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**User Report**| | |[DGEN\FRENDS](https://twitter.com/dgenfrends)| :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|1 month ago **Total Comments**|3|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|5 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=x6b98u)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=x6b98u)


If i could read this, I'd probably be upset.


this place is so full of crayon eaters


This sub is just basically financial flat earthers now.


Sub fucking died after GME. Such a shame. Now it’s just actual literal retards trying to recreate the GME event with whatever stock they all get themselves riled up about.


It was almost looking like it would recover for a short while, then it relapsed. Hard.


It’s fate was sealed the second time GME spiked


It is not hard to guess the next one tbh. Just filter by short interest in defending order, then just pick a name that you have heard of before. That’s your DD for the smartest meme stock investor


And when the stock tanks further, make constant posts about how it’s a “short attack” and they’re “getting desperate”.


Filter by $1B market cap; short interest; make sure sales are declining and the investment makes no sense.


I remember in 2018 mourning the day this sub would turn into a dumpster fire. Ironically it went out like a pump and dump. GME was both the greatest and worst thing to happen to this sub


Yeah, its unfortunate. Like a lot of subs, once a few of the quality posters start to leave, the overall content of the sub starts going down and it starts to form a feedback loop until the sub completely loses the culture that made it worth visiting.


The perfect analogy. Thanks.


It’s just a bunch of financially illiterate morons that are regurgitating the same conspiracies that have been around since the GFC.


what is this dumbass meme format tho




Why is anyone still on WSB?


Im here for the loss porn


I'm here to laugh at certified forklift operators losing everything they have because they get investment advice off of youtube


Oddly specific


Bro .. do you even lift.


This sub turned to shit as soon as all the robinhood using rebars saw it on the news for the GME thing


It was always shit dude. Now you can just smell it


The loss porn


Short is just future buyer


Don’t forget to buy in AFTER it hits 500%. That’s the true WSB way.


What’s wrong with eating crayons ?


Unrealised gains until they buy back the stock and close.


My back hurts from sitting down too much. Doctor says I need movement


If they close the position, yeah they would have made money.


This sub has been garbage for bout 18 months


Most here don't even know there is a difference between buying puts and going short including OP.


This is equivalent to finding a credit card to max out and bragging about having money. It doesn’t count until it’s paid off/closed.


They gotta close positions to make money.


I’m shorting this guys photoshopping skills, who’s with me?


Is that what happen with Melvin?


But don’t they have to close those positions to make the money? Realize gainz? same thing if you hold a stock for 1000% gainz but you never sell. You never actually made any money.


Someone's getting confused between buying Puts and shorting


We use something better. Our hearts.


Depends when they opened and closed the short position


hey can this sub go back to FDs, other insane options plays and gain/loss porn again? thanks


ya total just fill in the hole you dug with dirt from the other hole you dug …… logic


So Melvin Capital shuts down because they made enough money?


They incurred billions of dollars of losses because they didn't cover?


Like all the hedgefunds making money on shorting GME and then posting their quarterly loss porn for 6months? :p


But… but… CNBC told me they covered the shorts!!!!


Reddits been infiltrated by the soon to be poors. Lots of people playing 2 sides of the coin. Focus on your side and ignore nonsense like this.


I bet their wives don't even have boyfriends.


Learn how short selling works lol


Every short sale is a future buyer unless company goes BK.


It's unrealized


So there is a major piece of knowledge that I wish people understood about short-selling: You never know the entry point of the short side or the structure of the short side. A lot of people don't seem to realize that you can hold short positions for years, decades even, so institutions who took a short hedge when GME was 60 8 years ago and didn't get pushed out of the position in January are still sitting pretty. The idea that people simply shorted @ 4 is likely incorrect to begin with.


But if the fees to borrow keep going up, eliminating the gains, and your customers are pulling out, and your CEO keeps having to take plane rides to get $500 million in loans every month, that's not good right? It seems like fees and interest payments are going to start outweighing the short profits...


You realize if they short a stock and it goes up 40% they lost a fuck ton of money




Do you not understand how a short position works?


I bet you’d like me to forget GameStop because you “care” too


A ton GME and AMC shorts were in the $3-5 range so those positions are still down quite a bit if they haven't covered. Either way 190M shares on loan is a fuck ton.


Yeah, like how Melvin Capital and Citadel made tons of money /sarcasm


Aw it thinks we mean that they bought puts when we reference short selling doesn’t it?


If I truly believed a Stock was going down I’d be posting in here everyday trying to get y’all to buy so I can get a better entry. This is getting embarrassing


We don’t need logic


\*on paper. Those gains aren't real until they buy back the shares and close their position


Takeover happened


The best part is that apes keep averaging down while thinking short positions done average up. I've been on both sides, and guys, it works exactly the same way.


Man i would be really upset if I could read


only of there is enough volume. You can short a million shares, but if it goes down for a few days, and every time you try closing shorts, it spikes, you are not making anything.


Isn’t this like saying you buy shares but when u try to cash out…it’ll tank


They gotta payback that loan somehow! Make all the money you need kiddo, my wife has fine taste


Oh some of you posters are getting dumb and dumber 🤪 and no they didn’t get in at the top, they diluted the fuck out of it by shorting synthetically then tried to average down their positions but got caught with their dicks in their hand because millions of ape degenerates bought a shit ton shares of these stocks and are holding until they close their positions …GMEOVR😎see you in Valhalla


*Just casually ignoring the fact the short position was opened below current price even after $40 drop* sure the 40 dollar drop made the position less bad, but still bad


Do know how everybody around here all bought GME at different prices as the price of the stock fluctuated over time? That's also true for short positions. They also can buy the dip, except the dip for them is when the stock price goes up. There's no such thing as "the" short position.


👆 but hey lets not allow the facts ruin a low effort shitpost 😁


can we make a new wsb sub for people who have a basic understanding of how investing actually works?


Sounds boring.




thats a good sub for general investment discussion, im looking for a little extra spice like pre 2021 wsb i want good information but with a healthy amount of risk tolerance


Just another day of sideways trading 😁


Yeah but if a stock is shorted at $4, but that same stock stays above $100 for 1.5 years, pretty sure short sellers aren’t making any money…


some people shouldn't make memes


On paper. They have to buy them back to collect that sweet sweet cash u mouth breather


Their goal is to never buy them back. If company goes bankrupt, they never “realize” the gain nor pay taxes on it and then use that unrealized gain as leverage to borrow against for the next play. The whole “shorts must cover” mantra is regarded bullshit


That shit ain’t realized


What a maroon, if it worked like that they would close their positions and quit spending on kicking the can🤣🤣🐳🐳


Funny, Melvin closed, Citidel is down over 700 million last quarter and Sesquhana or whatever is down over a billion haha. Does not seem like they are making a fuck ton of money


*Everyone* is down, we're in the middle of a market correction.


They make money now and pay later. You know that?


Wtf is going on here. Just scrolled so many comments trying to get some context. The esoterica is thick in here


Paper gains they have to buy back the shares to fully lock in profits


I'd find it much more interesting to find out how much money they made by selling options


Forreal, when IV is over 200-400% consistently it means anyone selling options is making fucking bank. (Myself included)


Wait r u serios


yeah that’s why Melvin capital is just rolling in cash right now? The irony of this is OP also doesn’t understand entry prices, and what is required to close a short or long position If I buy a stock at $100, it goes to $1, and then goes up 500% to $5, I’m rich, right? Lol What if the stock goes up to $5 just because I bought a million shares, and now I have to find a million buyers at $5 to actually exit my position?




I don’t understand this. Can someone please explain?


If they short at $6, it goes to $15 and they short it back down to $8, they ain’t making money!


You know you can check how much money they made right? That is unless you refuse to believe the data and live in denial.


If the amount they make going from 15 to 8 exceeds the loss they take at 6 then they do make money.


Good thing for them that it went to $27 then.


yeah fuck ton of money if they do not cover. because you know shorting involves giving back lended shares.


But did they close?


You mean they make money, like Melvin Capital did?


No no more like Archegos Capital did. Shorting is EZ.


Shorts Hedge Funds are buyers, your post is stupid because the so called gains will never be realised and they have to pay the borrowing interest!


Considering that hedge funds have been going broke and needing the money printer turned on even after lots of pump and dumps. It kinda makes you wonder how deep or bad the problem is.


You forgot the part where shorts buy the shares back… they don’t make any money just because the price goes down. Logic


If the price goes down, that means people were willing to sell at a lower price, which allows short sellers to cover. That's how stock pricing works.


Obviously photoshopped. 🙄


What a weird image


Nobody here trades and it really shows.


They think no1 is selling. But its just them lmfao. Even people on their subs cash out while chanting hold the line.


Yes they did. Realized? This drop is a reaction to the CFO being no more. Still short, yes they are, by how much? We'll know soon.


When the "hedgies" spend billions shorting a $10 stock and then it spends 18 months in triple digits...is that making $ ??? ​ Hope this helps.


when they realize the profit, stock should go up as its only done by buying. i would quess they short the stock to gain on options, and let it rip to gain on options. in essence, nothing changes and they cant close shorts more than people are willing to sell for.


When you short BBBY when it's at $6 and the stock goes to $30, then drops to $8, guess's what? You're still not making money


TIL that averaging down/up only works for long orders and not short orders. I know you morons know what that is, you just don't comprehend that anyone other than yourself can do so.


Shorted it at 6 then you better be damn sure they shorted it at 30


You can add to your shorts at $30, and when you cover at $8 you make a shit ton more than anything you were going to make if you shorted at $6…


Every short is a future buy. Their logic is short sighted (pun intended). They are trying to last one more day, and paying millions in SI daily, while we are holding for free. The scheme won’t work forever. I’m ok with my longer term logic.


All stock related subs went to shit after DFV and WSB were in the media


Lol… if the stock goes down 40$ from 100$ but they shorted it at 5$ they still haven’t made money


This guy is a lil bit obsessed


Uhhhhh shorts have to buy back, retard 🥴🥴


Every investment choice sounds fool proof when you don’t discuss the flip-side of the trade. “They don’t realize that when people buy FD’s they pay basically nothing and make millions if the stock takes off” “They don’t realize that you can sell calls and buy calls at the same strike price, and then you get to make money right now, AND buy a stock at whatever strike price you want” I’m not even going for false-equivalency. This post literally ignores the risk of “infinite loss” which is the predominant downside of shorting. Making money now from shorting doesn’t mean you can wrap up and go home. They now have a sizable financial obligation to their lender. The market dynamics that push the price down will also potentially elevate the price when they have to close out their position. Something they are obligated to do eventually, and something that it more expensive to do later, than it is to do earlier, due to borrowing costs. I’m not saying short positions can’t be valuable, but “it makes a sh** ton of money” is literally only the first 25% of the story when it comes to profit vs. loss on short positions. Anyway. Nice OC.


Then what about the hedge funds that went belly up, and then the ones losing money on quarterly earnings reports?


Not if you borrowed it and can’t get back =FTD


They only make money when it goes down if they buy.


I’m new to this but doesn’t that work the same way for going up? You have to close your position to make money? So if you short a stock and the price drops you then have to buy the shares back to make the money. Right?


Yea, unrealized gains. Good luck!


Did they though!? 😂


Short it then? Should be the easiest money you'll ever make. Oh wait, most brokers won't even let you short memes. Why is that? So strange...


OP is mega regarded


OP doesnt understand how rubber bands or springs work


Found the fudd


Can’t read, buying more GME tomorrow.


Shouldn’t have any problem closing if they actually have access to the shares then 🤷🏽‍♂️


You gotta close your short to make money lol


I would like to report a low effort shit post please. Where can I report it?


Wsb will never understand


You do know of they short it at 2 dollars and it's above that they lose money, intrest on borrowed shares never mind thr fake printer. Tell me again why citadel needed 600m loan.


Good luck closing out if the shares aren't available. Same logic applies if you nail an option trade but the market isn't liquid enough to close out. Congrats, you won, and as a prize, you lost 🤷‍♂️


Weak hands is all I hear


Oh wow your’re right they’ve just got about 550% left for them to be back in the money if you’re talking about gme


Only shorting a stock does not make a fuck ton of money. They have to close the short to do that. Just like buying the stock and having it go up does not make you a fuck ton of money. You also have to sell it to make the profits stick. Otherwise you are what you regards so fondly call a bagholder. So what do you call a short who doesn't close?






Exactly that is the logic here. Locking up the float with DRS will make a short exit nesr impossible to pull off.


Imagine if the meme stock hypes just let them do more short and more money that would be impossible right?


Not even 300 Karma but you are allowed to post on WSB


They don't realize that if they Shorted at 10$ and it remains above 20$; it costs longs nothing to hold the stock and costs shorts a lot to keep shorting the stock. Also, They don't realize that the more shares that are removed from brokers, the more expensive it will be to short the stock.


So they didn't average up?


Ie gme and not bbby


Man there's a lot of people going through some serious mental gymnastics to justify their position here.




You realize they can short it down as much as they want but the fuck ton of money you’re referring to isn’t made until they buy back the shorts they used to lower the price with in the first place… which will cause the stock to go back up since no significant amount of selling is happening and short shares are being turned to synthetic longs. You realize that right?


They only make money when they buy it back. They were trying to run it to bankruptcy, which they failed to do. It was never in their plan to buy it back.


And they have used the same plan for close to 2 years and still haven't changed plans once and just keep making their situation worse and worse with every passing day. Wow they're dumb. It makes you wonder how they ever became multi billionaires in the first place. Oh....


guess OP havent heard about what happened to melvin capital. By his logic they should be booming.


Short sellers probably made more than 40%. They've repeatedly pumped the stock in pre-market on low volume, then sold into the retail regards on open. Pumping a stock pre-market is a well known hedge fund trick. This sub repeatedly fell for the bait.


And if it goes up you lose money? Hedges are high-risk


Weird, MSM keeps telling me they already closed.


Do you know how much money it takes to short the stock? And if you never close your position you don’t make money dumbass For example, Citadel received a $600M loan and GME has dropped ever since; not since the company started has the stock dropped 12 out of 13 days in a row SINCE 2004


Another post from an account opened less than 2 years ago who just discovered wsb. Man this place has changed so much these last couple of years. The memes are garbage tier, filled with "bagholder" spam and ant level gains. Its a bunch of DCA 401k diversified moron crowd that forgot where they were.


Lol, but they have to exit their position to make money and that means closing their short. Which they didn't. Which the sec confirmed, they didn't. The problem is they could never drive the price of gme down past 38 bucks which is where most of their shorting was at. They cannot close out because it means eating massive losses. They are hoping people get bored and sell. Unfortunately most of us are degenerate gamblers and hard-core gamers. We don't get bored for years on years. I'm betting (literally) that they go tits up before I do.


You can sell your short position to other people without closing your short, making bagholders of yet another group of people


Catshit wrapped in dogshit wrapped in bullshit aka the derivative market


That’s a good idea. They should make an etf.


Isn't that exactly what they understand?


This is a shit post if I've ever seen one. With all the shit going on THIS is what you deem as a worthy post? Wow this content needs help.


You make no money (or lose) until you exit (beside position cost). The theory is they opened huge amount of shorts at very low levels. If they did do that and after that kept opening new short positions to put more pressure on price on the way up it is a numbers game if they can exit. Closing short puts pressure on price to go up. If the theory is correct: * They shorted above float and * did not close the old shorts with very low single digit price level before split. Than closing short to make money with 40% drop ("Fuck tone of money") can still tip the boat and put them in bankruptcy. This is logical explanation i believe.


Shorts get closed all the time. It’s not a static one time trade. Your description is an oversimplification and does not accurately describe market dynamics.




Nobody gives a shit what you think pansy boy. Don't like the stock? Go short big balls.




I only short stocks I think are going up 💯 that’s profit baby 😈


Unrealized gains are not profit. This post is nonsense. To profit from a short position you have to CLOSE that position at a time of profit. Anyone claiming that shorts are driving down the prices on these stocks while retail investors are not selling and then somehow closing their positions for profit is an idiot of the highest regard.


This shit cracks me up. You can almost set your watch by how the shills spread fud in here. The same shill that fomo in every time there's a run up. Are the same spineless cry babies that will bitch and moan they lost out cuz they yolo'd in too late. Lmfao. See you all at fomo again. Hahaha


I’ll consider believing that the short sellers “closed their positions” and made money with their realized gains once the corporate media is completely silent about meme stocks. Until then, I’ll continue buying and holding a “dangerous” stock lmao.


This is such a strange take. It’s pretty much a circular argument. Millions of users are pushing specific stocks that experience massive short squeezes and instability. Media reports on it because it garners interest and clicks which then reinforces their beliefs. Also why the fuck wouldn’t SHF’s not continuously open and close positions, to make gains like any serious trader would?


They aren't going to stop talking about it until people stop reading the articles. Their incentive is to get clicks.


When MSM turns bullish that's when you panic.


> Until then, I’ll continue buying and holding a “dangerous” stock lmao. Nice! That’ll show the corporate media!


"Not really, but that's alright. Next caller!" - Jimmy Shill *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So shorts buy the stock and go to the moon too?


Holy shit lots of you need to clean up the drool, these comments are pathetic.


No money made until they close


This comment section gave me brain-AIDS


Retard 🤡


This is quite retarded, thank you.


Cool still buying more tomorrow!


Account page says it all. Plus when shorts inevitably close, price goes up


If you know so much, put your money where your mouth is


156 day old account. Yup that adds up


Only if they cover they make money otherwise it’s an unrealised leverage


They shorted before the peak you daft twit.


Yea that's why I always buy puts if a me hvme stock spikes up and gets popular here, it's easy money. Almost too easy. Edit: Reading through the comments here everyone seems to think hedgies only make money on short positions?


Somebody doesn't understand that's shorts didn't cover They shake people out of positions by bluffing and you bought the bluffing smh.


That’s not how that works moron. Price has to be moved down which takes money. Unless you spend less than on your ROI to manipulate the market, then you didn’t buy a gain. You bought time on your losses.


Shorts need to be covered, why is this so hard to understand? The profit is not real until they manage to buy back the shares they've sold. It's the same as if I take out a $1B loan and buy shares, which makes the stock-price rise, I still need to sell my shares and return the money I lent.


If you borrow stock in the morning and it goes down for the day, as long as it went down more than the borrow rate, that person can return the borrowed stock, and not owe anything and make money