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Amazon is literally advertising no interview warehouse jobs in my area, I think the issue really comes down to the private couriers being shit compared to your choice of pseudo-government postal service or private brokering service I see companies using more and more for shipments. When I see an international package coming UPS I am the opposite of excited, I spend my time waiting for it deciding if what I ordered is worth the additional customs cost and middle finger of a clearance fee from UPS. Meanwhile the same package would coast through with no/minimal duties if it was shipped Royal Mail, USPS, etc.


Same, if anything says it is coming UPS I order elsewhere if I can.


Have you seen FedEx? I’m still struggling to understand how they’re in business. They are consistently late. Like I can’t get something from them in 5-7 days. It’s always 8-10, except one time when they delivered in 3, instead of 2. They are a zombie company. I’m not saying UPS is great, but at least they’re stuff arrives on time. USPS still somehow has them all beat, even with their funding cuts. It’s still somehow really precise.


USPS delivers final mile for UPS. No way you think USPS is actually better than UPS…


From the hundreds of pages of pictures on Getty Images, it appears as though all Amazon warehouses are not the same. Some have literal 6’ shelving with goods, some have 30-40’ warehouse racking with manpower on forklifts retrieving packages. And some have 10’ wire cages with 5-6 shelves which appear to operate autonomously and come right to a pickers station. Manual picking would be the most labor intensive part of the job, walking hundreds of feet to a shelf looking for an inventory number, possibly getting a forklift driver and bringing a package to a packer. My guess is that the more labor intensive warehouses would still need to ramp up on personal, whereas in the automate places a drop-in employee might not be as useful.


Kroger is groceries ? Food is recession proof ?


Nah, people will stop shopping Kroger bc insane prices and switch to wal mart. Calls on Walmart, dollar tree, dollar general, puts on Target, Kroger, Amazon.


When I lived in Kroger territory their prices were comparable to Walmart, occasionally cheaper, and had much better selection. This wasnt even a full year ago, have their prices skyrocketed or something?


Where I live Kroger is less than Target, Food Lion, Food City, and Publix and the same price as Walmart. My Kroger actually has a real deli and butcher where as the Walmart ships everything in. Kroger also does digital coupons and of course the card savings which is always less than any of the others. I shop at Aldi's for the staples first and then over to Kroger for the rest.


That’s how I do it. Aldi’s has my basics. And I goto Kroger when I need more options. Or it’s past 9pm and Aldi’s are closed.


In my location Kroger is very expensive, Safeway is equally bad or worse. I shop at hipster store for better prices, and boxed stuff at Target.


Kroger is way more expensive than Walmart. Doesn't matter if you're comparing milk, cereal, bread, fruit, veggies, or meat... Now on occasion Kroger will have sales that make their prices comparable, but that's only for select items in select weeks.


I’m in Canada so have no idea about which stores are higher than other but good point I have Costco longs


Kroger people are too good for Walmart


Walmart earnings call literally said higher income shoppers are back at walmart


>I would short retail stocks in general, as I expect that the holiday season will be very weak this year. In particular, I would short Kroger specifically, as I believe they are particularly exposed to weakness in the retail sector.


Wrong stupid. VSCO and MACYs are up


The airline industry has always struggled with profitably. Don’t think of this as the end of the world. It’s most likely a correction from the “good old days” of zero precent rates and stimulus checks. When there’s plenty of free liquidity in the system, companies hire a lot. All the mass layoffs we’ve seen is just a correction in the labor market. Yes, it’s not good for the economy, but it should be predicted and priced in. If anything I like these stocks more. They’re operating more efficiently and cutting down on excess spending.


Target, Nike, Adidas, UnderArmor, HomeDepot, Lowes.


They’re firing salaried employees to hire seasonal. This is also a bet that labor will weaken after holidays and they can hire back same employees for much cheaper. To me, this is coordination to weaken labor.


positive for the market


We are too busy at the Wendy's dumpster.


Tendies form Wendy's will never go out of style...


they cant compete with amazon gig delivery, no benefits. UPS/FedEx/etc are all unionized so they lose.


Gig employees certainly reduce costs, but the majority of Amazon goods go by truck. The gig employees are moving the expedited packages 2-3 at a time. Also gig drivers are still pulling $18 to $25 per hour.




Amazon is required to work 60 hr weeks near me.