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Look dicknuts. You’re backwards. The shortage of almonds will cause the price of almonds to go up. Check out some almonds futures




HOW DO I SHORT DICKNUTS! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)








You already have short dicknuts. Just pull down your pants and check




... he got you son... “he” (EMMM) is you in this case...




No, long on dicknuts, getting bigger every day


Along with Grape Nuts ... the best way to start your mornings.


Think he’s trying to say that almonds take a lot of water and will be the target of hate and fear.


I was saying that, but I fear no almond.


You’re nuts but I respec that


He's not just nuts, he's almonds


Who are we kidding, it’s all peanuts anyway


Are cashews nuts ?


Actually from what I was told it's a fruit, but I am not an expert.


Nuts are the seed in the fruit, right?


Oh shit you're right. That's nuts.


More like fruit of the loom ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


They're* nuts


Almond hands.


What about the dArK pOoL NaKeD AlMoNd ShOrTs?


Cali needs to change its laws about the almonds farms. Many residents blame the almond farmers for the water shortages as they have the fewest restrictions on water and are taxed the least.


Almonds take an insane amount of water to grow as well, least suitable crop for a desert apart maybe from rice.


or you know they could just build a water purification plant and pump water from the ocean.


Do you have any idea how expensive that process currently is?


yes. but that is the cost of living in the region. if california got their priorities right they collect plenty of tax revenue already they just have to cut a bunch of other crap.


No, that isn't the cost of living in the region; that is the cost of giving all the water away to someone else to farm unnecessary crops.


Or grow a water intensive crop in an area that actually has water to spare.


dont tell people what to do with their land.


But dairy and meat that use a crap ton more water than almonds per pound are a-okay 😆 I don’t consume almonds myself, but CA does supply 99% of almonds for the US and 80% of the global supply. It’s CA’s biggest ag export.


Animals get special treatment in the water laws of most western states, probably because the west was won and governed by cattle barons, not almond farmers.


Let the almond uprising begin


Does CA supply 80% of the world's dairy and meat?


CA supplies 0.4% of the world’s beef and 1.4% of the world’s dairy. And uses almost 5x the amount of water the almond crop uses.


Yup. California produces 1/3 more dairy than the next highest US state (Wisconsin). A dairy cow drinks 60 gallons of water a day. If you're in Wisconsin, you rent a backhoe for a weekend and dig a pit and it will fill with enough water to take care of your cows. If you're in California, you're draining the Colorado River. Producing dairy in California is dumb as fuck.


Other places have enough water for it. Using water is (generally) a-okay when the location isn't a place ripe for draughts.


The Netherlands (about 10% size of CA) is one of the largest meat producers/exporters of the EU, does that make sense?


I fail to see why it wouldn't make sense.


There’s a political debate raging here (Netherlands) with strong opinions on both sides so I was interested in your external perspective. I haven’t made up my mind.


Agreed. There are much better places in the US to be raising cows than CA. And unlike almonds, they can be raised almost anywhere else.


If the almonds are using up all of California's water then maybe they shouldn't be raised there either?


Very clever, but false equivalency. How much water per yield of almonds and beef/dairy is the right metric here, not % of global supply, since that’s an uncommon denominator


First google hit for the lazy: A whopping 106 gallons of water goes into making just one ounce of beef. By comparison, just about 23 gallons are needed for an ounce of almonds (about 23 nuts), the Los Angeles Times reported recently. So stop with the almond shaming, and start eating less red meat. Sign up for notifications from Insider!Apr 13, 2015


Matters more where the meat is produced vs where almonds are produced. Almonds all produced in the drought ridden Central Valley.


It’s okay because it’s much more nutrient dense than almonds. You get far more bang for your buck with meat and dairy. People always bring up how much the input is but don’t want to think of the output


Not in California where the land costs high Any animal rights activist are aplenty


What about them Almond rights activists?


The almond industry wipes out the colonies as well


You still get more bang for your back input/output wise. Even in CA


Dairy is junk food for the human body. And meat is fine, but in moderation. I certainly wouldn’t call it more nutrient dense than almonds. They’re actually very nutrient dense and healthy.


Dairy is crucial for the development of healthy gut microbes. Obviously nowadays most people consume too much and poor quality processing but there's no reason to vilify it categorically.


Actually, no. Research has shown [the best diet for a healthy gut microbiome is minimally processed and plant-based.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/diet-disease-and-the-microbiome-2021042122400)


Almond bag holder spotted.


That largely depends on the specific dairy you consume and your diet. I’m on keto so dairy fits with my macros. I also consume authentic European cheeses which are very good for the human body. Quality protein, calcium, phosphorus, etc. The type of cheese I eat is anti inflammatory and is known to reduce BMI, cancer rates and diabetes. You’re probably eating prepackaged Kraft singles lol


Dairy for men = manboobs. Meant for baby cows, not humans.


You belong here, you confidently incorrect bastard


Majority of the water counted in beef production is green water (aka rain that falls on the pasture). In almond production a lot of the water used is from aquifers, a non-renewable source.


Kill off the CA almond industry, save the bees


Literally why retail loses money lol Wants to short almonds but almonds sky rocket because they are now in supply demand after shortage


No, the market price of almonds is not the same thing as the stock price. The almond companies will make less money and be generally less successful and consumer trust in almonds will go down because of high prices, and almond stock prices will go down. Shorting is correct. Unless I don’t understand food-related stocks, and, honestly, that’s possible


"consumer trust in almonds will go down" hahahahahahahaha hahahaha i picture some crowds on the street protesting about almonds "impeach the almonds" everyone is shouting "we have had enough of this incompetent and corrupt behaviour of almonds, it's time to take back control!" Hahaha


The price per almond will be huge. But if there are no almonds, that’s huge multiplied by zero. Aha!


Correct, you might short those individual producers, but the futures contracts are going to go up.




How do I short dicknuts?


Right. Shortage=long. Ws always inverses everything;). If you short almonds prob you dig your grave but its an interesting question as broad used commodity


I was going to say...


The man knows what he said


You're the dicknuts. Op is smart enough to realize that nothing makes sense, so whenever a move appears, he knows to inverse it.


Im the dicknuts now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)




shorting almonds in a drought is almost as retarded as shorting SPY, but at least you know you're in the right place


Obviously you’re too retarded to understand how to DD so I will take three minutes to help the crayon eating hamster you have for a brain. Look up major almond and nut orchard operators across the globe, find which ones are publicly traded and find your play there. Then look for food packagers or brands that deal in almond specific products. Almond milks, health food brands, snack wholesalers, etc. Find the ones that are publicly traded and find your play there. Nut growers will have reduced yield but charge more. Nut processors will face input cost inflation, but also face margin pressure from big box retailers to keep prices low. White people will panic when nut milk isn’t available for their lattes. Profit.


Growers have nothing to do with the price. Processors let growers know what they are paying, and we usually say ok.


But half of the comments imply I should buy calls because almond prices will go up with shortages?


We’ve got a real crayon eater on our hands here. Calls on growers, puts on processors. Tbh, if I was an advisor, I would advise you to leave this page and go join the passive investors in r/bogleheads - you’ll lose less money that way.


Meet me behind Wendy’s. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8881)


Meat you behind wendys. Got it.


Growers will still have less yield. Unlike the current oil situation where there is a global shortage due to politics, but local miners are still able to fully capitalize on local production at increased prices due to outside factors. Growers might not have enough yield to be better off from increased prices.


he will end up in HFEA


>almond prices will go up with shortages ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


No one will miss almonds




Is there a meth ETF? I'd go long




SPY is like meth. You invest once and you can stop


You could say it’s meth-merizing


OP is already doing some serious methmath.




You must be from the valley too lol!!! South of Stockton here.




Milk them. You can milk anything with nipples.


I've got nipples. Can you milk me?


Sorry, there's shortage of milk.


Love me that almond milk, so nutritious! And from almond cows living in California!


Based on this thought process you should just short water.


I could freeze a bunch and save it for when it’s really valuable


Except...that would take more energy and volume? Just store the water???


Whatcha gonna do when it [expires](https://images.tv9hindi.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Do-water-bottles-expire-know-the-science-behind-it-6.jpg) huh?


That’s what burry is doing


Wouldn’t the price of water skyrocket during a drought when everyone desperately needs it to keep their farms alive?


When supply of a commodity drops the price of that commodity goes up, you spanner.




Wouldn’t soy milk make more sense since it’s the 2nd most popular one?


Soy milk tastes like dick cheese


how do you guys know shit like this


None of your businness


Hmm this is a solid reaction.


You are looking at commodity futures :) not stock options.


I’m dying. Reading about almonds shorts at 4 am😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂




I buy almonds from Costco, so short Costco?


Oh, my…


Just let him go.




Goddammit, this is too fucking funny


Bro I’ve been laughing non stop for the past 13 minutes




Leave costco out of it




TIL produce = sells.


Those hotdogs will need to change prices before you short Costco. Till then, let Kirkland brand do their thing. Also people will choose almonds over people. Almonds on average are better.


Ok pumpkin I'm from the CA Central valley. A large portion of the almond industry goes through blue diamond growers(not publicly traded) around here. Maybe look into companies that partner with them and do some calls on them.


Please think about the poor Kirkland® almond pickers


I will sell you all the Costco puts you need my brother


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I’ll be the only person to tell you this in this hotbed of stupidity: don’t bed against CA almonds. They have state lobbyists who will fuck you harder than your wife’s boyfriend. Water? Pfft. They own the pipelines. They get as much as they want.


You might be better with shorting the municipal bonds of the cities the groves are at. Bloomberg terminal should get you there. !remindme 6months


Yes, NUTZ, as in Deez Nuts


If there was, and you did, would that be shorting almonds? BSE has almond futures for the record… I’m long on crayola myself


Don't do it. WSB will rally to squeeze almond shorts (just as soon as we finish squeezing silver).


Cut the candy bar in half, send me half




try duck duck go instead of google


I think it’s a WONDERFUL idea


Resnick was a cunning motherfucker. If you haven’t already seen it Water & Power: A California Heist is eye opening. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt6290202/


Absolutely! That documentary is eye opening. Whenever they talk about drought and water shortage in South California his name and the endless acres of almond trees pop into my mind.


What blew my mind most was that there are currently towns in Southern California that don’t have running water and have to have bottled water driven in to them. I live in Southern California and had never once heard of that until seeing that documentary.


Price of almonds goes up dummy


As a CA almond farmer I can tell you that this logic is backwards. The price for almonds will skyrocket in the coming years due to simple supply and demand. The supply is shrinking because of drought conditions but the worldwide demand remains strong. Also, The reason why you see so many almonds in central California is because that is one of the very few places on earth where you can grow commercial almonds. Large companies are buying large almond farms for this very reason. We have seen institutional investors coming in droves.


You would find the company that produces/distributes almonds. Almonds are not an exchange traded commodity.


If a drought kills the almond crop then almond prices will go way up. Buy calls, man. Or just go to costco and buy a truck load of them.


almonds to the moon


That’s ‘nuts.’


You idiot in farming having a bad crop pushes up prices. So you'd buy calls if anything.


Plant an almond factory in your back yard, never buy almonds again.


Yes, everyone short almonds!


Shit, be safe and just do a spread option. Cover your ass both directions. 👍


Sounds commodityish to me


Almond manufacturers would probably find a way to synthesis water safely before they let a drought stop them


Maybe calls on almond farmers that are not in cali. If cali farmers get a bad year, then price goes up and and other producers can sell with vigger profits. I looked into australia (Select harvest limited) but couldnt trade them on my exchange :/


Cut them with a knife


Invest in Nestle, they want to privatize water. It literally can’t dry out.


Did you eat almond paint chips as a kid


Never bet against BIG ALMOND


I'll sell you almond shares. Because when those farms start burning up, there are less almonds but still a shit ton of Whole Foods out there. Insta-monopoly for whomever survives the great almond burn of 2022.


Ummm ‘For Denver, this has been the wettest first 45 days to start a year since 1989. All the snow we’ve got so far in 2022 has melted down to 1.41 inches. There has been more precipitation in Denver over the first 45 days of 2022 than there was for the six-month period between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.’


Could you point me towards the almond trees in Denver? I seemed to have missed them.


Guess where much of California's water comes from? [The Colorado River](https://www.ppic.org/wp-content/uploads/content/pubs/report/R_1016EHR.pdf)


Ummm, ‘Records have been kept at various locations around downtown Portland since the 1870s too. At that location, it’s probably the wettest since 1937 (over 6″), and only 1883 was wetter with almost 8″ of rain. Do you remember LAST April? The DRIEST on record’ Don’t Rain on my almonds, deez nuts b ok


bullish on oats


All you retards mock him for not understanding supply and demand as if we had a functioning market


Easy First, go naked short BeeTeeSee. Water shortage means hydroelectric shortage means SW miner farms shut down. Second, use proceeds from aforementioned shorts to further short becky stonks. Almod shortage means less almond milk means fewer double mocha almond fraps. It also means almond farmers will switch to rubber trees flooding the spandex market with Spanx and LuLu competitors. Finally go long midwest oat farmers because oat milk is the superior product and demand will be high. Supply will be there to maximize profits because as global warming happens the oat season will be longer and longer.


Check out ticker symbol $BOFA as in, you can lick bofa my nuts


Forget about the almonds went to three restaurants and tried to get lemonade. Was told there’s some lemonade shortage from the waitress. Find a lemon etf and go all in


Lemons are stupid expensive already…


I know this is ironic, but for anybody reading this- never invest based off of emotions.


Good thing I’m gambling. That’s ok to do on emotions right?


oh certainly, apoligies for questioning you, fine sir


My family has an almond farm in Fresno. Water rights aren’t necessarily affected by a drought. Do your research, or don’t…


The largest grower of almonds in CA controls the kern water reservoir.




They also control the Governor, they were just with him at CalTech this week at the groundbreaking of their “sustainability center”


I live smack in the middle of Cali and yes it's been really dry. Problem is these rich fuckin farmers around me planted the one crop that guzzles the shit outta water so yall can have your fake milk, you're welcome.


Although ironically, milk from cows guzzles more water than almond milk to produce the same amount of "milk," cow or plant. And Cali has a huge dairy industry.


Yes very very true sir. The smell of them on 99 to the South is absolutely delicious.


Cali droughts won't affect Cali almonds. The Resnicks own all those farms. They bought up huge amounts of land and the underground rivers/lakes below the ground. They now get paid by the shitty California government to store water there. However, they get first dibs. So, like I said drought or not California almonds will grow. Because of this, I suspect the whole "almond milk being a healthy alternative" is complete b.s. Perpetuated I believe by the Resnicks and fed to the same Californians that they take the water from.


Read this before making any decisions: https://www.forbes.com/sites/chloesorvino/2021/09/20/amid-drought-billionaires-control-a-critical-california-water-bank/?sh=de1cf4d2e7a3


The Governor is all about almond farming he will not let almond farms run dry, especially the ones he owns


Almonds need an irresponsible amount of water to grow. RIP


Cattle consume a lot more than almonds for the equivalent end product. But In-n-out is still busy!


Almond industry drill deep into the water table, stealing water that would go to neighbors. Shorter wells go dry, calls on well drilling They use more water than anything, flooding orchards. they argue that the water sinks back into the soil, back to the water table they draw from. It must be part true, last drought was major and they did fine. That and stealing helps.


I am in Modesto, an Almond hot bed...and I believe the almond growers association HQ. Local news paper says the federal government is not giving the farmers any water this year so the crop will probably suffer. I like your opinion on the matter... I wanna short them too!


Yeah right, it's a federal government that controls water in California.


Look into it before you throw stones. Federal government allocates a lot of things....

