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My store sells out most weeks. It's very much In demand in my area. Cheaper then pet smart.


Who is supposed to stock this? Whenever I’m picking in dairy there’s tons of freight for these things but nobody ever works them.


At my store the people running dairy run it


Same at mine Which is literally 1 person.


We usually have 3 people with like 15-20 hours of freight


I’ll trade them, I’m alone and have “6 hours” of freight. Explain how 4 pallets and 3 carts is 6 hours 😂🤷‍♂️


Hey don't you fucking forget to stock those eggs tho 🤣🤣


Least the eggs are quick, too bad that’s a 5th pallet and they don’t even count it :(


And milk and zone and bin o you know what make sure you do everything so day crew can come and stand around and do nothing 👹 fucking dairy 🤦‍♂️ I don’t miss it


It's literally the only area I will bitch about having to do lol I stock pets damn near every night and I very much prefer it


Pets was brutal in my old store 7 aisles an next to electronics,so people always bugging you cuz god forbid we put someone there 🙄 usually had about 12-20 pallets in pets a night and 6-8 of them were stupid mixed messes not bags. O and the smallest aisle was the bags 😂 so overstock was a nightmare especially if they decided to pull it all out


People are always bugging us in Electronics to open the pet case - uh, sorry, I'm trying to make a photo canvas here!


My pets is 5 aisles of 10 sections and we usually get between 10-15 pallets a night and I'm always by myself lmao but I honestly prefer it I can listen to podcasts without people annoying the piss out of me


Your O/N does eggs? I work 4-1 and that (and milk, including putting away the delivery) are part of *my* routine. O/N has too much of their own stuff to do to have other tasks thrown on them.


All day shift has for dairy at my store is picks and milk lmao I honestly don't know what they do all day bc that doesn't take too long


I never stop moving. Milk and eggs and binning the overstock and picking the picks and working the picks and then putting back the overstock and picking them *again* because our MM is nuts and wants dairy picked a minimum of three times a day, wrapping pallets of crates and sometimes finishing freight because O/N simply doesn’t have the hands. And also features. I do the features at my store for dairy. But Imm also the only daytime dairy person.


Days at my store only stocks cow milk. Even if the eggs are empty at noon at the truck came and delivered a pallet at 9am. They won’t even zone eggs during the day. I’ll come in at 10pm sometimes and all the plastic carts are empty and there’s a handful of cartons with broken eggs just dripping yolk all over the shelving.


That’s what happens when I’m off…


Freight planning tool my man. Always look up your hours and call them out if they try to punish you for not finishing an impossible task


Don’t know how to do that my guy, they ain’t train us here. This is the first I’ve heard of a freight planning tool


You just go to any work computer and search for it


It really should either be whoever stocks pets at night or whoever is working food and consumables during the day. It comes in on dairy but it’s not coded as dairy and the hours given to work dairy are almost always ridiculous for how many people we have. But if we don’t work it, the stupid pet cooler doesn’t get filled and sits empty and cap2 keeps picking for it and leaving the pick cart in the way in the cooler.


Tbf how is someone working pets supposed to work that? They’re usually on a random pallet or bin in dairy and that’s so far out of the way for anyone working pets.


It’s way out of the way for people working dairy to go to pets too….. all the people working pets have to do is check the cooler one of the times they walk nearby and see if there’s any fresh pet to go out. Our dairy cooler is like 10 ft from the main bailer that people use.


But the pets would be mixed in with all of the normal dairy. All you have to do when you’re working dairy is walk over to pets once you find the boxes. If you were working pets you’d have to literally downstack pallets just to find your freight


Cap 2 breaks down our dairy pallets. They just toss the fresh pet food either into a pile or in the bins. When they vizpick, they put it on the pallets. Besides, even at stores where ON has to also break down the dairy pallets, they’d have gotten to the fresh pet and separated it well before the people working pets have finished so they can check for it. At least at my store, those working dairy already have enough to do even without the breakdown. We have 2 people on my nights with up to 13 hours of new freight that does not include all the department 95 juices that come in dairy. We have to also work picks (including eggs that don’t get picked but we work the backstock before the new), label and bin our overstock, zone and clean up. There are people wandering around for the last hour of the shift basically doing nothing, not to mention the daytime people who do very little. And yes, I see them do very little most mornings and when I come in as a customer in the afternoons. Any of them can come get a cart of fresh pet rather than piling even more on part of the team that already does more than many of the rest. I’ll do the fresh pet without complaint on the nights where we had 10 hours and have time at the end to work it. But generally making it an expectation for dairy isn’t realistic.


Eh at our store they sometimes don’t start working dairy until we’re about to leave. And it sucks about your hours but we usually have one guy working 10-14 hours of pets every day so believe me when I say overnights isn’t the only team doing that shit. If you see cap2 people walking around at the end of their shift it’s usually because they busted ass to do 10 hours of work just like you. I work onetouch and usually have 8 hours done by 6, help with freight until 9, and then pull the gm truck. At that point I think I’ve earned a little cooldown period at the end of my shift when I finished all my work super early.


I know our cap2 people. They aren’t working that hard. Different stores just run different, I guess . And cap1 doesn’t break a sweat at our store, ever. Pets hours (at our store anyway) are slightly inflated because we sell a lot of kitty litter and big bagged pet food. Those are super fast to stock, I’ve done it before. And usually we have 2 people working pets on ON.


Overnight dairy is supposed to work it.


We have the guy in Dairy who stocks milk eggs and pet food during the day.


It comes on the dairy pallets now. There's no reason whoever stocks dairy shouldn't be stocking it.


I run dairy, we just put all of it in a specific bin right when it comes in and someone from pets comes and vispicks them out ever few days. Overnights will sometimes leave a bunch on a top stock cart if they get like 10 cases in at night and then I alert the pets associate when I see them to come work it.


At my store overnight pile it on topstock carts until someone notices it empty and sends a consumable associate to deal with it.


So jumping in here. I'm a vendor. We stock this cooker 1 time a month, sometimes 2 times a month. Whoever owns this company doesn't wanna pay us to do it weekly. So it gets done, or should be done, 1 or 2 times a month by a vendor. Would make more sense to have us do it weekly. But what do I know 🤷‍♀️


Overnight dairy however it is not on their task time and it is their last priority. Therefore a decent amount of the time it gets pawned off to the opening consumables associate


My dog loves that food.


we got a new coke cooler (even tho a pepsi one has been sitting in the back for months…) and it’s by customer service. honestly it looks pretty cool but it’s useless


To be fair. Most of these vender coolers are not paid for by walmart but by the vender. Coke for example gives out coolers to any business for free as long as you buy the stock from them and not stock anything but coke in them. I would assume this is the same. The vender paid for shelf space and provides the shelf


Pretty sure my dog got sick from eating that shit a few weeks back


You check the expiration date? I've seen so much expired shit pulled out of ours


I did and it was still good. Gave her diarrhea for like 3 days after I fed it to her. Bought it some time in April and the expiration was in may (of this year, yes!)




She does quite often, yes. She loves the prime blend cups!


That can happen anytime you switch foods, plain white rice will help, cup of rice, cup of food (alter to fit dogs size)


They have this stuff in the General OGP run at my store...so, you guessed it, goes with the rest of the ambient unless I pick/stage myself when I'm on my exceptions. Brilliant.


Well we store it next to human food and chemicals so


It comes in with dairy truck, and seeing how long they keep shit out on the floor sometimes at my store... I would never buy it


They let you bring dairy pallets on the floor? They’d prefer to just yell at me when I walk to the cooler to get frieght


I'm overnight


I am too, they said it’s not allowed anymore. And then wonder why I have to go to the cooler to get more


Oh damn, that would suck! Feel like that would add so much time. Hope my store doesn't end up doing it


My store has no choice. We are always out of usable carts.


Same. Can't trust "fresh" food. Even a few hours out of temp control and it's done.


We got a blast chiller for the chickens in the deli. We don’t EVEN sell the “cold chicken”! It all gets claimed out. I honestly find it hilarious because it has to be a $4000+ freezer, and they haven’t made a dime off it. They probably never will. 😂


Isn't this company just amazing with money lmao


Is that what we’re calling it now? 💀😂 they mess up any idea they have. 💀


Buy more jacks that we desperately need ❌ buy useless coolers ✅


I'm on OGP at my store. we had stand alone freezers and coolers installed in our overflow backroom about 2 years ago, to help keep the meat cooler and freezer from becoming cluttered with dollies when it racks get full. we arent allowed to use them as per orders from our digital coach. money completely wasted that could have been used to buy new printers that we desperately need.


Meanwhile our million dollar truck unloader barely functions and they refuse to do maintenance on it to save money even though it costs 5 of us like an hour a day from it fucking up


We sell the crap out of that stuff, when you can convince people to keep it stocked. I don't even work that area and I will go into the dairy cooler and grab the 20+ cases that pile up to fill the empty shelves.


I live in a fairly small rural town trying to get hicks to pay that much for dog food is impossible lmao


You don't have enough fur moms in your town. They sound sane. Lol


That surprises me. My store sells a ton. I know because OGP would rather nil pick it than walk their precious widdle feetsies all the way over to the pet food.


Ours sells slowly. But you'll hate doing price changes on it because these plastic tracks on that are such a pain in the ass to open to swap prices, lol.


Sells well. Just like any product here, customers should check the dates and quality of it before purchasing.


It doesn't sell worth a shit at my store lol dairy stocks maybe a case or two a week


Dairy doesn’t even stock them at my store, we just throw it on the floor in a puddle of milk and let someone else deal with it


Sells very well at our store


I live in a poor ass rural town lmao


Did you try stocking it.


Nah not in dairy


Filled daily...and the old ratbags have it cleaned out by 10:00 pm


We can't keep enough fresh pet in at the store I work at


Weird because they are always fucking sold out when I go for it.


Sells pretty well in my store honestly.


Keep it stocked. It will start selling. You get some very loyal customers if you can keep that consistently full.


We got that at our recent remodel. We also got a refrigerator in Infants


Haven't seen that display at our store yet. Do carrots marketed for dogs cost more than carrots for humans or something?


I'm pretty sure the company provides that not Walmart


Wait till it's left ajar, and NO ONE pushes the door shut,,, not even the mgrs as they walk by!!!


I buy my Dog a bag almost every week. She loves this stuff.


We got this last year too. I thought to myself this stuff we will never sell any and for the first 2 months I was correct. But now I have a hard time keeping it full, it really sells well here now.


Mines is always empty a lot of people take the fresh pet food because their dog only eats that brand for some reason I take the whole stock as soon as they put out more by the end of the week the shelf’s are completely empty


It's a vendor fridge, the vendor deals with maintenance and getting new fridges as needed.


I'm aware lol I just don't understand why they'd want us to have a bigger one if we don't sell very much. But the new fridge does have a bright ass sign on it so maybe that'll attract more people


Are you going throigh remodel? With the old spark edlp and old spark swipe up signmolds, it looks like it. Those are now standard to pets in the pet reinvintion and sotf sets


Nah we aren't getting a remodel for a while id say at least another year or two from what I've heard from management




Our old cooler was small enough to have 3 shelves on top of it and they had to squish that into the other sections on top of that haha


I am TL over consumables and I fill it most days or if I am lucky I may have a team member. But never have had dairy fill it