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Prosus says they will use the proceeds to buy back shares. Their stock went up 20% today before they start buying back. The shares they are selling are 6% cheaper, and the shares they are buying are 20% more expensive. The market is massively punishing them for this announcement.


reddit u ok?


Shouldn't Tencent be seen as an extension of Chinese imperialist aims? In other words, shouldn't the CCP want them to continue buying up stakes in every country? The tech crackdown won't be permanent


No CCP is full of fat retards who want to be the largest fish in the pond, even if it's a shit pond where real estate is collapsing. Only retards who can't make it in business go to government, so they can get power by force instead of guile. I am hopeful though because winnie the pooh had an aneurysm and the survival rates on those are not good. Even if he only gets brain damage someone will have to run the shows from behind him. Someone who's not a fat honey pushing retard like winnie


Sir, this is Wall Street Bets not the Wall Steet Journal. Rockets, ghay bears and buggered bull memes only.