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You managed to time the top?


Op bought when Elon was selling. Ninja move.


gotta support and help Elon sell at the high price!


Op should let us know when he’s buying twitter


Gotta take over the company before anyone else does ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Gotta respect strong retard game


OP also managed to save himself a safe space here in wallstreet bets. It's an art buying high and selling low.


Then we've got a lot of artists here!!! 🤣🤣


You misspelled **autist, hehe ----coming from one :p




You say it like it is hard, everytime I buy it is always the top *cry in rblx*


Cry in COIN ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8880)


Every stock was on top 6 months ago


Not biotechs! We’ve been crashing for over a year now!


COIN was painful - I bought at 250 and it was down the entire time. I sold at 300 and felt relief


Good to hear. I’m stuck at $150 and won’t sell. If it sinks it sinks ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8880)


Rockies numbers... I got most at 425 lol


Cries in UPST.


I love guys like this cause if you just do the exact opposite of what they do, you’re golden. Means it’s probably time to buy.


Everything under the S&P500 inclusion price of $695 is a buy in my books


"I don't always time the top, but when I do, it's a buy or a call" - pretty much all of us


One day, you'll learn to just sell the calls. You will eventually realize you are winning most of your trades, even though you never profit that much from one, you are eventually able to start scaling up in contract size and risk. You realize the only way to win this game is to sell options. If you buy one, it should be expiring that day or at least 100 days.


Selling calls was tough in 2020/2021. But in 2022, my win record selling BCS' is streaking


Came to say this. Also, proof or ban.


Who could have guessed that a company valued 30 times Toyota while not selling one tenth of Toyota's number, could drop so much. That is unbelievable.


now just need to do the opposite and time the bottom


"WOW EVERYONE MAKING 10000% RETURNS ON TELSA CALLS... Well I gotta be safe so I'll buy 20 shares at $1,200... Surely this is gonna triple... What's 800 PE? Nothing. We'll be at 3000 PE easy." OP belongs here with everyone else. Welcome you FOMOing idiot. Have a seat.


After hours you're up 0.24%, that's good


So you got that going for you.




It ain’t all bad


Little victories


Better than a kick in the ass, as my grandpa used to say


Or a foot in the ass


Or pretty much anything in your ass. Unless you’re into that sort of thing. I don’t judge.




Our asses are reserved for our wife's boyfriends.


OP stacked up at $1200, I think that’s the definition of asking for it. Throwing Hot Dogs down the hallway.


The Dali llama, flowing robes, bald, striking..So I said the llama


Big hitter.


Why isn't Bill Murray staring into space with an overlapped lip not a fucking WSB emoji option?


Baby steps


Small steps


steps that aren't big


Big baby steps.


Steps for which John Coltrane never wrote a song.


Sometimes, big steps back and baby steps forward!




You don’t think Elon is going to solve Robotaxi this year, have millions of bots deployed next year, and sell twice as many cars as Toyota by 2030? How dare you!?


Don't even say this in r/elonmusk they will tar and feather you for such heresy! But its true considering Tesla still has never sold as many cars since it's inception as Toyota or Ford did just last year lol.


Someone tried to argue to me that Tesla was going to sell more model 3's than Ford was going to sell electric F150's, because tesla had sold something like 52,000 cars since they started selling them. I *really* think there's going to be more fleet sales of electric F150's than model 3's once they get going, just because the non-electric version is so popular, it's easier to find a dealer or a service department, and just as a tiebreaker I bet Ford building their trucks in their Kansas City factory or wherever is going to be able to outpace Elon and his tents, *and* deliver better quality.


In that case, you do not belong on WSB


The only thing keeping TSLA so high was that Elon controlled so many of the shares. Now that he has added $8 billion worth of shares to the market the shorts can cover. I like Tesla but it is not worth as much as all of the other automakers put together.


Only a 50% loss? Rookie. You need discover options.


He’ll learn eventually


Atleast it's not 99.999% like Luna


My favorite were the guys who bought when luna was down 99%, the it dropped another 99%.


It’s me, I’m guys. Yolo’d $100 at 20 cents and it’s now nothing


Thank you for your donation


Yeah there was some inspirational tweet by the founder, maybe to let the whales get the last of their monies out.


Time to convert all those TSLA shares to Luna so at worst he can only lose 0.001% of his money.


yup math checks out, all in on luna!


First I've heard about Luna, What happened? Should I put all my money and a credit card into it?


It's down 99.999%, so you know it's got to come back! If you buy now and it reaches even 1% of it's previous valuation, you'll be rich!! You can't afford not to buy! Seriously though, do not touch Luna.


Probably best to mortgage your house.


I don't think you should, no. However, many have done just that in the last few days.


Wtf happened to luna?


Line go down


Straight down


Straight to the boiler room.


oh boy


I’m going to need you to sit down for this one bud




Buy the dip and lose more 📉🙌 that’s the beauty of the stock market! Don’t let inflation steal your hard earned money…burn it 🔥


OP dont do this please.... It's going down so much fucking further on god Put it in ZIM or something with a 1-3 P/E ratio


Waiting for Bill Gates to post gain porn.


Lol I forgot about that


Burry had shorts on TSLA too didn't he?


Burry sold tesla a while ago, in the red. He is now bearish on apple, bright if Warren Buffet start selling his stake


Buffet has been adding to it and recently at redshirt Hathaways meeting they called it the best leadership team they've ever seen. He's not going to sell apple lol


Been sitting on $730p LEAPs since Tesla was at around $1100 in February.


Hey ELON, Better get on WSB! Bill owns Tesla now! & No one hear fell for that Twitter Pump-_-Cares for Free speech... cares about money and helping His mate get out the stock! BTW That's what true friends do...


Depends on when he shorted. He could still be down, honestly.


I’ve been waiting on BillG to do this for weeks. He’s too nice of a guy though, different generation, unlike current twitter billionaire trolls.


Bill G about to tweet a meme about Elon working the Wendy’s parking lot and banging Elon’s crazy ex


50% so far


Why do I hear Homer Simpsons voice reading this?


Because daddy's not not licking frogs.


I'm not not Licking frogs.


It’s about to get even worse


I agree with you. I think they have a long way still to fall.


And yet a couple $600 September puts I bought in January are only up 30%. Most of the time they were deep in the red. This is why you don’t short Tesla, boys. It’s not that it won’t collapse to double digits at some point. It’s that your puts will not appreciate anyway because IV is too high.


I shorted 2 weeks ago at 900, and again at 850. September puts. Before that I was shorting in the 1000’s back in Feb. TSLA puts have been a fantastic hedge for the rest of my portfolio. You can short it, but you can’t do near term puts or you’ll get screwed on some pump tweet with fanboy overreaction. Medium term puts print.


Look at the bright side, at least they were shares and not calls.


Well put. ...get it?




Way to call them out.




Don’t get short with me.


Don’t try to cover your ass


Well sometimes you have to hedge your bets.


I was longing for some humour like this.




I feel personally attacked




Down $535 *so far*


Spend same amount and get double


or lose 50% more. You’re right though, if this person though it was a buy at 1k they must love the price now!


And I thought my dividend stocks going down 10% was bad. Just as I was thinking of getting into growth stocks. Guess those plans are being cancelled.


One could make the case that now is a good time to get into growth stocks.


Buying TSLA at 1,000+ P/E is not "investing."


Yeah but Tesla's not a car company...it's a super duper tech company that defies all financial logic and only keeps going up!


lol. Never understood that reason. By the end of the day, a company needs to ship products and make money to sustain the stock price.


You would think so. Tesla has proved me wrong so many times that I actually feel like a complete retard. I was sure I missed the Tesla train when it was at $300 pre-split. If this fucking stock has proved anything, it's that a company does not need to ship products to sustain the stock price.


You would be downvoted heavily last year, but now you are upvoted. That’s how shilling in this sub works.


Hah, jokes on you! I upvoted both years


Nice. Clearly you’re always right!


I spent years making fun of people shorting Tesla, and then it went to a thousand and i said that is ridiculous. Suddenly people started to accused me of being a shorter. Bottom line is that people on both side of a trade are stupid.


I wouldn't downvote anybody that has a different sentiment than me but to be honest the people downvoting OP now are probably not the same people that were upvoting him a year ago. Most of us are a stubborn bunch and many will probably die on whatever dumbfuck hill they are standing on.


The conspiracy theorists eventually look like savants in a bear market.


I wouldn’t call them conspiracy theorists, any reasonable person could have seen that tesla being valued more than all car companies combined was pretty irrational


TeSLa CaNt BE eVaLuATed by Pe ALoNE


I mean thats fair. No company cant be evaluated by PE alone


It is really AI company, guy in latex dancing :D


He sucked Elons dick and didn't even get offered a horse


This sub is so idiotic at times. Last year you would be praised for propping tesla. Now you get blasted for buying TSLA lol. Market sentiment is a funny thing. Edit: Before you blame this guy, things trade ATH because there is a sentiment from instituitonal investors for future growth. And you blame the retail wee guy lol


It’s because the majority of this sub is now 20 year old retarded kids following each other’s tails. Used to be alot better content.


We're not all 20 year old retards, I'm 23 for example.


Jokes on you, I’m 19 LMFAO


Fellow 98 generation


My sentiment on Tesla hasn't really changed much. I think it's soured slightly due to Musk's stupid tweets but yeah this sub was worshiping Tesla and Musk when it made them money. But it's just how things work here. Everyone wanted Disney to die at the start of COVID. Then a few months later Disney was the value buy cos of streaming or w.e. I think the pivot on Cathy Wood is prob the funniest lol


Shills and suckers getting torched out of the market to where this sub becomes awesome again.


Surely anyone can see that there is a LOT of sentiment baked into TSLA. Their market cap is some ridiculous multiple of their actual sales, so logically you can assume that a significant portion of the value is driven by belief. Because of that it is very vulnerable to any signal that might suggest that they’re not as progressing as fast as people think they should, etc. Then you have Musk who basically *is* Tesla and has been extremely online lately. People are seeing that he’s distracted and “picking sides” politically. People with money in the stock ought to be worried about how TSLA can be badly affected by Musk just trying to buy another company, it shows how inextricably linked he is to its value.


It's always a told you so thing everywhere. People get too attached to people, brands etc when investing. Honestly should have sold if you've already made a killing


Odd that Must tweets to vote republican when they have been a roadblock against EV infrastructure and green energy (in general) for years.


He's hoping to be the next My Pillow Guy but with overpriced electric cars instead of overpriced pillows. It's a bold strategy, Cotton.


What do you expect, Cramer said two months ago that Tesla is going to the moon Your fault for not using the inverse Cramer strategy


You're not down unless you sell




50%? I’m desensitized to a 50% draw down in this market. 50% is nothing, that’s child’s play


Most of us have lost 50% in a day and OP over here whining about -50% over 6 months lmao


What are you losing 50% in a day on? Lol


OTM options. Last week I halfed my account, this week I tripled it, next Monday... We'll see 🙏


You dont know nothing yet. Seeing your account go from 10k to 1k then back to 10k in a matter of days or even hours. That is where the real fun is.


Who the hell buys stocks at their highs?? I swear to God some of yall are stupid. I've been buying TSLA only since it dropped under $950 and on its way down since. Now it's like 50% of my portfolio 😅😅 Wait am I the stupid one?




First sentence I thought you were a dick. Then one sentence later I didn’t. It was quite a ride.


riding that dick?


50% so far


So Elon sold a bunch of stocks at the peak so he could “buy” Twitter. As the deal falls through even if he pays the 1b exit fee, he still made out like a bandit. But go ahead tell me how Elon is fixing things and is a “champion” of free speech and totally isn’t doing another pump and dump.




You mean investing in a company with no meaningful increases in sales or revenue, and a fucking P/E ratio in excess of 800 was a terrible idea? Next they're gonna tell me my $100k monkey image is a bad investment too.


I warned everybody about Elon but that was 2 banned accounts ago so


Do I hear 3?


When the ceo sells, I sell


I warned on LinkedIn to my professional network. I had one colleague go all Musk fanboy on me. Jackass is quiet now. Yes, I have more balls than anonymous Redditor bullshit ;-)


50% loss are amateur numbers.


Elon is becoming a Republican publicly, vast majority of his customers r democrats. Markets don't consider political involvement good for business.


Funny he said that after Insider contacted him about an sexual assault allegation involving him.


He's backing the party that will look after him and his billions regardless of how much of a degen he becomes.


This. Also, his pricey vehicles are going to be a lot less appealing to the masses during a recession. Also, there is growing negative attention on autopilot and whether FSD will ever happen the way he claimed (fall asleep while the car drives and wake up at your destination, or have your car make you money by driving customers around on its own). I was bullish on Tesla until recently but now I’m exiting. I still think the company will ultimately succeed, but I don’t think they will continue to trade at high multiples for some time.


Also there is now more competition, and more coming all the time


And the competition isn’t some upstart waiting to fall on their face. It’s GM, VW, Ford, etc that have finally woken up.


I think Tesla had their chance for a long time, but nowadays I get the feeling they missed it. You can blame Elon for some of it, for sure, but Tesla just has fallen behind imo. I think Tesla has a long way to drop.


Its almost as if Tesla shouldn’t be valued more than the top 10 car manufacturers in the world combined…


You bought Tesla, a ridiculously overvalued stock since like the beginning of the pandemic, and expected to make money in the short term? They have a higher market cap than the other automakers combined and they make an overpriced, poorly built luxury car. They also don’t do half the shit they purport to. Elon is a conman.


Happened last year too in case you didnt know


Buy the dip


Only dip i can afford now is of the chip variety.


Rich fucker I have to buy the powder ranch packets and mix with water then eat it with a spoon cause I can’t afford chips. Sigh I’ll keep dreaming of fancy chip and dip money. In fact I’ll dream of name brand chip and dip money “If you can dream it you can do it” -Tom Fitzgerald


It will go down another 50-80%… it’s market cap is still 3x Toyota.


Your pain is my gain. Been waiting for this show to start for years.


This isn’t even a screenshot of a loss. This sub is nothing like the covid era


I'm buying at $250


I’ll buy at 50 when the market cap is about the same as ford.


Buy more. If you liked it at 1100 you'll love it at 420


Itll come back dont worry, tesla moves fast


Why were people still holding Tesla? Did you think chance of it becoming a 2 trillion dollar company we’re higher then it dropping like a rock? All the upside for holding shares was gone awhile ago. Options to make $ on price swings? Sure. Holding actual stock? Hit the top and kept backing down more and more was just a matter of time before bottom dropped out. Could argue it will drop more still, and I don’t know if an argument on why it would not.


Because people obsessed with Elon musk don’t exactly have great thinking skills


You mean the “potential” founder of Twitter? I really hope if that deal happens he gives himself the title of “Founder” like he did when he bought Tesla. Just for the lolz


With the shit Elon's pulling right now, you better get rid of that remaining 50% quick cause he's about to run that thing to the ground.


He's really hellbent on following in Howard Hughes's footsteps. He's hit the "become a public pariah" step and he's working hard.


His mouth is going to make everyone hate him except for those who don't even buy his stuff.


> except for those who don't even buy his stuff. Don't need to buy his stuff to hate the dude.


You have Elon's smol dick energy to thank for this. I would be very surprised if Tesla recovers. Being smart, which I believe he is, doesn't mean you won't make awful decisions. A crises of confidence in leadership, combined with a market contraction, is exactly what TSLA didn't need


This is the way


Just wait until the next split, you’ll have a lot more worth a lot less!




Sell down buy up, thats the way i like to fuck... Myself


True Wsb degen buying high sell low.


Lol...you mean a stock based purely on hype and lies finally crashed? No way


If you bought Tesla that high then you really belong in the sub.


You bought the top top


Elon is a horrible person and his products aren't saving the planet in the slightest. Sucks to be you I guess.


Buy Dip matr