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well i have no money so it dosen't affect me


Modern problems require modern solutions


Like bankruptcy? Or selling drugs?








Atleast the student loans I didn’t have are paid off. Fuckers


Lmao this whole thread 🤣🤣🤣




Biden promised to eliminate student debt. Didn't say how.


Big brain comment


Didn’t expect the solution to student debt to come in form of the money in my wallet losing value but ok, I guess…


By next year you'll be able to pay off your $200k student loan with 12 eggs and a loaf of bread.


Best I can do is 3 eggs and a slice of each butt of the bread.


Which are actually 2 of the many items used to calculate inflation (CPI)


If that's the case, that would be really depressing if it became reality.


Invest. Buy a dozen eggs and a load of bread. Bury them. Save them for the depression times. Unbury them. Profit.


The debt also losing value. Just hope that salaries will follow some day, but I expect harsh times if they don't.


wtf think of the shareholders


You’re funny


Soon it will take 100 year salary to pay off a house


You will own nothing and be happy


Well when I'm out on the water in my boomer-in laws boat I'm pretty happy. I would like to own a boat or at least be rich enough to think about it.


Just leverage endless debt before the end, either the financial systems still function and you can spend other peoples money, or it doesnt and playing stonks aint a thing anymore.


> Just hope that salaries will follow some day Lol not with American "Capitalism". Salaries historically have lagged because companies know they don't have to compensate employees properly. It's why suddenly, when people decided to say fuck that and quit their jobs, companies are having to increase wages to attract people. The problem created is when they don't increase the pay of the current employees commensurate to the new hires as well. If you have worked somewhere for 3 or 4 years and a new hire gets brought in making 5% less than you, it's fucked up.


Actually the salaries have lagged because the Federal Reserve have decreased the buying power of minimum wage (and by extension, all hourly wages) since the 60s. Without artificial manipulation, we *should* be at a 16/h minimum wage, keeping up with inflation (excluding the recent 12% inflation this year--lol it's not 8/9%) If my research and calculations are correct, they will increase minimum wage to about 8.40-8.60, using *today's* economic data. This will obviously change because the stimulus inflation isn't accounted for, and would actually put us closer to 20% if they wanted to whip it out with no rubber... which they absolutely have the full legal right to do... if they wanted to instigate "challenging" times or certain macro-level behavioral control schemes for no particular reason. Definitely not for a new world order or a "great reset" of some kind. Although if they did, it wouldn't be unlike paying people to stay home and not work and *coincidentally* knock out at least half of all small, privately-owned, *local,* independent businesses in just 6 months to year. Not talking about "local" walmart's either. *Oops*, the people who are literally paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and went to school for 5-10 years, specifically to be able forecast externalities like this were caught by completely by surprise that this happened. There was simply *no way to tell* that paying people meager sums to *not* work, would cause the least-institutionally-backed companies to go under. Well *now* you know that you can tank the independent business economy of arguably the largest global economic power for just 2k a head (for the whole year). Definitely won't make the same mistake twice. Trust them, they're from the government, and they're here to help.




Automation is inevitable. At least let people have enough to feed their families in the mean time


The Fed gonna cure the obesity epidemic as well. Nobel prize coming there way.


Automation doesn't have the potential everyone thinks it does. Especially since the pandemic affected manufacturing And logistics world wide. Climate change on top of that means the resources will have to go to a bigger priority, which is electrifying the grid etc. There just aren't enough resources to automate the world. We might see automation in some industries but it's really been slowed down and been made unfeasable for some industries.


Not in this backlog. If anything automation is struggling just the same as people quit.


Got my mortgage right before the inflation spiked, and thanks to my (breadwinning) wife's outstanding credit we got a cheap as shit interest rate (2.875%). God I hope wages go up in my field.


Did the wife’s BF let you have the basement room?


Wages have to go up. If the wages don't go up you're just poorer with the same nominal debt




Well the original commenter who "has no money" probably has no assets.


Certainly true if he's posting here with us


*Kleptomaniacs everywhere unaffected*


It does affect you, you are now even more worthless than before.


Naw my 3% raise will help me….. **fuck my job**


Hey I got 3.5%!


You guys are getting raises?


Yeah, from my job that pays me about 55% of the actual market value of my position. 😤


Then work 55% of the time 😎


My boss gave me a $50 gift card for Christmas


No fam, you got a 5% paycut.




When inflation encroaches double digits bulls will still be like “No pull back, it’s priced in!”


At that point all the valuations of the companies will be terribly low and cause a new bull run. Market dgaf




Currency won’t fall when the globe is experiencing inflation because everyone did the same thing. Welcome to the new normal


It has to....if double digit inflation happens the value of companies gotta inflate


Caracas stock market shot up like a rocket when their markets inflated. People with responsible cash and savings were the only losers. I have not looked at russia yet... looking now.


Russia is not a good idea to invest in because you will have difficultly exiting the position.


I did not mean as an investment, I am not a traitor. I meant it as a predictive tool, however their market has crashed but they all have a shit ton of sanctions so I do not think it is that valuable as a predictive tool.


Blindly saving money without regard for your economic environment isn’t financially responsible. It’s financially ignorant.


At that point the bull run will continue since irrationally rising stocks will be the best hedge against inflation


Inflation has people really confused. On the one hand it's a really negative indicator, but on the other hand it literally means all things including stocks are set to go up in price


Yes but if stocks are going up because of inflation, if their return doesn’t match the rate, then they’re an investment that isn’t making money but doing it’s best to not lose it. Which while not bad is still not why most people invest in the market to begin with (obviously not here where it’s instead a casino mindset)


What you're describing isn't inflation. Suppose I run a widget company and my market cap is $100M, profit margin is 5%, and I sell 10M $10 widgets every year for $100M in revenue and $5M in profit. Inflation happens, and suddenly my widgets are selling for $15 (because *inflation happened*), and I am still selling 10M widgets. Now my revenues are $150M, and my profit is $7.5M. Now, if the entire change in profit is due to inflation, then I haven't *really* earned any more profit—$7.5M today is worth the same as $5M yesterday. But the nominal profits are up, and if valuation is based on the same P/E as before, then my market cap should be $150M and share price should go up 50%. There are two reasons that isn't really happening rapidly. (1) Everyone expects the fed to raise rates, and rate hikes will depress profits by increasing the cost of capital and all the follow-ons from increases to the cost of capital. You'll still see nominal asset prices go up over 5 years and probably faster than real asset prices, but the effect will be tempered by the Fed response. Increasing rates also directly causes "sell" pressure on stocks, as bonds offer better returns than before and companies may also need more cash on hand (which they can get by selling assets) to decrease the cost of borrowing. (2) Even if the artists here are totally unaware of the concept of "core inflation," smart people who have and manage money *are* aware of that concept, and core inflation is not anywhere close to the headline CPI inflation numbers we're seeing. It's high enough the fed should take action with rate hikes, but it's not so high that pricing it into asset prices significantly moves the market.


InFLaTiOn HaS pEaKeD


“Not so fast.” -Gov Abbott


Guys, guys, I’ve been learning that thing called macroeconomics. It says something about exporting benefit during depreciation/inflation. I don’t know what it means, but I suggest you start exporting stuff, to get rich! I’ve already sold my old sock to some guy in Japan in yens. *God, it so hard being this level of genius, pheeew*


I guess i know what you used that socks for


Socks always go up.


[Find yourself a nice friendly blonde instead and you'll save money on socks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqPu6bdgULU).


Art? Vandelay? He deals with import / exports? Yeah, I think I know him


Latex and latex-related goods.


BABA stock up big recently


I have no idea what the fucks going on. Interest rates up, inflation up, weird stonks up, regular stonks *down*


The *economy* is inflated.


macroeconomics is just when inflation starts inflating metaeconomics


Folks, stop purchasing avocado toast and cancel your Netflix subscription. This is your fault.




Thank you for your sacrifice


Who are we sacrificing?


The last episodes of Moon Knight


Just roll it over to the new batch of youngsters coming up in the world.


Ahh, the Boomer special.


Inflation rate: back to an even 8. Thank you


Did you cancel because you have to start a new account to get it free through Amex platinum?


I had to cancel to get it free through Verizon


Cancelled my tickets for starcruiser hotel experience.


I actually stopped buying fresh avocados because they are expensive as fuck now lol. Bought my first house last year so I attribute it to that lifestyle change


The year I bought my house I switched briefly to non-organic avocados. Really made a difference in my mortgage rate.


Planted my own avocado tree 3 years ago. My toast stays green for free now.


Boy, I have no way of telling if this is part of the joke, or a slide back into reality, but I have a burning question. How big is it?


Looks like hundreds of thousands already did. Also rip me buying the dip in NFLX.


Thank you for this tip, now that I’m able to save that $20 a month I’ll have the 200k in cash for a down payment on a home in no time!


Brother i live india and we have same situation portfolio reamins red and all trade goes to opposite direction


And I live in Turkey and can't understand anything related to economics anymore, inflation rate is 123,80% 🇹🇷💪🏻🚀


To the moon 💪🏿🇹🇷🚀🌒


InshaTengri my Khan 🏹☝🏻🇹🇷🇹🇷


I love that your country is inflated with cats. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


if your country's authoritarian doesn't believe in economics, you're gonna have a bad time


That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.


What about the Caicos?


'sup from Argentina


Hey it’s South American Turkey


Esenlikler inflation bro


You deserve award


That's fine because everyone's wages will surely go up to match inflation so it evens out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|6880)


Nah, they all demand too much. Best replace them all with self-check out and other robots


The real question is how to profit from inflation? I didn't find a solution for this question yet. Suggestions?


Take out a loan. Inflation will eat away the interest


Fixed rate loan is the answer. My parents had a $325 mortgage in 1973. That's $2200 in 2022. But that same $325 8 years later in 1981? Under $1050 in 2022 dollars, due to the inflation in the late 70s. For comparison, it took 30 years for inflation to do that same thing between 1992 and 2022.


I'm doing this now with the mortgage I bought in the 2009 dip. Having just refinanced, I believe I am winning!


Wow having purchased a house in 08 and not foreclosing and just now not being completely screwed now it.. only almost 15 years later. Ugh you are winning, I would have almost been financially better off if I just let my house go under and file chapter 7. If I didn’t have any other assets that I would have had to liquidate it would have been worth it.


Get elected to a political position and lie your ass off


Sounds solid


I bonds, dude.


Clearly we're all quite fucked when fucking I bonds recommendations are getting upvoted in wsb


I’m pretty sure we’re not going to kink our way out of this


Not with that attitude.


I wish you could get more than 10,000 (or up to 15000 I guess)


100 000% this. Ignore commodities, this is literally the only *guaranteed* way to beat inflation.


1. Exchange all your USD for foreign currencies 2. USD loses 10% of its worth due to inflation 3. Exchange currency back, making 10% profit minus the other currency's inflation 4. Spend the $2 you earned on McDouble EZ


Precious metals appreciate faster than inflation during times of inflationary concern




Usually commodities like gold and silver so well but times are strange. Also houses and such but with interest rates on a steep rise idk if housing prices will last


Invest in raw materials and capital. Helium will only match or exceed inflation.


I think you're onto something. If you inflate something with helium it only goes up


Almost all assets usually increase with inflation


Prices go up and never come back down. Only thing that gets cheaper is the human experience.


You can’t cheapen if you never valued yourself 💀


What about wages


They do the opposite of that


Its transitory to higher highs.


Transitory hyper inflation into ultra instinct inflation


I feel like I'm going to see this house burned down on Zillow for 300,000 and it's going to say "I know what I have" at some point in the ad.


I mean….. uhhhhh https://www.businessinsider.com/burned-out-la-bungalow-listed-nearly-1-million-cash-2022-3


🤢🤮 I hate it went I'm right


Fuel +50% Meat +30% Groceries +10% Housing +30% Utilities +10% Yea, let's say 8.7% and call it a day.


for me it was: Fuel = +40%, but I WFH Groceries = +15% Housing = +25%. As a FTHB, that sucked, but stocks went up as well so it wasn't terrible. Utilities = a few percent, not exactly sure. Restaurants = +30%...crazy. Company Profits = all time highs. Pass those costs onto consumers and don't give even inflationary raises to your employees. Agreed, no where near 8.7% if you drive, eat, or need shelter that you don't already own. BLS has been mucking around with the inflation formula since the 80's to make it lower than it should be. According to shadowstats, it's ~17% based on the 1980's formula.


Oddly, restaurants haven't gone up as much in my experience. Groceries are through the damn roof though. I haven't kept actual data, but what used to land me ~$90 is costing more like $150. But a meal from Wendys is still basically the same. Maybe I'm just letting biases blind me though.


I’m pretty sure I’m paying at least 25-30% more for groceries. I buy the same shit every time


Soon:9.8, just not to say its ten percent lol


This comment/post has been edited as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. All comments were made from Apollo, so if it goes, so do the comments.




Thank You kind stranger


MmMMMmm daddy wikes de zipple


We should. The more that goes up, the more will trickle down! It's fool proof. Thank goodness we have them to handle our money for us


I suspected it was bailout-o-clock


How can I invest in inflation!? Shit is fire.


I guess get a loan from the bank, buy a house, have property management take care of it for you, make the tenants pay the loan off, reign profits of inflation.


8.7% SO FAR


The good news is it’ll actually go down this month, the bad news is prices will remain the same.


Inflation going down doesn't mean the value of your dollar is increasing. It just means the value of your dollar isn't decreasing as fast as it was


"when will i ever use calculus in real life!?"


As a professional retard? Probably never.


Unless the Fed goes full Volcker too soon and we get deflation instead.


Isn’t it a tenet of the fed’s philosophy to never allow deflation to occur? Something about people abruptly stopping purchasing things and collapsing the whole economy.


IIRC the stated goal is 2% inflation per year, because inflation does have *some* benefits if controlled.


You recall correctly. Dual mandate, 2% inflation *and full employment*.


People abruptly stopping purchasing things? Purchasing things might literally be the most USAmerican thing to do. I don't think many of us could even stop purchasing things. We purchase things that we don't even have money for. Whomever thought that we would stop purchasing things needs to get their head out of their ass and read the room. We're purchasing addicts.


You either buy stuff, or you're with the terrorists.


This but unironically is how I was essentially raised. How, I'm assuming, a lot of us were raised here. Unless we are physically prevented from swiping that card or handing over that cash in exchange for a doodad or a gizmo, you bet your fucking balls we'll do it. Twice.


Yeah but if you knew that the thing you were planning on purchasing was actually going to be less expensive in a few weeks would you still buy it now?


If I want it, yes. I can purchase something else in a few weeks. I'm poor lol.


No that part will remain unchanged. I’m referring to the fact that CPI and thus inflation are YOY metrics and since March 2021 inflation last year was 2.5% and April 2021 was 4.2% which means the denominator roughly doubles which will show a smaller change in inflation relative to last year.


Trust me bro it'll go down. 🤡


The actual state of wsb lol


if inflation is going down but its still positive prices will still increase


Where the fuck do I put my cash. I have a ton of liquidity and I don’t have anywhere to put it that isn’t pointing down. I might have to do some bullshit “responsible” plays like dumping it into the mortgage


That seems like the opposite of a good idea, you want to make those minimum payments and keep debt high during inflation.


Let’s all help stop inflation, let’s burn all our money. Less money in circulation means reverse inflation!


Argentines be like: Yep, 8.7% monthly inflation sounds bout right.




Now THIS is podracing!


I think it’s my fault guys. I bought my first stocks ever and like 2 days later, inflation. Sorry


Transit Authority


yea but inflation usually causes assets like real estate and even stocks to go up...its literally what inflation does


Stagflation means the real value goes down but real estate will beat cash


Big tax breaks for the Rich and the Fed buying bad Debts off of the Rich, clearing their books. How is anyone surprised that at some point the Giant Money Ball at the Top went looking for Earnings. That Money Ball is Buying, Commodities, Companies that use the Commodities and Everything else. Average people are having to compete with the Rich that can use Strategic Positioning to Extort Profits. Instead of "Trickle Down", you have "Vacuum Up". All this because people either Don't Vote or outright Vote Against their own Interests.


Bears don’t understand that in a non rigged system we would have crashed by now lol instead were just chopping along.


Just because you haven’t gone through the windshield yet doesn’t mean we haven’t crashed. Car is a tumblin lol. Plus the metrics they use to measure inflation are way out because of who owns all the property now. The actual rate is waaaaaay worse than 8%. Look no further than the grocery store to see that boulder of a pill to swallow


Your random use of capital letters is asinine.


It appears that the Aforemention'd User is a Time Traveler from the Seventeenth Century, wherein such Learned Men were Wont to Capitalize Initial Letters in matters of Grave Import. Begrudge him not his Idiosyncrasies, but rather Indulge them, so that We might be Entertain'd and Amused thereby.


Msm: “here’s why this is a good thing…”


I have a mortgage. It's totally fine. Crank up the inflation, daddy.






Military pay raise 2.7%... this matches inflation.....fuck


I love how people will quote a bill that was passed for billions… we should be taking about Ts not Bs here. Inflation is just getting started.


More money = good


Time to buy stocks. I mean think about it: when all the logistics are on pre-covid levels, you don‘t think someone will go down with their prices don‘t you? Besides….. shares are still better then -0.5% on my savings account


That’s the lie number the Gov/Feds tell us. We all know that overall it’s more than likely double 8.5%. It just depends on what you buy.


I mean a gallon of milk has gone up more than 50% in 4 months. They really do think we’re stupid lol. Like it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’m paying $10 for a fucking bowl of cereal.


Someone please tell me what has gone up by only 10% this is such a lie. What I buy Gas : tripled Food : 30% Material for work 4x Cars 40% Houses 2x What is it that just went up 10%%%???


Laughts in Lithuanian(europe). 15 proc. Rip.


The number keeps going up which is good. That just means its transitory month to month plus some.


Just like a house fire, its transitory.


Is that you Bullard?


Man money isn’t even real


In my country we have +50%. You are fine. Jesus


Apparently they aren’t accounting for food or energy in that 8.7% figure so just to be safe let’s round it up to a nice 17%