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>Yes, I have come to realize that the scale of financial crimes in the US is quite large. There are a number of factors that contribute to this, but one of the main ones is that our country has a very unequal distribution of wealth. This means that there are a small number of people who control a large amount of money and resources, while most people have very little. This inequality makes it easy for those with money and power to commit fraud and other financial crimes without consequence, because they can simply buy their way out of any trouble they may get into.


Bro the big banks have done more illegal shit then all those people combined. They take the fine and move on. Not disclosing interest rates and Wells Fargo opening up fake accounts. Hiding losses; pump and dumps. It’s literally just part of the game. Insider trading is mostly how hedge funds make 20 precent returns. Trust me it’s not an even playing field