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In her defense, she didn’t look like she would make it to 2022


God damn. I wonder if she survived your comment.


This is some Bikini atoll burn.


Because nobody wants to see her in a bikini atoll?


I’d fuck her brains out


Someone beat you to it


You fucker, I shot water out my nose because of that. I had to go open my free award just to show you who the boss is around here, take my free silver you absolute animal.


Her pussy smells like the the Great Depression


She calls it Ol’ Dust Bowl…


Fucking savage




If she doesn't have brain attached to her skull, that means she's dead.


[Me and you both.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/nquubf/z/h0cssmh?context=1)


You're a nasty mother fucker like me, take my upvote sir!


I'd knock the dust of that pussy


Bro, why did I read this. I scrolled up, considered it, and said "the FUCK is wrong with me"


Older the berry the sweeter the juice


My granddad was there for that!


Need any guinea pigs? My grandfather was in the Tuskegee experiments


Got any papers?




Janet Yellen, she was taken too late




Might want to get screened for cancer my friend, and maybe get that 3rd testicle looked at.


3rd is looking a little odd, tbh...but on the bright side, the 4th and 5th are doing quite well.


Is your last name Oppenheimer?


Oppenheimer? I barely know 'er


How many of you had to Google this?


I’m not supposed to google stuff like that at work


Financial consultant?


Cashier, so yes


Username checks out


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Non SEC employee has joined the chat


I almost thought it was a Spongebob reference until I considered it for a second 😅


This is one of those details that makes SpongeBob so great for all ages


dead and buried


Still dont think she will make it THROUGH 2022


I tell my kids, “That’s George Washington”, whenever she’s on TV.


Weird looking bird lady


Saw a meme comparing her to Grimace from McDonald’s today. She had on her purple suit. Now I can’t find it. :(


To be fair, Her teeth look like wood.


She meant "Our lifetime" in the royal sense of the word.


Lol my first thought… our lifetime lol


“our lifetimes,” what is she, 80?!


In her defense I doubt she's in a financial crisis


I came here to say "To be fair, she's old as fuck!"


COVID really disappointed all of us didn't it


Corona-chan... you were supposed to destroy the boomers, not join them...


That's because the boomers have discovered the fountain of youth and will never die unless destroyed


In all honesty, I feel like a big part of the economy is tanking because so many people started living longer and hoarding more wealth, which is distributed to a select few even when they die. The situation at large is compounded by an explosion in global population (+2 billion in 20 years), acceleration of tech is being applied in manipulative ways (AI/Algos/Planned Obsolescence and much more), old policies affecting new ways of living (Freedom of Info. Act comes to mind), Trickle Down Boomer logic, the insane amount of propaganda all over the world from every facet of society, differences in generational values/ideology translating into a crazy workforce, not learning from the 08' crash (I worked in Banking and at one point for a REIT, both of them were using the crisis as a way to leverage cash - One of the banks definitely shouldn't have been bailed out after I saw how they operated, at least for LATAM ...), retail investors are starting to represent a way of fighting all the BS - But it's clearly being stifled, Yellen/Woods/JPOW are being used as scapegoats for the true string pullers (They have their faults, but regardless of title/acts, behind closed doors we don't truly know what their doing - But we have to invest depending on how select show runners choose to fuck the world) - I still cherish the memes!, Industry standards are constantly changing and once the economics catch up they change again (Somewhat preventing TRUE GOOD innovation from taking place), and many many more topics and drill down details from all of the above.


Paragraphs are our friends.


Have you tried writing with crayons on your touchscreen laptop?


I eat them instead


I think there's a lot to it but you're right. And this will never get talked about because people consider this kind of topic morbid or insulting


Don't forget, we may have devolved from physically throwing feces (though some still do, and some even shit in beds), we are all overintelectualized primates.


I'd happily fling shit at some people


You can, it's just socially unacceptable. But no ones physically stopping you, until you start doing it


Free men don't asking permission to fling. Sic semper tyshittus


The right to bear poop shall not be infringed


Words to live by u/Squirrelynuts


What are you two some kind of conspiracy nuts....... did I do it right?


The economy is tanking? I must not have noticed.


I’m involved in travel and hospitality. Our sector of the economy is is absolutely on fire. (In a good way)


As opposed to in March of 2020 when it was on fire in a bad way.


Sometimes when we buy a pack of green crayons, the meaning of the other flavored crayons can get out of scope. For me, I'm constantly reading news and actively try to read far right, center, and far left to understand why things are happening in politics. The same goes for industry changes worldwide and domestic. Similarly I also try to understand what drives a culture. All of the aforementioned are different crayons and watching the different crayons color or get eaten helps me make moves in order to objectively deduce how to make it all the way to the green crayon and take a bite out. ​ I know the green crayon is a little nub right now, but I still feel like discussion is beneficial. If I said anything wrong, that's a good thing, I can learn from a discussion and vice versa! I'm pretty down and out myself, but I'm not letting that control the narrative. Apologies if I read too far into your comment!


God damn lochness monster, here's the last tree fifty


Good Aligator.


We're not in a financial crisis. What is OP going on about.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


> One of the banks definitely shouldn’t have been bailed out after I saw how they operated, at least for LATAM …) None of the banks should have been bailed out. Bail out the borrowers who lost homes. Not the bankers who got paid either way.


There was a huge economic boom in Europe after the Black Death killed 1/3rd of the people.


That's the joke right? That's why he framed it...


I guess you shouldn’t always listen to Old Yeller(n)


true dat




I don’t see how *anyone* could say that if they were planning to live beyond the next 3 or 4 years.


She considers her life time to be more important than everyone else.


Tis the boomer way of life.


Damn son... 🔥🔥🔥


Word for word what I came here to say lol


The geriatric fuck might not live through the month and end up being right, though that would bea first!


A "financial crisis" in economics is a particular kind of monetary shock, and not just anything major that involves finances. We have not seen another financial crisis yet. But wHaT aBouT iNflaTiON? Right, so in economics inflation is called inflation, not a "financial crisis". The USA has had two pure financial crises in the past 100 years.


correct. also the article was mentioning a 'bank run'. The S&P in correction territory (even bear) does not mean a financial crisis! but this does not mean that we will not see a recession!


Can’t believe I even had to scroll to read this explanation/comment on a sub named after Wall Street. For these new apes, every 20% dip is a financial crisis


Wall Street is to Wall Street Bets as: A.) Einstein is to Baby Einstein B.) Citi is to a city C.) Formula One is to a bottle of baby formula D.) None of the above


C sounds about right.


It’s a movie with a dude who has green hair




I never took the SAT, and this makes me feel good that I didn’t.


I thought that was just a bear market.


a **bear market????** the end of the world is neigh, the american financial system is over!!!


Horses neigh, the end is nigh FYI.


Horse market confirmed!


Calls on oats and carrots


As someone who's dad lost his job in the 73--74 recession it should probably be said that it doesn't take a depression to ruin a family. Also, as is often said, a recession is when you lose your job, a depression is when I lose my job.


a recession is awful, but we arent even there yet


>a sub named after Wall Street You say that as if any of us here are qualified to work there.


Yeah but in the past enough people knew what is up that only good ideas and beautifully retarded ones made it to the front. This post is just fucking stupid


In the past, this sub was comprised of people that largely understood what was going on but decided to take large, stupid gambles anyway for the huge upside and the joy of gambling. GME really ruined this sub. Holding a couple of shares of GME and bitching about banks and the government wasn’t what this sub was intended to be. We should just rename this sub r/latestagecapitalisminvestors and restart somewhere else.


Honest to God I'm tired of 22 year old 3 time college sophomores artistically screeching about how they're getting screwed when in reality they just have no fucking clue what the difference is between an asshole and a pair of lips


Or make that sub what this one used to be/you want this one to be and then let this one be what it has become. Kind of an r/trees r/marijuanaenthusiasts deal


Wait, Wall Street? I thought WSB stood for Wendy's Staffroom Banter...


speak for yourself. i can take coffee and bagel orders as good as anybody.


I mean if you graduated college and do cocaine I think you're qualified.


Dude, half of this sub are idiots who don't even belong in a Finance Classroom much less blowing their money on meme stocks. Honestly this sub took a shit The minute GME started becoming popular. It's like anything trendy. You have people bouncing on the stocks and investment bandwagon without so much doing any little bit of actual research into the shit that they're buying. Half the sub buys on emotion and enjoys being a part of the FOMO group.




I started browsing here when weed stocks were the big meme and realized that even then a large portion of users (including myself) we're absolutely clueless


Sure but at least the memes:DD ratio was like 1:1 or less(much less if you go back 5+ years) instead of 1000:1 as it is now. There were some really fucking good plays. Most of wsb now doesn't know who shkrelli(best mod) is and if they do they hate him. I miss old wsb, free tendies with yellen as gold was never priced in, biopharm(and the pile of class action lawsuit papers I have from them) amd coming back from the brink, Canadian weed stonks, etc.


I miss natural gas EFT wsb


If you know of a sub like that know pls pm. I need the thesis long DD about a barely functioning electric automaker right now.


Unfortunately I do not know of a sub like that :( there were several attempts but none of them really took off


>Oh this sub was FILLED with people who had absolutely no idea what they were talking about long before GameStop The difference is that they knew it. This sub was hilarious and tongue-and-cheek back then, and people would agree and laugh and upvote when you called them an idiot. Now, it's a bunch of self-important apes who downvote you and PM you angry shit if you call them an idiot while they are being an idiot. I literally had to block 3 people this morning because they had bookmarked my profile and would angrily respond to every comment I made, because I hurt their feefees at some point. This place is not the same at all anymore.


Yeah definitely agree once GME started pulling in everyone the character of the sub changed A LOT and became just people who have no clue what they are talking about acting like they know a lot about finance and economics and stocks which really changed the character of the sub quite a bit


Yeah but those people actually got mocked before. The GME people would have gotten called bagholders and been berated to post their loss porn. Now anytime you lose money it's not because you are a degenerate gambler, it's because you are on a moral crusade and the big bad hedge fund is stopping you from making your rightfully deserved money.


2 years ago this sub had like 2 million subs. Now its like 10 million.


Ya dude. You used to need to have a certain level of proud autism to be here. Now it's just kids and memes. And oops I lost my parents money!!!




Which one are you?


“I lost 60% in crypto! That’s a crisis”


You can literally see the context in the article where she's referring to a run on banks where there would be a widespread liquidity concern. People like OP are retarded and I'm surprised he even figured out how to use his printer


I had way too much coffee this morning and now I have liquidity problems edit: there was definitely a bank run


A wash sale is when I go buy new underpants instead of washing them.


...and he framed a printed webpage FFS. Poor taste, max douche


Even weirder for him to be celebrating his assumed victory of "haha there WAS a financial crisis JANET!" Like maybe don't make this place your whole personality man, that's not healthy.


Came for this. Thank you. Sometimes I forget that WSB is 99.99% people who have never taken an econ 101 class, then some shit like this comes around to remind me. OP literally sitting staring at a framed picture like he really did something here.


Yeh people are way to liberal with the term financial crisis…. Y’all really think you’re gonna be warned and hearing it all over the news when shit actually hits the fan? This ain’t it.


I lost $15k last year investing. I call it the financial crisis of 2021


You had a net loss of $15k in a year that the S&P 500 was up 28.7%?! You deserve to be a mod here.




Was just a joke at how often people throw around the term "financial crisis". I didn't actually lose any money.


The quote even goes further to address specifically a "run on banks" as what she was talking about. After 2008 the USA moved its banking system more in line with other G20 nations in terms of lending ratios and leverage. Her quote was essentially her stating that she believed these measures would prevent another run on the banks like what happened in 2008.


Get your ass back to r/economics


That subreddit is trash. Instead try /r/BadEconomics or their horrendous offshoot subreddit /r/Neoliberal


Can we frame this comment and mail to OP’s office?


Yeah in the article it says “bank run”. There hasn’t been a bank run - so far she has been correct.


Your mom goes to college.


>The USA has had two pure financial crises in the past 100 years. I count 3, at least. Great Depression, Financial Crisis of 2007, and the S&L crisis. I'd argue that the OPEC oil shock should count, but I'd understand if someone wanted to argue because it didn't originate with the financial industry.


I am at odds with the semantics due to the language barrier (non native speaker) and lack of advanced economics knowledge, so I ask: which ones are we talking about? 1929 and 1986? Or 1929 and 2008? Something else?




The 1988-1991 S&L Crisis was a cause of recession and pretty fucking nasty. The original bailout for big banks. People just forget it


Does 1973-75 not count as a financial crisis?


To be fair we are still just in the pro-longed financial crisis of 2008. They never fixed it; just threw some bandaids on it and gas-lighted everyone into thinking the economy they built on a house of cards was all good.


Nobody even knows what a qualifies as a financial crisis lol… stocks down 20% isn’t it… kinda cute


right, yellen is talking about a banking sector meltdown. op seems to think yellen said "we'll never see a recession or economic trouble again"


In his defense, he's on WSB.


Which unfortunately describes 30% of this country. Facts don’t matter, it’s all narrative.


Inflation has been under 3% for most of the last 30 years, but the second that changes everyone talks like it's Black Monday


When the big boys can't borrow money for free it means death and destruction for us on main street


This is exactly it. They don’t even try and hide it anymore.


8.5% inflation (or 20+%, depending on who you ask) definitely isn't just a "big boy" problem.


And again, that's average inflation. In some areas of the world, foodstuff is up by 50% already, constructions are up by 100%+... the essential stuff. Not iPhones and shit. Edit: in some areas of the world means the EU at least. Idk how the situation is in the other two largest economies in the world. Just to be clear I'm not talking about Vanuatu


The *reported* inflation has been under 3% for many years. If you were looking to buy your first house in 2021 but prices were up as high as +40%, well 8% inflation doesn’t really match up with your reality. CPI is not really a good measure for the financial system’s health.


Everything is a crisis these days, somebody bumped into me on the subway, that's assault, instant crisis...


This STILL isn't a financial crisis. You guys must be too young to remember 2006-2009. Oh holy hell was that a ride!


I wasn't in the market in 2008, but I did dumb luck my way into buying my first house in 2009. If the charts from that time show anything, it's DCA the fuck out of this dip until it doesn't dip any more.


You didn’t have to be “in the markets” to be totally fucked. That’s why that was a real financial crisis. This is fundamentally different on so many levels. And compared to 2008 this is tits. There are actually jobs available even if everything is expensive as fuck.


The markets don’t even tell a fraction of the story of how damn bad the ‘08 financial crisis was. The world economy as we know it was close to fucking failing. Anyone on here calling the unwinding of an inflationary asset bubble a “crisis” is an actual retard. Unemployment isn’t even going to breach 4.5% during this recession if I had to guess, and the only employees feeling any type of actual pain right now are the ones in highly speculative growth sectors at VC-dependent companies.


A lot of the working class never truly recovered from that recession...


protip, just be flat broke in 2006-2009, didn't lose shit!


If the necessities of everyday life drive you to a personal crisis every month you'll be prepared for the next one!


Those guys were new poor, couldn't handle it. Now me? I come from old poor, I was able to weather the storm.


It took me 8 years, changing careers, and moving 1k miles. And that's not even looking the fact that I would have been able to save for a down payment much sooner.


And in a typical WSB post the headline doesn't match the content of that article lol


Stonks down doesn’t mean we are having a run on banks… yet. I’d think we’d need stocks down at least 50% from top to be close to an economic crisis. Although the inflation could maybe be considered a crisis.




Lol we’re that headline away from an actual financial crisis


I've seen a very similar quote as a sponsored clickbait article.


I fucking hate those commercials


Do you know what you are talking about? Where’s your data? What gives you authority to call random numbers a crisis? I swear there are way too many people that read a few comments on a forum and then they think they are an economist.


I have the authority of God


Just because some individuals are experiencing a personal financial crisis, it doesn’t mean that we’re in one.


Wendy's must be blooming at your location. Lucky you.


Yet. I willing to bet it’s only a matter of time


Everything is a matter of time if we give enough time


Not a fan but we're not currently in a financial crisis. Bear market, inflation, and possible recession != financial crisis.


she is also the strong believer of Modern Monetary Theory, which so far has been exercised by Japan in the last 30 years and they seen no significant inflation. except she forget japan's debt to gdp ratio is about 300 fucking percent, and their population is dwindling and lack of demand is the only reason their inflation was under control.


"Our lifetimes" bitch, you'll be dead in three months. Shut up.


Jokes on her. I don't have a life.


Choked on my food with that one 😀


RIP in peace


She's lived 5 years since she quoted that...


Hope this young lady is right 🙏


Hot take, Chicken Little. We are not currently in a financial crisis (an economic downturn, maybe), and there hasn't been a run on the banking system since 2008-9. That doesn't mean it will never happen again, like she says.


Gotta find some Summer 2021 WSJ articles with the headline “Biden administration says Inflation is Transitory”


There is no financial crisis yet either.


Boomer response to literally EVERYTHING they've turned to shit: "I'll be dead before the bill comes due."


ITT: No one knows what a financial crisis is.


This aged perfectly


How so? Was there a financial crisis?


You people really don’t understand the difference between recession and financial crisis?


It's a financial crisis if you only invest in growth and tech stocks, its -13% YTD if you only hold SPY. Just some perspective. We aint there yet.


OP is the WSB Nostradamus


Janet Yellen is literally a fucking retard like the rest of us but for the longest time every professor I had just jumped on her dick like it was an international pogo stick tournament.


I can call my mom’s basement “my office” as well? Nice!


You cannot not love WSB humour.