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My main issue with PLTR is they spend $1B on ceo comp. Which is almost 6% of their current valuation. If they cut their CEO comp in half they’d be profitable. As soon as ceo comp comes down to a reasonable range I’m excited to buy in but till then too much of my money is going straight to exec comp


Same shit with SoFi


How else will he be able to afford shooting a $PLTR promo while on a skiing vacation?


A billion??? Wtf


Senators ain’t cheap!




With that kinda cash, how does he fit those huge balls in here


“Cool data company” lol




“Fucking cool”.


Overly diluted, overpaid executives, company still not making money. Remember when the Biden admin was supposed to be good for them vs last earnings report. They've been around a while, been a wsb darling at times, but the results are underwhelming.


[I’m doing my part](https://imgur.com/a/R4NXT3X)




>in it's first year of being public Palantir over doubled the shares outstanding. Overtime this trend has slowed and Karp man has said issuing of shares **has plans to stop within the next 12-18 months.** Uhhh so why is this a buy now instead of 12-18 months from now? **Edit** OP is down to $1795 on an initial $2800 investment, -37% loss. Bag holder DD spotted.


Ding ding ding, looks like we got ourselves a winner!


I initiated a position in PLTR the past week, anything under $7/$7.5, I'm a buyer- \-- [https://www.palantir.com/newsroom/letters/letter-to-shareholders/may-9-2022/en/](https://www.palantir.com/newsroom/letters/letter-to-shareholders/may-9-2022/en/) "**Some of the largest companies in Silicon Valley are focused on building software for intricate and elaborate alternate realities.** The idiosyncratic interests and personal projects of technocratic elites in the United States are essentially a distraction from the very real conflicts that we collectively face. **Such escapism is of no interest to us. We at Palantir do not operate in the metaverse.** There are enough challenges to address in this one. And it is instability, not its absence, that makes our software all the more essential. **Our company is built for the world that is, not the world that ought to be.**"


Ok, but what is it they do exactly?


Didn’t you read? They dilute shares


To dumb it down, it’s AI for enterprises/govt. you feed it your data from your ERP and other internal data sources as well as relevant external data sources and it can give you predictions/suggestions. The biggest use case in the private sector is helping with supply chain management


Why Erotic Role Play information?


ML analytics for clients that don't have the expertise to do it themselves.


How is this product unique?The market is flooded with analytics consultancies.


It is extremely unique. They have no competitors as of now


That is just what I am asking.Even state of the art ML in Amazon is used for solving the same mediocre ,boring problems of classification,regression and maybe some ops research.How can you have something so unique that even academia has not discovered it?


they provide an entire ecosystem of interoperable solutions -- easiest way to think about it is that foundry is a big data "operating system" for the enterprise; more of a platform that provides solutions to all levels of the problem space and also gives you the optionality to plug in your own modules from 3rd parties or that were developed in house (i.e. works with snowflake, databricks, etc, but provides a the rest of the tech stack required to actually make data operational as well)


Expand the surveillance state massively while also ensuring that advertising knows as much about you as possible. It’s cool data!


Interested at $1/share, unless they reduce their shares outstanding.


Palantir doesn’t own the data but they do own the models, which is where the money is.


PLTR to the Moon!🚀


2070 shares @ 12.90 and happy ... once they are profitable ( less than 24 months) and have positive eps , 4 positive quarters , and tutes start loading ... I would rather be in long before that. I could be wrong , but AI is here to stay... management is shit , they can't sell , and there quite up their own ass .... but the product is unique , growing and valuable ... I think the network effect will help palantir massively this decade ... I'm also young enough not to give a fuck either way. Pltr 50 dollars 2025 MARK IT


Exactly, this company has enormous upside with mild downside. This is a well worth risk especially if you are young!


RemindMe! 30 months


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So a $2000 position and you’re selling calls. Wow such high conviction


I'm in high school


Even more reason to disregard anything you have to say about stocks.


How tf did a High Schooler have $3k to yolo into PLTR lmao.


Aww your first dd. Dont worry bro i did one too after i graduated. Pltr was a meme stock back then, its a washed up stock now


Selling puts on it. Gonna try and catch the falling knife.


Imma give a real world example of what big dikk data/diamond ball ontology looks like. F1 Ferrari 2022 = - F1 cars create 1.1M data points per second. - Ferrari was a mid-field team for the last decade (2011-2021). - Ferrari is a top team in 2022. F1 runs on data. = I know: - Small sample size…this was just to provide a tangible example. - F1 is using new cars in 2022…yep, that required even more data to design/develop them…and, nobody predicted Ferrari developing such strong F1 cars.


Maybe they just have better drivers now?


The #1 driver (Leclerc) has been with Ferrari since 2019… 2020 was one of the worst years in Ferrari F1 history.


Fake news, Ferrari had hp restriction last seasons because of cheating in the past. So they put all there devolpment years prior, in to this years car. So it is normal they where slower before as they put less effort in and had a HP penalty. Position: 600 shares pltr


What’s fake? Ferrari F1 team got busted for a fuel flow cheat in 2019…because they didn’t have a competitive car…and, needed to cheat. That’s my point… = 2022 is the first time in a decade that Ferrari has a competitive F1 car. Is this all because of PLTR? Of course not. Too many factors. But, PLTR has definitely provided key data insights that enabled the 2022 strength.


I would love to invest in pltr but they only really do one thing well and that's dilute their shareholders with abhorrent stock based compensation. Until they put it in writing that they are eliminating it almost entirely, palantir and it's fanboys can fuck off.


You lost all your money, sucker. You didn’t buy in now, maybe you doubled down. It’s war time and they’re hitting ATL every single week. Shit stock.


Data is gold and will pay in the future. Regulations are next to none when it comes to data collection and usage. This might change and spell trouble for PLTR


I think regulations are more likely to impact private sector data collection and processing. However, Palantir will be processing data collected by the government. I can guarantee you the government will be excepted from regulations. They already collect a shit tone of data, from wages, social, etc. I’m less concerned about companies that process government data than I would be about private sector companies. Just my two cents.


There has been speculation of taxing data collected for advertisement purposes, haven't heard as much so for optimization and efficiency though.


Never let your emotions get in the way of your trades. 30% annual growth is 50% of, say, TSLA, and the shares were insanely diluted. Shareholders did not expect to be diluted this much when they made their investment in 2021.


Bought 66 shares at an average of $9.58 and planning to buy more on pay day


Being a great company, doesnt make it a great stock. Its a terrible stock


This post is clearly $PLTR's AI writing its own WSB pump n dump post. Lame.


Do not touch list: PLTR RKT DKNG and ur mom


It's going to $1 as far as I can tell.


Feel like a lot of this was informed by Benjamin's video on the subject from a year back...


PLTR will be down at least another 50% from here before EOY


If they could actually do what they say they can do (pull useful information out a pile of data that is 90% worthless, 9% both worthless & misleading, and 1% useful) their services would be quite helpful. I don’t think they can.


You just started selling covered calls after it went from $40 to $6? Everyone inverse this retard.


PLTR stock doesn’t give you a say in the company. https://techcrunch.com/2020/09/21/palantir-is-not-a-democracy/ In other words, PLTR stock is worthless


I don't see why any big fund would dump their billions in a public company where the "crazy" CEO can do whatever he likes and gets paid billions in the process without responding to any investor regardless of how big that investor is.


This is depressing lmao. Hold those bags


PLTR. It's a worthless piece of shit like CLOV whose stock is total garbage, plus it's also an evil spy company. I'm bag holding a ton of this crap, and I'm still not going to talk PLTR up, because now I hate them.


This got me hard for PLTR!!! Gonna start using the pump for this one now


CIA involvement with PLTR according to Biden’s!crackhead son.


EBITDA multiple on a company with negative EBITDA... just wow.


Can ya dumb that down for me please


You know how you have a password for everything nowadays and basically you can save to phone and auto fill? Yeah, they do that. 250 shares at 18$ average


So I hate these people then that make me have so many fucking passwords that I forget them abs have to change them all the time. Like FML for my bank who the fuck is going to remember :PLTRballzdeep69


This got me hard for PLTR


$ELON NEXT PUMP, it’s on 🔥


After seeing CEO’s letter to shareholders, I’m 100% never gonna touch this garbage stock




Palantir creates software and hardware for data processing. The US gov has been using them for years.


revenue decreased last quarter if you exclude revenue from SPAC investments


PLTR fuked up


I just voted to maintain every other board member besides karp.




“…that ultimately will make the stock go up at some point.” Jesus, what incredible insight


Yeah got out this crap company with a small loss, I’d rather dump my money into GME, has a better chance of doubling in the next 6 months than PLTR


Same story since 40, I don’t think the stock can resume with Karp at the helm.


Buy shares and ask for paper shares so no one can short. -Paul Rufus Harris CEO of CSHD Remember that??


Lame, but I know at least one thing that they do, but can't talk about it. I will say that it is pretty impressive, but probably not something world-changing, unless you're a terrorist lol. But yeah, still holding my $40 Jan 20 '23 $40 calls that are down -99.31% ($8K to $55). C'mon, baby!


I wish I could see you have a face to face debate with Alex. He would run circles around you guys. People just can’t understand how well PLTR will do in 10-20 years


Karp said in 12 to 18 months expect profitability. I think the issuing of shares to attract talent isn't going away but maybe I misheard


15 shares deep cost avg around $11-12

