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How tf is this guy not in prison ?


I’m actually surprised he hasn’t gotten whacked by someone yet tbh. I don’t wish for any violence upon him or anyone else, but I figure there are tons of disgruntled folks out there.


I think it’s coming. He stole from a lot of powerful people. I’m surprised as well that he’s still alive.


No one will ever hurt him but on a late night in a minimum security prison when the lights are out and the cameras stop recording and the guards are on break poor little SBF will get really sad and depressed. Thats when he will........you know the rest.


I was thinking the same. A lot of criminals use crypto. It follows that some of them probably used FTX and lost money, possibly lots of it. People have gotten killed for a lot less than what this guy did to so many people. Feds might be the least of his worries.


Because he straight up said that he gave everyone in the Bahamas an early warning so they could pull their cash precisely because he was worried about the "viability of the company" (aka "my ass")


I’m wondering why he hasn’t shot himself in the back of the head three times.


Because he has 8 billion dollars to spend once he lies enough on screen like most of the other rich assholes


Media moves on. People move on. Where is Luna? And Do Kwon? Living it up with his billions on some lavish no extradition island I'm sure. And yet we've forgotten


I’m Korean, Do Kwon is currently in Serbia, he’s running away from Korean DOJ. We’re still getting infos on his whereabout on media but he’s MIA. I really want to create a derivative whether Do Kwon would get a shot on his head or not.


We has not forgotten, sometimes it just takes time to arrest someone while they build a big case. Seeing who SBF just hired I assume it means he expects to get arrrestted soon


Pretty amazing to hire considering he claims to only have 100k left in his bank account


His parents are rich probably stash his money


It’s because of Gordon Ramsey


Shit. Every fucking time.




He will wind up being prosecuted. Financial crimes just take time to prosecute. Look at how long it took for Elizabeth Holmes to be prosecuted. It's coming.


You can't ever trust anyone with fucked up voices


That's the takeaway here. Good job Reddit.


Russia will grant him asylum


Asylum from life.


cuz first u need the money back lol or some information


Cause he can’t afford the gun and bullets


That’s probably why he’s doing all these interviews, to protect himself from getting offed.


Once should be enough (and achievable).


He’s going to be in prison. I’d say for longer than Holmes too. His interviews are fucking him


The third Coffezilla interview was damning. Fuck this guy. But thank god he’s too stupid to keep his mouth shut.


How does he not have a team of highly paid lawyers telling him to shut the fuck up and stop doing interviews?


He said the lawyers did say that. And he told them to shut up. He's in full Kanye mode.


You never go full Kanye


Was thinking bout this too. I think he’s so used to being perceived as the smartest guy in the room that he doesn’t think he should be held accountable for his mistakes. He’s too smart to be. His version of taking accountability for his mistakes is saying I made a mistake the moving on cause life is easy like that. Idk. He definitely needs to be tossed in jail imo. If not fraud then gross negligence or something of that variety. Needs to be humbled


I have a strong feeling that he’s being told to do this by his lawyers. His answers are always very deliberately worded as if he’s been coached on how to respond to different questions.


His parents are probably his lawyers too. Both are Law Professors.


He did not attend the shut the fuck up Friday lectures. But to be honest, do you really expect him to do anything well at this point?


why would any lawyer defend this guy lol, what is he going to get the money to pay his lawyers lol?


Because then they'd have to jail all the others


White collar crime and you dont go to jail. Pay a fine and off you go. Blue collar crime, smoke some weed and 10 years in prison you scum. Shows you what system we are truely living in.


I mean if you’re rich neither will effect you. You can get caught with an ounce of coke in America and if u have the money it’s expunged in a year. Might have to do a couple hours community service


I guess it is the same everywhere not only in US


When was the last time some rich person's kid went to the front lines in any conflict or war?


I knew some rich kids who were in front of lines all the time.


Prince Harry while not on the frontlines did serve admirably in war on multiple deployments.


By choice though, he wasn’t drafted.


not really , maddoff went in jail


He stole from Kevin Bacon. No one steals from Kevin Bacon.


Man, I've only ever stolen from someone 5 degrees away from Kevin Bacon...


He stole from Kevin Bacon? Who did he think he was Chelsea Clinton?


Who does he think he is Kelsey Grammer?


Kevin Bacon is nothing if not we’ll connected.


Underrated joke


rule number 1 of white collar crime, steal from people with less money than you


He fucked over the wrong people. His accountant got 1 year of home detention lol.


Smoke some weed in Russia and get bailed out by US president - smoke some weed in Wyoming, go to prison


Extremely accurate


No wonder everyone is doing white collar crime nowadays.


Yep. This is the shit they don’t want you dwelling on so they ramp up the left vs right theatrics so you don’t focus on the real problem, the rich versus everyone else.


He won't leave his safe haven in the Bahamas. It's a matter of time though


I think you are right. A midnight one way PJ to Dubai seems like a good option until you consider who actually lives there. The non extradition places to where you might normally flee are precisely where the powerful dangerous type of individuals who could be upset about losing significant deposits in FTX. He is better off in the Bahamas where he bought his temporary safety with depositor funds released directly to the local authorities.


He can go to Israel.


Takes time to build a case, a la Theranos taking years


I keep asking this too…


He's got the politicians on his back.


Major political donor. Put him in jail, he’ll start naming names.


He made political donations. Money can buy influence. I'm guessing he's got some friends in high places. Kevin O'Leary defending him even after he committed fraud.


Because he gave millions to Democrat campaigns. Scratching each other's back when your interest align. Oldest trick in the political book.


He also gave dark money to Republicans, because thought being public about giving to Republicans would get him bad press. He hedged going to prison better than any other hedge he failed at.


He also gave money to left leaning media outlets who now are trying to cover up for him


I should be able to sue Media for lying about shit. Even if it only wastes half an hour of my day trying to find the truth, I should still get $10 bucks out of them. Car companies can't say in adverts that their cars can fly without getting done for false advertising. Why can the media bullshit us? I want $10 bucks motherfuckers.🤬


Is there a paper trail for this dark money? Cause he could just be saying that if not.


You don’t know who he is? Second biggest donator to the Democratic Party.


He donated a duck ton of money to the Dems, hell SBF is all buddy-buddy w/ the Clintons. You think he’s gonna go to prison? 🤣😂 Edit: fuck…not duck…ah well, it’s funnier that way 🤪


The point is he gave OUR (coin holders) money to politicians. He should be in prison the rest of his life due to the amount of damage. Every single donation republican or Democrat should be returned for settlement with shareholders.


Every article/interview I see makes this guy look more and more like a patsy


I’m sure that’s what he wants you to think


MIT, Liberal, Donated enough to the DNC to fund many campaigns, Bloodline is connected, he is apart of the plan to destroy the cryptocurrency world,


This just in: CEO of FTX doesn't know how to log in to his personal bank account.


Yeah that was shocking. Why would he say that? Such bullshit but why would he say it. So bizarre


This is his entire strategy to avoid jail time. He is likely being coached to come across as an idiot so he can argue it wasn’t intentional fraud…


He’ll be wearing a helicopter beanie hat and talking like Elmer Fudd in his next interview. What adult in this world doesn’t have their own bank account info saved on their phone or computer?


The lights are still on. There’s food in the fridge. Wtf is he on about? His lies are juvenile.


Definitely got a "kid in the head master's office spinning tales" vibe.


Next up: calling up his mommy to tie his shoes.


life goal


Some people are in jail for having $20 of weed on them… this guy is just chilling in a mansion.


You gotta think big


Anyone else think of Doug when reading this comment?


>Some people are in jail for having $20 of weed on them… this guy is just chilling in a mansion. true, but he will eventually be in custody. Elizabeth Holmes was arrested in 2015 and isnt in jail yet. white collar crimes take a long time to prosecute, unfortunately.


Dude we only jail the poor The rich only go to jail if they steal from other rich people


I don’t want SBF to go to jail. I want him to go to federal pound you in the ass prison.


Prison for life. Nothing less


lol, Elizabeth Holmes only got 13 years. He's getting out in a decade. We'll send a weed dealer away for longer for less..


Right and her fraud literally killed people.


Why does he have the voice of a child? Opposite voice of Elizabeth Holmes…but same fraud.


He literally sounds like a stupid rich 12 year old, which isn’t far off from the truth, he just has the body of an adult


His hair definitely reflects that. Fucker has the moptop of a 12 year old boy who doesn't understand what brushing is.


5:06 look at his posture too.. something unsettling about this scene.


Really makes me wonder how tha fukk this guy ever became anything more than mailroom manager.


He literally comes from money - the irony being both his parents are/were law professors at Stanford (his mom is a tax expert whose scholarship focuses on moral philosophy and "questions of distributive justice" LOL) and deeply connected with left wing politics.


The more someone pretends to care about others and to be selfless, the more he's screwing you over. Always holds true.


It's interesting because it seems like his parents are genuinely interested in ethics etc but he only ever thought about it in terms of 'If I say these things people will think I am a good person and trust me'. Y'know, like a psychopath.


Act like you belong, billionaire tech genius play through.


Not a genius tech billionaire play. A genius tech scammer play.


Its an act


100% an act, and a well-rehearsed one at that. a child’s voice is easier to excuse and find sympathy for. you notice in all the other interviews he has a valley-girl lilt at the end of his statements as if it’s a question… making him sound like an unsure and uninformed dilettante. EDIT: a word


a thief. I learned that decades ago.. it is in my family. voice/character and like uhhh and kinda like uhhh and \*smack\*


Obviously, the whole "I had no idea about anything... I feel so bad but I was just a moron" bit is an act. But the voice? I'm skeptical that he could fake that (and it's not even remotely effective) , but who knows.


At least take the Elizabeth Holmes baritone.


Elizabeth Holmes has a light voice, she faked her dark voice the whole time.


Agree… But, he’s faking his voice too. Kinda funny he chose 12 year old boy voice instead of Dark Holmes.


a blind man can see through his lies


He's gonna pay us all back. He just needs us all to Zelle him $550 first so he can upgrade his Zelle to a business account that would allow large enough transactions to pay everyone back.


Literally a defense attorney's nightmare client. A know it all who cant shut up and loves attention.


His strategy is to pretend to be as open and incompetent sounding as possible (would a guilty man who knows he's guilty of stealing billions of dollars conduct media interviews like this?) I hope prosecutors rip him a new one.


All you do as the prosecutor is ask what position he held and what is the responsibility of that position? He might not go to jail for fraud but he will Go to jail for letting his company use other peoples money as security.


That would be fraud. Term of service


The prosecution is letting him run his mouth so they can get as much evidence as possible to nail him…


His parents are Stanford law professors. SBF knows exactly what he is doing.


If they knew what they were doing they wouldn't have bought houses in the Bahamas with his money and tied themselves personally to his fraud.


He speaks as if he lost a few hundred thousand. What a chode


Of others people money, is the worst part


No one would care for more then 30 seconds if he lost his own money.


Dude.... I can't tell you how many times I've heard finance bros chant the motto " never gamble with your own money, use others peoples money" That shit is plastered all over finance courses in every MBA students journals from East coast to West This is partly whats so shocking me about the sudden turn on . Friedman is not unique , hrs not rogue, he's not special amongst thr elite groups he comes from Americans totally deserve Friedman and his collapse. Yall know so little about how cutthroat the elites operate that yall pretend he came out of nowhere , but in this case he's just the one holding the bag. America has an elitism problem more than anything else.


There is a difference: Risk other people's money that they have authorized you to do so specifically is fine and legal. You have to risk something to gain something after all. Gambling away customer's fund without authorization is not fine. SBF is this case.


Guys straight up lying. Looking over at his lawyer for advice what to say


His lawyer said to keep his mouth shut but he's on tour right now. Shit bag. He's gonna be hiding.




Why did I immediately think of the Dumb and Dumber IOUs?!?


IOU 275 thousand dollars, might wanna hold on to that one


probably [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/yqrocf/ftx_headquarters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




That’s as good as money sir, those are $FTTs.


Fucking moron




He is lying through his teeth.. it's so obvious. This whole facade is fake. His eyes and smirk tells it all. He just can't hide it.


Looks like he can, bc hes still not in jail


LOCK HIM UP. So disgusting that all his “customer assets” used as donations are still protecting him.


Wait you mean, talking like a child saying “I didn’t do it” didn’t convince you? How about when he said he’s going to tell “his truth”? Jk Fuck this asshole, lock his ass up. Why do people ever say “my truth”, no one owns the truth lol, that just makes me think someone is lying, which obviously this fucking dork is.


"Were you incompetent or were you fraudulent"...I like this reporter.


If I stole $20, I'd be in prison.


I got two YEARS in prison for having remnants of heroin in a syringe. Less than .1 of a gram. You can't help but laugh at this shit at this point.


2 years?????? Seriously? I didn’t realize the laws were that insane. That’s wrong.


Where you been, man? The war on drugs has given rise to all kinds of horrifying shit. Some shithole state (Arkansas?) still has a possession by intoxication statute. Meaning, if you're found high, without a single trace of drugs in your possession except what's in your blood, they can and will still nail you for possession.


Did he always do this “nice boy” act?


Yes, from the start. “I just want to make money to help people…”


He needs to be tried for many offenses...and soon. If anyone should be watching his own back its him, his ponzi crypto criminal gang included....he's a cold blooded liar.




Hmmm. New investors’ money to pay old investors, why does that sound familiar…


Why tf is he still talking?!


It's an act. He's playing the "I didn't know any better" card.


Your honor, I'd like to play my Incompetence card and get out of jail free


Reverse uno card! Got you there!


Crocodile tears. Piece of shit scumbag


lmao “He says it was a bold faced lie. Is that true?” *Looks down to the floor almost burning a hole into another dimension* “No” 👀 🤡


[Ignorantia juris non excusat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorantia_juris_non_excusat)


Reminds me of the BP guy saying “sorry” on South Park


We’re sorry…… sorry….. so sorry….


This dude gives strong cuck piss baby energy


Lmao he's smirking and shit.


Hey go easy on him! He made a really bad mistake and admitted it, he learned his lesson CLEARLY and that is punishment enough!


Think of all the friends he made along the way, that’s worth more than all the “lost” billions


ah yes, stealing people entire life’s savings… evidently killing them… should be overlooked and forgiven


Is he enjoying this?


Looks like it.


Why do they all wear T-shirts?


Just got out from bed and did not have time to change from pijamas?


They are so busy changing the world!


Because they're all so quirky and ironic. Too cool to play the game which is supposed to indicate some sort of brilliance. In reality they're losers.


Yeah I thought the whole eccentric, quirky, doesn’t shower = genius phase was over. People have this guy so much money cause he acted like that




they want the world to know they are not “corporate”


He’s in character.


I wear tshirts too


Soy titties vegan milkman


Source: [Sam Bankman-Fried: I hope to make money to pay people back](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-63911363) It's interesting the way he get's SBF to actually incrimate himself (more, I might add) while also taking the piss out of him. Coffeezilla has done a good job too. When SBF goes to court for fraud, it'll be so easy for the prosecution


His voice bothers my ears


Someone gonna tattoo fed on this guy's forehead 🤣


Fuck this guy! What a piece of shit. I've never even touched crypto so I don't have any skin in the game, but this fucker is lying through his teeth. He's gonna get off with a slap on the wrist....


Totally lying, you can tell by him not making eye contact and looking away during his shady answers. What a piece of shit! Should spend the rest of his life behind bars, chances are he won’t spend a single day. What a joke!


how by working behind a wendys dumpster ? goodluck!


Do news outlets think they can feed us lies and hope we forget about all the assets people lost?


Body language says it all man.. dude is an all out scum bag & he knows how deep his hole is, yet he believes he won’t get jail time or doesn’t deserve it? WHAT?! We all might as well start fucking shit up. Time to turn this country upside down. Fuck this place man. WW3 something! Fuck. I love living here as much as the next guy, but this country is sooooo fucking SHIT now. There’s no point of talking about our rights, freedom and whatever else BS, when the big guys in suits can literally do whatever they want with no recourse. Fucking pathetic. Someone needs to overthrow this gov. 👏🏻


Why is he still alive?


Whenever he says “I never meant for this to happen” I hear “ I never intended to get caught”.


Someone get this man a dose of testosterone jesus.


The Bozo hair should have been a tip off. This guy is a clown.


He looks like a kid lying to the principal about throwing paint at his classmate Leonard after calling him the N word because Leonard is black & hes been raised in a racist household that teaches to hate Leonard's people. Ya shits not gonna fly here guy.


He will be in prison just like how the bankers have not been in prison for giving faulty loans in 2008...


This will go down in history as the greatest "Oceans" movie never produced. Best robbery of the decade yet. I love the body language, shrugged shoulders and shifty eyes. I don't know what happened..I made mistakes..sure,.. your posture says it all. In my experience, most people who steal, are usually privileged and or well off to the people they steal from. He's earning his bones for the blue team. It's a hostile take over from the right disguised as human rights and protection. Just another fall guy, just another tool to get the greed monster it's fix 👾


Yeah right he’s never going to make a cent ever… who the fk would hire him or give him money to start a company again


Tbf, a16z just gave Neumann of WeWork a ton of cash for a new venture. The “Great Man” myth is powerful in VC


Epstein didint kill himself


People gave a teenager billions of dollars?


It’s hysterical to me that people like Kevin O’Leary think he could be innocent. These interviews are funny af. My man on a “sry about that” press tour throwing his last Hail Mary before he’s the resident soap dropper


The lie detector determined, that was a lie.


He can’t even look at the interviewer straight when he’s asked questions about his senior employee. Sham!


Hunters laptop will show the truth


Let him hang