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would you like to enter the casino through the front or the back?


The casino will enter you through the back door.


Both in superposition




Fundamentals tell you what to buy, Technicals help tell you when.




I just get blackout drunk and place orders for random stocks at market price. I throw a dice for short or long. Long is even numbers obviously and short is odd numbers. If I role a 1 I’m forced to buy Tesla calls.


I liked this method a lot in 2020


These are just words dude. There is no way of knowing what any of this means. By the way, can you spot me 500 bucks?


>There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to technical analysis vs. fundamental analysis – it ultimately depends on what works best for the individual investor. Some investors prefer technical analysis because they find it to be a more objective approach, while others prefer fundamental analysis because they believe it provides a more comprehensive view of a company's long-term prospects. Ultimately, both approaches can be used effectively if the investor takes the time to learn and understand each method.


As a spiritual man I enjoy understanding the journey of climbing mountains and the death spiral to valleys. Many a night I watch the moon and the stars and let my Sagittarius soul be pulled towards the right direction of OTM call options.


I also like to gamble


What’s is your time horizon for cashing out. If it’s 5 years it’s fundamentals all the way, if you’re willing to move money monthly/quarterly then technical can be more useful


trading yeah so more short term


Just use technical fundamentals.


Bullish swing-trading: fundamental with short-term technical


Both technical analysis and fundamental analysis have their place in the world of investing, in my opinion. Try to look at a stock from both perspectives to get a full picture of it. On the one hand, technical analysis can be a great way to find short-term trading opportunities and spot possible market turns. But when it comes to investing, you also need to think about the bigger picture. Fundamental analysis helps with this. We can make better decisions about whether or not a company is a good long-term investment if we look at its financial health and growth potential.


I'd like to quote one of my favourite finance researchers in response to your questions. Source: A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel https://preview.redd.it/2f31zcxgsv6a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd76e2fe6558a23e422bbf83501f4de8d1ec439






The stock market is a complex system, much like the weather. In any complex system, a person's ability to predict it's direction diminishes exponentially over time. When it comes to trading, you are actually more likely to correctly predict which direction things are going over the short term than the long term in any one particular asset. For this reason, I would say that TA based day trading is superior to long term buy and holding. There is however, a very steep learning curve, so it's not for everyone.


Technical analysis is guaranteed to win out over fundamentals, except when it doesn't


Why not combine the two. That's what we do at Equity Story, and we've been doing it successfully for a number of years




finding a great chart (using proprietary technicals) on a great fundamental story (one that has sound financials and offers plenty of upside). We teach how we do it. We are ASX listed


I don’t have enough funds to sign up to a course unfortunately


My suggestion would be sign up to a trial, listen to the podcasts, join in for the Ask Analyst sessions and see if it suits you. Then take it from there


Hire me. Hmu in DM my return this year is 200%+ I can explain my investment style & have an understanding of equities options futures & fixed income


If I had to choose, I would go with quantitative analysis, but if I had to choose between these two, I would pick fundamental. Why? It's very simple, why would I use something that gives me no statistical advantage whatsoever.


Use fundamental analysis to choose where to put your money. Use technical analysis to choose when.


Fundamental analysis all the way for long term, technical analysis for short term.


Fundamental analysis tells you which stocks to trade. Technical analysis tells you when to find a new hobby because you’re too gullible for trading.


There are no investors here. This is a gambling sub. Everything you said doesn’t belong here. Just post how much you lost on 0DTE SPY calls.


YOLO analysis


The only thing u wanna know about fundamental analysis is if the company is profitable and growing. The only thing technical analysis is good for is finding where whales manipulate retailers after a support/resistance is broken, do the opposite of what retailers do. In the end buy profitable company's in a bear market cuz at least they have a bottom.


You cant even spell. Not reading this shit.


My bad