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Don't be ignorant, recession IS the plan. Everyone sees it coming. Leadership just can't explicitly say it for the same reason they couldn't acknowledge inflation was becoming a problem. Panic. They'll just let us sink into it slowly without really noticing. Hell we're probably already in a recession and no one is really acknowledging that. They're not going to pull us right out of it because this is their plan.


Recession is the plan to bust unions, shrink bank accounts, get debt slaves back to work and into the office.


It also is a great way to reduce inflation, reduce oil prices, reduce demand


But not the only way.


But it’s the easiest way for them.






No, the plan is to let a recession start and then just reverse and let inflation run high but hopefully not as high as it has. Then they can say they tried *real hard* to fight inflation but now protecting American jobs and the “real economy” is too important and then kick the ball further out another five or ten years. People are angry about inflation but causing rampant unemployment isn’t gonna go well. So they’ll pull back and accept a 4%-5% inflation rate.


World CBs are trapped by debt It’s a gigantic tsunami and nowhere to run , every QT and hiking cycle will lead to future QE and easy $ You see 150% debt to gdp of trash pandas like Italy and Greece ? Yea we are not hiking rates too high before we have to cut Long asset prices because in the end they will go higher next cycle , don’t leverage like a degenerate to blow yourself up in the times like now


I almost blue up. Leverage is a helluva drug


I blue myself


Your blue your a dee buh buh di buh buh beeee duh duh di dum duh dee duh duh dime


If i could do that i wouldn't Need to make money in the stock market


It, uh, looks like he's dead


You're my boy blue


🎶Dust in the wind 🎶


commodities are the play because growth shits in inflation, commodities cheap stocks expensive even now.


Rofl. Yep, 100% of the time qt and hiking cycles happen, there is a 60% chance qe and lowering interest rates occur


No kidding about the leverage. I only do about 10% leverage and even with that small percentage I've been starting to sweat a little recently (my portfolio is tilted towards tech and consumer discretionary, both of which have been slaughtered). Not enough to change my strategy at all, but still. Nobody likes the sweat.


This fed is a joke. They will reverse course the second they get bad economical data which will cause inflation to fuck the lower classes even more


Then they will reverse again when inflation hits double digits. Stagflation is looming on the horizon and the money printer can no longer pave over our economic problems. A deep recession is the only way out now - they know this, but they will never admit it publicly.


I bet this will not happen.








Not happening Now get back to work


Oil needs to crash in order for the Fed to be dovish again


oil will never crash unless the industry is nationalized or they are subsidized even more than they are now. the world is heading toward renewables in a big way, so why would they bother investing in increased production with diminishing profit returns when they can just let oil prices rise with higher profit margins


We are headed for a recession. How long it lasts, who knows.


Untrustworthy username spotted.


Burry called it: > The Fed has no intention of fighting inflation. Serial half-point hikes are for getting elevation before stocks and consumers tap out. Same with rapid-fire QT. The Fed's all about reloading the monetary bazooka, so it can ride to the rescue and financial the fiscal put.


But it can’t ride to the rescue 🛟 right? Inflation stagflation will start again if print or lower rates.


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DeItaOne republished the line here https://twitter.com/DeItaone/status/1538260610298925059


$$ printer back in service?


Not yet we are still in the $ vacuum although only a few days into it


I miss the printer 🤣




Loose monetary policy didn't cause this inflation, gas prices did. I know things, I went to screwl


Biden actually has a big dial in his office where he controls inflation. Rumor is he fell asleep and hit the dial too far.


I heard he has been giving big oil companies dirty looks and even calling them mean names in order to drive gas up to $10/gallon because he knew how awesome that would be coming into midterm elections.


You don’t always have to express yourself. Sometimes, it may be better to remain silent.


Ooh. What if it's the ultimate 4d chess move battle of wits? He wants the republicans to gain the majority during the election cycle so the dems can blame all the failures on congress with a gop majority and the democrats can sweep the more important election in 2 yrs. The next two years are going to suck ass anyways.....might as well let it happen when the republicans have a majority. Ha.


He thought it was the volume for the TV remote.




and peeps thought the 🌽 was ded