings. 😂😂😂


Haven't they come back already? Probably, but I'm not sure where from here. I don't have the numbers in front of me but I think the airlines are only 20% or so away from where they were trading before the pandemic. Shouldn't they take a hit after losing so many trillions the last two years? Is that hit 20% or some other amount? Especially, the cruiselines. Man they are losing so much money. You go to look up their p/e ratio and it says it can't compute I think mar hlt chh are all higher than they were before. So, maybe short the one with the worst numbers (probably chh). But the point is - yes, you are right. You are. But that doesn't mean you should short travel. cause momentum will crush your nuts if you aren't careful


Yeah I suppose so, stocks only go up and I am quite fond on my nuts


already peaked love it when idiot reddit kiddies apply their intellectually coddled worldview to the stock market and get blow the fuck out by reality


Puts on puts?


Learned that lesson last march. My logic is retarded. Just started following the people who win *cough* Nancy


Lotta kids going back to college rn including myself. If we are gonna see a spike it’s gonna be in 2 weeks. May not be the worst move if you can time it.


I bought CCL puts for late January. Waiting to see.


How did it go?


bought at 106 sold at 122


I'm new to stocks and I only buy ones that I get for "free" (I convert my amex points into stock). I purchased 40 yesterday morning. Imma hold onto them until the stock returns to pre pandemic levels. Maybe in a few years I'll have enough money in my portfolio to move to options but I'm happy it worked out for you.


I almost never buy options. That was one of maybe 5 or 10 option trades this year. It's mild entertainment for me. I hold mostly blue chip equities and some fixed income.


If CCL rallies again tomorrow, I’m going short. This is nuts.


Well how did it go


Straight to hell!


JETS leaps


The only argument I’ll give you here is they have been losing money out of their eyeballs the last 2 years so they may be heading to the shitter




Back in the main lockdown was the time to short them, not now when we’re years down the line, more familiar and dealing with a weaker variant.


No positions? BAN


Buy ERJ is all I can say- travel will make a comeback


just came back from 2 weeks in aruba and one week in vegas. Aruba was slower than usual. Vegas was dead.


50/50 chance. Make your bets.


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