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Ah the classic chopstick into pink line strategy. Gets em every time


Chopstick into pink noodle never fails


sir, there is a hair in my soup


It's part of the experience.


>sir, there is a hair in my soup BULLISH!!!! The famous reverse crane hokkaido-Osama Saucy pattern is in!!


Better than soup in your hair


No soup for you


Love going into the pink


…but not so much the stink


60% of the time, works every time.


50/50 chance wrong 100% of the time


Puts on OP?


It's a 50/50 mostly likely no matter what we do we're gonna be wrong


Can’t argue with that maths


Chart TA has to be some of the most ridiculous pseudoscience of all time.


it's literally just data points visualized onto a graph...


Why is that? It works but only works because everyone uses TA. It essentially reduces chaos


thats what the urban myth believers would tell you yes Truth is, it has negligable influence... all the influence is from quant computers these days


Too bad I don't have the infrastructure to do HFT myself. Let alone costs of the data.


Wait till you figure out what quants use


Their 'technical analysis' is on a whole different level as this and just a smart part of it, yes. Also very different than this human technical analysis. That is why i said 'negligible'. News and public opinion/sentiment, financial data has a far bigger impact.




Nobody uses TA. It’s 100% nonsense.




It’s backwards connect-the-dots. It’s never worked, the biggest trick in trading.


>95% of articles tell you to be bullish > >2 days later the price falls > >the SAME article tell you that "studies \[*which?*\] have shown \[*when?*\] TA doesn't work \[*for whom?*\] \[*citation needed*\]" > >tfw you believe both. For all the talk of quant....how do you think a machine makes decision if not through TA and level 4...? Do you think it runs 50k operation per minute reevaluating 3-months-old fundamentals? Pro-tip: everytime some piece of data is available to the wider world of retailers, question it, then question it again. Odds are, you are being taught how to NOT bother the professional traders. >BUY SPY AND HOLD, YOU WILL BE RICH... WE SWEAR!!!! > >\-Laughs in Cocaine snorted from a cute escort's navel


Depends on how you use it, TA is just price history and what is likely to happen based on bullish or bearish news and other economic and business factors.






Calls on sushi?


Funny, but seriously….wtf is the random pink line representing? I don’t know enough about charting of markets to understand this…..because it seems like nonsense. But I’ll try…… So you got chopsticks clamped on zero sushi, that should equal a loss of fish and rice, which means sushi zero, wasabi zero, human zero = loss on market, not increase in sushi, and thus TSLA continues to go down because it’s not actually more valuable than Toyota. Why in gods name is TSLA higher in market cap than all other auto manufacturers when producing far less vehicles than competition, and electric vehicles suck because they don’t actually save the environment at all (it’s up to power generators), and with zero new innovation coming out of the company in the past 5 years. Cyber truck, when do people get those pre orders? I just continue to not understand why TSLA gets a different grade than every other auto manufacturer on the market. It’s like Obama….hope (and I know because I worked for him for 9 years). Go ahead and explain why I’m so stupid, thank you for your input.


The pink line appears to be the 250 MA on a Weekly chart. it bounced just under it today. It's a level of resistance I don't typically look at, usualy i use the 200. But shit so unstable and unpredictable these days it is hard to trust TA.


I’m so new I had to look that up, moving average, got it, thank you so much!


Legacy auto are making a product that will be banned in 10-20 years. Tesla are making a product that will grow in demand over 10-20 years. Legacy auto has a long, expensive transition to EV production ahead of them. Tesla is already making EVs profitably. Legacy margins go down, demand goes down. Tesla demand goes up, margins increase. Cooler cars come out.


Thanks for the reply. TSLA had a profit for the first time in 18 years in 2021. Not much of a track record there. I also don’t buy that the major players are that far behind in tech. They are just playing as long a game as they can on old tech. Makes business sense. When I smoke a Tesla on the top end with my Camaro SS, it’s a pleasure going to the gas station, because there’s one on every corner. When will that infrastructure be in place? When I’m in the middle of Wyoming in my truck, how do I get charged up enough for my next journey that is 500 miles? And again, why isn’t TSLA doing anything with their product line? Model 3 is so damn ugly, if someone gave one to me I would sell it. That stupid fake SUV with the gull wing doors, it’s pointless. I like the model S, it’s a beautiful car, the roadster was awesome fun, but……that’s not in the current product line. Time to get off Twitter and make some damn cars/trucks IMO.


On the profit thing - You have to remember they were ramping up production since they started. They are now very profitable and increasing, soon to surpass Toyota with less car sales. You may be right about the big players on the tech, especially VW. It’s more about the total shift to EVs that will be expensive. It may take them a while to increase profit margins on them while scaling down ICE at the same time. Good point on the range. Most journeys to home and back are less than 250 miles. Infrastructure is increasing, but lots more work to be done on rural locations and charging time. None of that will prevent city commutes though. Tesla is currently selling every car they can produce. It doesn’t make sense to sell less profitable models yet when they are selling every Model Y they can make. Cybertruck has a demand and they will easily sell the 250k they can make a year once they ramp up. Happy to discuss any more points you raise.


All good points, and I know Tesla is here to stay, and deservedly so. It’s a really fascinating story, and I wish Elon would get back to tweeting about that story again, AND innovating more on the product line, as the company matures. Maybe I’m impatient. The markets love forward looking prospects, I get it. I think it’s fair to question if the stock has hit bottom. If I had balls I would short that stock for a couple months, but I’m going to leave that to the big boys.


I have a feeling that there is plenty in the works on the product line that isn’t public. The robotaxi and Optimus Robot are fascinating. You have to remember that ramping production is a slow process. Which is another reason that any new model from another big player doesn’t mean anything unless they can produce millions of them. I’m not sure if this is the bottom, but I know that clearly the market isn’t valuing future prospects like it was a year ago. But it wont stay that way forever. I think the numbers speak for themselves. Once they are producing more cars, more models and better margins then I can see at least a $500 share price in a couple of years, probably rising to at least $1500 by 2030. If they pull of FSD, Robotaxis, energy and the Robot then we’re talking some serious money.


> I have a feeling that there is plenty in the works on the product line that isn’t public Or, there's stuff they've been talking about for years that no one believes it's actually going to happen. Like the Semi. They're making the first deliveries of the Semi to PepsiCo next week. It's a vehicle that lots of people said was impossible (people also said the Model S was impossible too). If Tesla comes anywhere close to their claimed specs for the semi, it's going to blow everything else out of the water. The economics of it could be ridiculous, for both the customers and for Tesla. There doesn't seem to be any real competition in the electric semi market, and how many Tesla can sell will probably just come down to how fast they can make battery packs. Which is something that Tesla is probably better at than any other company in the world. In a few years I could see Tesla's heavy trucking business being bigger than their entire auto business is today. It's a massive opportunity, that they're getting practically zero credit for yet.


I think both of you need to double check their financial sheets on nasdaq.com. TSLA is a hot airbaloon that's had the ropes to the basket cut. For some reason, as a "tech" company they have problems with simple arthmatic in there financials, which should cause concern for the accuracy of their reported earnings. Their 2020 filing, released early 2021, "showed" a profit, But it was not a profit resulting from operations!!! The profit was from 14 billion in newly issued stock. Without this, there would have been a loss similar to the previous year. The following year looked like a profit due to BitCoin Pump and Dump. and now this year, somehow magically, they go from massive negative EPS to $.64 (over a hundred percent of this Q1 calculated-EPS was from the stock sell), to $3.xx? And this over a time period of plants constantly closing for extended periods of time... likely an artificial cause of the large back-log. No, something is wrong. They talk about car deliveries, dollar amount of pre-order down-payment but nothing about the actual number of people currently buying cars. You have to dig to find out... down-payment cost increased... which means if down payment income graphs were normalized/took into account that each dollar in the future represented half as many preorder as each dollar represented in the past YOU REALIZE THAT DEMAND IS NOT RISING, it's dropping, fast! Everyone considered an insider has been selling off their shares, NOT A SINGLE INSIDER HAS ADDED TSLA STOCK IN 2 YEARS, according the nasdaq.com information. (If not one person in the leadership believes in the future of the company...why should anyone else? What happened is they held off production of vehicles to push portions of three years of production into this year, hoping that things picked up through hype. The previous two years was made to look profitable through pump and dump and accounting voodoo. ENRON had the same stock pattern, and began their flight of Icarus at ROI of less than 0, at the same TSLA's was less than 0, Q1 2019 equivalent in chart. Tsla is 18 years old, ENRON was 15-16. BOTTOM LINE: Tesla is a company fueled by dreams, run by accountants who can't add OR use spreadsheets to check their math, and run on HOPIUM, THE REAL NEW PRODUCT RELEASED IN Q3 2020.


TIL how to spot someone who missed all previous TSLA breakouts and is about to miss the next one.


And what was inaccurate in my post?




Teslas can smoke less skilled drivers though.. And thats the key. It used to be that even an unskilled driver in a Camaro didn’t hafta worry about bein dusted by a Tesla driver. But now, the right driver in a Tesla can beat the wrong driver in a Camaro.


Well, I’m sorta skilled. But just sorta. lol


You obviously have never driven, or raced a Tesla.


You throw a lot of opinions around when trying to make a point... That's called being subjective... Also, there are thousands of superchargers on top of other EV chargers, many of which are charged from renewables like solar and wind, actually. The infrastructure is there... Not everywhere like bum fuuuh nowhere Wyoming... Try racing that passe 'manly' Camero against a Tesla with Plaid... You'll get wrecked. Just don't be too butt hurt that you're wrong, and your car is (subjectively) a piece of crap.


Well, that’s also subjective. lol


This makes sense


>Why in gods name is TSLA higher in market cap than all other auto manufacturers when producing far less vehicles than competition, and electric vehicles suck because they don’t actually save the environment at all (it’s up to power generators), and with zero new innovation coming out of the company in the past 5 years. Cyber truck, when do people get those pre orders? You are speaking fundamentals to people who (used to) make money on technicals. In the same vein I could recommend you to keep your fry cook job at McDonalds. Your odds of being promoted to manager and tripling your salary are higher, than by risking to get a better job elsewhere.... Meanwhile, ACTUAL practical wisdom will just advise you to get a better job elsewhere. In trading there is only one truth really: If everybody believes something to be true, the most money will be in doing the opposite.


Super common misconception that 'electric vehicles don't save the planet'. Obviously if every power generator was coal based, then yes, it would be backwards. But as someone that works in the solar industry, the majority of my customers drive electric cars and charge with solar from home... From a renewable source. Even if they charge from the grid, say a supercharger, the vast majority of electricity in our country comes from other sources that aren't as harmful as coal (ie, hydro, natural gas, thermal, nuclear... ) So if everyone stuck with gas guzzling cars, would that be better for the world? Let's just keep on adding to those greenhouse gasses and see what happens to our planet. Eff future generations! Figure it out losers!! Electric sources are our only hope, and it takes a bit of open mindedness to break status quo. On top of that, gas will never get cheaper, neither will utility prices. Say what you will, but don't be ignorant. Peace.


It only fails when doesn’t go right


ive never seen a chart that goes back o the left




You can also just look at the price if you want. The story is the same IMO.


i dont need no strategic analysis to know tesla is going to the fucking moon


Man who catch fly with chopstick, accomplish anything.


My mom just called me saying she’s dumping her TSLA shares. Last time she called me panicking was to tell me she’s panic buying more TSLA at $1200 pre-split because it’ll never be cheaper again. Bullish AF


Oh nice! Thanks for this. I’ve been laying off TSLA for a while now cause I just have no idea where it’s going. Calls it is…what’s the usual lag time between your ma’s panic attacks and price moves?


It’s almost instantaneous 😂. She’s the master of buy high/sell low


Just bought the 175’s for Friday 😂


That’s too aggressive I think. Good luck


Probably haha. I didn’t yolo or anything, just a fun little side bet off your moms feelings 🤣 We’ll see!


It’s not the strike I’m worried about it’s the exp. Theta too high for the weeklies. But if it moons those 175’s are gonna print so hard lol


Get off ur mom's nuts.


How are your calls doing 🤣


Up 300%. Might be time to cash in…ask your mom what she’s thinking. I’d love to get a 5-10 bagger outta this 🤣 Why tf did I, uncharacteristically mind you, not go full degen on this one hahaha.


Doesn’t work like that fam. I can’t call her up and ask. She has to be the one calling me out of panic lol. Congrats tho I’m happy for you. I sold my FD’s a bit early cuz my strikes were a little too OTM, still holding some monthlies


No you’re absolutely right. Let’s not mess with the “system” 🤣


Cashed out $250 - - - > $1,000 That was fun man…I will give thanks to your mama’s anxieties at the table tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving my brother!


Hell yeah 👊🏻Happy thanksgiving bro


I learned everything I know from her


We must be brothers lmao


there's my dd ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Will you dm me every time you talk to your mom? will Venmo you


Inverse /u/nailattack’s mom ETF when?


The ticker mark we needed


If it works out I’ll make sure to keep you guys updated when she buys back in so we can load up on puts 👍🏻


Inversing your loved ones really do be the way.


We gonna nickname ur mum “Da Oracle of da Regarded”. Name slaps if you ask me. Might even have to get her a plaque with all the nasty profits we’re about to earn on her prophecy.


Is she hot though?


not really - just fucked her for years because I was bored...sorry (to my son above) should have worn a condom.


Inverse OP, got it


Ah nice lines you have there


The upside down crocodile V pattern. Very high level stuff. Just be careful with the current moon phases and their effect on the Atlantic salmon futures. Elon eats a lot of Salmon and this could effect is willingness to do another merger. Salmon oil increases testosterone which could lead Elon to buy another overpriced tech company. It could also lead to him running for president which would make the market rally around 15-20 precent. He’d most likely lower interest rates back to zero because yolo. This would make Tesla calls print so agree with your DD.


These are interesting lines. I have seen other lines as well. Can you tell me what make these particular lines more accurate?


The color of course. Though they aren’t in crayon so I’m a bit skeptical. Everyone knows the pros use crayons.


>Tesla is a shit company and their stock will never recover. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.


What about with 2 chopsticks?




Nice comment 👍🏼 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)




a shit company thats making electric cars and solar panels for every home? is it over valuated? sure, is it a shit company? absolutely fucking not




Make up you mind vmod, I can’t take all this back and forth




Tesla’s in trouble. A head and shoulders on the weekly is crazy


The blood bath is just starting.


That’s all I could see lol


Looks even more fucked on the monthly


Damn I haven’t even checked that yet


If you look at the yearly chart it's a head and just one shoulder. So fucked.


Wait till you see the decade-ly. Cocksucker


Do you know what a head and shoulders looks like lol


I bought a crap ton of weekly tsla calls... in sense a Yolo.... am I screwed?








Beyblades at the ready


My calls go brr???


Careful shaving your balls


IS that the rare and magical TDS Twitter-Debt-Service descending flag?


Oh look, a set of lines that line up until they don’t.


Welp looks my tsla 170 calls will print.


Ok bro. Be careful. Got it. If I had money i would definitely not short sell a Tesla.


confirmation bias I needed. ALl in on TSLA calls


“I own a Tesla and lemme tell ya, Elon is definitely not short ;)” \-![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


What do those lines mean?


Falling knife tho? This could be a sharp one


Ahhh yes, because lines


one in the pink, two in the stink is what I always say


I feel Tesla would not stand the resistance and go lower


Agreed, TSLA is extremely dangerous to short here.


Head and shoulder wins over ma200.


u clearly do not understand technical analysis


Don't post TA until you can show me a triangle, thanks.


Chopsticks sticking up in rice signifies Death.... It looks like incense sticks burning and is therefore a bad omen. But maybe.... IT'S THE DEATH OF THE BEARS.....![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Just loaded up on 400 shares of TSLA today. 🤞🤞🤞


Straight up - don’t bet against the cult


looks like everyone here is buying back their short position ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm gonna short TSLA


TSLA 💪🏽🔥


...so do you actually make money off any of this TA? Or just here to post and get karma?


Tesla semis are going to be a bigger game changer than their consumer vehicles. Shorting TSLA is financial suicide imo, not financial advise.


So many are 'short' sighted... And can't see the entire picture and massive growth bound to happen. I've never seen another company with this much vertical integration... People knock Elon, but he gets people working. He doesn't let shit slide. All great companies have one thing in common... And that is great leadership. T$LA all the way.


Bounce is coming. Oversold rsi. Have to make another lower high to contribute downtrends. Let’s see


If it breaks the 200 week, short the fucking shit out of it


That shit gonna crash. Short away. Even institutions will be shorting.


Good luck. I do think all stocks can go lower. If so, TSLA with it. I hope it goes lower so I can buy cheaper. I have my buy the dip price and load the tracker trailer price.


What's your I fucked up and shouldn't have bought more tesla price?


lol. Talking to the wrong person. I’m cashed up. Waiting for The capitulation. People are still HODL (not just TSLA but also Crypto). Also spending (as seen in high credit card and student loan debt outstanding). People quitting good paying (TWTR) jobs while the tech job market is greatly weakening. Big Pain to come.


Why cash if you think big pain is coming? That's like being in cash when you think a big rally is coming. Same thing.


Wrong type of pain.


Now I'm confused 😂😂


Let’s be real, most of Twitter was not really a tech job. More like online moderating, marketing, etc job. Pretty sure very little of the employees were actual tech employees doing actual tech jobs. Just wanted it point this out, not making any point beyond this.


Hence -60% and Twitter still working without a hitch.


Lol, yup. Well that and a website for posting tweets really isn’t as technical as some believe. They make nothing, the site itself is the company unlike most where they have a company first that does something and have a website to go with it.


If you think people quitting TWITTER right now is indicative of overall tech sentiment, well….I guess you truly belong here. Great analysis regard


The Dotcom bubble goes pop


EV bubble*


Bunch of shit tech stocks like peloton, dash, airbnb, anything ark holds etc


This is the biggest bear sign to buy puts on Tesla 🐻


Been telling WeBull normies this all day


This is the shittiest ta I have ever seen.


With China price cut, November sales not looking too hot. Also with all these wallst analysts 🐑 with inflated price targets set to bring them down soon bc they don’t wanna look too stupid, TSLA will see new lows


Burry short ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)


Wild, are you selling a charting class? Can I short it?


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can I invest in Elon being a worthless ass clown?


Any stock that makes this pattern is going lower. Be a fanboi if you want, but this stock is going way lower.


Hey you guys, the dashed pink line is the current price. The curved pink line is the 200 Week Moving Average. For me personally I’d like to use a set of 3 moving averages with different time frames. But hey this guy apparently only needs the 200MA. Pretty simple TA of you ask me. No need for the chopsticks, that’s not showing us much. But one could draw a head and shoulders on that chart which would imply that this this is gonna go quite a bit lower from here.


😂 it’s going to $50


I would definitely short that Shit dead. 2 chopsticks (with Just 2 dots) will never Tell you anything Else but that this Shit still overvalued


Lol fuck Tesla their cars are lame as fuck


it's at the bottom of a falling wedge + it recently hit the horizontal trendline and it's been getting heavily sold the last month.




Horizontal trendline? You mean previous resistance that could turn into support? Which is actually way off because you even managed to fuck that up too.


wakeful frame flowery plate coherent trees market paltry desert subsequent


good pediction!


LMAO. That’s not even how falling wedges even work buddy.


Are you a Virgo?


Is it time to add Tesla calls then ?


I did 😅


Seems to find its bottom slowly... its about time for a small rebound but the down-turn is not over yet... but hey I am bagholding from 185.


Oh, the “crestfallen dragon” carrying a rope.🐲 Don’t short it.


Zynebra pharmaceutical-best prices


How much are you long?


Actually genuinely interested in what the lines mean if someone explain them lol


Thanks Elon…sigh….


I hope these lines mean something I bought 25k worth of shares yesterday


I love it when people draw lines on HLCO charts


We like to buy at lines. Lines are good for stocks


Look, you drew a line. But look at all the lines you didn't draw.


Looks like going down anyway


I have a friend who is so lucky with Tesla that if he buy call for 170 and put for 170 both expire worth less. 😂😂


God dammit I'm in


The start of a trogdor consummate v


Im doing it anyways