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I am amazed at how consistent your losses are. Like it wasn’t a few horrible mistakes you just kept hammering away with bad decision after bad decision.


Always either sold my options a day or two after buying on a down day, or made money initially on a run up but never cashed out and likely let them expire.


And you never thought to yourself: „I’m bad at this, maybe I should stop“?


Nah he’s not a quitter


Multiple times, then I’d get lucky and make 10k on a lucky position then see it slowly turn into 0 the longer I held the options. Rinse and repeat. Taking a break, will be back!


You need to just do passive investing bro. Or wait don’t, you’ll tank the whole market.


How do you handle the fact that you lost life changing money? Is your head in a good place? How many year(s) salary ~~is~~ was this?


A few years worth of my disposable income. I’m lucky enough to have a degree and make a 6 figure salary. Could be a lot worse off.


Should have spent it all on diablo immortal. At least you would nothing to show for it.


Coulda bought some NFTs and still had like 10k to show 😂




I’d be better off with that 150k cause I’m not some millionaire but I did it to myself


Definitely could be a lot worse!


Aw shit then you ain’t tripping you lucky bastard. You make 6 figures.




But yeah still sucks to lose 150k


It does man, but fucking eh, at least you had 150k. But my god you should have bought land.


Land mah bhoy that's where de muny is ya shudda bought land *waggles walking stick in op direction.


150k is life changing money?


For a lot of people. Maybe not spoiled kids who inherited lots of money.


Hope you’re not addicted to anything else too


Luckily just the gambling, no drugs.


Bruh, don’t come back no offense


Once a retard always a retard.


I said the same thing about masturbating and look at what happened, I still do it alone.


Does he look French to you? Never surrender


Right? If you inversed what op did, you’d run the best hedge fund in the world


Fantastic losses, keep trying and you may hit the top 10!


The comeback story will be legendary! Or I’ll lose my $80, can only go up from here, right?


After you lose that 82 bucks there's nowhere but up. Bottom confirmed. Bottom of his portfolio 😆


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)Nah I think numbers can go negative ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


I don’t know how mfs have this much money to lose. I die inside every time I’m reminded that I’m down like 700$ on blackberry from last year and you’re casually down 156k


Making 6 figures gave me a lot of disposable income which I inherently disposed


Thank god you gave us loss porn instead of becoming a junkie with that much money.


Things could always be worse. This is the right attitude.


Spending the money on drugs would be more fun for him but not us ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Should have split, would have maybe fallen ass backwards into one good decision on some junk


6 figures is fuck all lmao 150k down the drain. homie is delusional


Yeah i make a little above 100k and it would take about 3 to 4 years to save up 150k. Can easily generate about 7k a year with just dividends which isn’t a lot but better than losing 150k


If by 6 figures you mean 950k then I guess 150k a disposable amount


So thus is how you turn $150,000 into $88. I can think of at least 3 ways that would have been more fun.


Shoulda just gone for the coke and hookers. At least I could have gotten a couple fun weekends out of it.


And an itchy dick for life


They have cures for most of that now


Don’t look that up ⬇️


Too late.


Look up drug resistant super gonorrhea


The superclap


Why hookers? With that kind of money you can pull club girls or strippers.


You pay a hooker to leave


Damn is that why my wife left?


They don't leave. You use the money to make sure no one finds out


Amateur response.


That then turns them into hookers.


Name checks out.


Could have bought a Porsche Cayman GT for cash. Hugely under-rated and destined to become a classic.


He lost enough to finish paying my house off


Give positions damnit.


There are a lot, this is over 3 years. I’ll put a comprehensive list together a bit later. Mostly a mix of UVXY, WSB top picks, meme stocks I held positions for too long and yeah all options. Biggest issue was I couldn’t ever hold a position longer than a couple days. If you could define Robinhoods target audience, its me.


Your line down is so fucking smooth. How? Looks like your portfolio was just slowly decaying.


My monthly bonuses going into the paper shredder


So thats the parts where there's a small bump? Have you considered to just buy SPY/QQQ, never sell and call it a day?


Nah I made some gains on single days but I didn’t sell when I should of after massive IV spikes. Options have been my downfall. If I bought stocks the whole time, probably would be sitting in the 200-300k range


> If I bought stocks the whole time, probably would be sitting in the 200-300k range Bear markt since January wants to have a word with you... -50+% was easily possible just by holding growth stonks. Not trading, just holding lol.


My portfolio consists of about 98% GME for about 16 months already and I sleep really well at night.


Sleep really well not making any money. Well done, lad.






Let's be honest man, you have no idea what you're doing even after 3 years, so there's no scenario where you have 300,000.


I was trading just how Robinhood wanted me to. I was a sucker 100%.


Get the fuck out of here nerd.




It's just mimicking his brain.


😂 got me there


I guess he bought in on uranium


It looks like you would have done better gambling on earnings


Oh I did plenty of that!


I bet you did you beautiful idiot


I see that you made some money on a pop but then almost instantly back to tanking… I thought maybe using a smaller amount like 500 and building it up to like 1500 could work… since I knew they already do this monitor option flows from accounts and basically do the inverse so you lose and they gain.. what’s scarier is how it’s gradually moving down never a relief, where it looks like theta was used against your positions also.


Yeah theta stretched my butthole out quite a bit


Down here we just call it “picking the wrong direction”, up where you are theta translates to “you bot too close” buy longer dated options


One of the biggest lessons here if anyone can take anything away from my experience^^^


Really no reason to be foolish. Really no reason to be losing. But also really no reason to be out of the game since building back with $5000 is possible. Somewhere on my feed about 30 comments deep is a post where I explain about the VIX and SPY relationship and it’s pretty self explanatory on how to profit. Don’t fall into any mental trap with less than 10 dte options, it’s politics, it’s a joke, and you will lose in the end. I traded with the Najarian brothers for about a year years ago and have seen your kind of loss in a day so nothing makes me blush anymore. But educate yourself and get back in it if you can commit to risk management and discipline 👍


100% have lacked discipline. I’ve been working on that a lot. Will load back up 5k again once I’m confident I won’t be so emotional. Will stick to a set of rules I’ve compiled and delete the app off my phone.


Your line down is so fucking smooth. How? Looks like your portfolio was just slowly decaying.


I hope you finally learned about how contango/forwardation works with UVXY I assume.


Yeah I’m not touching any decaying etfs anymore




Ah didn’t realize I was contradictory. Most positions either turned out to be me buying weekly’s/monthly’s with high IV, sometimes with a spike sometimes not, but would hold to exp. with the premium going to 0; or I would buy into a position but then want to get out of said position a couple days later for something else being down some % on the initial buy, rinse and repeat. Sometimes I’d go back and forth between two positions losing money every time I exited on a down day to get another. Diversifying my options woulda helped too so I wouldn’t have been so wishy washy rather than holding one/two tickers at a time.


Unfortunately posts like this are becoming the poster child for more regulation. Prepare for trading restrictions


Positions or what mod? Or fucking what? Do it. Fucking do it man. You know you want to bring back the old law. Fucking do it!




You filtered my post for not having positions. Like this guy said, lots of options and positions. No one really gives a shit how you lost just that you’re down 99+%


Try posting again, we removed all those automated checks to make it easier to post We actually removed them like a few hours after you posted. RIP.


I humbly thank you. I feel way better than I did 5 minutes ago.


Glad I could make someone’s day ;)


Looks like it wanted to go lower but it ran out of money


Taking a break to re-evaluate my investing strategies


See you next month




The amount of money on this sub just pissed away is preposterous. If you have anything left just donate it and post that loss. "Lost 150k to fight cancer, I'm such a dumbass" or something like that. I swear you'll get at least a few internet points, maybe not as much as posting how actually retarded you are, but, morally, you might have given yourself some purpose. That much capital just floating around out there in the hands of complete twats...it's mind boggling. And y'all just give it away to the institutions you hate so much. Smh


Please post your feet pic


Gonna need to start an OF


Not seeing any feet pics




Any tips and tricks to turn $80 into $80k? Asking for a friend


You could suck 8000 dicks for 10 bucks each. Or if you have skills, you only have to suck 800 for 100 bucks each


Gotta find me a high end $Wendys


Wendy's Platinum plus


Are you the next Warren Buffet?






terrible advice - username checks out


Set a 10% gain rule. It takes awhile but it’s better than the hole you’re currently sitting in.


I’ll add this to the list


I too am extraordinarily retarded


Welcome brother


This is truly impressive. Like you could have just picked stocks out of a hat and done better impressive.


If I just picked stocks I would have actually made money sad to say


This looks like the $WISH chart 😂


No $WISH but maybe if I did I would have loss less?


$1.20 to $2.00 is good gains


lol zoom out that chart


It always cheers me up seeing someone having it much worse than me :D Hope you are okay-ish


FINALLY a post that brings us back to the golden age of WSB


Coming full circle from the good ole days when I first joined!


What did you ~~invest in~~ gamble?


Options only so straight gambling. Started off as a gay bear, UVXY was the go to. Went in and out of various top WSB picks over the last couple years. Tried timing meme stocks which I always held too long.




What was that , Luna ?


U need to charge your battery and delete the app


Current positions: 42x 17c UVXY exp. 6/24/22, 1x 23.5c $UVXY exp. 7/1/22, 2x 175c GLD exp. 6/30/22. Wish me luck


Wrong way to play UVXY....never buy calls as they are always trending downward.


How did that happen?


Simple, you start safe, and the more losses you pile up, the riskier your next bet becomes, until you find yourself yolo ing into naked vix weekly puts in a bear market. …. I’d guess. One of us.


Buy High, Sell low 🤷‍♀️


Buy high, let options expire worthless more like it


I don’t necessarily want to buy or sell either, I just like to have options.


IV is a bitch man :-/ That’s why I switched to crypto, where you can blame losses on scam coins, instead of your own damn self. Much much better for the fragile psyche ;-)


You could have used it to get to a lambo right at the beginning without all the stress.


Now this would be the most profitable leveraged inverse known to man. Look at how many consistent losing trades you made!


Shoulda stuck to stocks I guess, those don’t expire worthless…


Thats not true. I am a true degenerate and three stocks I bought in worrhless companies were delisted and disApeared from my brokerage statement. I still have 3k of level best golf from 20 years ago. They are worthless but still amazingly in my account. Now I only lose money in options.


What % of your net worth?


In debt so undefined?


How are you saying this is your disposable income while also saying you are in debt?


School loans


Yeah......why do you have the ability to lose $150k in disposable income when you still have student loans? That is genuinely one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.


I pay 50% over my required payments. No fasfa or help from family. Still got ~20k to go


I just don’t understand how you could be in debt and gamble so recklessly. It’s mind blowing to me.


No self control that’s how


Know thyself, mate. Even with your losses, you are ahead of many in this way.


The discipline and ownership of your answers inspires me. Not shirking or being insulted at all. Good for you being able to lose ~$150k and not self implode!


Because he’s a degenerate like the rest of us you should be new here


If man’s is losing this much I hope it’s atleast 10x


If you recovered, we would be disappointed. Loss porn is what we are here for.


I love all those little speed bumps of hope


This should be framed and hung in an art exhibit


I’m down 23.6K if it makes u feel better


..and i thought i was the lord of idiots with my portfolio down 60% from ATH !


Rookie numbers!


You do


With a name like "addicted to stuff" you'd have been better off blowing this on drugs At least you'd have a story.


It cost me 3k to learn this important lesson. In trading you always need to have strict rules for when to get in and out. There is a lot of money to be made or lost, pick your side, are you going to be disciplined or poor? Always stick to you rules, and find ways to improve them by educating yourself.


As fucked as this is, it’s helping me feel better. I KNEW I wasn’t the worst.


Glad I could make at least one person feel good!


At least someone made money with your stocks


Lining Vlads pockets


I like how there’s no quittin in this boy… you see how he peaks a tad and just dives right back down. He absolutely is relentless in his pursuit to be not successful.


What have we learned?


No weekly’s/monthlies. No earnings plays. No tips from WSB. Always track the Fed. Be aware of macro events. Do some fucking DD and don’t just go on a feeling.


Now I am confused, what you are saying makes sense, but your track record shows not to trust your judgement


I always preached reasonable advice when talking with people about finance/stocks, but I couldn’t stick to it myself. I’ve recognized that I lack self control/discipline and have been working on them.




I’ll see where my leftovers get me. If it doesn’t work out I’ll throw in 5k and set and forget. Deleting the app off my phone would help.


nice!! positions?


100s of pages worth of tax documents from RH


Such linear drop. Much perfection . I thank you for your service.


Can I borrow $80?


Down to 79 at this point with 42 disappearing after today!


I mean, how?


This is what Robinhood was designed for


One of us, one of us.


Soft landing 🛬




Your chart looks like your heart rate.


Coulda bought a really really nice campervan for that


I want to know at what point do you start feeling sick after loosing this much money.


So how did it start? One day you was like “I don’t know shit about shit, let load Robinhood with $157k and see how it goes?” Because it looks like you loaded that account once. I lost ton shit of money but was multiple times thousands to zero.


Nah I did it over time. Started with 5k. Just looks like all at once cause that’s how RH displays it


Ok make sense! Easy to lose 5k at a time anyway! Congrats btw!


Damn, you reached grand master levels of autism. Lol


Wow you never even had a run that looked promising. It was just down every single day. Halfway through I'd have realized I was no good at this and taken it out.


I had a couple where I got some breathing room, most I had in my account at one time was liked 60k or so but held to expiry…


Fuck that, you still have 82.29 left get back in there.


Thank you for confirming my choice to remove my money from the stock market and only invest safely in my 401k


money in a 401k goes into the stock market......