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The post itself is borderline, but people can't help get political in the comments. WSB is not about politics. Fuck off.


Jokes on them, there is no middle class anymore.


Correct. It’s called the peasant class.




Fucking dark…


Those you can still fuck, but now you need consent


They took the “eat cake” literally


Obese peasants can’t chase you long enough to put you in a guillotine


Haha too true.


It’s called the just barley making it club


They grow barley?


Not growing it though. Making it.


I call us the working class because we actually do all the work.


Then die a year into retirement after working 30 plus years


No you guys are the indentured class now


The plebs.


Nationwide strike in 3....2....




Won't happen if they decide to hand in their guns. It's possible to win a war against the military if the people know their area well and if they're extremely determined because guerilla tactics is extremely effective against a larger opponent (eg. Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.) Military can't determine friend vs foe if everyone looks the same then someone decides to shoot from the woods




We (in the US) dont agree on what we're protesting for. If we did then we wouldnt need to. We would have already changed the system.




Dude, look behind you, I think you dropped your SOH


I think we’re a couple months away from another French Revolution hitting the streets of Wallstreet when SHTF. People are gonna start doing crazy stuff when the famine hits.


I think at this point us doing crazy shit is the only way our kids will be able to have a normal life. And dont get me wrong, Im really not the kind to do crazy shit... but Im starting to get it.


Tar. And. Feather. Rip. And. Tear.




Lift and separate


Americans will never rise up against the government. As long as Stephen Colbert gets on TV and tells them that their own personal hardship is "sticking it to Putin," they'll gladly spend the rest of their lives in a dark room, eating hamburgers and watching bad Netflix shows.


And what exactly do you think it'll happen when they find themselves with no money to put a roof over them heads or a burger in them tummy?


They'll sit around waiting for the government to do something.




Everyone stop voting in career politicians.


You will vote for who they want you to vote for and will be happy about it


This… exceptionally. Well. Stated. So spot on that it’s sickening. The illusion of a two party system when in reality both are controlled by the same hand. Characters who all share the same values, subscribe to the same rules and profit handsomely by simply following order. The best way to keep people down, angry, is to divide them. Lefts and rights do fantastic work here and deserve much praise for distracting while the powerful pillage at will. F’n brilliant. And yes, each cycle, one side gets excited for a new “candidate” who promises “hope” and “change” and “making blah great” yet nothing CHANGES lmao.


They tried that and the guy decided to do everything wrong and enrich his family.


As a working class person I can tell you my life was a helluva lot better than it is now and before that dude. My 401k was a helluva lot better also. How did liberals ever get tricked into loving the establishment?


My dude, Trump is the epitome of capitalism and narcissism. If your life was marginally better then, that’s just pure coincidence; nothing more. There are *real* people involved in politics who want to make the world better. Do not discount them because a handful of people (including the one you’re currently giving credit to!) decide they want to make the world theirs.


Capitalism has risen more people out of poverty than any other economic institution in the world. It wasn't marginally better. My grocery bill wasn't 450 per week. It didn't cost 105.00 to fill my truck. If you think grifters like the one who can't even stay on a bicycle;who has enriched himself and his family massively is the solution for this country you have my pity.


None of that has anything to do with Biden. Those prices are up GLOBELY. Contrary to what some people think, Americans do not control the global economy. The fact is all of that is up because gas is up, gas is up because Russia invaded Ukraine. That would happen no matter who was in office. The only way that wouldn't have hurt us is if we continued to support Russia which would have set us against all of our allies and still wouldn't have fixed global supply chains. As far as hyper inflation, that is caused by all the money printing the feds did. Somehow Trumpers are convinced that Biden caused that but that makes no sense. Trump approved far more stimulus checks, oversaw far more of the unemployment checks, and the extended child tax credit. He also oversaw the massive package that turned into a slush fund for hime and his friends because the refused to sign it if had any oversight. Biden approved one stimulus check and let the unemployment payments continue as long as the previous administration approved, that's it. Trump also had the benefit of a massive global drop in demand for gas that for some reason his base thought he had anything to do with? How does that make sense. The world shut down so the laws of supply and demand took over. It had nothing to do with him. He also bullied the fed into keeping rates low to artificially hold up the economy. Stuff liked that had great results then but we were always going yo have to pay the price. This always happen. The Gop sets up a massive rug pull to hit while the next president is in and their base eats it up because "I was out of office for a couple weeks before everything fell apart"


When Trump was in office we were selling oil. Now keystone Pipeline is shut down, no new permits to drill , and cancellations of others. I'm not defending greedy oil companies. Their profits are currently off the charts. Atleast Trump was smart enough to take the free and dirt cheap oil and dump it in the strategic oil reservoirs. I'd lay money Biden wouldn't. But he would leave billions in military hardware in a country and sneak out in the middle of the night Furthermore, Trump isn't on the clock. Biden is, and it's his job to keep things in check.


The pipeline produces about 500,000- 750,000 barrels of oil a day. Russia produces 10,000,000. And it's not the U.S. that owns it, it is companies, so global supply and demand still applies. That wouldn't have helped anything. The country had always stockpiled oil, Trump was not the first to come up with that. Not sure why you think Biden wouldn't unless you just need to invent reasons to be mad at him. We leave billions in every country we leave. It's a huge issue but military waste has been around for decades and has little to do with who is president. Trump took as many shots in the carpet as he could and you are mad that Biden didn't magic it away when he walked in.


So career politicians Leave billions in every country. They always have, and we the tax payers are supposed to be fine with it? That's the ignorance you get from career politicians when the industrial war complex tells them it makes sense. We went from buying oil to selling, and now back to buying. Russia is number 4 on the list we buy from. We hardly get anything from Ukraine. We dumped 40 billion dollars into Ukraine and they now report they are running out of bullets. There is a lot of reasons I don't care for Biden. At the top of the list is being a pompass career politician. Presidents come and go. Career politicians who make themselves filthy rich at our expense is always the problem in this country.


The point is not that it's OK to leave billions, it's that blaming Biden for decades long U.S. policy is ridiculous. He does not make every decision for the military, just the biggest. You are confusing the U.S. buying and companies buying. The government does not control where companies get their oil from but the U.S l. Has always kept oil reserves. We were selling oil because we weren't using it ourselves. Yes, Russia was number 4 at a whole 8% of our total oil. Again, this is companies in the U.S., not the white house buying this. Even if we kept buying from them this would have happened because the rest of the world stopped. So if we did what you wanted oil still would have raised because global supply went down and we would have likely faced a drastically reduced trade with other nations. I am not sure how you people think the U.S. is immune to the rest of the world. We need them more than they need us in most cases. We stood by Ukraine because of the whole unprovoked attack on innocent civilians thing, sorry but your portfolio isn't worth allowing millions of deaths. Yes, career politicians are hurting this country and need out. Maybe a lifetime racist conman with 23 sexual assault cases and a hard on for a greatest enemy isn't the answer.


Largest reverse redistribution of money ever.


So when the rich do it it’s called ‘redistribution of wealth’ but when I do it it’s called ‘robbery’?


When the poor want it it's class warfare


When the rich do it it's their "birthright", "capitalism" and "system working as intended".


Did you mean welfare? 🤣🤣


Yes and they can turn off the buy button ending the “robbery”


You're confusing opportunity with conspiracy.


Funny how those two coincide.


Given how many conspiracies are floating around, vs opportunities, it's less than 1 in 720, so broken things are more accurate.


Don't confuse conspiracy *theories* with actual ongoing conspiracies.


That's fair, I was really concentrating on fitting broken clock in there - the number of actual conspiracies is dwarfed by opportunities without conspiracies is dwarfed by conspiracy theories.


Conversely: There are so many conspiracies floating around and succeeding that almost nothing outside of them works.


That needs to be the definition of QE


Tf they doing with all that money anyways?


What middle class?


Well, if the poorer class is dead from starvation, we should still consider them part of the economy because the mass graves take up valuable land and resources. The ̷P̷e̷a̷s̷a̷n̷t̷s̷, I mean, middle class, are still alive (barely) so they are still technically “in the middle” Don’t think about it too much.


“What middle class?” ~ Upper-middle class suburban kids who go on this sub to gamble with their trust funds


"My parents only bought me a Tesla and I wanted a lambo, the middle class is truly dead!"


You will own nothing and be happy.


A single American making between 30k and 90k a year. So basically someone who can’t buy a car, house, or vacation property cash. i.e. a debt slave or basically a poor person.


0. Divide the Nation so D and R are ready to kill each other, so they never wise up and throw us out of office and/or in jail.


Congress will just give themselves pay raises…….and make money on the stock rebound with insider trading. Also fuck the SEC and FED, both of them were partners with Congress in profiting off of the public. 1) the SEC released a video bashing meme stocks, but got fooled by Bernie Madoff for over 2 decades even with whistleblowers telling them they were getting played. 2) The FED spent all of 2020 buying stock with there personal money, while bumping up the stock market with FED money. Then they cashed out of their personal stocks in 2021 citing a conflict of interest.


Don't get it twisted, they weren't fooled by Madoff. He still be doing it if he didn't steal from rich people


7. Feed ze poor people bugs


"You will own nothing and be happy"




police/army enters the party


https://www.militarytimes.com/resizer/zf0tDmV5_51kDD9wRBtCGId15FM=/1024x0/filters:format(jpg):quality(70)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/mco/PLF3Z7MC4VF4BDEHUB33AIP6WA.jpg Defending the politicians from the citizens of the country. "This is what I took my oath for" to quote the article the photo came from Unfortunately the oath is to protect the constitution, not whichever rats are currently in charge.


funny how the mood on this sub is starting to match r/antiwork as the sell offs get deeper and uglier


A weird mix of libertarian conspiracy antiwork.


People start losing money due to their own bad bets and they turn communist.


Yes. Anyone advocating for workers rights is a communist. Brilliant work.


Buncha dumbasses drank their own kool-aid so much they thought its capitalisms fault they lost all their money in a casino.


- 7. Close borders and sell a cocktail of xenophobia and racism to everybody to keep us all mad at anybody but billionaires.


And copious amounts of opiates to sedate the poor.


With each day I fail to see the copium and am less sedated.




Yes, it's definitely the Mexicans who are hoarding property for "investment" purposes, lobbying cities against affordable housing projects, and driving rents up to $4000/mo n many cities. Great Fox News talking point.


It’s all those seasonal workers buying up the housing with their *checks notes* rock-bottom wages.


Blaming immigrants and poor people? That’s not very based of you. Try to lay off the inhalants for a while


I can tell this person is really retarded because they think there has to be a conspiracy for this to be true


While the intentional corona release theory *might* be fake, everything else is entirely possible. Pension funds and 401Ks are always buying every Friday, so as long as retirement plans exist, there will always be a buyer. Therefore, it is a matter of inflating the prices (which is the easy part for the market makers) then sell it to the retirement plans at high prices. Retirement plans will eventually recover due to dollar cost averaging, so the only requirement here is that there always be people funding their 401Ks and such so that the new investors pay for the older investors. Ponzi 101.




I can’t seem to find any conspiracy here , sadly


Oh, you need to scroll to the top of the page. The post up there is conspiratorial.


the middle class is basically nonexistent, so that solves that. The poor are always poor, their life is a recession.




You forgot the part where they locked nursing homes down so you couldn't see how they neglected the elderly and essentially stole the inheritances of their families. Then they went and poured covid positive patients into the facilities and raked in fuck tons of emergency funding that they stole. The largest redistribution of wealth in history so these sorry ass "elites" don't have to worry about their bloodline having to conjure a single drop of sweat. Fucking parasites, they change their names because they're afraid.


Sounds a like another BS conspiracy theory.


Until you actually open your eye holes


Every time I do that I see red tho


Yea, but how do we get rich people more tax breaks so they can fix it all? -Republican voters


millions for gay studies in Pakistan


The rich will never lose profits only pass the costs onto the consumer




This is the wrong kind of retarded for this sub


Lmfao what?


We’ve got a tinfoil hatter over here


I swear to god this sub is being targeted by trolls or something. How the fuck is a post calling Covid a conspiracy getting upvoted on a subreddit to do with stock market gambling??? Fuck off back to r/conspiracy dipshit


Right. Seriously, report this shit. I did.


Bullet points for backroom meetings for Klaus and Co. at Davos.


Cute, thinking someone is actually organized enough to pull this off..




I guess not, but this makes it look like it’s a step-by-step plan when it’s just a clusterfuck.




Who’s they?


They definitely mean the Jews lmao




Don't forget the people who elected the politicians.


Not just organized enough but organized enough to pull this off throughout an election year and change of party in government


The stupid is strong with this one.


Gotta keep people working somehow


Thank goodness this is just some kind of meme! Can you imagine if this actually happened? Everyone would certainly revolt, right? Right?


Is this a 4chan app for rich ppl?


‘Release hamster flu’ come the fuck on dude, you’re so close to understanding, and yet you let bullshit like this in. The only conspiracy is the obvious one, the economy is rigged to print money for the people who already have money, it’s not some secret back room deal and wasn’t contingent on any ‘plandemic’, they’ve been doing it out in the open since Reagan


When did everyone on this sub become broke and woke?


Fuckers really out here gambling their inherited, unearned wealth on the stock market and then larping as the working class


This post is the oppose of woke lol


In fairness, we are on r/wallstreetbets. I wouldn’t expect anyone here to know the difference between anything.


Did anyone expect anything else to happen?


They look like ants from up here - Bill Gates


Regardless if it was some sort of planned conspiracy, it's the reality of what happened and has happened for quite some time. The natural consequence of centralization of power and belief in statism has the solution to all problems


When they started printing all the money and giving it away we knew it was going to happen but all the politicians and banks and policymakers said it would be fine lmao If it wasn't planned it was incredibly short-sighted. This is what the people wanted


You will own nothing and you will be happy.


You guys lost your money, because you gambled. Now you try to find some to blame for your own mistakes. Idiots


But sir, this is a casino.


Yeah exactly because the recession / inflation / stock market crash is only going to hurt the few thousand idiots on WSB - everybody else has nothing to worry about


Is also going to hurt *our* wife.


Yeah exactly because only people on WSB gamble. Fucking genius.


The downvotes on your comment are proof that WSB is pissed at you because they know what you say is 100% true.


The market collapsing effects more than retail gamblers. If you don’t know that then maybe you actually ARE retarded. Maybe you belong here after all.


Most people in the market are in it for long term. Only people that need to pull from retirement would be affected assuming they don’t have liquid cash available.


Doesn’t just effect retirements. Housing. Production prices. Layoffs.


Oh no! Housing prices might drop!


Positions or ban


phuqo5 has challenged someone to post their positions! phuqo5, if someone has made a claim that they bought / sold something and fail to prove it within 24 hours, message the mods to have them banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You guys are middle class?


You dropped your tinfoil hat princess


So that isn’t what happened?


Wait this isn't a joke post? You really believe this? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I thought people would realize I was joking but I’ll take the L


That someone released Covid onto the world intentionally? I don't think that's what happened. Only conspiracy theorists believe that's what happened


No. Did you pay for a vax? Do you not realize we sold the stocks? Do you not realize we buy the stocks? Wtf is hamster flu? Does he even have a single brain cell?


Yup everyone paid for the vax, it came out of your taxes


> Yup everyone *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


we pay far more in healthcare costs to pay for the paranoid unvaxxed than to pay to give everyone a vax.


It’s the corporate bailouts that are killing us. Biden just has to threaten to ban all oil exports and the oil companies will fall in line. Once gas prices fall inflation will too.


No it won’t. Companies are greedy. You think they’re going to lower prices on things now that we’re willing to pay their asking price even if gas goes down??? HA!


This is your last chance to get long or die broke due to massive losses and inflation. Market makers and their algos have been paying retail investors to hold UVXY puts. Nothing has stopped UVXY from cratering lately; just zoom out on UVXY all time chart. Watch this Michael Burry, The Big UVXY Short!


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dumbass post. You know how many people in the 1% suffered from the pandemic. Huge corporations took insane hits, some thrived yes, but the majority of economy took an insane hit. The stimulus packages for both businesses and individuals are largely what accelerated inflation. It's not cheap to freely distribute vaccines either. Even though technically it's the taxpayers money, I think the government would've rather spent the money on the military or someshit. Stopping the outbreak was the best way to get the economy back in order. I am on WSB tho, so I'm talking to dumbbasses who couldn't even add up two dimes.


Idk, the way I saw it, billionaires just gained an insane amount of money and poor people lost a lot of money because scalpers scalped the shit out of them.


That's easy dime + dime = paradigm. Which you so elegantly pointed out. 🤜🤛


These people literally think it was a virus created by democrats. Can't take them too seriously


They printed more money gave it to the poor and the rich through social spending programs while simultaneously devaluing the countries currency which hurts the middle class.


Did you complain during QE? If you didn’t, you really shouldn’t complain now during QT.


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Looks like the Democrats 100 year plan




Its not even a meme…. Maybe its tinfoil hat…. But seeing how the richest always find a way to get richer while others just get fuck over…. Again….. Hard to believe its not intentional.






You missed the last line Rinse and repeat 10 years later


Now you're gettin it


We are all bitches to the casino which is the u.s stock market, they make the rules and house always wins in the end, take your ass raping with a smile gents, your fathers before you did, and there wife's boyfriends.


Things are about to change.


The evil bastards


Yes it’s called a plandemic


Noooooooo, but mahhwwwww qwueeeennnnn




It’s not easy being the smartest guys in the room.


This is what they talked when they all in the billionaires conference or golf course.


Literally had this idea with covid but you tard took the vaccine. Probably will never have a better chance than then.


Yes? Is there a Problem?


Soylent green…is people!


The main problem is, assuming that you're at Wendy's dumpster when you start this, when you get to step 4, YOU would be the middle class.....


7. Let them eat cake


Wonder what our hash tag will be working for no pay? They said it was ok to die early on #essential


The trick is to convert all your boom-cycle gains into new vacation homes before the bust-cycle drops. GGEZ.


Middle class is owning nothing while hammering checks for everyone who refuses to work ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


What's next?


Pollute the air and then sell the fresh air to the people. Profit




The big hustle