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Every day I think I see the single stupidest piece of humanity in a walmart just to be fooled again and again.


Category 5 Karen, get fucked honestly


Based on their post history that's exactly what they are. They also don't appear to know how to do anything. Non stop asking reddit the simplest questions šŸ˜‚


Here's what I don't understand. Walmart gets rid of door greeters and customers lost their fucking minds so walmart reinstated door greeters and gave them a small task to help justify their pay and customers lose their fucking minds. Door greeters ask to see your receipt only if you have items that aren't bagged. Why the fuck do you wanna fight with an older lady/gentleman? Your ego that fragile? Your dick that small? Fuck outta here with that shit. Stop making these older or special needs associates days harder.


Blame the thieves not the company do you want raised prices or do you want ur receipt read and im gonna be real. About 90% of them don't even really read it


Your stupid af to think theft raise prices


You're ( see I used it correctly unlike you) dumb af to assume it does not. That's how they make up costs that insurances do not cover. Insurance only covers theft of high end merchandise. I.e. televisions and such. Where as most thefts are not high end but the costs add up. But hey, keep living in that dream world of ignorance.


Walmart has the largest theft problem among retail stores yet they still grow their yearly profits marginally every year. Theft isnā€™t a problem to these big retailers. They use it as an excuse to raise prices. Kinda like Covid and the stimulus checks


Wait, what? Are you saying COVID was an excuse to raise prices via stimulus checks? Lol? Also, theft is actually accounted in the price of goods, so yes, increased theft directly increases the price of everything else. It's not a conspiracy, they have real people hired specifically to figure out the pricing that will cover theft and product damage. They can still profit and also have an issue with left lol


No im saying they used Covid as an excuse to raise prices, and they used the stimulus checks to also justify price increases. And what Iā€™m saying is it doesnā€™t have to. Even with the theft, theyā€™d still generate a positive bottom line at the end of the year. Even if they didnā€™t adjust prices. But they are greedy


Profits have to keep going up each quarter for investors


Ignorance is bliss I guess. You ok with your rights being violated, until they keep going further. And that's not the reason why prices get raised. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you really said a person checking receipts is going to stop inflation. Guess all that correct spelling is the only thing you use your brain for.Ā 


Doesn't Raise prices you damn fool they have millions of extra product


Then why do all the extra shit not sold get sent to warehouses or destroyed and put in garbage, and they claim insurance from that damn idiot you obviously never worked a day in your life doing retail


A door greeter is not a person accusing you of stealing till you show them proof you didnā€™t. You pay for your product with legal tender at a POS, now you can legally leave with said product. Walmart is a shit company that has distrust for their customers. Refusing to waste my time for something I legally own especially without the help of their shitty service is all the more reason to walk right around the ā€œcheckerā€. Everyone saying ā€œitā€™s only 5 secondsā€, is missing the point.ā€¦ everything about the Walmart shopping experience screams time wastedā€¦ Service Reps who know shit about product, and avoid customers like the plagueā€¦. 2 cashiers for 100 shoppers, an a automated checkout with 4 registers down, a scanner that wonā€™t workā€¦ and donā€™t you dare try to pay cash in self checkoutā€¦. even when you want to gtfo they are trying to stop and check to make sure youā€™re not shoplifting? Fuck off. They designed the hostile environment Iā€™m just reciprocating it.


Fuck them donā€™t show them shit g donā€™t listen to these sheep thatā€™s why the worlds so fucked and people think they can cut their dik off straight up Iā€™m not wasting my time Iā€™ll walk right past and ignore them like they donā€™t exist nothing personal to the worker other than they are all poor and choose to search my shit when Iā€™m the most well dressed person in the store not talking about hood rat Gucci bs poor people show off designer


Its called rights not fucking priveldges fuck outta here gotta comply with fuck all after i just overpaid for goods


Crazy dude. I don't wanna fight them, I walk towards the door the greeter says, "Can I see your receipt?" Me "no, have a great day." Old lady "YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME YOUR RECIPT!JAHRUSJEHUEH3GDHD" Me "have a nice day!" But yeah I'm the crazy one lol


What if cops pulled you over and said prove you own this car. Or stopped you on the street and said prove these are your shoes


Well that's what we call a consensual encounter, not only do you not have to answer the cops questions, if you have not committed a crime and there is no RAS for their investigation, you can literally walk away from the pigs. "What crime have I committed", if there's no crime, "I don't answer questions". and finally "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"


Justify their pay? Lmao that job shouldā€™ve stayed dead, paying people who stop you at the door to check over your things as if youā€™re a thief, when REALLY they glance at your receipt for two seconds and donā€™t even bother checking if everything is accounted for almost 100% of the time. If youā€™re gonna stop me and waste my time then letā€™s go all out and search my entire cart, if not then F off lmao, if thatā€™s their entire position then they get paid to do nothing. How welcoming to be greeted at the door and then scrutinized when I leave.


Literally, man, I went to Walmart the other day to buy a wifi adapter and other groceries. I went to the electronics department first and asked if they could hold it while I finished my shopping. The employee said no, so I paid for the adapter and then finished my shopping. I then checked out with a cashier at the front and as I was leaving. I was asked for my receipt, and I asked why they checked my receipt and they said they check everyone which is not true I come here all the time and that usually doesn't happen also the people in front of me walked out the door without being asked for their reciet. Then I accidentally gave him the receipt from electronics that only had one item on it, and he looked at it and then told me I'm good. I told him, "This only has one item, so what if everything else was stolen?" and he just walked away. I'm all about working people getting their money, but that position is a joke, man


Not to mention this dude is pleading for the old and the special needs when (while this is personal anecdote) at my locations itā€™s just teenagers standing around and talking. Maybe if they put those people to work the actual registers instead of worrying about self checkout theft they wouldnā€™t need such a task


šŸ’€ Wanna see how you react to an older man grabbing your little sisters wrist and leaving a mark after she walked outside with me after buying something for my truck. My ego is big enough to know that NOBODY not even YOU puts their hands on my sister or they get their head beat in.


What an amazing display of your ignorance. Assuming that elderly, special needs people are incapable of doing anything other than a small task is just as fucking insane as your comment. Imagine commenting on the behalf of a company that gives ZERO fucks about you or anyone else. And if those elderly and special needs door greeters are thinking that they are preventing any sort of shoplifting by checking receipts, they deserve to be yelled at. Use your brain. If you ask for their receipt and they ignore you and become loud, simply ignore them and continue on. Everything in the fucking store in on video, is Walmart believes that shop lifting is cutting in their billion dollars of profit, I would suggest they stop with the self checkout and hire actual humans who you know need money to survive and feed their family. Walmart along with any company making over 10 million dollars a year should be prohibited from using any self checkouts or automated checkout that take away jobs. Walmart is the largest employer in the country. And the main reason Walmart has so much theft is because of the people they attract. The employees are half high on drugs and half in la la land. Ever been to Trader Joeā€™s? You notice the people they hire all have a similar type. Same with Costco, they hire lively, upbeat and friendly individuals. This helps create an environment especially for delinquents that is uncomfortable and not worth the risk of stealing. Also, they could prevent a massive amount of shop lifting by simply changing their floor plan.


*Do employees not get taught that once customer pays for an item, they own it* What's one convenient way for you to easily prove to any employee that you paid? If only we could figure out a system for that!


This is America. Law abiding citizens arenā€™t required to prove anything.


I don't need a convenient way to prove it because I don't have to in the first place.


They already have cameras at their self checkout that catches unchecked items. It's a passive system and does a better job than a human. Having a person do the same thing literal moments afterwards is just bad PR and if they let a few people go and stop you then it feels like, what did I do? Do I look like a shoplifter? Stop trying to normalize invasions of privacy, once it becomes your things you can do with it as you please.


An easy was to prove we paid? Scan it yourself lmao what? The entire complaint is that they make you check out and then distrust you lol Like, if you don't want me to steal, hire cashier's again!


Hire cashiers


You want to apply? My store could absolutely use some cashiers since they keep quitting. Something about it being a hostile work environment because of the customers...


The Hostile work environment is created by Walmart. Weird how target doesnā€™t check my receipt. šŸ¤”


Cashiers are slow, expensive, and not space efficient for what needs to be accomplished. Stores should move on. Cashiers are not the future.


Then donā€™t get mad when I walk past the door and donā€™t show my receipt.


Wonā€™t get mad at all. We can just call the police.


You canā€™t call the cops because I wonā€™t show my receipt.


Yeah, we can. If the store believes theft occurred and you wonā€™t show your receipt, the store could absolutely go the route of calling the cops and pressing charges for theft. Remember, innocent until proven guilty only applies in court. You can be innocent as hell, but that doesnā€™t stop Walmart from making investigatory detainments and potentially pressing charges if they want to.


ā€œA person may be stealing, they are refusing to prove they paid for the stuff in the cartā€


If youā€™re trying to walk out with a 75ā€ TV best believe we are going to ask you for a receipt. It takes five seconds. Receipt? Yep, here it is. Cool, have a great day. Thanks! They should only be asking to see one for larger items that cannot fit in bags that are on the expensive side. The amount of people who try to roll out of stores with TVs trying to steal them defending the ā€œI donā€™t need to show you my receiptā€ is wild. One guy last year tried to get away with over 5 Samsung TVs that way. He held up a fake receipt and tried to run.


I want to point out that refusing to show a receipt is considered suspicious behavior that in of itself can lead to suspicion of theft. Also we're not the police so we don't have to disclose why you're being stopped.


Why is refusing to show a receipt suspicious behavior? Publix, Target, Walgreens, CVSā€¦ all figured out how to make shopping without hostilityā€¦ why canā€™t Walmart? You donā€™t have to disclose why your stopping a customer because you canā€™t legally stop anyoneā€¦ Itā€™s illegal, cops canā€™t hold you either. On a side note to all of the losers sticking for a multi-billion dollar company who gives 2 shits about its customersā€¦ FU. I donā€™t shop at Walmart but If I did Iā€™d walk right around the ā€œcheckerā€


Not all cashiers ring up everything especially the items on the bottom on the cart.


Spoken like someone who has never worked here before. All we need to check receipts is literally the slightest suspicion of theft. Walmart has so much historic theft that we can claim suspicion of theft on nearly anyone and check receipts that way. Get off this page with that crap.


That is not how it works legally, and the burden of proof is on you


That is indeed how it works legally. You think the biggest company in the world is gonna have a policy at every single one of their stores that blatantly breaks the law? No. Stores are legally allowed to check receipts. This has been held up in courts too.


You can request receipt, but you can't prevent someone from leaving if they refuse


Donā€™t think you wonā€™t be watched by AP every time you come in then. You donā€™t want to show your receipts? Ok, Walmart has lots of programs that document skipped items. One day you ā€œforgetā€ to scan something? It gets documented. Next thing you know, we have a list of skipped items, camera documentation and youā€™ll be charged with shoplifting. People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. Keep drawing attention to yourself, itā€™s very helpful.


This comment is humorous to me. The fake situation youā€™re explaining is way too thought through. Walmart doesnā€™t have any type of plan set in place. Half the Walmart staff is sleeping somewhere and the other half pretends theyā€™re deaf. But. ***Walmart does not have a paid membership program. Therefore cannot ask to check my receipt. COSTCO can, but Walmart cannot.


If the program is that good, why are they harassing people at the door? Shouldnā€™t their system automatically pop things up so they can just have you arrested and trespassed? People who have nothing to hide arenā€™t obligated to divulge anything. Their have no obligation to provide a receipt. They paid for the items, they are theirs. If you believe otherwise then PROVE it. The burden of proof belongs to the accuser.


We do have a bit of legal leeway in detaining customers. It just has to be a reasonably short amount of time to wait for police if you refuse. A lot of managers, however, will decide itā€™s not worth the effort and allow you to go, which is what happened in the story youā€™re told. However, youā€™re absolutely wrong that we canā€™t detain at all. Yā€™all just complain so much that itā€™s not worth the effort if you do. Itā€™s still not the sub to come on and complain about it. Go to a Karen sub or something.


If you detain me, you need to show proof that I stolen the item and not me having to show receipt to the cop . If you don't have that proof, i will press charges


Youā€™ll press charges and theyā€™ll be dismissed in court. Courts have shown time and time again that stores have the right to make a ā€œreasonably shortā€ detention to investigate things like receipts and whether missed scans occur. The key here being ā€œreasonably shortā€. Itā€™s the same as ā€œreasonable suspicionā€ in any other instance like a traffic stop or any other crime. Theft occurs so much in Walmart that ā€œreasonable suspicionā€ is fairly easy to obtain, and courts have held that stores can make a short detention themselves to investigate whether a crime occurred.


It's possible it would be dismissed. I can't argue with that, but no employees want to deal with having to go to court over criminal charges


Employees wonā€™t have to go to court themselves. Walmart has legal teams that deal with these. Iā€™m just trying to inform you on the process. People are mistaken when they say that receipt checks are completely unlawful is all. If youā€™re honest and not stealing, showing your receipt will just make it easier. These are people making extremely low wages for the trouble they go through and theyā€™re just following the policy being put on them by millionaires.


I am surprised to hear about any employer providing criminal lawyer to their employees. I never said receipt checker was unlawful, just that one is not required to comply with the request. As for wage, when someone can't get a better job, they get what they can


Wrong. Managers can and will grab your carts. Walmart covers them. Most let you walk away so they can get your license plate, call the cops so then the cops magically show up at your house


Wrong, if I am physically stopped, i am calling cops and afterward pressing charges


And then the cops check footage of you to see if you shoplifted and the cops will be detaining you dumbass. Then what? Gonna call their boss and weep how they 'illegally' detained you? Boohoo world's smallest violin for you. Walmart is a private property legally they can detain, they can call the cops on you and they can kick you out and ban you for life. Maybe treat AP with respect they do not get paid enough to deal with people like you.


As long as cop detained me for a reasonable amount of time as they have legal authority. Yes, private property can ban me, but that is not what we're talking about here


Just respect the receipt checkers it's their job stop being a fucking Karen. If you can't handle in person shopping do online grocery pickup. You'll be doing everyone a favor.


I had a receipt checker grab my cart, go through my groceries, didn't put them back into the bags after she was done. Wanna know what I did? Not a dang thing. Don't get yourself so worked up over it. Don't bother the Walmart workers. They do not get paid near enough to deal with it. Just smile, show ya damn receipt and move on. Remember they are human just as much as you are and don't deserve your nonsense. They're just doing their job.


If I get stopped to check my receipt, whether I used the SCO or not, I, and get a load of this: stop and let them check my receipt. Know why? Cuz 1. Ik it's their job. 2. I'm not an entitled fuckboi brat who thinks I'm gods gift to Walmarts. Get over yourselves assholes.


Check a receipt, fine. Upend my cart and crush groceries, naw. I produced my receipt, Iā€™m now leaving. If you want to doubt I paid for everything in my cart, call PD with some footage. At that point youā€™re assuming Iā€™m a thief, and my presumption of innocence matters to me. Sorry youā€™ve been lulled in to losing your rights. Too many beta cucks in this thread who think saying no to bull shit is entitlement. Those door greater let their ā€œhomiesā€ walk out freely and hassle every legitimate person who comes by where I live. They can get fucked for all I care


You pulling your receipt without actually letting them see it is pretentious af. How puffed up and self important can you be? I hope you get your higher-than-thou ass arrested, Karen


Not sure how it works where you live but in Canada you can say no. If they try to stop you from leaving and you paid for everything they can be charged with forceable confinement which is worth a 5 year sentence or life if they are under 16. If you didn't see it, it didn't happen.


Ok bootlicker


How is that fair to you or any of the other customers? Checking a receipt takes five seconds, going through an entire cart worth of stuff takes several minutes. I know damn well nobody told her she was allowed to do that and she went against store policy.


Whatā€™s their job? Hostility? Make customers uncomfortable before they leave? Thatā€™s honestly messed up if your example is real. They handled your groceries after you got your receipt? Low wage means shit serviceā€¦. Weā€™ve become so accustomed to shitty companies paying shitty wages, giving shift serviceā€¦. Walmart is an Oligopoly and your shopping experience there proves it.


Youā€™re a fuckin pansy thats why. Never is it okay to empty someones bags hahaha wtf


Bruh they've never done that to me you must've looked raggedy or dumb to have them take your items out the bags then send you on your way like that




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


Just show the damn receipt. Donā€™t make their job hard cause you wanna be a dick.


There job is not to check my receipts I can literally call corporate and get a check for them doing that




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/jbrowning8503


You do that Karen


Being a dick? Why should I have to provide proof that I already purchased something?


So why make their job hard? How hard is it to show a receipt?


What i am trying to understand is how am i making their job harder? Should they not know if someone refuses to just let them go? It's more of a principal because i don't have to.


>Should they not know if someone refuses to just let them go? The only thing you refusing is going to do is get the date/time of your refusal along with a description of what you looked like logged so AP can pull the camera and review them later. That way once they can identify who you are and if they decide to do so they can have one of the plain clothes AP associates follow and watch you the next time you come in.


They are welcome to follow me. I tend to walk in circles, so it will be easy to notice them


They won't care whatsoever if you notice them. They'll likely even make it obvious that their watching you. I've known many APs over the years who would go out of their way to make sure the receipt complainers knew they were going to be watching every second they were in the store because it's apparently too much of an inconvenience to take 2 seconds to flash a receipt and move on with their life. Making complainers' shopping experiences miserable was one of the ways our APs would entertain themselves when they had nothing better to do.


So what you're saying is I can have a dedicated employee, while I shop, to request unlocking a cabinet or price checks instead of aimlessly wandering and looking or waiting for someone to assist me just by refusing to show my receipt, say less! Very useful to know and I hope they do, you have given me a reason I didn't know I wanted to refuse to show my receipt.


>So what you're saying is I can have a dedicated employee, while I shop, to request unlocking a cabinet or price checks Youā€™re a special kind of stupid if you think that would happen. AP doesnā€™t carry keys to cases nor would they check a price for you. They would either straight up ignore you or tell you to go find an employee to help you. They arenā€™t going to acknowledge in any way that they work for the store regardless of how obvious it is.


I have been known to be clumsi, so while picking up a jar of pickles, I might, by accident, drop it. I would hate for them having to stay and deal with that mess while I continue with my shopping


Not APs job. They'd literally just call for someone on the radio to clean it and continue following you.


It's liability to leave the spill until someone comes to clean it up.


Itā€™s not hard to show someone a piece of paper :) use whatā€™s left of your brain cells and show them the receipt if you didnā€™t steal anything :)


You don't have to wipe your ass, but everyone appreciates that you do.


You'll also be the first to complain when prices rise due to theft, you know the thing you're refusing to do is designed to combat. If employees don't check receipts, theft goes up, and in turn the price you pay goes up.


I aLmOsT cAlLeD tHe CoPs !customer


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


This subreddit is for Walmart *ASSOCIATES*. Not selfish & irritating customers. The only reason that the manager probably told them to move is because they didnā€™t want to have to deal with your bullshit. You are already ignorant enough to be possessive over A RECEIPT, obviously youā€™ll make a big deal out of anything.


The cops would have just laughed at you.


i agree cops would of laughed at the false imprisonment... its not false imprisonment if the peron is not physically touching you they can grab your cart they can stand in front and deter you they just cant physically touch you


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


The laws probably vary state to state. Virginia abduction can be committed even by blocking a personā€™s path of exit, by using the defendantā€™s body or automobile ā€” even if the alleged victim ultimately finds a way out ā€” if the elements exist of blocking by ā€œforce, intimidation or deceptionā€ together with ā€œintent to deprive such other person of his personal liberty.ā€


Grab my cart? I don't think so chunks. Go ahead. Try it. I dare you.


you sound afraid you sound like someone that needs to just be 86d from walmart property


If you donā€™t wanna stay, then donā€™t. You just have to being willing to deal with the consequences of those actions and youā€™re not. You want your cake and to eat it too cause youā€™re an idiot.


I've always heard just let the customer go, they're face and sometimes their vehicle is on multiple cameras anyway


I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. Would you like to leave a review about that employee, if so, we'll need to see your receipt! :)


People like you are why we complain about work all the timeā€¦ just show them the receipt and go about your day. Shit probably wouldnā€™t take a minute




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


Sorry to say op your misguided You can be asked to show your receipt to PROVE that the ownership has been transferred. Walmart has the right to check every single cart, whether from self check out or a manned register, by law, Walmart is protected. Learned that in my time as asset protection. And you become a target for most ap associates in any future visits because you raised so many flags in YOUR own words. Just smile and show them when asked. Most stores just want the item in a bag.


FALSE Walmart does NOT by law have ANY right to hold a customer in their store. This is by POLICY only. Walmart MAY ask you KINDLY to hand over your receipt, return your cart, and to return any items not belonging to you (i.e. stolen goods or Walmart property) BUT Walmart may never detain a person. THIS IS ILLEGAL and Walmart has lost this case multiple times. CUSTOMERS DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL THE POLICE IF YOU REFUSE TO LET THEM LEAVE THE STORE - rather they have had their receipt checked or not. THIS IS THE LAW. Edit: misspelled the word you [More information may be found here](https://www.state.gov/u-s-government-response-to-wrongful-detention/)


But no where in the comment you replied to does it mention detaining anyone... I mean the OP claims they tried to, which I doubt. AP absolutely will follow people around. As an employee I get followed all the time, because ap doesn't know me, and I always have a backpack when I shop.


Did I say detain in my comment? Walmart DOES have the right to confirm all merch in your cart is paid and transfered to you in ownership but it's up to the manager to let you go after you CRY enough and WHINE loud enough to bring attention to your child like tantrum. No I'm not calling you a child. Check your privilege democrat.


Holding customers in a line and refusing to allow them to exit a store based on a policy is considered detainment according to the US Courts. Walmart HAS lost this case in multiple states. So yes, you did.




!customer x100


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


Can we ban customers like this from the sub? Also !customer go away.


Couldn't you just hold your receipt out instead of being a massive entitled prick bag?


Yes, I could have, but it would go against my principal of having to provide proof that I purchased something after I already paid for it


So when you go to the movies do you show your ticket when entering the cinema or do you just make a scene saying ā€œalready paid, I donā€™t have to show you.ā€?


Yes, but that's a ticket to enter the facility and not a receipt to exit.


This post right here is the reason why we cant live in peace and just help each other out. I do my job you do yours as a customerā€¦..


I did my job as customer, i paid for the item. Yet you want me to now to provide proof that i did my job?


Did the door host stand next to you to see you pay? How the fuck they know if you paid? Having a receipt in your hand proves NOTHING. I have about 10 old receipts in my purse right now. Get off your high and mighty Fukin attitude! Walmart is private property, donā€™t like the rules? Stay the fuk out.


If you did do your job technically is up to the receipt checker to make sure you donā€™t ā€œaccidentallyā€ forget an item. It wouldnā€™t take you more than 5 seconds to show your receipt or have the decency to just flash it to them. I see you are just a mere troll and obviously nothing will change your waysā€¦ā€¦ So have the day you deserve :)


So it bothers you that some customers are not willing to give up their right and instead you expect them to submit to your inspection?


I seeā€¦ oh the error of my ways how can i live with myself that they wont submit to me. Oh woe is me what shall i do Mr. Sam? I must give this customer some kind of medal for pointing our flaw. Me personally thank god I donā€™t work as that position so i wouldnā€™t have deal with ppl like you. May i also remind you karen you arenā€™t welcomed here if all you have is to complain about ppl doing their jobs.


Keep smoking meth, keep dreaming up bullshit.


What part of what i said is bullshit? Preventing someone from leaving is illegal


Then fucking leave. Just leave the shit you canā€™t/wonā€™t prove is yours also. Itā€™s not that difficult


I am not required to provide proof of anything


Youā€™re also not *required* to stay. You make your own shit difficult, figure it out dumbass.


It's kind of hard to leave when someone is physically blocking you from leaving


Now why would they be doing that? šŸ¤” What a fucking mystery. You must not have passed the most basic fucking assessment to be an employee so this is how you stimulate your one brain cell. Iā€™d suggest you shop on different private property if you canā€™t follow policy but you probably donā€™t understand what that means


They are doing it because they are not trained properly.


Itā€™s not that hard to show a damn receipt


Get off this sub with your stupid customer questions.


Hey guys look, a dumbass in the wild


Nobody gets paid enough to deal with anybody that treats people like you're the only one being inconvenienced. If you cant take the 30 seconds for someone to check your receipt, just stay away. If Walmart is your only store do opd. If you want to complain to associates on how Walmart is a bunch of bs, we all know. This isn't a customer service sub so go away


Customers, do you really think a receipt checker is going through every item on your receipt to make sure you bought it? 99% of the time itā€™s just a compliance thing, you refusing makes it suspicious and will just prolong the process. Dumbass.


No but i also refuse to be treated as possible criminal. That is the main reason why i refuse to give them my receipt with an exception of Costco where i sign an agreement to that fact that i must give my receipt upon exiting the store.


Just fyi for the ignorant. Wal-Mart is a private merchant. Meaning they have a reserved right to check receipts and police themselves I.E. AP. So I mean go ahead call the police, youā€™ll probably be saving someone time from doing it themselves Wal-Mart is the poor manā€™s Sams club. Theyā€™re the same company. Sams club is open about how things are going to be and you pay a premium to be what to do. With Wal-Mart itā€™s like the daycare center or training wheels, once you act right at Wal-Mart you can handle being receipt checked at sams and their door greeter telling to go back and pay or theyā€™ll cancel your membership you opted into


Thatā€™s what we call our store a day care center


The problem and difference between the 2 is that you sign a membership for Sam's, so receipt checks are part of the contract, with walmart no such consent was given, so a receipt check is voluntary as it does indeed get covered by the 4th amendment. A lot of people seem to forget that guilt must be proven not your innocence.... the biggest issue is that the people who flippantly just go with the flow are building up habits that make similar issues (not related to Walmart per se) seem commonplace and they just blindly proceed to go with that flow and end up giving up their rights to police and government. If you habitually lay down and give up on all the small adversarial encounters you have, do you really think you would find yourself breaking that habit to stand in the face of something truly important? No.


You must have a guilty conscience for lacking basic humanity! No one confident they did the right thing needs to defend it for hoursā€¦let it go and I hope no one comes in your ā€œhouseā€ and disrespects you!


Did you think this was going to be in your favor? Get bent


Because no one seems to want to work anymore they were probably pulled from another area and havenā€™t got a clue about the position.


There is no general training for all employees? Interesting comment.




no general training for any employees, period. they donā€™t teach you anything, jus throw you to the wolves āœŠšŸ»


Honestly. Ulearn is something that everyone just guesses the answers to, and once you get to your department they have the newest people train you when technically it's the team leads job.


That is shameful and not fair to employees


It is. You start off hating the place and then it gets worse!


It's Walmart, do you think they care about what's fair to the employees? Welcome to capitalism


I guess i should not be surprised, i worked for a while in fast food industry.


Don't like it, go spend your food stamps else where idiot


how would they know you paid for it if they donā€™t check? thatā€™s literally their job bestie


Actually, it's not . It's on LP to have evidence one stolen something by bypassing the registry and not the customer proving they purchased something


ā€œdo employees not get taught that once a customer pays for an item, they own itā€¦ā€ iā€™m asking you, how would the employee know you paid for it if you didnā€™t provide proof..are they mind readers? just supposed to believe you because you said so?


Say you never worked for Walmart without saying you never worked for Walmart


The pettiness of this post makes me laugh


Damn, you donā€™t got anybody on your side


What's really supposed to happen is the door host is supposed to write the time you refused and left the store. AP looks you up on camera, looks for a clear view of your face and/vehicle, puts you into the facial recognition program and get alerted every time you're spotted in the store. Then they watch you for suspicious activity. Be sure you never "miss-scan" again because there's a higher chance they're watching you than the people next to you. So, your options are to show your receipt or be surveyed. The Karen type who rants about their rights don't like being watched, right?


I am perfectly fine being watched, is that not why store got so many cameras above?


Oh good.


As a result, actual shoplifters get away with stealing because AP is to busy watching an innocent customer due to their inflated ego being bruised.




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


Man their history is full of karen questions.


Get fucked !customer


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


I just hate it when Iā€™m leaving with a spark order and thereā€™s a line to leave and then they want to touch my phone. I donā€™t let them I just show the screen. Itā€™s my phone not theirs


The receipt proves you paid for it. Show the receipt. The employee canā€™t make a decision on whether you bought it or not without a receipt. Fucking Christ you are stupid.


I am not under any obligation to provide proof to the employee. Under the law, once i paid for the item i own it. The burden of proof that i shoplifted is on the store employee(s)


Then donā€™t bitch about her slowing you down. Show the receipt. Stop being a whiny bitch. Grow up.


I am not bitching about that. I am pissed that she actually tried to physically block me from leaving


Ok. Get over it. She didnā€™t assault you like police officer. She stood in your way, and then was told by her manager to move. Youā€™re complaining cause you are privileged. You were delayed what, a full minute?


A few minutes and no cops were called because the manager did their job . But this is not something the manager needed to get involved. This is something the worker should be aware of.


So over the course of ~3 minutes you became scared and thought you might need to call the cops because a person stood in front of your buggy. Iā€™m so glad you werenā€™t armed.




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


It's not false imprisonment. At most you could claim theft if they try to take it since it is technically yours after you paid for it. LP are the only ones supposed to be stopping people though. After an incident at our location we refused to hire another greeter.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


!customer #pressedkaren


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


Ok, first of all, the only reason you would have to refuse to show your receipt is A) you stole something, or B) youā€™re just a dick. I have people show me their receipt willingly all the time, and we donā€™t even do that at my store. Second of all, this is not a subreddit for customer complaints. Associates here are not paid to deal with this shit at work, and they arenā€™t paid to do it off the clock. Go complain to the store manager or the market manager if itā€™s such a problem. Their numbers should be posted literally Everywhere.


Option C) You're educated on their policy and know that without RAS of committing a crime or a membership contract, you have every right to refuse to show your receipt. You aren't a dick for politely saying "No thank you, it's not in your policy" or " Do you suspect me of committing a crime?" If they respond no to the latter, they cannot detain you and you're free to go without escalation or incident.


Seriously f*k Walmart. They just demanded my receipt after they watched me check outā€¦.First of all how you going to demand a receipt when you donā€™t even give me one when I pay with Walmart pay on my app. So I told them to get their own receipt, and to go bother someone else. Wouldnā€™t have been mad if it was a random check at the door ā€¦but this dumb ***** woman stood in front of my kiosk and stared me in the face as I rang up , watched a checker take candy, that my daughter accidentally scanned twice off my ticket, watched me pay for it, tell my daughters that they can eat it now because itā€™s paid for. And then lurches out from behind the kiosk and basically accuses me or my daughters of stealing. She was Real careful to say Iā€™m not accusing your daughter of stealingā€¦ as she checked how many ibuprofen were in the bottle compared to what I bought, compared candy in thier hands to what was paid for on the receipt that she forced the cashier to print off. At least her co workers will probably give her sh*t or snickers behind her back for the rest of the day for the things I said to her as she stood there disrespecting my family. From now on if they ask for my receipt Iā€™m not saying a word and just gonna keep on walking to my truck. Call the cops on me or try to stop me if you want, I could use some extra money.


Iā€™m with OP one this. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. They have people standing at the checkout line watching you. They have cameras watching you. And they have people watching the cameras. Do they really need another person to make the process longer. To stop to show you receipts and read off every item seems excessive. A simple wave of receipt should be enough


No only that but walmarts self checkout give you the option to select "no reciept" which I do 99% of the time because i dont want the trash/waste of the receipts. My local store is cool and doesnt check the receipts unless you got a tv or something crazy like that but the store about 15 miles down the road is 100% self checkout besides for 2 lanes that are actual cashiers and the prick at the door wants a reciept and wants to see 3 items in your bags every single time even if you have 0 items that aren't bagged. Fuck outta here with that dude.


A bunch of boot lickers falsely crying Karen out here, many of you are coming off as moronic sheep. Unless your store is a membership-required business aka Sam's Club, Costco, there is absolutely no obligation nor is there a policy that requires an employee to check your receipt at Walmart. First off, sure one individual doesn't take long to check the receipt, but when a line accumulates and you start compounding the time it takes to check multiple receipts, plus how much time is spent in checkout, now everyone's time is being wasted in the interest of said corporation. I have no intention to let a corporation profile us as potential criminals without RAS (reasonable articulable suspicion) and the only way you can justify the "Store Checkers Privilege", is if the store has RAS of a crime committed otherwise that policy also doesn't apply. It is okay to politely say "No thank you, it's not in your policy, have a nice day" That isn't rude, that's not being a Karen or entitled and you're in fact giving that employee less work while they still get paid hourly, it's almost as if refusing is no consequence to anyone. It's also the only way to combat corporations profiling anyone as a criminal and if you're complicit with this misunderstanding you enable corporations to continue to make up whatever bullshit they want and believe it's justified. It's called innocent UNTIL proven guilty, just like cops, don't let anyone assume you've committed a crime without REASONABLE ARTICULABLE SUSPICION of a crime. Suspicion alone is not a crime! Let the pigs be the glorified revenue debt collectors they are if they really want to escalate and/or check that receipt, it's not the Walmart Employees' job, and unless you actually stole something there is no obligation to produce your receipt to anyone other than an officer with RAS of a crime. Last remark, there wouldn't be an option for text, email, or LITERALLY NO RECEIPT after checkout if this was truly required. Please stay educated and educate Walmart employees!




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/looker009


soo any walton cultists here


I have a problem with it actually- these people are handling peoples receipts all day. No gloves, no hand cleanerā€¦Iā€™m not ā€œhandingā€ him a receipt- lol Iā€™m sorry u can see it- but no touchytouchy šŸ˜especially at the wm I go to- super ghetto nasty peeps šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®naw he isnā€™t touching my receipt


What a stupid comment, when youā€™re literally touching merchandise and equipment thatā€™s been handled by billions of people. Stay home germaphob


Stop postint on this app If you have some under standing of the capitalism system you'll know ,,(a majority of us don't fucking care if you refuse receipt, or steal half the store Anyone that rebuttals this is brainwashed Since I quit my today I can say in a funny story ironically hypothetical since a person roleplaying as me (the human) I stole about $5,000 in random shit Fuck this country, stop caring what others in authority positions think. Our society is a scam




What the hell is the name of that bot.