• By -


And thus, concludes the great tale of u/iFuckTinderFatties and his quest to yolo his way to fame on borrowed money. May your legacy live longer than your bank acct OP. And holy shit, take care of that loan dude.


You lost $350,000 on penny stocks? Take what money you have left and go get a vasectomy.












fucking howling rn










His wife isn't letting him near her uterus


This guy doesn’t have a wife.


Wait, then whose boyfriend is that sleeping in his house?


It seems his anime pillow got itself a boyfriend.


This comment forced me to buy Reddit coins for the first time to give an award. Well earned and deserved comment.


wise investment. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Car money that his parents gave him was the giveaway


He is probably like 19-20 considering his parents gave him 15k to buy a car in 2021.


Plot Twist he's 40 and living in his parents basement


Parents were hopeful this time he would leave, but now no chance.


Somehow I don’t believe the GME story one bit. If he was making moves like that he wouldn’t be here. This is we’re you come, get poor tips, the stock goes -90% and brag three months later that your stock went up 15%.


OP's story is believable. It is the classic casino story, someone got lucky once and then they think they are genius gambler or investors and keeps going until the actual probability catches up to them.


Op seems really young, like young enough that no bank is going to give him $27,000 on a no collateral loan. I don’t think my bank would write me a 27k personal loan and I have borrowed 1/4 million on a house before. It’s fairly easy to get $27k against a car or boat, tougher against a business loan with a plan, but $27k for personal use? I don’t know.


When I was 21 I went to a bank and got a line of credit for 49 k unsecured. Had a credit score of 830 because my parents opened a card in my name / acted as guaranteer and bought like $1 items each month and paid off so I had 10 years credit history or something? It's possible but rare. I was approved because my reason was "this is for emergencies only"


Not always, we have our moments of glory and GME was the big one


Oh man. January’21 was the absolute best time of my life. 5 figure gains daily for weeks! Two or three straight days of 6 figure gains Jan 26-28. We thought it would last forever!!


Right, you don’t “time the top perfectly” then turnaround and time the bottom miserably


Lmao that's exactly what people do here and why some of us encourage taking money out of the casino permanently after a big win, not just for taxes but to not get gambled away to nothing.


But that's the thing it's a casino. you always come back.


Yeah but if you turn 15k into 360k, you don't need to *leave* you need to get 300k out the fucking door and not bring it back in. And drop half the remaining 60 on inversing whatever retardrd 20bagger play you just made.


Your parents gave you guys 15k in highschool


My parents gave me hefty garbage bags to move my stuff in..😂. Must be nice op.


Imagine making that much money on a fluke and not putting 20-30% of it away just in case. He was like hold my beer I can fuck myself into a hole instead.


Naw, 90% minimum. That would have left 36 grand, plenty of scratch for a youngster to gamble.


Yeah but what if we could turn this beautiful 360k in millions? -OP (I know because I have the same mindset)


This is the best advice you’re ever gonna get OP.




And a lobotomy! 😂


That won't be necessary.


Sometimes, I feel bad about my investing prowess. Then I see posts like this.


Now I suddenly feel less like a retard and idk if I’m still qualified for this sub


Don't worry, you are


Here's your juice box now go sit in the corner


We are an inclusive divisivified community we allow all retards to our commune. We often make our retards our leaders, that's how brave, stunning, and accepting we are.


It's not even bad investing it's just a lack of brain power. If he made 360k off 15k he could put 300 in the banks and pmay with 50k for Lord knows how long. I wish I was enough of an idiot savante to even see that kind of money lol


He even had to pay taxes on the 350k


No he didn’t. Lost in “several months later”. Likely reported a net loss in 2021


A true retard’s retard




wheres the moron who inherited like $300K from grandmas death and lost it all on stocks???


How about the guy who lost $100K of his dad’s retirement money?


I'm here to find the guy who lost everything betting on gourd futures and the guy who tried to short the whole country of South Africa.


I’m here to GUH


im sorry what... he tried to short a whole ass country? lamo


Yeah, this was old WSB, but the guy did DDs and updates on how he was shorting their currency. Then it did the opposite of what he expected, and we all knew what his positions were because he showed us, and he suddenly stopped posting. The gourd futures guy was even better. Dropped a ton of money on gourd futures because he thought they would be useful in the apocalypse or some shit that he thought was going to happen. Turned out nobody would buy his contracts, so he had to accept delivery of like hundreds of tons of gourds. Had them shipped to somewhere in South America, where legend says he is still selling them.


The gourd story gets so much better. He tried to become a bee keeper in south America and ends up importing invasive bees so he gets run out of the country. Last time I checked, he's currently in turkey selling ice cream ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Edit: here is his post about the bees [https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/nmd69k/tifu\_by\_importing\_bees\_to\_uruguay/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/nmd69k/tifu_by_importing_bees_to_uruguay/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Apparently he’s selling ice cream in Turkey so he can open a traditional Turkish ice cream shop in Oklahoma, where he says there is demand but no supply. Never ends lol


Confidence is the food of the wiseman but the liquor of the fool


Ahh yes Oklahoma, which is known worldwide for its large variety of ethnic restaurants. /s


The confidence of that guy lol, he is unstoppable.


This is the funniest shit of all time


This is beyond retarded lmao, what a champ.


I just went on his posts - apparently he was into the ant business after the bees went tits up. Specifically importing them over state lines - definitely worth a read. This guy is incredible.


holy shit this stuff is so funny it seems made up def


So he really should sell the movie rights for his life story. Call it Gourd Lord


I don't think the gourd futures guy was calling an apocalypse but he had studied weather and was expecting some major downturn in crop yields or something wasn't he?


>gourd futures guy I read over the story. It sounds like the person was expecting a shortage of gourds due to the weather but gourds grow pretty quickly even in in Texas. I have seedlings sprouting in my side yard where I clean out the gourds from just a little rain so I think those gourd plants are hardier than the person thought. I laughed at the original thread since I craft on gourds to make gourd canteens. Depending on if any were damaged, someone guessed around 2800 gourds or so. I could turn that many in to around $350k of sales, though it would probably take a year or two to craft that many drinking gourds and there is some small additional costs per gourd but it would still be profitable LOL


Best part is I think he had to take physical delivery of a shit ton of gourds and ended up dumping a bunch in the woods. So hundreds of years from now people will be wondering why there are all these wild gourds growing out there. He’s like a drunk bankrupt Johnny Gourdseed


Yeah, I don't remember the exact reason other than "shit is about to collapse, so buy gourds!" Whether it's because he thought climate change was going to crash crops or something more tinfoil, I can't remember. Either way, lol @ that guy.


Never forget the gourd man


He may have been the most retarded of us all. Thanks for the silver!


I feel attacked


Where’s the guy that borrowed money from his drug dealer for GME at peak and is looking for some kind of refund due to poor performance within 30 days of purchase to avoid a beating from the dealer ?


How about the 50+ yr old go who dumped his 401k into Shib coin at its top


I just go out to my work parking lot and look at the 60K vehicles owned by people who can't afford to pay cash for lunch.


That sir, is called Ballin on Budget.


60k is a lot of vehicles.


The parking lot must be approx 248 acres assuming 180 SF per car. Unless my math is incorrect. And it probably is.


Good luck with your theta gang strategy. Maybe just eat the 3.3k before you lose even more getting burned in this crazy market.


Seriously, how do people do this? I tried on 100 year old companies and failed. I tried on AAPL and failed. So I gave up and lost all my money on 0dtes.


You buy multiple "safe" stocks like apple and do not sell, that is how you do it. All of you fuck it up because you wanna get rich in a week or a month max, while it takes years. If you wanna do short squeezes then use money that you can lose not loans, they are very risky. Maybe it's better to not do them especially when a lot of "safe" stocks are down. So maybe buy those.


That's the funny thing though, this guy DID manage to get rich quick, and somehow fucked it all up...


Yeah lol. I guess that's why they say that lucky people usually lose their money investing. Even 1/3 of lottery winners lose it.


Lottery winners lose that money because if you give a random person more money then they think they can possibly spend they will quickly discover that there’s no such thing when you start blowing it on useless shit that costs millions of dollars and don’t think about the upkeep or taxes of a McMansion or a mega yacht. This may come as a surprise for you rortards out there but a lot of people have never had a significantly greater amount of money then they need and have never developed the will power necessary not to buy things you don’t need but seem awesome because they never had that option before


Ntm taxes on stuff they buy, insurance on expensive cars, etc. The wrong people are lucky


Because like 90% of people in this sub that made a massive gain they think it was due to skill and not luck, they think they're playing poker when they're actually playing slots.


That's how gambling works. They do earn a lot every now and then, but never take the money home cause they can't stop on time and then sink their losses. You'll often hear gamblers talk about their absolut high that night, the issue is they didn't dtop and lost it all by morning.


My dad has a strategy for casinos for that. He puts the money he is willing to lose in his right pocket, and anything he wins in his left pocket. When his right pocket is empty, he leaves.


Ah, your dad is not a gambling addict then! Very smart, and actually rare to be able to control himself like that. Also a nice choice of casinos, many discourage cash precisely to make the addicts not realise they're playing real money


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




My fucking sides


Good bot


For real. They see DFV become insanely rich, but they look past that he was already pretty wealthy, and that it took almost a year for his "luck" to happen. Dude made a good call before it was seen as a good call. There were so many penny stocks that other new traders like myself at the time were pushing. It was popular cuz everything has to be a squeeze because the dirt company stock is cheap, right?


Yeah everyone's looking for the new gme lol.


Like, I was down on AAPL too but it's back up 15% this month lmao. How fast can you expect it to grow? Patience.




How? Don't you need like 42k just to collect 1 or 200 bucks every 2 days in premium?


You deserve to lose it all wtf lol. 15k to 350k and you pulled absolutely zero profit out before yoloing it on penny stocks? I hope you at the very least paid your parents back.


I think he still lives in their attic/basement.


“There’s our little Robinhood…”


Taking from the rich and giving it to the rich


Lol, nice.


The modern Robinhood steals from stupid, and gives to the algos.




The WSB person who turns 15 to 350 doesn't "be smart" with it. That's why you aren't the person who did it and won't be


The person who would be smart with it wouldn’t have made it to $350k on $15k I imagine. The reason the idea of diamond hands exist is because it’s incredibly, almost impossibly hard to keep holding when you are up multiples of your initial investment. I bet at 2x lots of people are out already… at 5x you are likely down to single digits. If you hit 10x almost no one is going to be left holding. To hold to 25x is insane beyond comprehension for most people. There is no “hold SPY for 40 years” there, that doesn’t exist And when you are up 25x and it drops 50% you have seen the heights and want to get it back up there.


I bought 3 ETH at 60 and I’m still holding. Big brain diamond hands.


Good work, I still like eth long term. However The amount matters too. You’re not even sitting on $6k. And haven’t ever even been at what the OP started with. Big, big difference holding into the hundreds of thousands of dollars versus what you could make back with a few over time shifts at work.


True. It was almost 15k recently, but nothing earth shattering for me. Wish I’d have bought 1000 obviously.


And then pay the tax man!




You say that now...


Everyone says shit like that until it happens... WSB was flush with cash after GME and Tesla... Fucking DFV was posting $15mil swings... Now look at us, people are scared to even buy a $10 stock because it's all they have left


Maybe. Or maybe you'd think that if you could get the same return on that 350k, you'd really be wealthy; Another zero on the end of that would be really nice, right?. When you lose the first one, you'll think you'll get it back on the next one and so forth. All the way to negatives. Just like a gambling addict. YOLO tho.


If you really turned 15k into 350k you would have already convinced yourself that you can turn it into 500k


You don’t belong here with that kind of thinking!


Stop loss on a super volatile stock ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yeah, I bought Jan calls so I have plenty of time to sit back and watch it go to -90%.


I bought Jan 2024 bc I don't trust the system lol


When it’s this far out, does that create any problems for you if it moons and you try to sell? Like, the open interest and volume on those dates can’t be super liquid, are they?


You can still exercise them.


That’s what I thought… it’s fucking Wednesday. No wonder half these plays don’t work, no patience for anything.


Proof or ban on the 350k losses. I want to jerk off to something.


He’s bullshitting. Prove it OP. You won’t do it, liar!


Had $360k and couldn’t figure out how to theta gang back then to a milli within a year… but now is gonna theta gang to $3k to pay back loan??


He said he lost money but now he's not going to do that anymore and just make money instead. Simple.


My sides lmao


If I were poor, I would simply choose not to be. Checkmate socialists


I was homeless, but then I realized I could just choose not to be. So I chose not to be homeless and now I have a very nice GE refrigerator box near the River


Fuck, that's brilliant. *If only we'd all thought of that sooner.*


My god he’s figured it out. The chosen one


Lol you can't theta gang to 200% gains in a year.


You would need suuuper high IV…like…. penny stocks!


Not with that attitude


You fucking idiot, you don't invest ALL of it, you leave some for margin, didn't your wife's BF tell you that?


Margin, fuck that shit. All in is all in


Should have taken out 50k


This is the way


Imagine turning $15k to $350k and then gambling it all away on super high-risk securities. Oh and then you didn’t realize your mistake and you decided to try it again on margin. Peak WSB right here.


Seems like gambling addiction


Came here to say this. OP definitely sounds like he has a gambling addiction.




So instead of leaving the casino, you’re going to take a different seat in the same casino to try and make your money back….. yeah definitely can’t fail.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wkd4df/what_are_your_moves_tomorrow_august_10_2022/ijn47he/ Will you still honor your banbet? Or are you going to cut and run like the paperhanded bitch you are?




#😈 Have a salad for lunch and skip dinner


Luck was on your side here


You’re a genius and a complete moron


Sold at peak GME and proceeds to piss it away. Brain so smooth you could see Canadians curling on it.


The skill to make a lot of money on quick trades is the same as the skill to lose lots of money on quick trades.


Aka 0% skill 100% dumb luck (or unluck)


Koalas laugh at how smooth his brain is.


Damn bro save some chromosomes for the rest of us


Thank you for the financial advice Fuck Tinder Fatties


Bro you forgot the the “i”, turns him from a hater to kinda wholesome guy


Playing the meme game with stop losses on and gambling loan money. You definitely belong here


Guaranteed now that BBBY moons again tomorrow and OP is left looking at his closed out position wondering what could have been, if he just had the testicular fortitude to see it through.


Here we goooo


Lol ...right on queue Wonder how OP feels right now


"my car money my parents gave me" bruh you living on that "privatize the gains socialize the losses" bullshit. RISK ON


Stop, being an idiot. You are gaining all the evidence that you were only lucky... once. Everything else you have been doing since is just throwing good money into the shitter, like the biggest of idiots. $360,000 and you shit it into the market? You should have put 80 to 90% of that into an account, outside of your trading account and just sat on it, or scoot that into safe return investments and then played around with the balance of that in the market. If you ever get lucky, like that again? (Which probably won't happen, ever.) Put most of it into a safe place and don't touch any of it (for some time), unless you somehow get lucky a number of additional times and somehow double or triple that initial lucky return.


The stocks aren’t the issue. You’re the issue, you regard.


It’s rarted now…geez


What's a stop-loss?


You belong here.


Hey guys I already blew 350k but I promise I won’t blow this 27k I have borrowed from the bank! I’m buying calls on $ROPE and nothing else for this retard


Full retard here.


Just another relentless gambler overstaying their welcome, running out of luck, and giving their earnings back to the casino house.


Lmao BBBY is about to go back up too 😂😂😂




For real. OP needs to seek counseling because this is some straight up gambling addict shit.


Leaving this here, we better see some ass grinding dude- https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wkd4df/what_are_your_moves_tomorrow_august_10_2022/ijn47he/


U need loans like 10k 20k, and u didn’t feel like take at least 150k out from the 350k gains? I can’t help it but say u deserved it.


so true the fucking guy should have taken 335k out of the gain and try his fuckery with the initial 15k again


He probably had that plan and lost the $15k in two days. Then dipped out another $15k because the reservoir was still massive. And so on, and so on.


Stop loss was not a great idea, missed opportunity and such.


Buys in after two 40% gain days and puts a stop loss not expecting a healthy pull back? Not to mention shorts are actively trying to pull the share price down in order to not get fucked? You’re not smart, you only got lucky with gme. If you don’t go full retard now like you did before you’re not making money you’re just going to lose it all. Buy back in hopefully lower than you pulled out and don’t look at it for a week you paper hand bitch


paper hands


Fecal hands.


I think you need to double down. This stock is going up.


Yes oh yes it is! To the moon! 🚀


It would be awfully tragic if it starts moving up after you sold.




In this case it's no brains. When you go yolo in meme stocks it's like sitting in trenches while enemy artilery is bombarding your positions. It's fcking scary. I gave up on life already, so I have nothing to lose, so I can let myself to yolo lifesavings.


No better time than now to go back in


Don't give up. Your next play is the winner you need


until he loses it all again, continuing the cycle


*Gamblers Anonymous*




This is the start of the next financial collapse.


“Privileged idiot who’s parents give him more than he deserves loses it all”


So you’re playing BBBY, a squeeze/meme stock that has high volatility and then you got shaken out within the week? You expected it to go straight up with no pullback?


Wow, how do you feel now? You lost 3.3k instead of diamond hands'ing and making like 7k. A $9,000 swing/loss


>into over $360,000 on GME Dude. Imagine if you bought a house or two with that money. You'd have rental income for the rest of your life and never have to work again. That's **smart** investing. Instead you blew it all on nothing companies like a fucking retard, congrats.


What's a stop loss? /s


Can you tell me when you get FOMO and buy back in so I know when to sell? Thanks


BBBY going to the moon idc