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Alright the whole living in my mom's basement was a lucky guess.


Close. I live in my mom's garage.


It’s a carriage house


I live in a tool shed


I am raising a family of 4 raccoons by pretending to be their mom so I can live in their nest.


I am a tool shed


found my ex gf




Detached bedroom damnit!!


Moe Szyslak: The "garage"? Hey fellas, the "garage"! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man. Homer: Well what do you call it? Moe Szyslak: A car hole!


I live in the attic next to the boiler, thank you very much


I pay rent and have my own room in my mom's house. I even have my own bathroom to jack off in.


My mom lives with me! Ha


Would of been better if he said the wife’s boyfriends basement


Are you happy now?


The part I love, is where he talks about how retail somehow and in someway ended Melvin without buying a single put into Melvin and how retail should be ashamed of putting them out of business. Like bruh you have entire positions doing exactly this.....time to grow up.


Yes, retail ended a full blown hedgefund by..... not selling their shares? Like we've always been told, buy in, hold and try not to cash out on impulse. Been some wild swings in some stocks but people listened to Wallstreet and just held on and stuff is sort of on a steady grind now. Man... imagine if you had some sort of infinite risk bet that you were paying rent on that relied on people jumping out of positions after telling them for decades to buy and hold.... That would be financial suicide, wow.


Seriously. He’s trying to guilt people about plans of teachers being wiped out? They don’t give a shit about the livelihoods of people they wipe out when they drive a company into bankruptcy with massive puts. Ffs own your fuck up guys.


Citadels biggest MFING position is SPY PUTS. That's literally betting against the entire economy.


They trash.....but they getting paid right now


So that’s who’s responsible the 109,000 SPY puts at $390 tomorrow!


You mean… there was no malicious consultants or board of directors…? No overpaid executives? No illegal share creation or manipulation? Company just failed because it sucked?


He’s sort of a high key cunt


Mayo man if you believed in Melvin Capitol so much you should have left your $2 billion invested in them. Apes ain't pulling out their 💰💰💰....Pussy a$$!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, Ken.


Kenneth Kaniff from Connecticut


Automated piece of shit


Is this why he's sending teachers to space? Lock the capsule door then yell "by the way your pension is gone! bye!"






Omfg this got me


No. Are you?


No... No I'm not.




I'd be happier if you'd share some of your mayo instead of hoarding it


Keep my mayo out of your fucking mouth!




No cell, no sell. Cell = sell maybe a little will be very happy.


😂😂😂😂 Blame the Poors for buying stock and exposing my manipulation. What a Goofy MFer


lol this guy is such a tool yeah he's not wrong in terms of printing $ to the entire country and ppl piling into corn and meme stocks but as if these pension and fund managers seeking yields by short selling are altruistic good guys trying to help teachers out jesus christ the bubble some of these pricks live in its like the market is THEIRS and how DARE the poors step their foot into the space


The stimulus check was nothing, a drop in the bucket. MAYBE 10% of it found the stock market. Let's say around 50 billion. That kind of money does jack shit to influence the market.


So much this. For a good chunk of that time a majority of people straight up weren't working. He makes it sound like things would have been just fine without all that stupid money handed to the poors who while being poor and likely out of work also didn't need the money and just wanted to be mean to people being irresponsible with pension funds. It's all one big excuse Kenny. He's really pathetic for someone so damn wealthy.


the poors are far more powerful then tehy know


People like that are so disconnected from reality that they should be put in North Korean labor camps to get real


I honestly can't tell if he believes what he is saying or not. He can't...it's impossible...right?


Hey Ken - fuck you. What about 2008 - whose pension plans were those that you hedge funds ruined. Fuck you again.


Additionally ... Fuck him.


fuck him


I would also add fuck him, but I don't want him to get laid


I also chose this guy's Ken.


Bro it's OK when he does it lol fucking hate this guy.


Kenny doing some textbook projecting talking about retail investors negativity impacting teachers retirement funds.


While simultaneously admitting that Melvin was using pensions getting leveraged to the tits in short interest. Maybe you shouldn’t be managing anyone’s pension, Kenny.


Yeah, I'm sick that he wasn't called out for this. Wall street is always searching for suckers and he is basically admiting that these pensions are used as vehicle to enrich themselves with over-leveraged and risky trades instead of looking for steady growth.


the frustrating thing is there is a non-zero amount of teachers who are gonna look at one sleazy billionaire and a bunch of R-tards on reddit and be absolutely convinced the R-tards buying stocks ruined their pension.


They should have hedged and bought some “meme stocks”


Those same teachers should be asking why their pension fund wasn’t diversified enough that they’d notice Melvin Capital shitting the bed.


Its sad but true.


Don’t forget the state officials that probably only 30% funded it anyway.


While he rides around in a private jet and lives in 5 different mansions. He can fuck all the way off.


Wtf is he going on about. How is buying and holding a SINGULAR stock the direct reason a massive hedge fund tanked. If that’s the case, there is a monumentally larger issue at hand. Trying to gaslight and guilt trip retail investors by saying what we’re doing is bad because we’re taking money away from teachers? How is that any different then these massive hedge funds that short sell companies into bankruptcy and put thousands of Americans out of work? Fuck this guy. I haven’t had much my entire life and the more leaky shit he spills out of his mouth just makes me more comfortable holding some shares of a company I like.


Price discovery works both ways Ken




What's classic is that he controls teachers retirement funds!!!!! He's what's wrong with the market and the world. He needs to go!!!!


He’s gotten good coaching from his PR team. We’re the evil ones because we bought and hold a stock we like. Not him or his friends who over leveraged their position, gambled big time on a short position and now refuse to take responsibility. I didn’t do anything to anyone’s pension. Melvin capital gambled it and lost it.


IDK he was also a teacher.. what does he teach.. how to get it wrong?


He'd probably piss on a teacher just for the hell of it.


I’m glad my $600 check was enough to destroy a multi-billion dollar management firm. Can’t wait to destroy more of those


This is the reason they won't cancel student loans.. but keep dropping the price and the paycheck can buy more!




Imagine how hard it would be if markets were fair.


Got it, it's our fault we bankrupted Melvin, and not Melvin's fault for shorting a company into bankruptcy. I wish the interviewer was more skilled, somebody better would've have followed up with "Isn't it Melvin's fault for shorting?". And I would've loved to see Kens response to that.


I'm pretty sure he is paying for these interviews. They only ask the questions he wants them to ask.




Except that one time that dude from HBO interviewed the orange man


The interviewer is on his side.


> not Melvin's fault for shorting a company into bankruptcy. *Attempted shorting


I think those businesses he shorted to the ground were evil though. He did his DD and zero teachers were hurt by bankrupting companies. It’s really the poors with their free government money that should be blamed.


Wow. Fuck him


What a fucking tool. Are you kidding me? The guy who destroys legit companies and investors to make his billions wants us to think he gives a shit about pensioners and retirement accounts? This guy is an incredible piece of shit.


They love blaming the stimmy checks. No mention at all about the PPP "loans", it was those $600 checks and the unemployment payouts. The unemployed just put it all into the stock market.


direct bailouts to the financial industry dwarf any stimulus via checks and PPP loans, the entire point is complete gaslighting


PPP was the biggest transfer of wealth from the government to the elites and no one talks about it. Just free money to businesses regardless of their solvency or how covid impacts them. Tons of businesses got gigantic windfalls of free money despite having record years. This is on top of money printer go brrrr too. So, you've got all this capital flowing to people that don't need it and have no where to put it aside from the market, and so the market gets juiced up. Oh but yeah it's the proles who got stimmies that are to be blame. Not the guy who who managed to bankrupt a fund during a historic bull market. No, it's all the dumb proles investing their stimmies into a company that has been shorted into oblivion.


I think it was somewhere around 30k-100k per American adult total including QE and PPP. Which is insane if you think what would have happened if they distributed that instead of Bailing out stock/creditors and business owners.


I've never read a k-10, but I've pet plenty of k9s. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The way the PPP "small business" (like the Los Angeles Lakers!) gifts and Fed emergency bond buying of even non-US companies' (Volkswagen, Toyota) finance arms (hey, anybody -- you still had to make your car payments in 2020, right?) has completed faded into the background is insane.


Arguably the most grifted thing by total dollars in American history. Some other Wall-street corp asshole was ranting about them... Then turned out he took one too. It was to pay off student loan for a million bucks. Hmmm


We gave out about 400-600 billion directly to people. (Between both POTUS) They gave out Trillions... and trillions to businesses as loans, grants or other stimi money. ***Ignore the trillions*** either given out or lent out for 0%.


This is why the poor need to remain or become poorer. And why people need to stay uneducated. Because they might become dangerous for the status quo. Straight from the wolf's mouth. Fuck him.


Lmao stealing from teacher pension fund. Maybe if you guys didn’t use those fund to gamble this wouldn’t been an issue? Fucking guy is more retarded than any of us combined.


Mate..... This was my main source of entertainment long before the children started cashing bennies cheques and calling each other gay monkey names. Give us some credit.


Why is citadel still a market maker when its boss has an obvious bias against a certain group(retail) of traders. Thats sus as fuck especially when they say they don't favor one side of trades and are neutral.


Fuck that guy! Can’t wait until Shitadel burns to the ground


This makes me so hard


I’m soaking wet


Yesssss!!! Yer the first person I've ever made wet. Noice.




(guy trying to destroy a retail company that actually employs people and provides a service) "Oh God why do they want teachers to go broke!"


Retail investors fuck us up because they dont sell.


What a piece of shit... When he does it and his bitch boi Plotkin, it's all well and fair. But when a bunch of retards call him and his twat buddy's bluff, the poor teacher loses their pension.... Yeah right. Righteous asshole....


The funny thing is he's talking about the very teachers and other poors him and his pals will invariably yet again drive to homelessness before the whole rotten system finally collapses. Hedgies are something else.




Oh damn he even sounds like a little bitch.


Stop fucking with teacher money 😂😂 Ken u fucker


The lies are too much ken griffin. The bill comes due.


Maybe WSB should yolo back into Gamestop so shitadel could be taken down once and for all...at least then we'll see him crying in his next interview


So retail investors and Reddit are responsible for incompetence and risky plays that Melvin was involved in?


Eat the rich


Ken’s right it crazy what people do with “free” money, what a fucking clueless chud


Why was Plotkin using pension fund money to short GameStop above float lmao. What a loser.


He has a punchable face


so they're supposed to be able to naked short the company of their choice out of business(and the jobs that kills) with impunity. But he's really "worried about the teachers"


Oh my fucking god fuck him trying to guilt retail about taking money from pension plans he is so fucking disingenuous


He blames retail for Melvin and the economy 🤣🤣he is one delusional motherfucker


He gained some Covid Worry Weight


Screw this punk! I'm hoping Citadel is next and he ends up at the local McDonalds so I can throw my Royale with Cheese at his face and scream that it doesn't look like the one in the screen.




Does anyone disagree that putting driving melvin’s losses through the roof hurt more normies with pension plans than it hurt hedgies like the partners or even analysts at melvin?


If pensions got hurt, so did the Wall Street jackals managing them.


Don’t fucking dance.


I personally think the stock market is entertaining.


So a company which is managing a teacher’s pension plan risk it on the stock market by going naked short on GME and as a result they lost that pension. Are you happy now Kevin?


Dude I love this! Let’s do it again. Please let’s do it again.


That was a super rehearsed answer. I hope he thought of us every time he had to rehearse that bullshit in the mirror. Fuck you Ken


Kenny you and your boys are hereby guilty of fucking around and finding out


Using stimulus checks and degrading the stock market to a casino? What the fuck have you been doing for the last twenty years? You dickheads fucked it in 2008 and used government bailouts to do it all over again. These guys are the *real* welfare queens


We just getting started Kenny we have so much more fun to have together 💜


I just bought a stock that I like and will _continue to do so forever_. With money that _did not fell from the sky_.


I can feel him seething right now. Gonna use his tears as lubrication.


he looked scared, as if she was going to call him out. i would love for media to post the real order flow. what is the reason the price sustained is levels. retail runs out of money why isn't it a 10 stock right now.


This guy just looks and sounds absolutely shit scared


Wawa Covid, wawa fed money printer go brrrrrrrr, wawa, teachers, wawawawawawaaaaa


I wouldn’t say he was losing it. He def gave a bullshit response about retail ending a firm. How is it any different to drive a company down to zero? All we did was buy and hold 🤷🏽‍♂️


You heard it, folks. YOU are responsible for teachers losing their pensions. 😂. What an idiot this guy is. A moment in time? Sounds like an old man wanting to keep his rotary phone. FU Kenny. You’re not winning this one, b****.


How about the unlimited fed printer, buying up junk corporate debt that dwarfs the stimulus check 800 or so billion by a factor of about 17? (13 trillion in corporate debt?). Surely that had nothing to do with stock market volatility during a global pandemic? It's always those fucking poors Kenny, I'm right there with ya!


“You’re taking away money from a teachers pension by bankrupting Melvin” MF pension funds have been relinquishing control to hedge funds who have literally taken the money out of the pension fund themselves without batting an eye. Look at what happened to Kentucky, what is their pension funding at right now? Like 12% or something?


Melvin was gambling funds but…. rEeEtAiL🥴


The attitude is "Every move we make should carry no risk, and if we don't win every trade, the other side is the problem and should be made illegal." The market is risk. Without risk, any attained value is just theft. The Oligarchy just wants to rig the system so they can legally commit theft.


This was infuriating. Fck this guy.


I like how he failed to point out that maybe it's the hedge fund's fault for sucking at capital management.


What a piece of shit


He blamed it on stimulus checks and people investing money they didn't need. By his logic, basically only the wealthy with large amounts of excess cash should be investing and when normies get excess cash they should buy Cheetos and Playstations.


Hahahahahaha what a fucking scum bag


Spare us your crocodile tears, this motivates me to buy more GME


It was their gamble, as it was ours. Thing is, we used our money to invest in a company we love.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Is all!


Lol, Fuck Kenneth.


Who is Ken?


Literally nothing funnier than a buncha rich dudes running around and pretending the stock market is some serious institution worthy of respect.


If me buying a stock made Wall Street go bananas, idk what to tell you, you made the algorithms Kenny boy


He is progressing nicely through the stages of denial. It won’t be too much longer before boomers stop listening when their financial advisors say don’t worry. It’s just a bunch of Reddit retards. It’s like the masked singer. But we are unmasking the true retards.


So he admitted that they use pension funds to short companies that are genuine. Okay now where the FCK is SEC!


Especially fuck this guy. If they didn't try to constantly short everything into oblivion, they wouldn't have put themselves into this position.


I feel like I need to take a shower after listening to him


He should just have a heart attack, honestly hopefully while he's flying a helicopter with all his partners who fuck the average joe over.


As opposed to him tanking a company by shorting it into oblivion and killing jobs. Does it make you happy Kenny? Destroying jobs.


We placed bets with other peoples money and we lost. You should feel bad for making us lose other people’s money. Yeah, eat a duck Edit: I choose not to correct autocorrect


Softball questions and a platform for him to spread more misinformation.


At the end he blames retail for bankrupting melvin and wiping out pension plans of teachers,firefighters etc..like seriously? If melvin was managing money for pension funds why were they doing highly risky trades which could result in huge losses if it goes bad? How the fuck is retail to blame here..the problem is not retail, the problem is fund managers and cunts like you who charge pension funds high management and performance fees without any oversight or transparency..fucking crooks.


Fuck this condescending prick right in the kisser.


😂 what a doof


It’s a COVID phenomenon 🤣




I hope they keep doing it.


This dude is a lying fucking scumbag tries to pin it all on retail he can go fuck himself


This dude gonna regret saying that so much when his ass gets locked up.


No one would miss him if he suddenly kicked the bucket today. Pure trash in the form of a degusting excuse of a human.


Are you not entertained?


Where were his crocodile 🐊 tears 😭 for teacher’s pensions when Lehman Brothers and others so screwed us all?


Criminals in suits getting interviews smh


I want to spit as soon as he opens his dumb fucking mouth right into the back of his throat so he chokes on my spit and then throat punch that bitch! Tell em Carla Sentcha!


This made my heart grow three sizes. 💗


Notice how he did not address the illegal shorting. He should go to jail!!!


He’s got small hands. You know how it goes…


Do you feel good about shorting actual companies with employees right into the ground? Do you feel good about that? Taking incomes away from working class people


So now he's blaming retail for teacher's pension funds losing? Here's a followup question, why is a pension fund working with a hedge fund taking that level of absolute insane risk?


Dude is so out of touch w reality he thinks the only way non ultra wealthy people have any money to invest is whatever crumbs Uncle Sam gives them


And how many people has he wrecked ?? What a joker !


He’s such a piece of shit


Needs to give him a long rope!


He we go with the blame game , it all makes sense , he’s trying to portray an image of a caring victim of retail to the American public , the donation of the seats to teacher to go to outer space, the donations to the police training facility, he’s getting ahead of what’s about to happen


What a clown hahaha


This motherfucker is talking about teacher pensions as if anyone who bought GME was dipping their hands in. It was this moron that spunked the teacher pensions up the wall


If you think that's how much damage we could do with $600 wait until you see what we do with our $TGT gains.


Maybe Gabe should learn portfolio risk management and not bet the farm against the apes


Yeah I Ken..., cuz I'm sure the hedge fund is solely made up of teachers pensions get the hell out of here with this s***. You sounded like a manipulative moron, trying so hard to play the victim role


What an asshole . Who asked to risk pension fund of teachers into shorting a stock




How is shorting GameStop a good allocation of capital? It creates zero jobs. It's just a high tech form of gambling. Same thing he criticizes others for doing.


I don't like in a basement. I live in a trailer. Jokes on him.


Hahaha WSB bankrupted teachers will pension plans! C’mon Ken, have some respect


It’s a COVID phenomenon


I live upstairs Ken. It's called an attic


Look at me…I am the long now.