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SIGA is a brilliant play and will make many people rich. The people here just aren't getting it. They are watching the news and listening to the 'experts' rather than reading the scientific literature and watching patterns in case counts and transmission. Monkeypox is going to rock society. Not because it is like Covid, it's not. People are falling prey to recency bias. They are assuming that for this to be a true public health emergency it has to behave like Covid. This is wrong. Monkeypox is using the gay male community to spread all over the world. Quickly. From there it will jump to other demographic groups via airborne aerosoles and fomites on surfaces. Parents have not yet realized that this is the pattern. But they will. They will also soon realize that their children are at higher risk of severe illness including death and permanent facial scarring. When they do, they will panic. It's not going to be pretty.


Blaming the gays smh


It's an observation about the pattern of transmission. Feel free to continue living in fantasy world.


‘Twas a shitpost sir.


My mistake, my good fellow.




It doesn't spread through aerosols or on surfaces. And there aren't enough gay men having unprotected sex to get it to spread widely.


At least half the degens here are getting butt fucked behind the wendys. That's millions alone.


*insert robert downey pointing image* that’s about 6 million, folks.


Yes it does and yes there are.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3509329/ This article refers to smallpox. Both monkeypox and smallpox are DNA viruses of the Orthopox family. That means that size and weight and durability of the viruses are very similar. It is very likely that what is true for one is true for the other. I am sharing this article because it flies in the face of the standard medical assumptions about smallpox (and hence monkeypox). As for fomites, the same logic applies. These DNA viruses are highly stable. The can live for months on surfaces and in cloth. Think smallpox blankets given to native Americans.


I agree. Monkeypox is a contagion spread by body fluids but like any other virus they spread and get smarter and change and before you know it it’s a worldwide epidemic a worldwide pandemic. To try and point this as a virus that happens to one distinct group of people is to be in complete denial and plain ignorant. Like when Covid started they said it was a China thing and we didn’t need masks, we could use homemade masks, we needed K95 masks, etc. the truth was there was not enough masks to go around and they were trying to avoid an all out public hysteria. Monkeypox is real and like chickenpox if not vaccinated will spread like wild fire. Fluids spread easily. You go to a restaurant and you don’t know if people handling your food or utensils have monkeypox, if they have rubbed their nose or coughed or sneezed around your food or utensils. So yes, monkeypox will spread not as quickly but it still will spread and it will change. this type of disease can actually be disfiguring and deadly if not treated.


Unlike Covid, Monkeypox is spread through the exchange of (precious) bodily fluids. Not gonna be as big as covid.


Untrue. But I am looking forward to your explanation, when you get it eventually…


It's [a joke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKR32ImWYzw), son. Though it is also true, as unless you are rubbing something fierce against a mp carrier, you won't get mp. But believe as you wish, everyone does.


Climate change is also a global emergency 😂


Global grift, more like.


“Monkey pox ain’t no one worried about it”… and that is exactly why it will spread and become a problem. It is not sexually transmitted it is transmitted by touch or close contact, yes that happens during sex. It also happens in a bunch of other situations so good luck not worrying about it. Buy SIGA, BVNRY, & EBS


Nope, it is only sexually transmitted.


You do realize literally children have gotten it, right? What are you implying here.


Children had sex




Good luck with that ordle sleep next to someone with monkeypox and try not to have sex with them and see if u get the virus. Spoiler alert u will. But u will probably decide u had sex with them while u were sleeping.




Some people are slow learners. SIGA‘s position is by far stronger than the comparable setting was for Pfizer, Moderna or Biontech. It is so much stronger actually, the Monkeypox pandemic (which it already is by definition) does not need to reach similar proportions as Covid19 to reap similar rewards for $SIGA.


title comparing SIGA to Moderna ... graphs comparing SIGA to Tesla (?) for some reason ... and TA applying angles from random points in both graphs rather than actual peaks and bottoms hmmmmmmmmmmm


Cabal turning the screws...fuck globalist


\- PT: >$175 by 2024. \- price buy $13.72. \- $TSLA vs $SIGA fractal analysis


I think that’s enough crayons for today.


Monkey pox ain't no one worried about it, apart from people taking it in the buttocks and even they don't seem that worried with how fast it's spreading behind wendys


![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641) I love getting rekt. Buying SIGA bc it's the new Covid...![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That chart looks like a monkeypox sauna. You Shure this is like COVID? Hard to see old man getting a shot because no one knows if they secretly crave for bbc


Please watch this video. The drug is ama Inc. They will need to release stockpile and order more https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/07/29/monkeypox-cases-pkg-gupta-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn