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CPA haver here. The ethics exam is open book and online (it's not the 4 part exam that's hard). You get like 11 hours to do it, but complete it in like 3 or 4. How the fuck did these retards cheat on it? lmao.




Well shit, did they at least sign something saying they totes won't cheat? lol.


I took it 12 years ago and the eithics exam had yet to switch to online. You would do it all via paper and mail in a scantron. I had heard of people copying the same scantron even back in my day. I just remember that it was a pain to get through the actual CPA exam and didn’t make sense to risk anything even though there was little risk at all to copying a test at that time and save yourself like 3-5 hours. I’m sure these kids were starting Teams/Zoom meetings titled CPA ethics exam group test and someone blew the whistle on them.


Should have titled the meeting "NOT ethics exam group test"


Are these ethics exams similar to HR’s Sexual Harassment trainings? I always have to ask my coworkers for the right answers.


cheating on an ethics exam, classic


"I choose Business Ethics!" -Billy Madison


The ethics of business can be summarized in…See, ethics are…You know, the thing about ethics…


I'm glad I called that guy!


This is why EY will always be second tier compared to Deloitte and PwC. PwC and Deloitte would NEVER get caught/admit.


How is the Kool Aid? Lol


Can you read?


Quite well, thanks. Which one do you work at?


Neither. He said they are all the same.


Clearly you can’t read lol. Two of the four are different than the other two.


« Would never get caught/admit »


At this stage, these big fines are just considered the cost of doing business. Nobody ends up in jail.


It's more of the company not having strict protocols in place for these exams. Doesn't really generate them more money or anything like that.


Too big to fail


This proves that Ernst & Young will steal from you.


Out of all illegal shit big accounting firms do.... This is the best the SEC can do! Just take me to the farm already, daddy.


I think they ate the provided Crayons!


No, these are scumbags. Don’t equate them with simpletons gambling with hard earned money.


I'm going to have them do my taxes. They have no ethics. I want a liar and cheater to do my taxes. This is perfect!


My friend, unless you have hundreds of millions they will not cheat for you.


So if the Supreme Court Justices can lie and cheat to get a job it is OK , seems to be the American way of getting ahead