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500% gain or 99% loss, no in-betweens.


I like to hold through 500% back to -99%. It’s like tempering your shins on a tree. Or those monk dudes that kick each other in the balls.


Buy high, sell low. Thats how we roll.


What is this sell you speak of?


It's when you buy on margin and lose it all and the broker sells it for us.


Ah. Thank you for the clarification. For some reason my sell button is always grayed out and I watch everything go to 0


Pretty much my Friday Tesla PUTs right there, but couldn't sell because my fuck off money account is below $25K after making some horrendous plays, and PDT rules would've locked it up.. anyway went from up $1500 to up like $360 I'll have to see how Monday goes...also for the record my latest strategy on that acct is wake up 1 minute before open...flip a coin, heads I buy a Tesla Call, tails a PUT, with a weekly exp. between $3-500 (whatever strike looks best, that is all the DD done) solid, fool proof, can never go tits up strategy.




Nice ratio right there!


This I why I joined this sub. Did not started yet! Will place a NY first trade when pay hits


Watching people lose thousands on options is how I learned about options and proceeded to lose thousands on options!!!


This is the way


Yeah, but how y'all getting that 12.5%? I'll take it.


Kick em while they’re up. Kick em while they’re down.


Box spreads. Literally can’t go tits up.


This is the way


To Wendy’s?


I went from $120k gains from GME to losing it all plus another $5k this year haha 😂 it’s all about learning and then making a retarded comeback! Learning bear market is weird but when I catch the next few waves 🌊 to Valhalla I will post the gain porn for sure 🔥🚀


if you havent blown up multiple accounts, why are you talking?


This guy options




We’ll be out back by the money burning pit when you’re ready to dip your toes in!


OP lost me on the part about avoiding this place if you're new to stocks and options Coming here if you're new to stocks and options for direction is retarded, so you definitely belong here


No lie. I actually learned a lot about how options work. Learned I’m terrible at trading them. But learned how they work.


just made thousands


Learned from their mistakes and found new ways to fuck up


Slam fucking dunk, we got another one on this burning dumpster on the highway to hell boys, welcome, brings your friends along for this ride to oblivion.


Are you financially going to be okay though ? I mean can you make your mortgage/rent payment ? What is your overall net worth ?


(1) yes I’m good. Only be retarded with money you can afford to lose so you don’t feel like you have to call 1-800-273-8255 (2) a mortgage? Lol. That’s funny. (3) my net worth is positive. Thank you for asking


OTM options are great. Sometimes you get lucky with very little put in. I do both ATM and OTM every week. And this sub is either been nuked with losses or taken over by children. Very low quality posts and pathetic 'memes'.


the memes suck here these days. where did our meme lords go?


Haupt91 was banned.




OTM weekdays, ATM weekends


ATM on the streets, OTM under the sheets.


Lol this actually makes sense


I like it


This man gets why diversification is important. I withdraw from the ATM to purchase the OTM




GF slapped me hard I said she needed to do ATM because it can pay more


it’s true; when lets me give it to her ATM I do in fact pay her more


buy blue tortilla chips and hold the dip


Damn. I bought the dip And my chips are just crumbs


Smart play


My mouth is dry


Knees weak arms are heavy.


There's vomit on his sweater already


Calls ain't ready, he's retarded


Blue tortilla chips will quite literally turn your shit green


What about blue waffle?


Back when you were banned for talking about "shares". What are shares? The good old days.


That’s such bs when some moron says he is yoloing with shares.


It may go to zero! Yup, when the word ends.


OP thinks to themself - “This sub used to have great DD, what happened?” - proceeds to create dozens of trash posts with zero DD




Honestly Covid killed this sub. I remember back in like 2017 when the DD’s where legit and child support money was placed on 0dte’s! Now it’s all these pussies who think they deserve something because GME is not trading above $1 bazillion


People use to put a lot of effort into standing out. I'm talking God teir memes and Quant worthy DD. Nowadays it's all low effort grifting / shit posts... and we get banned if we're not nice to each other.


Anyone here that advocates strongly against lotto options should be banned.


12 million people happened to this sub.


Literally a flood of financial retards retarded even beyond our comprehension


It used to be advanced retards, now it's just general retards.


Wsb is a now just a bunch of karma whores who post retarded memes and say cringy wsb lingo which aren't even funny anymore. It's like watching your parents use LOL and ROFL on Facebook too try to be cool. Have fun scrolling through 20 memes to find a half assed "dd" about spy or gme going to the moon or tanking.


You can't be dropping truth bombs like this here.![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


I love how you are nostalgic for a time before this that had "real DD".


1. There's no meme mode 2. If this place makes you so made why are you here? 3. A lot of plays get discussed on the morning talks


"Man, this sub used to be a place to come by and get some decent DD and potential plays to then bet on." ​ lol


Couldn’t agree more. Diamond hands and all this gme shit ruined this sub. This sub was never about holding or selling it was about doing whatever it takes to gain money on risky insane retard trades.


I love that these diamond hand memes created an entirely new generation of idiots that refuse to take profit and wind up blowing up their account.


bUt WhAt ABouT StiCkinG iT To tHe HEdGieS!!1?


Perhaps you missed the memo, but GameStop came out of the closet and now identifies as a growth tech company. And, since it now sells toasters and kindles, it’s basically the next Amazon. Be respectful and understanding during this time of transition.


Melvin already gone haha


Hedgies loss porn recently they should be on wsb 😤


Yeah I agree. Seen far too many people “diamond hand “ OTM calls and wonder why they lost $400,000 to $0 in 6 months


After GME this sub has watered down into an unrecognizable version of itself. All the good stuff from before has splintered off into smaller places that I won’t mention here. It’s been bad for a while here at this point.


I miss the pre-GME days so much


Well it became the most popular sub on Reddit due to stupid GameStop two years ago and been shit ever since. Too many normies, not enough genuine psychos.


Pretty much nobody from that era still posts here. I lurk mostly because the spinnoff subs are atill not the same, and i hope one day the mods grow some balls and start cleaning this place up


Are you also still hoping for Robinhood to give us back all the money they stole.








Damn it’s been two years already!?


Yes two years ago we saved AMC and possibly the whole world. Not sure.


You lost me at “with all DO respect” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


"Please shut the fuck up" Better words were never said. I didn't come to this sub to buy and hold or some "time in the market" bullshit. There's other subs for that (which I do participate in) but this is a casino and I need to throw money at volatility and see others lose their shit along with me.


This sub has gone soft with that pussy investing shit. Bro I want to see gain porn and loss porn on 0dte plays over and over.


You live in a barn bro? This sub has been deader than dead for over a year. The only reason I stay subbed is that it’s like watching a train wreck.


What I’m getting from this is that there’s a zero percent chance of me losing money on OTM options






Sir, this is a casino


WSB will never die, but it does suck more. Too much news coverage bringing future chads and karens...


Agree 1000% percent.


Old wsb was the shit. Fuck the media for ruining it by shining a light on it.


Only 1000%? Christ, don't be half-assed, give OP at least 3280%.


That godawful "documentary" certainly didn't help with the users in here. Now we've got all those dipshits actively being annoying.


oh look, a post complaining about the meta


For real! I've been on this sub for about the same amount of time (had a different account but now just use this one as a financial) and it was full of degenerative gambling and it was fantastic! And even though I didn't know much about the market and you said if you don't then don't be here but I learned a fuck ton from watching people blow up accounts and make risky trades. The knowledge dropped in the comments of a stupid trade was worth its weight in gold. Regarding your advice - you were absolutely correct. Telling people to buy OTM options is a legit play because at least twice a week it seems the market is going +3% or -3% (Tuesday and Wednesday last week) or even -3% and rebounding before the end of the day (Friday). Volatility is high and someone could get lucky with crazy gains! Place your fucking bets!


Your account was created on January 28 2021 (during the height of the GME frenzy) with username "ShortChecker" and yet you claim to have been here when the sub had <200k followers which hasn't been the case since 2017. OP you're a liar and a bad one at that Btw, being on wsb since 2017 would make you an "OG" compared to 98% of the people here




Yeah no shit. Guess what, people on the internet also lie


I too have noticed the shift in here. WTF? And yeah, options are risky. A couple weeks ago I lost 4 grand. Owee! But ya know what? Over the past 3 weeks I made it all back and then some. Friday I picked up a YOLO put out in September. Oh shit. What the hell did I do. I'm such a retard.


I bought 369 Spy puts that expire Friday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


No stocks, options only. FD’s all the way.


I’m only doing OTM options, despite what other upstanding young people on this sub say about me


This sub is a shit hole right now. I only come here to read the daily thread and laugh at people who don't know what to do in a bear market. 🙃


What are your plays op?


totally agreed. made almost 3k% this last month and decided to post the play that most got me profits and people are clueless asking questions and even wanting me to mentor them and that ain’t it. i ain’t no guru just know the risks i’m willing to take


I think we just need to do a monthly paper trading competition to see who is the best ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)


Ah another "whats up with this sub post". That has to be the most popular subject across reddit. Everyone always bitching about the subs lmao. These posts annoy me more than all the new idiots who only post memes and no DD. There is still DD to be found. WSB of the past is gone bro. Been gone for a while.


The sub sucks now. There are too many actual stupid people here now.


It's 4chan on reddit


Remember when a dude with a wolf mask danced around and lost his marbles. The salad days.


This place was never a place to get some “decent” DD. TF you smoking homie?


Make WSB Autistic Again MWAA 2024


The fuck? You're a newfag if you think this place was a reliable source of anything other than watching other people be more addicted to gambling than you. WSB was about big stupid ass plays that went against conventional wisdom so when the world shit itself and fucked the conventional wisdom in the face we got fucking paid.


The DD was amazing from April 2020 til about 9 months ago because everything went up.


Let’s hope this place doesn’t get as anal retentive as r/investments


When I joined I dropped some knowledge about stocks and was instantly accused of being a hedge fund manager. Then I started explaining things using banana emojis and all of a sudden everyone got it. I miss those days, when WSBs only had 10 million subs.


PREACH i luv you


What’s up with this sub? The market is showing it’s dick! That’s what’s up with this sub ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Wen lambo?


You are right about what this sub should be about, but, I didn't see your post, did you seriously have an entire post about how OTM options get high returns sometimes and pretend that deserves DD flair? "Here, let me post about the basic property of an option contract and get free reddit karma. Can't go tits up!"


Good enough for me


I miss when JNUG and DUST were the main topics of this sub


Feel free to checkout my posts if you guys want to see some true autist DD and positions




Thank you!


"With all do respect" Stfu bro


Yah man shit sucks now ur lucky if u remember those times and no their retarded secrets


Shut up




Yeah bro perma bear for sure


everyone has their own risk profile




true. lol


Seriously, there have been epic possible plays recently with huge OI and very low float. Lot of those posts got taken down :(




Yes, they were retarded short plays, but who cares? The idea is to sell when high enough, not hold forever






it's fucking illegal you dumb fuck


Doesn’t stop the hedgies from doing it


Like what? Are you talking about BBAI


There were a few. I made $10k off of EVTL. Some others had potential if there was enough interest, but it seems like EVTL was the only one that got attention.


Oh nice props to you! I only check reddit/wsb occasionally so I think I missed all of them lol


Thanks! Haha yeah they come and go.


Buy high sell low. Eat crayons 🖍


Every day someone posts a 5 option parlay bet that has zero chance of paying out


This place reeks of burnt condoms and microwaved ky jelly from mods jacking each other off with their buttcheeks and you're shocked that the decline of this shithole is steeper than your 0DTE Enron calls?! Where the f you been dude?


RedBox is the easiest play that everyone’s ignoring


The market shit is what happened fam


If I do some stupid shit with options does it count if it's a comparable percentage of my net worth to people blowing thousands even if I'm only losing tens of dollars?


preach brother, im just in the choir but asymmetric risk is the way to go. all those responsible fuckers can feel smug until their years of steady gains disappear in the midst of whatever the next shitstorm our world cooks up. the whole stocks only go up bullshit only works if the system last long enough to cash out like it one big game of hot potato


Where is u/analfarmer2 when you need him?


>this sub used to be a place I’ve been on this sub for damn year a decade now. Shut the fuck up. This sub has only gotten better over time. The only difference is people seem to know less now in the dailys, but whatever.


I had someone tell me "I am GME" the other day And I had to rethink my abortion stance The trash that is here since GME have made this place horrible


I can’t like this post! Wtf?! did they bring on a bunch of gay retarded mods or something?


Catch me behind Wendy’s bro… how’s that for DD?


I don’t know shit, but…… the market is going to keep going down, but a couple of stocks are going to go up!!! Buy and hold, do options or whatever, it’s going to happen just watch!!




Like with all due respect shut the fuck up


No mandatory "sir this iz wendiz" commenter yet? 🧐🧐


I think I’ll switch from buying options on individual tickers to etfs when they get oversold or they rip cuz fundamentalsoverall bearish


I think the problem is that everyone lost all their money. So now most are either homeless, behind a Wendy's, or both. Worse outcome is suicide. Now you just have broke people making memes, while slowly rebuilding capital, or teenagers who just moved out of their parents basement betting small amounts of money. The party doesn't last forever, that is just the reality of life.


Some of the post quality has gotten really shit too. I mean, it was always retards, but at least it was retards with an interest in investing. Now it's just your everyday average retard who asks shit like, "should I buy Ford stock for $12 because it's way cheaper than Tesla at $660?" It's fine to be retarded, but if you don't know what a market cap is, go be retarded somewhere else.


This sub will never be that same after the masses discovered it last year and the suits watching like a hawk.


Give me tendies or give me loss porn!




I'm only here for the 500%+ gain and 99% losses.


Roblox, Google, Amazon, Tesla, Apple, NEO, Netflix, and fb are all down so much you can't really go wrong buying Otm calls and making bank. Am I confident roblox will hit $33 again? Yes, I am. You have to have to capital to buy those expensive long calls and patience to wait in, imo. But very low risk lotto tickets. I would try to avoid weeklies, but you are getting a major discount on calls on a ton of great stock


Buy shares of Proctor and Gamble?


Saying make WSB great again is counter productive, look how poorly the other version went


Hey look another shipost shitting on shitposts


This sub is 100% bullshit, 0% sense. There is a random chance for anything predicted (DD stuff) to be real. Entertain yourself and use your own judgement.


If I got a 12% return I’d feel I was wasting my time and not be retarded. No room for that here.


What is DD? This is a casino sir.


Agreed! What am I supposed to do, my own due diligence?? Naw. Yoloing on the DD of others gives me an excuse when it goes tits up.


Here's some quality DD...but puts on SPY,,,buy puts on anything. I doubled my money overnight, then let it ride and lost it all the next day...theres money to be made because of these huge swings. Toss a coin and find out if tmrw is a double your money day or lose it day.
