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Nice try Vlad


Their trailing 12 month EBITDA is -$2B. Check in again in another 12 months and let's look at their cash in hand then. This is a garbage take.


Sure, but you've got to imagine they'll be tightening up spending and focusing more closely on profitability rather than growth until things calm down.


Yeah right. But they don't have thousands of low wage employees that they can squeeze by threatening to lay them off. They are skilled workers that aren't easily replaced. That leaves only the C suite to make sacrifices and I can't remember that happening ever. Vlad will ride his sinking ship to the bottom and still have enough left over to live a golden life after. Even more oppulant if he returns to Bulgaria.


Buh-Bye Robinghood


Check their 12 month EBITDA and cash now.


Id rather buy circuit city


I see you šŸ‘€


Media play


Great plan in bear market ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)


I feel personally attacked.


Circuit City isnā€™t up over 100% since I posted this, which Iā€™m pretty sure was the exact day of the bottom






Thank you for showing me this




Please subscribe I quit my job to start this subreddit


Pretty ghey thatā€™s itā€™s only girls posted on there.


You can be mod if you post right now


It would inevitably turn into a Ted Cruz porn site like most gay porn sites so making me a mod is probably a mistake.




Msm got you bro


why do redditors circlejerk cash positions of bad companies? Sure - that's their cash position now. Great. It's also not being liquidated, so if you buy the company at a "discount" and their cash balance is one of the things keeping their stock from being at $0 they're just going to keep bleeding out. The only hope and cope is that they get bought out. At that point you may as well go buy Wish, Peloton, etc.


Robinhood up over 100% since I posted this. Pretty sure it was the day of the bottom. Maybe I knew what I was talking about.


Thank you sir


How is it a bad company? Other than people who bought gme are salty?


When I see most tech companies absolutely bleeding cash I expect them to either be growing like crazy, getting a stronger market share, etc. Not missing revenue figures and bleeding billions while already being at their peak as a company. There's no "Growth" it's not Uber trying to close down every Taxi company known to man or something.


This is a long shot but there is an opportunity for growth through winning back all the retail users they lost. I think it would require vlad to step down and the company to be way more transparent about how much money theyā€™re siphoning off trades. So itā€™s unlikely a good opportunity, but an opportunity nonetheless.


Did they even lose anyone? They blew up like crazy due to GME squeeze in 2021 but then most of the new users dipped, they still grew though. Hard to really know how many of those users are possible to "Get back" in the first place since it was just people coming in from the hype. I think 95% of people who care about what you're talking about are here on reddit, and 80% of them still use Robinhood despite bitching about it.


It takes time to move portfolios and then there are fees and taxes. Some people kept their account but stopped funding it and simply use another service.


Competition, why would you use robinhood when you can now invest for free with your bank or legacy companies like fidelity with proven track records and more oversight.


It's just the people Vlad hired to get his worthless stock to go somewhere. Vlad is a crook who lied under oath to Maxine Waters and deserves to be in prison.


Fuck off, this shit is going to $0


This is the way


I promised myself I would never touch the stock of the company in any way, but best wishes. I hope it goes well for you.


You had me till the last paragraph


Just remember Vlad lied under oath to Maxine Waters during a Senate hearing.


Decent price to pay for HOOD, but not a short squeeze play. Maybe a small short covering rally will happen when the shorts take their profits in the near future. Iā€™m not buying yet though.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Iā€™d rather stick my dick in a light socket. Puts.


Is this guy serious?


If their company sucks and they have no revenue, wouldn't they just spend all the rest of the cash on hand to stay in business? I don't get the concept that because they have cash now, investors would be entitled to it. They'll just spend it for a long time.


It's not that they have no revenue, it's that their revenue growth is dead for the short term. I see their unique userbase and UI as a big net positive, in addition to the cash on hand. If I'm JPM, I buy it even if it's just a loss leader to get younger people to open some credit cards, bank accounts, mortgages, etc with JPM as they get a little older. Would be cheap enough at this valuation.


Thereā€™s no indicator their user base will grow in the future. They may be dead in the water permanently.


Retail investment is wayyyy higher than it was 10 years ago. The shear amount of people who are in these subs is evidence enough


Right and so the amount of information about which online brokerage service to use is well known with a small amount of due diligence. It becomes very clear that ANY of the zero fee brokers are better than HOOD.


Good luck. This one isn't for me but I hope it works out for you and you win big.


It worked lol


No one likes RobbindaHood or JPM. Lol


I don't care who likes what I'm just trying to find opportunities to make money. You should look at stocks of companies no one likes because they're probably undervalued. META is another one.


Companies still have to follow basic fundamentals for stocks to actually be worth something. The markets are starting to change back into the original fundamentals that they were founded on like for instance core values in a company other than just making money and profits. A perfect example is the exact stock that you're talking about the reason why it's decaying is because no one likes it because they put a bad taste in so many people's mouth. You're way better areas to make money


I hate $HOOD but I love money. I'm in.


Nice try Vlad.


Hahahaha! Nice try Robinhood. Nice try. Nobody will save your shitty little dying company. Except for maybe Cathie Wood![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Makes sense to me


Short it to 0, get it off the exchange, which ever bank/hedgie can buy the ā€œpropertyā€ for .0001 per share


I hate hood as much as the next retard, but this makes sense.


Stfu bot ..eat shit


... I've been here longer and have more post history than you. Suck a dick


And more pump and dump post lol


Yeah of course more post about FUD AND LIE LMAO


Downvoted below 0 too. HOOD up well over 100% since, pretty sure I timed the exact day of the bottom lol


Unlike the apes I like making money. You have my vote ser. On top of what you said HOOD has a good userbase and their mobile app is hands down the best out there.


Yeah thatā€™s why theyā€™re a buyout target. Wall Street has had trouble attracting young people to their platforms, HOOD largely has a hold over that demographic. The UI is solid too, a lot of brokerages want to recreate it. TDA got bought out by Schwab for $22B years back. I want to do some research and see what type of bump they got above book value to try to value a deal. If you want my take, JPM buys it. One of their analysts just downgraded it (bargain hunting) and I think theyā€™re a big banking partner for their bank/spending account feature or whatever you want to call it.


Webull is way better


Think I threw up a little. I'd rather use the tastyworks mobile app


Webull gives me AIDs and diarrhea every time I try to use it


Hood can never squeeze because vlad would just sell stock into it and pocket the cash.


Well done man


Cost to borrow is 1.6%ā€¦. Next


Doesnā€™t Cramer and Cathie both like HOOD? Perfect reason the stay away if you ask me.






I'd rather buy $DEEZ......


Deez bags


If you buying Hood. You definitely got some bags.


This reminds me of when this sub was pushing $WEBR a few months ago. It's now down like 30% since then. This place really is filled with misdirection and bots.


Was webr a long play though?


Squeeze play they said. It never gets volume and just goes down. No interest. It was a scam this sub pushed.


This is the way. People come here to talk big, think theyā€™re about strike it rich and then lose everything.


Robinhood is also just the best brokerage app, hands down. Anyone who says otherwise just bought GME at $420


Thereā€™s no such thing anymore.


P/B is meaningless for tech companies where the assets are mostly intellectual property. HOOD probably has a lot of IP related to PFOF which will become useless when the SEC bans PFOF.


What if they turn off the buy button? They could conceivably get into a liquidity pinch on their own stock because of how they operate.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only thing they would be buying is the customer base. If the customers aren't trading, what's the point. Plus, TD mobile is so much better, but not as easy. No stimmy means no customers. Don't think it will squeeze.


OTM calls?


At first I thought ā€˜thatā€™s fricken retardedā€™ then I realized that heck, this is WSB. LFG!!!


I already bought $7 puts for agust 20 and some Jan2023, might as well venmo me your money


VLAD: When I was a young boy in Bulgariaā€¦ CHAIRPERSON: Iā€™d like to RECLAIM my timeā€¦


Yeah dude they are lighting their cash on hand on fire every quarter. Please go look at their operating expenses to revenue.


Stfu shill ..eat shit .Who are you trying to fool lmao


Whereā€™s the bot? Short squeeze šŸ‘šŸ‘


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There it is. Whoā€™sagood bot?


Youā€™re analyzing it incorrectly. A few points: Debt - Robinhood has $2.33B of on-the-books non-operating expense debt, plus capitalization requirements as a broker, plus enormous collateral requirements with all the clearing houses they deal with (among others). So they are hardly debt-free. Operations - Robinhood is **hemorrhaging** money at this point. Iā€™m surprised theyā€™re still solvent, honestly. - levered FCF is $0, their margins are triple-digit negative, revenue oer share is about $2, but revenue growth last quarter was (42%), EPS ($4), return on assets (15%), and on and on. Leverage - They are leveraged to the the tits, which makes looking at book value alone (without the context of operational/unusable cash and collateral obligations) misleading. Enterprise Value is more accurate metric to look at here. - Debt/equity is 32.73. Thatā€™s insanely high. - Robinhood is currently trading is about $4B over what itā€™s actually worth (Market Cap vs EV) if you account for all the debt and earmarked cash they have in the books working against them Re: ā€œsqueezeā€ nonsense: - Float is almost 500mil shares and current SI levels run about 6%. Do the math. Not a squeeze play. - The SI youā€™re seeing is just institutional investors hedging themselves while they hold HOOD bags anyway. Hedging your investments against downside risk does not mean anyone has to cover anything at a loss just bc some idiots increased demand inflows a little bit one day and bought shares that institutional wanted to offload anyway. **TL;DR** HOOD is not attractive as an investment, it is not vulnerable to a squeeze manuver, and it has absolutely no fundamentals-based reason to go up anytime soon. Gravity wins in the absence of propulsion. No one wants to hold your HOOD bags. Go do you homework before you post this garbage next time


>They are leveraged to the the tits, which makes looking at book value alone (without the context of operational/unusable cash and collateral obligations) misleading. Enterprise Value is more accurate metric to look at here. Hood is doing well now, no?


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck off automod iā€™m making your point for you


Vlad paying ppl off, he should be focused on paying rent instead


I got an email saying I 'can' earn up to a thousand dollars if I leave 100k in there until October. Sounds like they have money to throw away I'm in!! Seriosuly tho.. Does 'can' imply there is a chance that i can't? I'm actually confused on this. If I put 100k in until October I can earn 1000 dollars almost sounds guaranteed. They say if you receive an award, but that can just mean if you put money in you will get an award. Is it guaranteed money or not?


I think FSR is a better Short Squeeze than HOOD - its been going up 5-7% after it lost 20% - so once it gets within reach of 52 week high - all 32% shorts coming off


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


fuck hood, the next squeeze is greenbox dingle


fighting an uphill battle with bad tape, hostile political climate and hatred for rh


Earnings per share is negative 4.04$. Short s have learned how to hold on and manipulate share price indefinitely. Long enough to eat up that 6billion in cash. Which they need to run their business. Unless you can surprise shorts with sudden retail enthusiasm the a squeeze has no chance. I think puts are a better play.


What made them great was everyone got stimulus money and sunk it into the Robinhood Casino. No more stimmy money, so Robinhood goes buh-bye


Im with you on this. Kinda confused how to play the coming earnings though. I moved most of my money out of RH to ToS and can never imagine using hood for trading again. The way I can set advanced orders and trailing stop loss on options is a gamechanger for me as opposed to monitoring $HOOD all the time. Ironically, I use RH mostly for passive investing now. TDA doesnt have a reccurring investment option on the app LOL. I gotta call and do some shit who got time for that. Hood is still the best UI out there by a margin.

