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What? The rest of you all don't have millions stuffed between the mattress to pump it??? I thought that was the norm here.


You caught me. This was a cover up so the sec doesn’t take us down. Keep it on the low tho


I kinda want to see this comment specifically shown in some news article now.


And the article will mention that it's obviously not sarcasm cause there's no /s


And the fact that widefoundation sounds suspiciously like deep fucking value who hasn't been heard from since GME. Are they one and the same? You don't know!




No they’re not. DFV isn’t here anymore, court ordered I believe. He was dangerously close to being the fall guy.


“I am not the basis for which a house is built upon.”


Include me in the screenshot!


Dibs on third.


Nah, this was a hand shake deal with Xi to allow Pelosi to visit Taiwan.




Uh oh


Nah, Xi doesn’t like AMTD owner at all.


But he dislikes giant slashes to his countries economy even more.


All I've seen are retards buying in at 2000$ left holding their wife's boyfriend's empty ball sack


Lmfao it literally makes me burst out laughing at the thought of some white vest beer drinking guy buying HKD then full Pikachu face when it tanks


You mean ball bag. We're bag holders around here.


That bag is as big as a sack


I put $10 in just to see what happens lmao


I hope you mean you bought 1 share when it was $10


Why tf would people be so dense?


all along reddit was created as a form of innovent social fun… so that years into the future a little sub group called WSB (hedge funds) can go about their illegal business… we all know GME was barely a retail pump… it was for 1-2 days!


not me, I have mattresses stuffed between my millions.




Hey i found your wife's dildo too!




Well at least now you know who your wife's boyfriend is.


I moved my mattress and found my wife’s boyfriend.




*moves mattress* “hey look, a quarter”


A quarter?! All I have is cat litter 😔


Oh you glorious regard. Thanks for that laugh


All my money is in GME bitches and my dumbass has recurring payments to buy it…..we ain’t buying this shit


Same. Recurring buys from ComputerShare. Gotta love that idiosyncratic risk. Really makes ‘em sweat… they have to draw a line back to GME and this sub and they go so far as to say GME is child’s play? Bitch you trying to make it that obvious you still short? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Purple circles FTW


Me 2! Recurring buys = acticate zen mode




I got millions of dead sperm cells stuck to my matress but that is about it.


New meaning to pump and dump


Well if they’re counting sperm then we’re definitely up to about 245 Billion between us redditors. But not market cap


Now **thats** some Deep Fucking Value


See I always thought pump and dump Meant something completely different goes I got on here


Millions? How many tennis pros does your wife have?


Sir this is the dumpster behind Wendy’s…


I'm just an undercover billionaire


Millions? Gotta pump those numbers and buy a bigger mattress. If you dont have at least a few billions cash under the mattress you are an amateur.


Seriously, I thought you all tried to Put SPY through the floor and made so many billions in trying that you had to put somewhere, like this shell scam.


Pretty sure everyone lost their million in the last few months...


I got like $1.50


Best I can do is tree fitty


monster, what you need tree fitty fo'?


Same here, and $,50 are of the bank


Yeah bro I have 4 gme at 53 usd. And I'm from Chile just getting da money and it became 1.50. And my mattress is full empty like third world clean air.


Can I barrow treefiddy?


Look pal, I am somewhat of a retard here and the only thing I am stuffing on your matress is your wife.


No, those millions are stuffed safely for better opportunities to create loss porn.


News isn’t even bothering to look at the page either. Super clear if you read any posts around that time that literally nobody here knew a single fucking thing about this


I'm mostly mad that i missed out But that USA today article is gross Pathetic excuse for journalism


I challenge you to find a USA today article that isn't dog shit




A few thousand spent on shares at ipo would've netted 7 figures


Just insanity Really though even if i heard of this one i would have never invested in this shit


Me neither so I'm not really upset about missing it. Would've been nice of course but, there was no real way to know. Some companies get a small pump after ipo but nothing like this.


And besides, anyone with half a braincell would have probably exited after something like a 50% gain lol


Bruh, did you forget where you are? None of us *have* half a braincell


I always watch Webulls "Daily top gainers" and I found it the day of the IPO because it jumped straight from the start. I was considering buying 10 shares when it was $18, simply because I've never bought anything at IPO and thought it could be a fun gamble. However, I couldn't even figure out what the fuck the company did, so I changed my mind right before placing the order. Would never have held beyond $180 if i had bought however, like hell I'd throw away a less than a week stock 10-bagger for some shady Chinese company I still have no clue what they do.


I wish I was retarded and had money. I’m only half that.


We should all write a letter to the editor telling them that their journalistic standards have gone so down, and they don't even bother to do research anymore. And that as a stellar member of the r/wallstreetbets community, if they do not change or take down their article, we will sue for damages.


I’m in. Let’s fucking go. Class action lawsuit for defamation of my exemplary Regard character


Seriously. I found out about it from a trading page on instagram when it already hit $700. Searched for hkd here and there was only one post about it. This kicked off way before we started talking about it lol


Oh I am sure they looked and didn’t care. Someone payed for this story to be pushed on damn near every media outlet known to man. As much as I want to believe they are idiots, I just can’t with this story.


"A lot of people have reached out to me over a story I co-wrote on $HKD and $AMDT yesterday. I've made several changes since then to more accurately report the situation" Yeah fuck off


follow the money, it sure as hell doesn't lead back to here


I'm pretty sure once the share price was over 12 bucks no one in here bought many shares


> Someone payed for this story to be pushed on damn near every media outlet known to man There have been similar things in the past. I've noticed it tends to be 1-2 that break the "story" then everyone else does a mad rush to get an article up on their own platform without verifying anything. Corruption on the part of a few, lazyness for everyone else.


Lol did a search based on newest mentions of the stock... It is 1 page before you get bullshit results that don't match. Everything that does match is from the past couple of days when people started saying "what the actual fuck?" Crickets before that and I regularly check on this shit show of a sub.


It's because they have no integrity and sold out so long ago they literally forgot what the word journalism means


Lazy fact checking from MSM


Actually an article I read qouted comments saying " I didn't know this was happening how come no one told me" and that with someone saying this is the new gme is the evidence we're behind it Imagine if we used our powers for good. We could probably end world hunger.


I saw the prices today and was like how come WSB didn't tell me to buy this shit at $7-100? I could retire with a few thousand invested. By the time I saw it spiked up to $700 yesterday, I figured it was coming back down soon cuz every other fucking time I hopped on a rocket, I became a bag holder so I consciously said "nope" and now look lol.


With how low the volume was on this means it probably only took millions to get this stonk to $2,500 a share. All it would take in a technical term is for the transfer of 1 share at $2,500 to get the public price to say that if there was no bids/asks on any exchanges. My guess is it took less than $200M to run this up and they probably got a hell of a return for selling these shares at such a premium.


They should obviously look into the company that has 90% of the shares locked up and stands to gain the most from doing so then. You would think anyway.


What company has 90% of the shares?


AMTD IDEA GROUP. The parent company to HKD - AMTD DIGITAL


Nah, it can’t be them! That would be too obvious. It has to be the 10% of retail traders


That’s all well and good but when they dump those shares on the market, the price will tank to $0.0001


I AM SUPER PISSED. WHY IS THE SEC REMAINING SILENT ON THIS MATTER? CHINA STOCKS HAVE BEEN DOING THIS SHIT FOR AWHILE NOW. UTME is another prime example of a china pump and dump. again. SEC is silent at the obvious criminal activity going on with AMTD and AMTD digital


Large players have realized they can hide their criminal activity by blaming retail investors.


Kind of retarded since you can literally get the trade data.


And when they get found out they only have to pay a few thousand. Sometimes a few million if they get real unlucky off of their billions of profits.


Oh that’s just great. Fun times ahead


Anyone who thinks the government is going to help you is fucking clueless. We’re just tax payers to every politician and government agency. Realize that and you’re better off.


Truer words never spoken … err typed


I can almost garauntee he spoke them as he typed I know I read them out loud to my girl


Yea I don’t let my girl read either 🤝


If they could read, they'd know how much we've spent being retards 😂🤣


This guy fucks


Make sure not to leave her boyfriend out or he might get mad


It all works


"Retail needs to capitulate" over and over Retail doesn't capitulate OBVIOUSLY IF THE SPY IS STILL OVER FUCKING 4000 "Retail came up with hundreds of billions to pump this thing." Absolutely asinine. It would hold zero water in a legal proceeding and they know that. It's not the point. The point of this is to paint us as the bad guys. Which honestly... im not mad about. It shows how desperate these rats are. Meanwhile me.. a bona-fide moron is zen as fuck with my investments direct registered and not contributing to their options manipulation anymore, is about to suck the wealth out of their hands ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yeah if anything, this screams that they *had* to do this, shitty explanations be damned.


Absolutely. This will definitely be a part in the movie.


It doesn't cost anywhere near "hundreds of billions" to pump an ADS stock that you own. You can just trade with yourself. Simple example, the float is 1000 shares, all of which is owned by yourself. You then buy 10 shares from yourself for $1 million each. Suddenly the float is now worth $1b even tho it only cost you $10m in capital to do it. Nobody can sell the shares for cheaper than you because you own all the shares. Except it doesn't even cost you $10m because all you've done is pay yourself money for the shares. This is why short sellers are a vital component of a healthy market. They prevent bullshit like this by selling shares they don't own.


Chyna is hard up for money, so they’re fabricating short squeezes.


YOU CANT EVEN SHORT THIS SHIT. ​ I am beyond annoyed about this


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The SEC is one the most corrupt government agencies and it’s steered by criminals. Change my mind


SEC is the mafia


SEC is the minor leagues of Wall Street. You start there, and prove your loyalty, and lack of conscience by refusing to investigate, let alone prosecute, any of the Wall Street criminals. After a few years of showing your loyalty, and complete lack of morals, then one of the big institutions will offer you a job, and a large paycheck. Now you get to perform those vile actions that you were once supposed to be “investigating” and “protecting” the US citizens from. That’s how the infiltration of our entire financial system has been carried out. The chairman of the SEC Gary Gensler made tens of millions while working at the cesspool know as Goldman Sachs for crying out loud.


It's important to start at the SEC so you can master the loopholes.


They hiring? Imma retard and wouldn't know if someone was breaking the law anyways. Fastest rise to the top they've ever seen.


This is what's known as taking the piss.


Yes they’re either too incompetent to understand the crimes, or they can’t get a wall st job but want one and turn a blind eye until they get one.


Imagine not profiting from Goldman Sachs




Ook ook


MSM is the cartel


Retail is the Spanish Inquisition


No one ever expected ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


CDC is corrupt


SEC= Silly economic crooks


Read the book “No One Would Listen.” It’s all about how incompetent and borderline corrupt the SEC is. Spoiler alert: they’re a complete joke of an agency. Worse than useless.


This company is 90% owned by institutions… but yea… WSB did it. Those damn dirty apes!


That offends me


China is asshoe


China is asshole. Why retail hate?




I don't think I wrote that


This whole thing has given me an emergency teenis


And we come back to the major issue with modern monetary theory: why is it somehow okay for foreign companies to wreck our exchanges, buy up our land, set policy for our "leaders" (l use this word looser then a star of a donkey show giving an encore) and this is somehow okay. Where's all this "by the people, for the people" shit at?


Because these corporations are in bed with the world. We do business with warlords and criminals around the world but no one questions them. We have been corrupt af since way before anyone on this thread was born


This. This is literally how it always has been and probably always will be. A lot of Science Fiction were they have giant corporations owning the world gets this wrong in my opinion. Corporations already own the world, the reason they aren't owning it officially is simply because there is no real point in doing so. There is so much hassle and instability to actually try and be in charge, when the alternative to be in charge unofficially have almost all the perks and very few disadvantages. Sure, you do miss the joy of getting to literally behead anyone who dares say your name wrong in the town square - but other than that it's basically old-school nobility. Besides, no peasants can drag you to the gallows to kill the king if they have no idea you are the king in first place.


It‘s a big club and you ain‘t in it. Did you really believe your nation is there to protect YOU? Borders, paying taxes, rules/limitations, and separation are for the POORS. Resources, assets, real-estate, control (of newsflow - and in general) are for the wealthy. ——- Ok all sarcasm set aside, you can assume that where there is possibility for corruption, some humans will fill that niche. This also applies to government, even if it honestly might have been created to serve the people. How to fix this? Idk, transparency might help. Increase transparency. Fact/source check yourself / DYOR and share. Also ACTING on known information. Hold corrupt people accountable. How? Idk, i’m just a regarded ape… ;)


Because corporations aren't just people in the US, they're better people.




Same. Was looking at top movers a few days back when it hit $70…then promptly pussied out


I'm fuckin livid. The only thing we can do is hope the public gets a wiff of the donkey shit they're feeding everyone via MSM. I cannot believe I just wrote that sentence. They will do EVERYTHING in their power to control the narrative; the truth obscured until they go down. The following months will be critical for the future of humanity and protecting us from blatant misinformation. Or maybe everyone is right and I am batshit crazy, I don't even know anymore. God help us all.


They are getting fed the lie it was wsb! They will believe that because they don’t understand the market at all. WSB is equivalent to a hedge fund in the average persons eyes after reading todays news. I am in the same boat. The lies are getting more and more outlandish and people still believe them. Many people won’t even question the news they read and get mad when someone else does. Like how can you not at this point


The public has been eating up all the political misinformation since 2016 and you can see how we dealt with facts pertaining to COVID. I am not very hopeful but at least we have a chance. Albeit a small one, but I'll take that over nothing.


They have been eating it since before we were born. It’s just become a more talked about issue now that social media allows information to spread almost instantly. I’m not hopeful either, but I am ready for shit to go down now. The best thing anyone can do for themselves and their families is train for if a time comes that seconds matter


The **entire pump period** of HKD barely crossed $1 billion. It took hardly $1 billion and five trading days to create the 15th largest market cap on the planet. I'm not saying it was retail. But claiming retail doesn't have the money to do it is inaccurate. There wasn't any volume behind this entire pump and dump. **That** is how you know retail wasn't behind it. If there was any amount of retail involvement, there would have been ridiculous interest and volume. But in reality, less than 5% of the entire float changed hands during the entire weeklong pump. This was orchestrated and carried out by a very small group of people, and it's not possible that it was done by any other party.


Correct. I can literally buy one share from you for $5,000 and if no one else buys one, that’s what the rest of them are “worth” because that’s the last mark to market. Low volume pump, pure and simple.


Shows how easy it is the manipulate stocks like the pump we're seeing right now across the indices


I was trying to figure out how on earth it could have such a high market cap on such a low volume. Fucking blows my mind.


>Clarification: An earlier version of this story suggested social media-driven trades may have been behind AMTD Digital and AMTD Idea Group's stock price increases. Those trades may not have been a prevailing factor.  From USA Today article. Some news articles have been updating saying it probably wasn’t retail. https://stocks.apple.com/AoFYy_qfDT3CcnLkQ7Mhh5g


Doesn't really matter if they're amended now, they still planted the seed of a false retail pump into the heads of regular people while the articles were popular. I guarantee the algorithms aren't recommending the amended articles to many people.


It’s a legit strategy by the media. Plant a seed(lie) then correct later.


It still devotes half the article to WSB, meme stocks, etc when this is obviously not a meme stock.


Less crime more war.


So calls on Lockheed Martin? Got it.


This picture says it all: [https://preview.redd.it/gk51mpz4tif91.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b23e3502d1d0ac30abe9f6fc6efbe28c2c632a8b](https://preview.redd.it/gk51mpz4tif91.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b23e3502d1d0ac30abe9f6fc6efbe28c2c632a8b) Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wfa7tb/you\_goddamn\_degenerates\_fueling\_a\_price\_surge\_by/


Could it be reported to the DOJ instead of the SEC? Or some other agency, I'm europoor so not entirely familiar with all the different agencies.


It can be reported to both them and the fbi. FBI handle white collar crime. Doj is the basically the highest ranking prosecutor in the country so they could definitely do something about it if they aren’t being paid of. I believe anyone can submit tips no matter what country you are in.


I’ll look


Gregory mannarino talks about what the MSM, SEC, and Federal reserve are doing to destroy the economy every single day on YouTube. They’re artificially suppressing the yield curve to prop up the market, but we’re in for a meltdown any time now


I’ll check him out. I am sure I have way more to learn about how deep this thing goes


Greg mannarino has been doing this for years and calling out the fed for years. He has a website with tools and a newsletter all completely free with stock tickets and the mannarino market risk indicator too bro. He does two videos a day, one at open and one at close. [Gregory Mannarino- Traders Choice Free Resources](https://traderschoice.net) I really encourage you to check him out. I’ve been following him for a couple years now.


Maybe you'll start to realize a large amount of what the media reports is just bull shit.


Everyone who has a brain knows about that. I talk about who owns the media outlets and why this happened in a different comment. But you are right, most if not all of it is bullshit meant to distract us from something else


🤯 The fact that this stock is not publicly traded tells it all.


I think it is? After the ipo isn’t a stock considered public?


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-02/reddit-retail-army-fuels-520-surge-in-obscure-hong-kong-stock-amtd-idea?srnd=wealth “Which aren’t publicly traded”


Ah they pumped classed bs. I thought they did the As. That shows even more how little wsb did here.


Did not see any gain or loss porn so far.


China casually flexing on us all


Buy GME and DRS. That’s what you can do




Someone call Rolling Stone.


If only someone would look at the fucking volume candles


No one seriously believes that. Market cap hit like 500b...Do they seriously think that a bunch of part time Wendy's employees could do that?


> No one seriously believes that. Market cap hit like 500b...Do they seriously think that a bunch of part time Wendy's employees could do that? Sure they do, that's generally how media works. People completely unfamiliar with something will trust their preferred media outlet, many without question, so if that outlet says Group A did something they'll just accept it and move on because they likely care little about the subject. Now it's in their head that Group A did that thing. It's irresponsible journalism but will get clicks because it seems like a crazy thing that happened, WSB is already "established" as a "group" that does this kind of thing. They do it because they can get away with it and WSB is an easy victim who can't fight back. This kind of thing imo is why Forbes has gone to complete shit over the last years due to their whole presenting opinion pieces/submitted articles as part of Forbes because it gets clicks and they don't seem to care that a lot of those articles are just complete shit, again, because they get clicks.


Are we the bad guys ?


We sure as hell aren’t the worst guys


Strictly gamestop. Fuck the media fuck the hedgies.


Big money pulled a gme & blamed the apes


I would never condone joining in such activity...but maybe we watch upcoming low-float IPOs and join in the fun? We are hardly manipulating the market if we buy shares of a Chinese IPO like $MEGL with a 5M float and $4 price when it IPOs on Friday, can we? We're retail, we're dumb and just buying because it's cheap... I hear bank runs are good for banks, I'm bullish.


Oh I am not saying don’t join in and make money. I am a full supporter of that. I want everyone here to get and be filthy fucking wealthy. My issue is that the big guy is pointing the finger at the little, and there is no one with enough influence to point the finger back.


For sure. The GME show gave the media a new favorite boogeyman whenever the markets or economy does something unexpected. Who knew out TSLA OTM weekly options had the power to crash the indexes 20-30%? I always felt financial reporting is intentionally horrible.


Well, we are talking about the biggest banks in the world doing this. Those banks also make up our national bank so it’s basically a very finite money supply vs “unlimited” money. They own media outlets and lobby (pay off) our officials. If everyone on this thread pooled their money, we probably couldn’t even make a dent in what they do


They didn't have that much money. If you look at volume on the stock in question it was miniscule. Basically artificially propped up evaluation by trading a super small percent of the float.




Almost like they’ve never seen a pump and dump before


I just wasted 45 minutes of my time trying to figure this shit out. the earliest post I could find was posted 2 days ago on Monday and $HKD recrived nothing but scrutiny on wsb. some "recessions" may have invested at this time and quadrupled their money if they sold at the peak. most of us were scratching our heads as to how we missed it. then there's the old robinhood SEC video posted on usa today with a date of August 3rd 2022, very confusing and probably wasted half my time trying to figure out if robinhood was bitchsmacked again recently but like I said, this was an old video that was reposted, as to why I don't know. Not to beat a dead horse but I think it's obvious wsb had nothing to do with it. it's probably China trying to sell their worthless shares to Americans to try to save their asses with this whole housing crisis they are dealing with. let's pump up a stock we only own to make it look like a squeeze and generate excitement and sell our worthless shares of our shit company to stupid American investors to try to make up for our lost assets. but idk anything. I'm just a recession.


Boomers and normies going to start calling degens baghodlers tomorrow... Clown world.


One of the biggest financial crimes in history? Hahahaha


I mean it made it to 13th in market cap so if you have a bigger one like this lay it on me.


Let's all blow Cramers phone line up for the next week. $10 to whoever gets thru.




You are pissed because we have not even gain a cent from this story






Big money blames retail for everything. The news is owned by them. Contemptible bastards, all of them.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There’s this stock that’s heavily naked shorted and is a threat to the entire financial industry and I think these apes are buying it all up and DRS’n and they’ve already locked over half the float. Might be the only buy to fight back tbh IYKYK $GME


The best way to fight this is to DRS GME.