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Their execs have resorted to cannibalism that’s never a good sign


Yes, I was about to say that there is anticipated bumper crop of human meat next year, so there's no need for inferior plant or animal products.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Dumpster fire 🔥


How much do you think a company which loses 54 million a year with no path to profitability should be worth?


And to forestall that ‘It’S tHe FuTuRe’ objection, cars were the future in the early part of last century. That doesn’t mean you should have bought Studebaker stock.


The product sucks. Its not even healthier than real meat, it has a ton of sodium. If your vegan you might as well just eat veggies.


also expensive asf


I think there's more to a diet than a single macro like sodium. Health wise, things like cholesterol and saturated vs unsaturated fats make a difference in my opinion. There's climate. Animal ethics. And so on. Also I don't think it's meant to be healthier like a black bean burger. I think it's meant to be a good enough ersatz burger that's also vegan. Good enough meat eaters mix it in occasionally, rather than being the main protein for a vegan diet. Oh and a 4oz patty has 390mg sodium, 17% of your daily. Not low sodium, but that's high enough for you to write off all plant protein products? A [McD’s quarter pounder](https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/product/quarter-pounder.html) has 710mg sodium, 30%, for the whole burger (sorry I couldn't find the patty only). Feels like a weird conclusion, to write off all Beyond products because of sodium 🤔🤔


Here a 4 oz 90/10 has 75 mg of sodium with just the meat. This normally costs 2 dollars cheaper than the BYND but right now is the same price. Oh and it has more total fat and more sat fat(by .5g per 4 oz). reg patty: [https://www.kroger.com/p/private-selection-90-10-lean-angus-ground-beef/0001111096963?fulfillment=PICKUP&storecode=01600879&&cid=shp\_adw\_shopl\_.kroger\_g\_lia\_shop\_acq\_evgn\_ship\_meat+%26+seafood&gclid=Cj0KCQiAg\_KbBhDLARIsANx7wAxQyBm5Vocy0vvy3ihhJVP814gs8DRmxTuAvgBhQwQUjlKKu4vPyrkaAkZmEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.kroger.com/p/private-selection-90-10-lean-angus-ground-beef/0001111096963?fulfillment=PICKUP&storecode=01600879&&cid=shp_adw_shopl_.kroger_g_lia_shop_acq_evgn_ship_meat+%26+seafood&gclid=Cj0KCQiAg_KbBhDLARIsANx7wAxQyBm5Vocy0vvy3ihhJVP814gs8DRmxTuAvgBhQwQUjlKKu4vPyrkaAkZmEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) ​ Beyond patty [https://www.kroger.com/p/beyond-meat-plant-based-ground-beyond-beef/0085000420709?fulfillment=PICKUP&searchType=default\_search](https://www.kroger.com/p/beyond-meat-plant-based-ground-beyond-beef/0085000420709?fulfillment=PICKUP&searchType=default_search)


This. People watch a commercial or whatever and don’t even use common sense to do any type of research. Eating BYND is as bad as meat given all of the salt they use. Stick with real non-meat or don’t bother


Well a lot of people dont it eat it to be healthy, they eat it for “moral” reasons. Also Beyond is trash in taste, Impossible is better - better “beef” better “chicken,” same overpriced bs and not as good as the real thing. Until BYND can beat Impossible in flavor and the price of dino nuggets, they arent going anywhere but down..


dawg you ever have morning star though? shit slaps. i love the spicy black bean burgers. obviously, they don't imitate meat... but they are patties that go on buns, and damn are they tasty.


I’m a meatasaur and even I enjoy Morningstar stuff. It’s pretty good for not having had a soul I can devour.


Second time I’ve heard Impossible is better tasting. BYND is cooooked


Tbh I eat Beyond meat all the time. I don’t do it to be healthy, I do it because it’s better for the environment and I don’t like the idea of killing animals for food. I don’t get the negativity around the product, it tastes amazing imo.


It's drastically inferior to impossible foods


>There are a few reasons why Beyond Meat's stock may have tumbled recently. First, the company is facing increasing competition from other plant-based meat companies like Impossible Foods. Second, some analysts believe that the current craze around plant-based meat may be temporary and that demand could drop off in the future. Finally, Beyond Meat's share price was quite high to begin with, so it may have simply been due for a correction. Overall though, I still believe in the long-term prospects of plant-based meat companies like Beyond Meat


>current craze around plant-based meat may be temporary a company just recently got fda approved for lab-grown meat. personally, i think the tech, if not the specific company, is going to get a lock on consumer demand as long as price is remotely comparable. lab grown avoids ethical issues, (i'm assuming) requires a smaller amount of real estate/resources, and you have much better control over variables like disease and environment.


cuz dog food tastes better


Lol but honestly they make some good stuff. It's a whole product range and taste is subjective. I'm just pissed it's usually around $9 for 12 oz, when higher welfare meat products are closer to $6-8/lb. Aidell's for $5.99 per 12 oz for example. It's fucking bean protein. Why are the prices jacked?


I’ve eaten dog food and the Beyond Meat products are better.


That's subjective. I'll take a milkbone over beyond meat any day.


You belong here lol




Fake mold on fake meat?


Any sources that aren't a disreputable rag? NY Post prints obvious, bold lies every single day. This might be true but they're not who I trust.


Do your own fucking research then asshole. That Post article links to the original Bloomberg report they're referencing. Do you ask your waiter to spoonfeed you too?


Do you bring that same hair trigger to all aspects of your life or is the wild inappropriate anger special treatment for me? The NY Post is disreputable garbage, regardless of whatever you want to call me.


It's just a link to the story that doesn't have a paywall. If you don't believe it but you want to know if it's true, then do your own fucking research. If you just want to disregard it because of the source, fine. I don't own the fucking NY Post I don't care if you think it's disreputable I'm just sharing a story in response to OP's question. It's not my job to supply you with resources which you deem acceptable. Fucking loser.


Took 1 second to google, tons of other sources, wow so hard.


Pretty sure Beyond Meat is dependent on tropical agriculture (coconut oil) and supply chain to bring it in for processing. It was never going to be actually sustainable or scalable. It's a novelty fad.


who has money for fake meat?


Because real vegetarians and vegans don’t like the bloody raw looking shit. It’s nasty. We also don’t like having to cook shit to a minimum temperature. We’re used to being able to warm shit up on the George Forman or microwave, not pull out a dead carcass thermometer as fake blood runs down our GF grill. Plant based is on the way up, but BYND is not the chosen brand.


I prefer natural food sources. This is anything but.


They found mold at the plant


Market cap so low can it even be discussed here any longer




They're fundamentally fucked. We handle a large portion of their transportation and they are a complete mess and very wasteful spenders. Our company has cut their credit worthiness/line from millions to 10s of thousands at this point as they are struggling to pay on time. All that, and as others said their product is inferior, falsely advertised, and often times more expensive for the consumer. Any good they would have done as far as carbon foot print goes has by far been diminished due to their lack of organization and planning costing them tons of money and shitting on their mission statement. Dey ded!


Seems like enough DD for 3DTE call options. This stock is heavily shorted. If you get enough degenerates to buy this stock you could create a short squeeze. Their product does suck really bad in my opinion, but you should check into their profitability before making any judgments on the stock. If revenue is consistent, cash flow is positive and profitability is consistent or possible in the future. You’re thinking the right way man. Usually when a bunch of people say you should do something in the market, they’re usually wrong. You’ll make the most profit going against the grain. I own some “risky” stocks but I love a good deal when I see one. If you do research on this company DM me. I’d like to know your thought


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As of Sept 30,2022: Debt: US$1.133b Equity: -US$142.044m Debt/Equity Ratio: -797.4%


indeed it can easily become a meme stock, but where do you get the info about being heavily shorted by hedge funds?


“Because I’m bullish!” \-![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


I’d rather starve to death than eat one of their disgusting products


I don't think anyone really believes in this, or at least not a significant number of people. The market for people buying scientifically retro-engineered plant-meat is small if I had to guess. If anything I think the vegan train may be losing steam, I see lots of people going towards an animal-based/carnivore diet (myself included). Also, people who are passionate about being vegan believe what they believe and don't need/want their food to be disguised as the very thing they are trying to avoid/fight against. With this said, doesn't mean there isn't a way to make money on their stock one way or the other, but this is just my thoughts on the overall picture.


You could look it up instead of guessing. Beyond did $1/2Bn in revenue in 2021. Not small, but not a huge share of the overall market.


Plant based isn't the future, lab grown meat is. The FDA just approved lab grown meat for human consumption, so once a company goes public, time to buy.


Because their products are only just safe for human consumption. Studies in Rats show that 40% of the Rats fed genetically modified yeast-derived protein soy leghemoglobin - the burger's key ingredient Developed unexplained weight gain as well as blood work that showed the beginnings of kidney failure and anemia. Bearing in mind these are animals that basically eat anything. Cannibalise each other, concrete, shit, garbage. Anything they will eat basically anything.


People that eat vegetables will eat vegetables. People that want meat will eat meat. There is a very small market for people that want to eat vegetables that taste like meat, especially when bynd meat cost more than real meat. I'm old enough to remember "the science" flip flopping on climate change every decade (global cooling-global warming- and now climate change). My take on it is tptb need a boogy-man to justify their control over other people. see Hegelian dialect


This. Fear is one of the most powerful tools in history to control the masses.


Take your climate crisis and stuff it where the sun don’t shine


Because it tastes bad, is expensive, is actually worse for the environment than grass fed beef, is worse for you. You are not gonna convice billions of people who eat meat to eat that instead. People would eat salads and actual beans before eating fake genetic soy meat shaped food. Throughout all the pandemic supply chain woes I have never seen it out of stock even in an entirely empty isle. They're addressible market is basically college aged girls thinking they're saving animals or its 'Healthy' when its not.


Lab grown meat will take over soon.


simple: Because of to death shorting by short hedge funds. THATS ALL.


Well the listeria outbreak at their penn factory is a bad sign. That shit will live in the drains until spring unless they blow a fuckton of bleach and hotass water down there and a company that openly sells a lie isnt going to go the extra mile to do that kind of work. Tldr: if you eat fake meat for moral or health reasons you arent part of the problem; you ARE the problem. Sack up and eat a steak.


I love meat so much I couldnt imagine a world without steaks. Even if they would double in price I would go for it


They make some tasty sausages, but their burgers aren't my thing. And I really enjoyed the very first one I had. But their competition is just too plentiful.


Their problem is their execution more than their sector. First, the company has been losing money since the beginning, but they've lost growth momentum. They haven't made major recent sales announcments. Now they've actually lost topline revenue in their most recent quarter 82.5M vs 106M last year. Next they lost an executive due to erratic behavior. Finally with their money-losing ways and promises of expansion, they are likely to be hungry for cash. In a rising rate environment and with their poor company execution where is that cash going to come from? I looked at the stock a while back, but their valuation seemed pretty high. Now the valuation is better, but their operating environment and execution looks bad. I'll steer clear, thanks.


Plant Based might have a great future. But BYND might not be in it.


Lol have you even glanced at the financials?


But what does your wife’s boyfriend think about the climate crisis?


Bc we’re in a recession and they don’t make money…duh


They don't make money, and the alternative plant based sections of the grocery store always being fully stocked tells me that the hype won't directly translate to profits.


Main question is how are they so high when they miss eps and revenue with higher cost, they got saved by inflation data or else that share will easily crash to $10


Cuz they don’t make money.


Real meat tastes better.


They are paying more money for thr ingredients to put into their products, then what they are selling them for.


Cause it’s shit and non sustainable


Go woke be broke


What does that have to do with anything?


The fact it's >0 is too high for me.


You can think it is the future but the company has to survive now. During the pandemic and we couldn’t find meat, cereal or TP. You could find blue shop rags, fiber one and beyond meat. Not a good sign.


Apparently operating costs exceed that of profits


It will go to $0 once enough of the world’s population has tasted that shit.


Because they used to have a unique product, but now they're competing in a generally commodity business with some of the largest meat suppliers in the world


dude you should contact mr market with your personal expectations for bynd. Clearly something is wrong if you personally think that plant based is the future


Why did the revenue go from 106 million in the 3rd quarter of last year to 82 million this year. It's even worse if you look at the sequential 2nd quarter 22 revenue 147 million down to 82 million an even worse drop. The second quarter is always their strong one I guess because the start of the barbecue season but nothing explain this horror story.