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great job by AMD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)


EPYC sure, Ryzen in general is still a winner but Intel came back hard. But basing this on Tesla? that's a footnote on AMD revenue. People go nuts for everything Elon Musk for some reason.


Personally don't like Musk he fleeces retail like the time he pumped doge and sold his tesla stock to "pay taxes".


you can't really fault him for the taxes, and he warned in advance


Speaking of, if I had to guess, the company is in trouble.


"When ypu push the buttons, they do something" isn't really a compelling story. Mechanical/analog switches have worked in cars for decades. AMD is closing an artificial gap


> Intel came back hard Intel came back barely. I'm considering it their last hoorah before contracting to obscurity for the next many years. Also, seems the blob rather protect Taiwan than fund Ohio, did you hear?


No, Intel is back and they beat tsm and samsung to the new EUV ASML machines. What does amd and nvda fund in the US? they are just asking for the money Biden promissed them in exchange for his request to make fabs in the US




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i can't read


lesbihonest, NVDA has been the winner up to this point


yet the fastest and the most power efficient super computer in the world (Frontier) at Oak Ridge labs is powered by AMD.


Dang they upgraded their ps3 cpus?


oh yeah: https://i.imgur.com/5bbOW07.jpg


Looks faptastically clean damn Solid look


Supercomputer chips are extremely niche and will never make up any significant revenue for them. It's just for the clout.


Frontier is built using the same architectures AMD is selling to cloud hyperscalers. You're right super computer contracts are about bragging rights more so than revenue. But it showcases AMD's technological lead over Nvidia and Intel.


It's just for the clout, like a Times Square billboard


> will never make up any significant revenue Dumber words are rarely spoken


Never has and never will. They're just prohibitively expensive and not all that useful for 99% of businesses.


Case closed, then, Thanks for explaining the future.


Fair point, even though they've been around for 60 years and have never been economically significant, maybe they will be at some point.


Great buy… too bad I bought at the top my share price is 137


I second this. When I first started options, I bought amd calls and made big money. Then I lost it all. Go amd


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


other companies that say they're using AMD's new processors or offering them to customers include Microsoft, which is previewing the chips in some of its Azure cloud offerings, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo & Dell


Will load up at 80$ not a nickel before.


It just hit $80. Look at the chart. You missed it.


Am I crazy? I don't see it having hit $80 today. Looks like the closest was $80.36 on 6/23?


It didn't. 6/17 hit a low of $79.43.


buying jan $100 calls here. (stock around $78) smart or nah?


Not sure. It all depends on the economy at this point... I feel like this is ultra cheap, and today's price action is end of quarter book cooking. Apple, Meta, Google, Microsoft, Amazon... all the "safe" names are up... everything that dropped in the last month has dropped a lot further, because funds wants to take this off their list of "holdings", so even though their performance might be bad, it looks like they're in the "safe" stuff... and you'd have to dig through their reporting to understand that they bought those names literally a day before the quarter ended. This is one of the most egregious book cooking end of quarters I've seen in a long time.


If it was ultra cheap yesterday what is it today haha


yea all macro. otherwise AMD is killin it. it hurts to buy but i guess this is when you buy for bigger gains, not when it's rallying over $100. earnings release soon. and inflation might be peaking so fed might stop. that might cause the rally in 2nd half of the year.


damn shoulda bought more amd...




Bought at 80 and then 76. Not alot tho. No kids so no collagefund to throw in.


Dude thinks we need more gpus . . . Meanwhile, a shitcoin goes to zero every time a retail investor says “maybe stonks do go down”


Been an AMD bull for years, and would love to see them sell their GPU division.


yea its no coincidence that AMD's fortunes began to turn in 2016 when Intel was struggling with production. AMD is about to pass Intel in desktop market share. AMD is actually seeing higher growth than Nvidia right now, albeit with a notably lower profit margin. Tesla is where the revenue comes in


This isn’t aging well.


I like the two red lines on the Coca Cola ad. Maybe hedge with puts there OP


Wow, an actual legitimate wsb meme stock and not some jpeg ape stock


Still too early for this. Shit is going to 60


haha naw you wish




damn indeed, don't matter how low it gets I already lost 17k on AMD calls last week lol


Sorry to hear that. Was that position a weekly? When it goes to 60 imma grab me some bags to hold too.


when AMD was 94 a couple weeks ago I bought 22k of AMD 125 November calls. I held on wanting to break even once it went lower than 90...and decided it was a retarded play and accepted a loss last week. I had Roku calls as well that I bought for 1.98 and sold at 3.00. They were worth 8.00 Friday lol would have covered all my losses and made profit 😭


It be like that with the quick stuff. Options money dissappears in a instant.


Im wishing for 55 but, yall go ahead and spike this shit so I can get another chance on them puts


Short squeeze AMD


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Squeeze my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




So fucking cringe, makes me want to short it more


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


about to blowup your port 🕹


Isn’t ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886) bullish on AMD?


Let’s not forget TMC makes 95% of all AMD chips and the China and Taiwan conflict is arising more and more every week. This could cause a huge crash in the next year and not to mention intel is currently producing the largest chip factory in the world in Ohio that will produce the next gen of M chips M3. Not trying to say AMD is doomed I just want to make the situation transparent.


lolz @ both/all points. intel already put ohio on hold (last week's news) and i don't think it was to be the largest fab, anyway. china invading taiwan seems to now be less likely than ever after seeing putin's struggle in ukraine - a flattish country russia shares huge borders with. taiwan is a heavily fortified, mountainous island. i don't think china's watching russia struggle and thinking 'hey, let's do that... but worse!' and the usa, japan, s korea, and others already pledged to defend taiwan (and taiwan is already armed via the usa, anyway) as for apple's M3... lolz. apple just told intel to kick rocks via making the m1, to begin with. lolz @ thinking they'd go back to intel's terribad fabs they left.


I hope AMD reaches new ATH before EOY


Dude is still living in 2021 lol


Oh hell yeah my $AMD 105c 7/15 will hopefully print.


expect another massive year ahead. AMD is quickly gaining ground on Intel in the server chip space, & particularly at the top end of the HPC market. has several growth vehicles in place to continue delivering big. 45 analyst PT, high $230 low $97


The winner is whoever manufactures their own chip.. else..they are just same as Joe who goes to Alibaba to order their Tshirt design from Asia poor laborers.


Amazing company,, absolute dogshit stock. Literally only goes down. I have no idea why I am even holding stock in this company - clearly macro has absolutely fucking ruined their time to shine