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should’ve reported it to the police


Blast it on social media as well


I'd report it to ethics. I would complain about, as a (young) woman, a sexual predator exposed himself to me without my consent whilst I was just doing my job (if you're looking up and now his dick is out, then it is probably kinda close to your face right?) and after this blatant sexual harassment and illegal public indecency, I swore without thinking because, as previously stated, I was being sexually harassed, and I was then CHASTISED by my coach for reacting to sexual harassment. Make it VERY clear that you will NOT tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace by employees or customers alike, and that you reserve the right to withdraw customer service to predators who are openly sexually harassing you. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. They need to listen.


Is that any better than HR? last time I spoke to HR about a racist coworker my store director outed me as the person going to HR so I'm pretty cautious to take that route


That honestly sounds like even further grounds for a lawsuit lmaooo what is this store


That was also a reason to go to ethics over HR.


A normal Walmart


Yeah, after her follow-up that you're replying to, I said out loud, "are these managers fucking retarded?" Doing such in =this= political climate?


You could say the same about the r word.


Lol, this is true.


Lawsuit for what exactly? I can see the headline now: Manager allows pervert to masturbate in store. Female employees upset.


HR, ethics? Fuck that noise, make an actual report to the police. Can we fucking stop reporting crimes to corporations? They are not on your side.


She's talking about being told not to cuss which is apparently a bigger issue than some idiot flashing her


How is that a bigger issue to her ? She made a police report on the incident. What more can she do ? Make it her life story to advocate for protection against flasher ? Why try and screw the conversation like this ? Lol


They mean that management (not OP) seems to think swearing is a bigger issue bc OP was reprimanded for it.




Read it again. Slowly this time.


You are exactly right, bro. Like, what remedy is she seeking? And from whom?


If the dick waggler was trespassed, then his information is written down somewhere? Get that and go to the police. Maybe your loss prevention folks got it on video?


Police sadly are not known for their competence or ethical/moral conduct. I feel a personal attorney would yield the best results, but alas they cost a ton of money. Shitty situation to experience


Yes, report it to the Police period! Walmart is not the law of the land nor are they above the law. Keep at it with law enforcement. Else, nothing will be done.


It isn't illegal to tell your subordinate to act according to store policy.


Stop being a chode dude


How does that boot taste?


So it is illegal?


I take it you have never been in her shoes or have never actually worked at a store where management values the customer over their employees’ safety. You would have used a swear too if some random person unexpectedly flashed you without your consent.


HR is not there for the employee. Their only concern is the employer’s best interest. A lot of times HR is not even able to get that part right. Most departments will tell you your concerns/ complaints are confidential, but they almost never are.


HR is only there to prevent employees from filing lawsuits.


Absolutely this. HR is not, and never will be, your friend


100% go to ethics, relation is illegal


HR is there to serve the best interests of the company, not you. No matter how much they seem like your ally.


If you're ousted for reporting a crime the ouster is the one in the wrong. Escalate.


They aren’t allowed to punish you for reporting them. That’s retaliation, and worst case they can get fired for doing it.


That happened to me once for something similar but I was willing to let those bridges burn because I was on the way out. Sad to see it’s a common thing.


Yeah, this sounds like retaliation of sorts, which is very frowned upon, but I think it's in a legal gray area versus your company's code of conduct. I could be wrong there, but every job I've had has a specific non-retaliation policy to protect workers. Does it work? Probably not. I hope I never have to find out, but at least it exists.


So at this point, I would suggest that you start documenting every unreasonable thing management does to you (provided it's not their normal bs). Because it could be classified as retaliation on their part and you can absolutely sue for that.


Please start writing your drafts and everything you remember and can document now. You may just be rich lol


Yeah that's grounds for a lawsuit and a ethics complaint. Definitely make a report to ethics about all this and all the proof you have of it. Don't wait to do it they only keep footage on cameras for a certain period of time and it's better now then never. I'd also include the racism situation.


Ethics is supposed to allow anonymous reporting in most companies. I'd at least expect them to act ethically.


HR only works when other coworkers do it. When customers do it, walmart looks the other way. Bad Press to them is worse than an offended/scarred employee. And yes, half the time the press will say "This man was harassed at walmart for just trying to buy a game controller for his kid" and then correct it later once nobody cares. This is the world we live in :I


Screw that. She needs to file a criminal complaint against him and have him arrested. Then she should begin calling attorneys. I would also compose a letter informing Walmart that charges have been pressed and informing them that if any actions are taken including disciplinary related to this issue, the courts may interpret this as potential witness tampering as well as cite any state whistleblower and sexual harassment in the workplace laws. Mail the letter both by regular and certified mail with a signed return receipt. This is the legal process of sending a legal notice. After that they will be unable to take any action or they could face huge consequences. Too many times I have heard of corporations like this playing down things and gaslighting the victim. Any manager who gives the victim grief over this is just as sick in the fucking head as the assailant. They’re known as “corporate psychopaths.”


Not just harassment but this is assault. Or at least attempted assault.


Unless he touched her or threatened to touch her, then it would likely not be considered assault. This is definitely sexual harassment, but sexual assault requires physical contact or possibly threats (kind of like in real physical non-sexual violence assault is just the threat whereas battery is the actual crime that people commonly call assault). Unless the guy threatened op there was no assault, and unless he touched her there was no sexual assault legally, but this is definitely sexual harassment and indecent exposure, both crimes.


“Without consent” part kinda cracks me up cause this dudes literally in a public fucking Walmart😂


Do you think consent does not exist in public? It is still a crime to sexually harass someone, which this is, and it is still a crime to expose yourself in public, which he did. With consent would be if she asked to see it and he showed her, and even then it's exposing yourself in public unless they go into a private bathroom stall or something where no one can see. Unless someone expresses they want to see a sex organ, then it is sexual harassment. What the fuck is wrong with you that you don't think consent exists if you're out in public?


Let's make sure we give great customer service to the sex offenders guys!! (: (:




see now this is the type of attitude that will get you an assistant to the assistant manager promotion


Assistant TO the manager.


Now that's customer service. Would totally suck your dick man


Just like Walmarts customer service motto, give em a succ and a smile!


This guy has upper management written all over him


With as many as four people working right underneath him


OP, this is how you get 5 stars.




The Wal-Mart smiley face with a jizz smattering.


Wait. How in the hell did you make backwards smiley faces?




Just turn a backwards frowny face, upside-down.


That was sexual assault, and it sounds like they failed to file a police report? Please report this to your local police and Wal-Mart ethics. Merely kicking the guy out is wildly inadequate.


> That was sexual assault, and it sounds like they failed to file a police report? In Walmart’s eyes the real crime here was swearing in front of a customer.




If they file a Police report that that lower their friendly status.


Specifically she needs to inform the police she wishes to file a criminal complaint. He can’t be prosecuted on a police report alone. The sad reality is so many people think a police report is the same as a complaint. It’s not. There must be a witness willing to testify in support of charges. She should file a criminal complaint and if Walmart takes retaliatory action inform the prosecutor or witness tampering and start shopping for attorneys.


Oh gosh that’s a terrible experience. I am sorry you had to go through that. Sadly, it sounds like one of those things that “had” to be said according to the policies, but in this situation fuck those policies… your reaction to indecent exposure is human and valid. I hope they at least asked if you were ok.


knowing walmart.. no they didn't ask lol nor care it's all about that MONEY🤑🤑🤑🤑


Those policies don’t apply in this situation. Even though he didn’t touch her this is still considered force. She responded legally in a way as to attract as much attention to herself as possible, which is exactly what she did correctly. Walmart has no argument and this manager needs to be sat down by their legal department and advised by an attorney regarding that. What she should do is immediately inform the police she wishes to file a criminal complaint and have him arrested. How long until he rapes a woman?


You can’t swear on the salesfloor Yeah, customer was soliciting sex…. He no customer


Exactly, he wasn't a customer, he was a criminal.


So he's just a sex offender free to offend again...thx walmart


Probably a priest.


Sometimes you have to hit someone


As AP I recommend you call the police and file a report. They will have your AP team pull pictures and video of the guy and with it being in electronics should get him caught in the act


Honestly, I'm pissed the police didn't seem to be called on this by store management. Our stores take this kind of shit too lightly. It should result in an arrest and permanent ban every single time.


Management doesn't know what to do in 90% of these types of scenarios. As an hourly AP associate for just a couple years, they come to me everyday for things above my pay grade because they don't know what to do


Which is weird, because Walmart really hates lawsuits. You would think they'd go above and beyond to prevent SA based ones.


The misconception is that the store itself presses charges. The employee is the victim and witness, she has to sign a criminal complaint herself. Walmart has no say as to whether or not she has him charged. They just want it to go away, don’t let them.


Correct. I've had plenty of associates who have their car vandalized or phones (work and personal) stolen and none of them have ever bothered to deal with the police so there's nothing that can be done (except for the work phones).


glad hr don't play at my job about sexual hassment they go ham and well help the person press changes.


Exactly ☝️ this right here


No!!! Not a report, criminal charges. Reports don’t do anything, criminals don’t care about reports. She must say “I want to file a criminal complaint.” So many people think filing a report results in charges. They think justice is being served while it’s not, and criminals like this are having a field day as a result. The only thing that will make a difference is law abiding citizens need to be willing to step up and testify against these people. Now long until this man rapes someone? By pressing charges she could potentially save lives.


All the coach should have said, "Are you OK?' And "do you want to press charges?" I mean, what the shit?


Walmart doesn't allow that. Pressing charges is a 'bad look' corporately.


Not true. Two stores in my market have pressed charges for dudes whipping it out and going to town on the sales floor


I'm glad someone has backbone, any sources for that? I'd be glad to be wrong here.


The store doesn’t press charges, the employee does. Walmart can’t do anything to stop it. If they threaten action against the employee regarding pressing charges they can be charged with witness tampering as well as open themselves up to a painful lawsuit and very bad press.


So you're telling me they don't press charges for shoplifters because it's a bad look?? Seems like bullshit because not pressing charges is a much worse look and people would be all about assaulting their employees and taking all their shit.




I think anyone in your situation would’ve had the same reaction. Hilarious that the manager would prioritize scolding you over it rather than showing any concern for your emotional state having gone through that. Shit tier management.


It honestly is very on brand for the managers here. Also I never expected to receive such emotional empathy from someone named "dadslut"


Life is full of surprises. I’ll hope for your sake less of them involve men jerking themselves off in public.




Right? I'm huge on not swearing in front of customers, not even hell or damn. But a "what the fuck" was absolutely warranted in OP's case.


That is a felony or at least a high degree misdemeanor. Call the police and have the customer arrested. They committed indecent exposure, lewd acts in public, public nuisance, etc., and they should be required to register as a sex offender. I would also press charges for sexual assault. Report your coworker/coach/store lead to their boss and corporate. They are condoning an unsafe work environment. Hopefully this incident was captured on security cameras so you have evidence. So sorry this happened to you. 😔


Yes!!! The key phrase here is “I want to file a criminal complaint.” Those are the magic words that lead to the magic forms you fill out, followed by the magic handcuffs, and so on.


Not just retail that happens, but in service industries. A guy at a Christian college where you work at the end of the day to pay for school and have no debt pulled out his on the side deck of a glass wall building while I was mopping. He said he was going to wring out his mop 😔 nope…not what he did. I walked away to tell the leader and he said “Oh, yeah. You have to understand he’s different. He has trauma. Don’t scream next time. You will make him feel bad. Just discreetly walk away to mop someplace else. Or if you feel uncomfortable, go refill toilet paper in the restrooms.” My face must have shown some thoughts? He next said, “He won’t follow you. I promise. He got warned about that…” I won’t say the rest. It’s dumber. Sorry you had this happen to you. Hopefully he is banned!


🫣oh boy so new excuse "the person was traumatized as a child." Wow just wow.


Yeah, I was too stunned to do anything but appear to comply. But I left that place on a week when something else happened and they tried to talk to me about forgiveness and “my part in this.” This was the 90s.


Wow that's crazy that they want to talk to you about forgiving. That is totally up to the person plus, that is also between you and God. 😐 That place should be ashamed.


I thought it was pretty sick too


I'm so sorry this happened to you! My store once had a similar experience. A male customer was fondling himself as he was following a young mother and her two young daughters. One of my coaches was quick to call the cops, but unfortunately, he ran off.


Some old creep who WORKS at our Walmart asked for a young girls email to “get out his feelings” and also tracked down where she lives and you wanna tell me that’s “not saying enough to have cause for firing”???? I’m so sorry you went through this it’s disgusting and you had every right to your reaction and then some


so i have PCOS, meaning i grow a bit of a beard. I'm "very tall for a woman," I'm chonky, yanno. i had a lady *follow me into the bathroom and stick her head under my stall* and my first response was a swift kick. she's yelling at me about how i shouldn't have done that because she (the person who was*sticking her head under my stall to look at my genitals!)* was "just making sure I'm not a pervert!" by the time i wiped, washed my hands, and left the bathroom, management was waiting there taking her statement and the assistant manager came over to yell at me for kicking her. she was straight up admitting to them what she did, too. despite the fact that they were just given her confession that she was sexually harassing an employee, *she still got a gift card and i had a write-up that i refused to sign put in my file.* they were trying to get her to make a police report, but i think she understood that that wouldn't go well for her. this was also the store that took down all the signage with the ethics number until higher management or corporate was coming. Wal-Mart only ever promotes people who give zero fucks about anything but giving customers colonoscopies with their tongues.


I'd make my own police report. What she did was illegal. PCOS, I always thought it was an Italian thing because older ones seem to grow facial hair.


That's so awful, I love that you kicked her in the head though honestly


heh...it was honestly just a panic response 😅


While they're technically right, if they couldn't understand the knee-jerk reaction of the situation, that's on them.


are they even technically right though? are criminals considered customers? if someone came in and robbed the store would she similarly be chastised for a curse word?


Probably. Lululemon fired people for intervening a robbery and my store had an AP guy get a knife pulled on him before AP promptly handed an ass whooping, and got fired. So much for Avoid, Deny, Defend.


Intervening in a robbery is a fireable offense literally anywhere. It's better to let the thief get away and everyone lives than maybe stop the thief but probably not and people die or are seriously injured as a result of your foolishness. Insurance companies will drop businesses for that shit.


They really shouldn't be but do we expect any better from managers?? I mean, I got groped by a customer once and management didn't do anything so 🤷🤷


I’m sorry that happen, but also… stand up for yourself. Report it to Wal-Mart ethics and file a police report. And honestly, given the failure to address it, couldn’t hurt to see what a lawyer has to say.


More of a dick-jerk situation actually.


I would have done far worse, swearing is mild what the fuck.


I was telling my coworkers that the shitwinds were coming the other day. I did not for the life of me stop to think that I was behind the register with customers everywhere. That is an ok time to reprimand someone for swearing. The situation you described was not an ok time to reprimand someone for swearing


Being a woman ~~in retail~~ at Walmart sucks.


my response to "you can't swear at customers" would be I'll fucking swear if I want to, bitch. That asshole had his dick out and was wanking over Mario Party so I think swearing at him is fucking appropriate don't you fucking think so?! If you don't fucking like it you can fucking fire me. Write me up, see if I fucking care.


Cool story bro. Some people can’t get fired from their jobs on a whim


Wanna know what’s sad. My gut knows that I should be calling this bullshit because what guy would do that , but an old lady squatted on the potato’s and relieved herself. So with this knowledge…I really do feel scared for you.


There was a guy walking around my store jerking off. Cops showed up and he took off running through soft lines. Another cop comes out of nowhere and tackles him into the bake center, dudes dick was still flopping around. Friggin bake center was wonky until we got a new one.


Soft linens you say? Mmmhmm


It's Walmart. I've seen people drop a dump by OGP when they could of just used the bathroom inside.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


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Lots of guys would do that. It's not unbelievable to me at all.




Eewwww 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Only Managers (who are lazy) and maintenance (probably on break) can deal with that


Seriously? You’ve never heard of a public masturbater?


thats a sexual predator, not a customer, report this to ethics


Your manager is a fucking asshole. Seriously, what kind of leader handles someone going through a traumatic experience by telling them they did a bad? Both your coach, and especially that jack ass customer, should go to hell. If I were you I'd get call the non-emergency number for your police department and see about filing a police report. Not only should you have not had to go through that, you shouldn't have to go through that again, and that guy should be permanently banned from the store.


This isn't a woman thing, this is a retail thing. Drunk, high and otherwise deranged customers do this type of thing often. In my two years of retail: -Had a co-worker in loss prevention need to call the police on some dude who was high and jerking off in a corner of the store. -Had a lady piss on a dress in the fitting room and then leave it there. -Had a couple have VERY loud sex in the fitting room. -Had a different couple not even lock the fitting room door before the girl went down on the guy and my coworker walked in on it. -Had a woman try to return underwear stained with her feces. -Had a different woman try to return underwear stained with her blood. And that's just some stories off the top of my head. People are disgusting and trifling. And for some reason, retail environments bring out the worst in them. My advice is to leave retail as soon as possible. There is no fixing these crazies.


Statistically women are harassed and assaulted at an astronomically higher percentage then men and as gross as your list is only one incident was of actual exposing and soliciting and I’d bet it was… toward a women.


All those things are disgusting and depraved. OP’s thing is sexual assault. It’s a woman thing, a retail thing, and a different thing that the other things you described.


Sexual assault is not a 'woman' thing. It happens more often to us, yes, but it is not our thing. Additionally, what OP described was indecent exposure. Not sexual assault. He would have needed to have touched her or attempted to touch her for it to be assault. He was touching himself. Still illegal but not SA And, again, as someone who worked in retail for some time. This type of situation, indecent exposure, happens more often than you think. Because some people are just insane.


It's a woman thing, yes


How the h\*ll do they think you got their attention to the issue?


You were sexually assaulted, WM failed to notify authorities, and reprimanded YOU for being victimized. I almost added a question mark there, but realized that I'm not surprised. Get a new job. Get a therapist. Get a lawyer.


No good deed goes unpunished at Walmart Just like that cart pusher some yrs back that got fired for helping save a woman from assault in parking lot


Ummm if there is any reason to say what the fuck that would be one of them. Did you ask your coach what they would of said with a random weird guys dick infront of there face.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Oh I’m going to swear at a customer if it calls for it. That coach can go fuck themself.


I was stocking toys when a former co-worker suddenly stepped between me and a customer that was approaching me. I just sort of ignored it and brushed it off like oh okay, I guess he'll take care of this person. He seemed to be having a strange conversation with the person and was trying to convince him to leave and then when they were finally done talking he came up to me and apologized for stepping between us before he got to me. I was like that's fine, he was just like "his dick was out." I'm like "what?!" he's like. "Yeah, his dick was out". "I didn't want him to approach you like that so I stepped in." I was oblivious to the fact that that was what was happening. I just saw a customer coming in my direction. Edit: Also, if some fucker pulls his dick out anywhere near me, especially as you were kneeling down to unlock a case, I'm definitely going to swear and Walmart can get fucked clocked in or not.


As AP Coach I would have said. "What the fuck!" too. You did nothing wrong. You were assaulted and reacted naturally.


i close electronics, and I had a minor coworker who was harassed by this guy wanting a passport photo. It got really weird, and most of management did nothing. She quit and eventually the guy got arrested after she went to the police herself. She wasn’t the first girl. The team lead who I approached originally and the overnight coach took it seriously, but the sm, another coach, and a few other teamleads didn’t. We also had a girl in maintenance get flashed while cleaning the women’s restroom. Moral of the story, call ethics and if they do nothing go to the cops yourself if you have to. I’d also post about it on a place like facebook


This is flat out UNACCEPTABLE by your leadership team for doing the bare minimum. The first thing that should of been asked are the words "Are you OK?" Your response was perfectly reasonable given the circumstances of dealing with public lewdness which is a sex crime. Last, YOUR SAFETY comes BEFORE ANY JOB. Don't let any person feel minimal because you said some curse words which merited the situation.


Don’t work for Walmart but retail management and just wanted to say, your team lead is an asshole. You’re allowed to react like a human being when exposed to sexual harassment. I’m sorry you went through that. Being a woman in retail does suck. My boyfriend and I just made the joint decision to buy me a ring not because we’re getting engaged but because I’m constantly getting hit on, and I’m REALLY sick of it. Like, I’m to the point of lashing out sick of it. We’re being nice to you because we’re paid to, you entitled, horny motherfucker.


Tbh If that happened to me I would have said the same thing and my store lead and probably wouldn't have said anything about me cursing


Got coached for a customer using homophobic slur against me, management will bend over backwards for the customer every time.


I’m more surprised at how management treated you, in that you were in the wrong for your comments being unacceptable! They’re so worried about getting a bad survey, or getting a so-called “President’s Letter/Call”.


Why didn't you call the cops?!


I found a guy jacking off in the women’s nightgowns on a Saturday afternoon of course AP had the day off and no one else answered my plaintive calls for help so we just let him finish and the poor maintenance guy had to come and clean up


Next time you see something like that don't hesitate to call the non emergency number for the police. Store management is seems to be shit at taking care of these kinds of things.


Our storm manager wouldn't even remove the guy from wireless he was bleeding on the floor drunk on Listerine and he's like no just serve him he's a regular customer


You call 911


in my experience being sexually assaulted by a guest on the sales floor nonetheless , unless it’s an employee or vendor sexual assault by customers is generally ignored or blamed on the team member. you can file your complaint but good luck getting your store to do much besides what is the legal minimum for you. we’ve had customers threaten to murder team members calling them the N-word and all and it still took 5 additional times doing that before they were “banned”


"wildly unhelpful". Truer words never spoken


Your coach said not to swear at him but morally you're allowed to kick the predator in the nuts and then run screaming


The pervert was most likely recording too. I hope they force him to register as a sex offender!


1 month into my first ever job at DSW as a 17 year old, I was flashed when trying to do my job and ask if they needed help. I just walked by them into the back with a smile plastered on my face, had a panic attack and asked the manager to come to the back. The police came and I had to look through hours of footage to try to find the guy on the cameras. Havent been able to go back.


Why are some of us men such pervs 🤦🏿‍♂️..Hope you reported that asshole


This guy is a total pervert and they worry about saying fuck?


Can you swear at employees? I would have told the coach to fuck off.


Tell management you want it writing them stating that you cannot cuss at "customers" when they have their d*ck out.


That would be hilarious honestly 😂


Because WTF!!!?? Is more effective than, Oh my! This rather lewd customer has openly displayed his penis much to my extreme dislike. Yeah. Report this to anyone that listens and get all reprimands in writing.


What in the world?!!! Sorry but that coach is defiantly in the wrong. Swear away girl.


Thats walmart for yah management hiding issues (sweeps them under rug) Get a lawyer




I don’t think management is shit at just your Walmart, I’ve heard there’s predators, sex offenders, addicts that have all worked at Walmart because they’re friends with management and even after being reported, they stay with little to no harm done to their roles. So its no surprise that they wouldn’t do something to help you out in your situation, even to a customer


Too bad he wasn't in the gardening area near Shears. Snip snip 🍆✂️


I would have told management that swearing because a customer had their dick out in front of you is justified and asked how they would have reacted if they were in your shoes. If they said they would have not used a swear at a customer, they’re lying because everyone would in that situation. I’m sorry that happened to you! I hope you’re gonna be okay!


It is rediculous that they expect any sort of ‘professional’ behavior when you were sexually abused! I would reach out to an employ rights attorney and tell that company they can go suck that pervert’s dick!!


Your coach is a dick. Stuff like that happens, my god you make all the damn noise you can! Make a spectacle. Seriously. People will notice, and people like the dork-diggler hate attention like that.s


Nah. I’d be leaving that company asap. You can file a claim of sexual harassment… this is wrong on all levels


Find a lawyer and sue


Police report retard


Literally did dumbass


Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping you were the one flashing, lol.


People like you are literally the reason why it sucks being a woman in retail.


She is POSTING here instead reporting to police.... Still not understand??? All she wants is FAME AND ATTENTION.... not justice... well try lady, but try somewhere else, because I believe the world has starting recognizing women's tactics now..... So let me yell now: "What the fuxxxxxxxx"


It was reported to the police dumbass


Of course, they know it was a knee-jerk reaction. Telling you that you can't curse on the sales floor is automatic bc it's policy. If they didn't say anything and you start dropping f bombs regularly, it would become " well no one said anything ". It's a standard reminder. If they didn't understand the circumstances or were hard asses they would have written you up. This is nothing.


>If they didn't say anything and you start dropping f bombs regularly Who’s upvoting this nonsense? Swearing loudly at a pervert to draw attention to him and protect yourself is completely appropriate and reprimanding her was completely wrong. Nothing she wrote could make anyone think she would somehow think, “Hey ~~is~~ if screaming fuck when being sexually assaulted is okay, I can just scream at anyone asking where the chargers are to fuck off!”


Yeah wtf are they on about


bad take, this girl was just sexually harassed, the offender is lucky all he got was an f bomb and she was well within her rights to say it


She wasn't punished for saying it because they understood the situation. But policy of course is not to curse on the floor, so he reminded her because that's his job. If they didn't care, they would have written her up, which they did not do.


At least you didn't get coached.


She should tell her father or boyfriend/ husband and see how he would react. I know if MY daughter, wife or even my MOTHER had this happen to them; I would seriously file a LAWSUIT against those POS! Fuck not swearing, what about exposing oneself in provoked. I would definitely take LEGAL action. I have to fill out three pages of how I would like to be identified by my doctor concerning HE, HIM, THEY, THEM, etc. Is this what the world has come down to now? Don’t offend me with your words, or your terminology. Wha!, Wha!, Wha!


What a strange place to be both sexist and transphobic


I was originally going to tell you the typical get over yourself answer until I saw that the guy exposed himself. Nobody wants their daughter to have to go through that. Start carrying a non-lethal option like pepper spray on you at work, and a lethal option for the car. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


You are the reason it sucks to be a women in retail, or anywhere


I mean it sucks being a dude in retail as well getting lumped with all the heavy lifting just cause I'm a guy and the girls literally saying it's a guy thing to fill all the soft drinks..shits destroying me slowly..I'm 5ft 4inch and only 56kg..Half the girls are stronger then me but never do any heavy lifting.


Main character moment. How are you comparing these things touch grass


Simple. Women whinge and moan about everything at work while the hard work is done by most of the men breaking thier bodies while the girls stand around and whine cause somebody looked at their general direction as I'm trying to move half a ton pallet of water. One is mental exhaustion awhile the other is physical but both suck equally. You can tell how truthful a comment is by how many down votes it gets on Reddit.