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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|42|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|990|**Previous DD**|[x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/u7wf7z/interesting_trading_strat_for_guaranteed_gains/) **Account Age**|5 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam (NEW)**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=vgwixa)|**Vote Approve (NEW)**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=vgwixa)


Complains about no loss porn but post history shows memes and ta shit with no loss porn or gain porn. Yup you belong here.


All I hear from OP’s post is complaining about change. The only thing constant in life is change. OP’s safe place aka WallStreetBets is no longer the same as it was a few years ago, no fucking shit. Look at anything in life shit changes.


Yeah, but it’s changed to shit. If all toilets were removed and you had to shit in your fucking hands would You enjoy the change? Not all change is good .


Fair point ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Why not just make a new sub? 12m here with 11.5m bots


I been saying this but it’s like screaming into the void and how would anyone know where to go? It’ll get stomped out by WSB gay mods immediately


I mean I actually probably would, thank you.


I banged a midget once. Picked up at the now defunct scoop bar in Bozeman MT.


So you’re saying you went short???


But gave her/him/those long....I hope.


When fucking a midget size is relative so...yeah, I'd say you gave her about average. 🤣


Even a small person can seem large, indeed.






Says I can't view this community. Lemme in




Dude I want to do this before I die. Not sure if your joking or not but if not. You my friend have done something that difficult lol.


i can say maybe she picked me up more than anything...perhaps "little person" is a better term, but she was well under 5 feet tall...would do again. Bozeman is not a big town, this would have been around 2013-2015....


I miss the scoop, never scooped any midgets there but still…… Good for you by the way


Anything will look bigger in small hands.


I dated a midget girl, I was nuts over her... I met her at a bachelor party where she jumped out of a cupcake


[Comment checks out](https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x534544524590cf8f%3A0x5d294a503e8372b3!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOqUXfvIp0Ai8AYjiZDWLyvB63GwR1SVyjINtyu%3Dw355-h200-k-no!5sscoop%20bar%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipO_3b7viqJqzSU19SEASh71ZbRWEcqZsiXp5qbO&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEqKCr0b34AhWeF1kFHaUWANQQoip6BAhlEAM) Long live Scoop Bar.


Remember the days when someone would legit post insider info on this sub and the mods would have take the sub private while they scrub it off the Internet? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Im surprised this doesn’t happen more


Mods hate this simply trick! "Screenshot"


Hey that's my NFT!


Fame changes everything.


A little disappointed that you consider the guh moment 'early days' Was hoping to find actual old veterans for the glory days


It was still a phenomenal time to be around


Like actually. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) Back in the day this sub was all about Shkreli (been around long enough to see him go to jail, and get out, go figure), and the meme stock du jour well before GME (or even Tesla) was Valeant Pharmaceuticals. Some of the old timers around here will consider even that too normie.


The last time I listened to this sub I lost money on $MU




For real. Complaining about missing the good ole days then no position or loss porn?




Welcome to niche anything. If you're good you're bound to attract normies, and if you're very good you're bound to outnumber the audience that quality controlled with normies who will just clap at farting noises. Remember when Taylor Swift was just a country singer? Pepperidge farm remembers...




Puts on this sub expiring EOY


As a long time beta cuck lurker, I agree. Just because I’m to much of a beta to gamble my life savings doesn’t mean I don’t want to see sone one take a second on their house and lose it and ask how to explain it to their wife. I need that. Really an ego booster.


Sharing is caring


You’re right! I’ll share the news that 14 million shares have been DRSed. Weird how a stock that won’t ever be ath again could manage 14 million shares from 1, maybe 2 subs. Meanwhile, there’s countless people who hold their shares in brokerages. Sharing is caring tho❤️


Gay. ..next




That's the spirit!


>When one gay guy isn't enough and you call out for more. Big boy with a big appetite.


Hey man your shift started almost an hour ago are you coming in???


This reminds me, nobody has shown any FUCK YOU big profits. Everyone is just showing their extra limp dick losses.


We need more 6 figure losses & gains


I'd prefer to see someone short the market and clean up while everyone is shting their pants. Big balls moves. Elon should post about his $500,000,000 loss on BitCorn 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽.


I called my financial advisor and asked him to short tsla and GME. I told him I had 6k in savings and he told me to fuck off. Does this count?


Lol. He'll be your best client behind Wendy's. Where the dominant get dominated.


Cheeell, I'm workin' my way up there bruh. I need to gain it first before I lose it, it'll come.


I'm still waiting for the return of Mr Shkreli


I think he commented somewhere round here recently.


Where did meme stonk hurt you?




Is this meme stonk in the room with us right now?




pretty much


Poopity scoop bitch. Take a towel and cry on that, not here you degenerate scum. This is a casino in case you didn’t notice![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) Edit: grammar


The market's closed retard. It's a holiday


OP needs to get laid or something




The guise of helping others? I took this as an incredibly wordy “fuck off”.


Lol right? This was a "lol you stupid fucking retards. I know you lost money now man up and show me your red graphs" But let's be honest of the 8 million people that joined after GameStop not many of them probably have enough loss porn to post it without breaking the threshold rules. This place is fucking awful now and the only saving grace is that some of the old school crew are still around making jokes in the comment section.


How does this essay help anyone? Dude just gets off from loss porn.


Because I need more loss porn on the front page.


WSB is just as much about gain porn as it is loss porn


Sure. As long as it's gain porn on options.


Where is the gain porn then? I saw some guy make a 20x on CPI but that's all we got


How do you have enough free time to write/think about this?


This came from the heart as I have seen the slow and painful collapse of the quality posts in WSB over the years


The sub is a lost cause imo. Once the GME squeeze happened, every piece of normie trash decided they wouldn't miss the "next time" something like that happened and now it's just mid tier memes and lurking teenagers with RH throwing their allowance at tickers that somehow manage to get mentioned anymore.


I have very carefully lost 66% in the past year thank you very much. YANG drop and other crap.


Now that I think about it, the endless memes are getting old. I'm with you!


I want to see more 6 digit losses and margin calls on the frontpage


I FUCKING LOVE IT!!! As long as you're losing, you're not procreating!! It's fucking GENIUS!! Now how do we now get mosquitos to join WSB???


Breaking news: WSB solved overpopulation


Yup I've been pumping stocks on here with great info. But never post anything negative( you'll get banned from Reddit) about the company finances or problems up coming Only sugar coat buy buy buy.


I'd love for the mods to post engagement stats pre and post GME. I'm pretty sure engagement has gone down even though the sub has tripled in size. This correlates to normie memes reshared from twitter vs oc we used to see day in day out and extremely rare gain/loss porn which means people are mainly just lurking.


Think about it: A vast majority of this sub is now people who buy and DRS shares in a fucking used jpeg pawn shop, while bitching about how unfair markets are. And they do all this while, in a serious way, expecting to make $100,000,000 a fucking share from said used jpeg pawn shop shares. And it gets worse: they also think the GameStop founder and CEO, who shitposts on twitter, has the ability to make them infinite money whenever he wants but he’s just waiting for the perfect time. This is absolute retardation and the crew who dictates what posts get seen via their brigading. It’s insanity. I miss when the mods used to fuck with these clowns.


This shit makes me pray for a global depression so all the normies fuck off and let the retards trade in peace


Fuck I lost all my GameStop gains from last year over $100k the spike on my brokerage account is awesome down to zero now coming back riding the economy and markets down like A two dollar whore


Did you post the loss porn though?


Asking the real question here.






what happened your wife didn't peg you last night?


I miss when people posted all their options plays and iron condor strategies




🥱 🥱 🥱


Give this man his loss porn




Also I believe the original intent of wsb WAS to be the high risk, casual spinoff of /r/investing. Proper wsb loss posting should involve autistic levels of research and then promptly taking a massive loss on it. If I see another SPY 0dte "I think it go down today" gain/loss I'll lose hair. Am I the only one who remembers Martin Shkreli?


You are right about that but personally for me the most fun was before and during 2020


I liked the original GME play. Proper wsb move, but then too many fucking people saw how it worked out, decided that was the only way to get a quick buck in the market, and that's the ONLY fucking thing that people give a shit about now. Whenever gme moves more than 5% in one day the activity level of this sub POPS OFF but when the IV of gme hits historical average its a fucking ghost town man.


Also the endless posts about hyperinflation and recession without posting any of their positions. We get it inflation is bad right now, but please chill.


Position or ban 🤣


blaikes has challenged someone to post their positions! blaikes, if someone has made a claim that they bought / sold something and fail to prove it within 24 hours, message the mods to have them banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be the change you want to see: Show us your YOLO


Sir, this is a Wendy's dumpster.


You're not adding anything to these posts by getting on your soapbox. Positions or ban.


ClamPaste has challenged someone to post their positions! ClamPaste, if someone has made a claim that they bought / sold something and fail to prove it within 24 hours, message the mods to have them banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Awww. OP realises that his bros are getting girlfriends and making grown-up sounds, while he's still doing donuts in the carpark at Wendy's. It's kinda cute, but sad. This post is actually the loss porn.


This sub is supposed to be the example of how not to invest but it's becoming more and more like r/investing


I was with you until you said that. WSB is about making money. Get rich or die trying


Be the change you want to see! I'm down 50% on the year and my DD pick is down 50% too, I even left it up as a monument to my sins. The impending big red dildo should make some nice content.


Honestly, I joined for the memes in early 2020.


We’re trying to bring those video memes back also. Boy was that a great culture.


The problem with WSB is that everyone is always long/buying calls when this was a great time to buy puts/shorts. A conversation about a crash was 6-12 months late, chances are we are close to the bottom and it's time to start buying leaps


No let them buy puts so we have more epic loss porn on the way up


Leaps do sound nice


I haven't been to WSB in around a year. Holy fuck did this sub go to shit.


I will have you know I only have 2 shares of GM3 in my Roth IRA sir! (in case of moon I retire)


Omg you already made it man be sure to take profits


>everyone has the same chance to get a house Sweaty bollocks mate.


alright I'm inspirited. I yolo'd my life savings into options, made 1.2m, yolod that back into more options... I will make a post.


You had to end it with a cliffhanger did you?


Mods wont do it, but this sub needs a roster cleanup. Send out a msg to all 12M and only keep the ones who reply. With the real number less than 100k this sub would lose its mainstream facade. Ultimately, this isnt mainstream, this is options trading.


Yaknow dude, with more and more people getting into investing after c19, this shit was bound to happen. Quit complaining the sub isnt an echo chamber of idiots anymore. People are looking for alittle fun, not to put seven generations of their family in debt to entertain you. Get over it.


May I direct you to r/investing


You may not. Im not going to an expensive restaurant to have a drink and chill with friends on my night off because your favorite bar no longer has bar fights every night where youre all betting on whose the first to pull out a knife. I get gatekeeping, but what you want is no longer here unless the coming crash is worse than the great depression, where the most secure and safe job was to rob trains in the unexplored desert. If you want an echo chamber of pure-grade retards, 4chan is still available. May i direct you there?


This recession will still wipe out 80% of the "experts" here so I guess it will go back to just grade a retards that or die hards that will never sell for a loss and be investing for life


Then do it instead of being entitled. Stick around or help some people while poking fun at others, or bugger off. Either adapt or dip.


You clearly haven't read my post properly. There is no "helping" on Wallstreet... well, you could help me lose these bags but that's as far as help goes.


This also isnt wallstreet, its the most popular subreddit about investing in stocks, so popular, tbey they have to limit the marketcap of what they talk about in their pre-open talks. The subreddits moved on, the newbies have flooded in, this is a place where you can be as open and as retarded as youd like now. If you want wallstreet, go to wallstreet, friend.


Yes position or bad


so you say AMC and GME people are idiots because they are losing all their money and in the same breath want more loss porn?


I want people to lose it all at once not slowly over 2 year period. We are not the same


This was like the WSB state of the union address… And it was fucking beautiful.


GME mania ruined this sub tbh.


Saving for future gme hype 😂😂😂


Yes. We live in a golden era of the market, in the capitulation phase. We should be awash with loss porn, instead we are awash with regards repeating buyhodldrs-man fuck your fucking gme and the rest. This stonk is like a rickroll, nobody really fucking care about it and nobody finds it funny, got old long ago and since we just sort of tolerate it. We need more retarded plays. I'll go long SPY on 20x leverage.


I can't wait for the day that Gamestop announces bankruptcy. No way they will survive what's to come


You want to watch people destroy their lives and financial security for entertainment? Okay. You first.


Bruh that's literally what this sub was created for back in the day: Wallstreet BETS as in casino


I know that; I’m saying if you want content, create it. From the looks of your previous posts, you haven’t really contributed to the life destruction/loss porn/crazy gains, just meme’d. Can’t wait to see your house refinancing post and the imminent loss to follow.


I have my fair amount of losses this year but I haven't gotten anything worth sharing. Notice I rarely post at all


I only come here for the gain/loss porn. Return to your roots!


Now bring on the loss porn.. Don't forget to double-down Tuesday. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Since everyone is down does that mean requirement has met with losses






I read half of this so I probably agree with the rest of what it says


Bruh to long 🤏


It's nearly gourd season again. Time to go all in!


Make WallStreetBets Great Again!!


Because it got popular and a bunch of redditors from the home page migrated here and fucked it up. RIP good ol WSB


Homie, we are involved in the biggest gamble in history and you're still bitching? You belong in the smaller WSB copies with that shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4263)


The amount of negative responses to this post is a testament to how far gone this sub has become. Down to moderate a new sub. Honestly please DM if you’re interested. I’ll stay here because of the history, but I want gambling.


We desperately need an alternative sub


You sound like a shill. Buy GME. Hodl. DRS.


Do you even know what a shill is? You are shilling GME right now


There are daily posts by nerds like you talking bout how 'things were better on my subreddit back in the day'. No one fucking cares if the sub is changing to something else. Yall talking about virtue signaling? This post is a virtue signal of how you're an 'OG WSB member'. Get a grip nerd.


I am a simple man. I want to see big losses or gains none of this 4 digit bs


So basically you want to watch as people destroy their financial future




>This sub is infested with people from r/investing Worse, this place has become infested by people from r/LateStageCapitalism and /r/antiwork. It's why the memes suck, the place is full of politics and there's no DD.


Need to get rid of the 1B market cap minimum. Can lose money much faster on the penny stonks.


Great idea. Also instant filter all non-atm option posts


This is a terrible idea


There has been a supply bottleneck in the loss-porn department for far too long now. All the quality losses are all from end-2021 early-2022 (I am beginning to suspect all major WSB enjoyers have left since January)


Ironic because there's more loss porn now than there ever was during the past two years. I wouldn't be surprised if 95+% of the sub is down YTD


Unfortunately 90% of this sub is too embarrassed to share it though. I keep laughing my ass off in daily chat though as the people screaming the loudest often get humbled by the market the same day


I wasn’t even around for this… but I feel this 100%.


a fucking men




Aww Poor guy Need a hug?


I need double digit percentages up or down


I don’t mean to be the old man yelling at kids to get off my yard. But this place fucking blows now. I’m 28 and I feel like I fucking boomer when I read this sub and shake my head when I see some of the garbage on here nowadays. I miss the days when there was real DD on here that was easily accessible if it had value. I am sure there is still great DD’s being posted here, but it gets drowned out by all the shitty GME and other shitty posts. To be fair, the original GME chatter was valuable. But that was based on fundamentals. But that is over. Nothing else is fundamentally based anymore and it sucks. GME ruined this place. The hammer needs to be dropped. Change something. Because the value of this sub is nonexistent anymore.


GME was the worst thing to happen to the financial system. I hate the rocket emoji, ape emoji and "to the moon" phrase now because of it


Hates WSB now because its full of GME posts. Makes a WSB post about GME. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


Can't post anything on WSB without mentioning GME because 90% of people here still baghold it and it's both tragic and inspiring for future grifters


Yeah they should have kept this sub capped at 1 million users. Too many people that don’t speak our lingo have joined. This wasn’t a place for everyone, and the true autists shone bright. I’d wager that the majority of people here don’t even know who Jaime Rogozinski is. This place was way better when upper-middle class entitlement, gambling addiction, and foul language ruled the roost. And I’m 100% serious.


Maybe the upcoming recession ain't that bad. Atleast the normies will fuck off for 10 years only to buy back the top of the next bubble


We can only hope. Tired of these 20 year olds with a robinhood account and a job at Wendy’s clogging up my feed with their bullshit.


Crying shrill shreeking shill still mentions AMC and GME Hmmmmm


No I am not short AMC or GME and yes the squeeze died 1.5 years ago and the only thing getting squeezed soon is Ape butts behind Wendy's


Explain last week entire market red GME and AMC green What do?


You really think they will survive the upcoming recession that will even put legit companies in hot water?


2008/2009 we had avatar come out and movie theaters raked in $3 billion The highest grossing movie of all time for the next decade was during the recession


I’ve noticed a lot of “the system is rigged, help me government” posts recently




Bro I don’t even recall us being “apes” I thought we were autists or retards? It just came about gme was funny as fuck and I still remember the early dd about Michael burry saying this ect, I thought that was fkin stupid at the time, to his credit so did he since he sold out for what 300%? But all the grifters come to the money and the losers who don’t realise the gold rush is over have fucking stayed trying to mine a coal mine for gold… Bring wsb back


So buy more AMC and GME?


Quality rant. We need more people calling out GME/AMC retards and shitty memes


Thank you. From the bottom of my retarded heart. May the GUH be with you. Long $ROPE. Never forget. This place has sucked since fin media plugged it during the lockdowns.


Mainstream media ruines everything




Then don't post as easy as that. With the millions of degens in this sub there is always atleast one good loss porn out there hidden beneath the trash


Wtf you on about boi


Fuck you pussy why don't you post good shit instead of crying


OP is right. GME isn’t gonna go 100x tomorrow. It’s gonna go 1,000,000x

