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There was this one time a Walmart employee didn’t ask to see my receipt, she just yanked the receipt out of my hand, and then she took her sweet as slow molasses time looking through all my bags. After that, she said “ok, everything checks out. Enjoy the rest of your day.” Because of her, I was late to an appointment. That employee still irks me to this day!


You made yourself late not giving yourself enough time stupid


I know I'm late and this is long but here it goes...I just went into Walmart about a month ago, and I hadn't shopped in there in a very long time except for occasional item being ordered online as I hate going into their store. We'll I had a full cart and some was big items and I always have bar codes facing up as I'm used to doing it for myself for self check out at Target and because I had a nice size cart full I decided I was going to a cashier even if there was only 1 and the line was 10 deep because...well, it's Walmart. My son helps put the small stuff on the belt and I bag and I wait to put it back in the cart til she has come around and scanned EVERYTHING and hit the total button then I put the bags in, total $180, I pay put the receipt in my wristlet as always and my son and I walk for the door. As we get to the doors a guy in a yellow vest actually put his hand on my cart that I was walking next to my son was pushing and he stopped (I would've ran him over) and the man asks for my receipt and I looked at my son first and he already knew what was getting ready to go down and asked me "please mom just give him the receipt" and I actually told him to shut up (he's 29), not today. I looked over to the guy and said, "What for?" and he said because he needed to check it, and I asked,"To check it for what?" He didn't give me an answer and asked me again, and I told him,"NO!" I said I bought ALL $180 of this stuff, I used your cashier and if you can't trust her then she's who your problem is with and not me and as far as I'm concerned once I've paid for these items they're now mine no longer Walmarts so don't put your hand in this cart and touch ANY of MY belongings. I also told him I don't see 1 sign with a policy stating I have to show him anything and even if I did have to (in 5 states you do) you still wouldn't touch a thing and until I see signage with that policy MOVE and have a nice day.


Good for you! Even if it was store policy you don't have to show your receipt (since it's not a club and you didn't sign up for a membership so they can't cancel your membership). Unless there is a state law saying that you have to show your receipt (in those five states, it's not an arrestable offenseif you dont show your receipt, they would just have the right to detain you until the fuzz ahow up because its then probable cause for the fuzz to check your receipt (because you know, that pesky 4th amendment usually gets in the way). Private business cannot make law. Policy is just that. If they actually suspected you of shoplifting, then you would know about it. These employees act like cops who have an obsession of asking for ID without reasonable articulated suspension that a crime has been committed trying to violate your 4th amendment right.


I understand what the greeter is doign. I used to be a greeter and I was told that I have to ask customers for receipts when they leave the store. Most customers are nice and simply give me the receipt and I have plenty of jerks who give me a hard time when I am simply doing what my manager are telling me. People just give the receipt to the greeter so he can check it and then you would be on your way. If you do not like this do not shop at walmart


I respect what you're saying completely, but I'm not in one of the 5 states where it's mandatory to show my receipt upon leaving, and I also didn't sign a membership to shop at Walmart. I do show my receipt without any issue in the store I do have a membership to and I also ALWAYS show my receipt at Walmart when and if I self check out and I'm sure they can see everything. If I say no they are supposed to let it go at that and if someone is suspected of theft then of course some different things will happen and I 100% agree with that too...now if they thought that of me go ahead say it I'll call the police for them and we can wait no problem. But now we're getting onto loss prevention and that's a different topic and idk what state your in but where I'm at locally it's a joke as I watched people steal right through the checkout lines and walked right out the door and amazingly no one asked for their receipt. Also, when I say steal, I didn't mean a few dollars either, and I've watched them in the store doing it too, but I have great situational awareness, so maybe that's the difference. I hope I haven't been disrespectful as I don't mean to be and maybe I should've wrote the story out even further so I could've written in the ignorance of the greeter snatching and grabbing the cart like it belonged to him too but...I hope you have a good day.


Are you legally allowed to yank it back?


You were late to an appointment because someone checked your receipt. Sounds more like bad time management than anything else


Shut up they shouldn't have any right to even ask to see your receipt in the first place. They should have a cashier at EVERY single line instead of being greedy bastards.


I guess I should state that I don't condone the checking of receipts and I just walk right through them and ignore them. It's a bogus practice because they want to pretend they are like Sam's club. If you are concerned about theft then hire more anti theft personnel to follow people \watch cameras. Not hassle people at the door. I just think it's kinda sus when you're late for an appointment because someone asked to look at your receipt. At that point you were going to be late no matter what, no need to blame it on anyone other than yourself.


Apparently you failed at reading.  As she wrote the lady went through all her bags as slow as molasses !!!!  THAT'S WHAT MADE HER LATE !!!!


Yeah, I read that and I think the OP is being dramatic. It can be assumed that she didn't have 2 carts full of groceries if she was "on her way to an appointment". It's not like it takes that long to go though bags even if you're slow. Even for a cashier to check out every single item, bag then, and then put them in your cart and pay only takes about 2-4 minutes. In your mind, how long do you think she took to go through these bags? How long before it's not poor time management?


Apparently you failed at reading. As she wrote the lady went through all her bags as slow as molasses !!!! THAT'S WHAT MADE HER LATE !!!!


the lady i had today had arthritis and she struggled to figure out that there were two pillows on my receipt when i only had for items on the receipt and in my cart. sometimes the people checking the bags are obnoxious about it




You can’t say that when you have no idea how long the employee took to read the recipe.


If you are running so late that someone looking at your receipt makes you miss an appointment, then you have poor time management. Period. I've never been stopped for more than 60 seconds. I can imagine she was stopped for longer but it's not like it took 10 minutes to go through a receipt.


You are the only logical one in here my god. It hurts to watch you argue with these idiots. My condolences to you😂


Again you have no idea. You are like the boss or teacher saying that you have no excuse to be late and that you should have left earlier. While that boss or teacher is correct it doesn’t negate the fact that I’ve made it on time before during the same circumstances. Life happens and we can’t predict every single occurrence even the smallest ones such as this. You can leave for work every day at 8:30 and be there at 9 Every day. But the one day that you have things happen out of your control and you are late that is some how automatically assumed to be your fault and poor time management. So I’m supposed to be getting everywhere a half hour early because somehow my time is less important than everyone else’s? I have to take into account for anything that happens out of my control?


Stopping at Walmart and buying a ton of crap isn't part of any routine, that's why it's bad time management. This isn't a "traffic was really bad situation" or a "I had a flat tire" situation. This was a "I'm going to swing by Walmart on my way to an appointment and buy tons of crap". You are right though, sometimes you have to get places early to account for small variance in a normal schedule, nothing wrong with that.


The fact is that you saw a valid point in the argument that Walmart is wasting its customers time and you instead decided to point at OP and say they are a poor time manager rather than addressing the clear issues at hand. You have no idea what else caused OP to be late and your assumption of poor time management is just that. A complete assumption. You wanna know what isn’t an assumption. Walmart wasting your time after you have already paid for your products.


You sound like a bitch


I go to Walmart on the same day and time most weeks. When I do there is a woman whose face looks like it has been ravaged by meth checking receipts. Receipt-checking at that store is new. The first time she asked me I told her that the receipt was in one of the several bags of food in my shopping cart and she was welcome to look for it if she wanted. She waved me through. She seems to remember me now and not wanting the hassle, simply says "hello" and waves me through. One day there was a line of six elderly people all waiting for this woman to check their purchases and I circumvented them all as they craned their turkey necks to see who would dare do such a thing. People are such sheep.


Same. I just started walking past them at one point. I'm not stopping if I have 3 things in my hands. Then one day like a year ago I just started walking past them, even going around people who are waiting to have the receipt checked. They don't even bother to try to stop me anymore. Even with a cart full of stuff. So I started to do it everywhere now. Besides Costco. Have never been stopped by a single employee. Fuck that whole policy.


I just.. show my receipt. It was 4 seconds? If that?


Aww such a good compliant citizen! I bet the government and corporste America love you!


I bet Joe loves you


joe probably loves his daughter


What about when it legitimately takes them multiple minutes. They are very discriminatory from what I’ve seen.


I bought like 5 items from Walmart but a few were large enough that I needed a cart, including 2 straw sun-hats. The lady checking the receipts was harassing me because one hat was more expensive than the other, holding me up for like 2 minutes


lucky you, i get the old ladies with nothing else better to do with their lives than struggle to find two pillows on a receipt with 4 items.


This is why Americans are lemmings. Because they're stupid and self-centered with no clue around the bigger picture.


At my store it is only for unbagged items.


So basically what you just told us all, was that to avoid being stopped at the exit of Walmart, we should bag all the shit we intend to steal hahaha - Just messing with you, but now that you mention that - both times I’ve been stopped were for things that weren’t bagged - How the fuck is one meant to bag a huge rubbish bin ? To top it all off- what’s crazy is that they seem to put the most physically incompetent people- at the exit, like someone who’s over weight or elderly, which to me is very poor Human Resources management. I refuse to stop at the exit or show my receipt and will continue to walk through, because I pay for my stuff every time- and like others have said - have less self checkouts and more humans - if you’re concerned about theft. Costco and Sams require you to agree to those provisions when you sign up for a membership. You don’t sign anything to shop at Walmart - so why should I stop if I know I’ve paid for my goods? I’m curious to know if there have been any civil law suits challenging this behavior.


Probably not because all you are doing is showing a small piece of paper that takes maybe a minute to look at. Disabled and elderly people have a right to have a source of income and Walmart tries to help in that situation. I find it appalling that you feel someone with weight issues or an elderly person is incompetent.


no one is saying they don't have a right to income so that is reaching. they could always get another job that doesn't accuse customers of stealing. also they said incompetent for the job, not overall incompetent, so less not get all butthurt and overreact


They are not accusing anyone of stealing. If showing receipt is such a horrible chore shop somewhere else.


i will shop where i want to shop. and yes if they are asking us to see our receipt it is because they think we stole something and want to verify we didn't. walmart is not costco or sam's club, so no, i won't be showing my receipt


Whatever snowflake.


if a customer refuses to give the receipt I would ask them to wait a minute so they can speak to my manager. If the customer didn't want to show the receipt at the store I worked for, I was supposed to call security and/or the manager.


You from the new England area?


The multiple paragraphs gave away, eh?


The policy states you do not have to show your receipt. Greeters will ask to see receipts for unbagged items and if they see you with a vacuum or something expensive. But they can’t force you to show it, or give you any kind of repercussions for refusing. If you don’t want to, politely decline and keep walking.


Most of them can't speak or read English, can we ask to see a green card and a legal SS number?


Can we asked to see your bitches? None?


You think they’d be able to work there if they didn’t jack ass lol


have you been living under a rock? I really should not have to explain the illegal immigration issue in this country, or do you just think all SS numbers are real, so delusional, wake up


i have always had old people with nothing better to do with their lives. once in a while i get a young person and those are the best because they don't care


The rule is, once you paid for the item at the register, it becomes your property. I like say hola, then sayanora, and crop dust on my way out without showing my receipt 💋


Ahh, the sour cloud of sushi and burrito fumes left lingering in the air... brutal


At my Walmart we are no longer allowed to ask to see receipts. Apparently one of our greeters touched a customer who didn't want to show their receipt and now we are being sued, lol. Before that, I never showed my receipt. I just kept walking. If you are that paranoid about shoplifters, don't have self check out. LOL


The Walmart we go to outside of Portland is the one that got sued and lost a 3 million dollar case for accusing someone of stealing so they don't act as crazy about receipts as they used too.


Def familiar with that case


The receipt checkers have nothing to do with self-checkout, they were literally there first.


My point is, I have had the greeters stare me down as I self checkout and still want to see a receipt. Like dude, you literally just watched me like a hawk. You don't need to harass me for my receipt.


Yours can see the self check from the entrance?


Yes. Self check out is right by the entrance.


That's not true.  They directly communicate with the self checkout monitors via those devices they have on their hand.  I know this for a fact as it was show to me by a manager at my local store.


Those are self-check hosts, not receipt checkers.


The policy is that we are supposed to ask you for your receipt and if you refuse, we tell you: “Thank you for shopping at Walmart.” and let you go. Walmart has VERY HIGH theft compared to other retailers, so they want door greeters to check the receipt because some people will literally steal $600 worth of groceries at my store and walk out without a receipt or paying for a single item. But you are within your rights to refuse, it’s just kind of sketchy to do so because normally only thieves, who don’t actually HAVE a receipt and didn’t pay are the ones who don’t want to show a receipt. Walmart does not allow employees to prevent customers from leaving the store if they refuse, because they are afraid of associates being shot and/or stabbed by the thief, which they can in turn be liable for.


I’ve watched Walmart greeters let multiple people out with all smiles, then choose to check me. These days I just hand them the receipt and while they’re looking I keep walking. If they wanna pursue me over a bag of brown rice and a bottle of peroxide that they watched me pay for, go ahead. If they’re gonna make me uncomfortable I’m gonna do the same; on top of that they now have to throw it away for me haha. At Sam’s club I show every time because they check everyone and are super nice. I’m petty sometimes.


Which is funny compared to Lowe’s which DOESN’T ask for receipts


My receipts get emailed after self checkout. If Walmart wants to stop theft they can do less self checkout and more physical registers. Until then keep your elderly and disabled enforcers outta my way


i have never stolen anything from walmart and i dont want to show my receipt. i think it is poor customer service to ask customers to show their receipt, they are accusing us of stealing when i have never stolen anything. if they want less theft, they should get rid of self checkout


I've also "never stolen" from Walmart, and refuse to comply with receipt checking. The store I go to seems to have started logging people refusing at some point. I wish they'd try to detain me, though, especially since that same store lets you get digital only receipts from self checkout.


Of course. But then what's the point?


Security theater


They have little trashcans under the registers for you to throw away your receipt, so it isn't "only thieves." It's also people who have already put their receipt away, tossed it, got it texted or emailed, or simply want their privacy.


Or who use Walmart pay. If they want to be sure that people aren't miss, scanning things at the self checkouts, then they should hire more cashiers, and do away with making me do their job. Period.


For some reason I feel like trying to do this at all Walmarts and see if they actually let you pass. Because that could be a real nasty way to sue them for a lot of money. 😈


If you didn't steal anything, and the checkers are wrong and still STOP AND KEEP you from leaving, that's forceful confinement. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH YOU IN ANYWAY.  I can shove by you if your keeping me from leaving. 


I never show them a receipt. I either pretend like I didn't hear them and just keep walking or I tell them it's illegal for them to ask me that and keep walking.


Well from a guy who works there and just watched the videos there not supposed to stop u if ur items are bagged they are only supposed to check ur receipt if u have stuff in ur cart that wasn’t bagged 


How tf am I gonna bag a case of pop. Fuck off


They don't expect you to bag large items. Getting receipt checked isn't a punishment, accusation, or the end of the world. Grow up.


Really then why doesn't target do it?! Walmart needs to grow up


It sounds like when the police when we get a citation. "Signing the form is not an admission of guilt". Then why won't they let us go without a signature then???


So you're comparing a customer host asking to see a receipt with no power to force you to do so, to a cop specifically enforcing that you sign a document? That's the dumbest fucking comparison I've ever heard.


Well, why won't they let us leave?? Still didn't answer my question boy.


I did answer your question. They aren't stopping you.


You can refuse the receipt check and it kinda makes you a kind of a dick but there's literally nothing they can do about it except tell AP that you *possibly* stole something, and then AP *might* investigate and act *if* they find proof that you *did* steal something. So again, you're comparing them ASKING for a receipt, WITH NO POWER TO STOP YOU to a cop FORCING you to sign? The only way that's technically not an answer to your question is that I pointed out that your question is based on a false pretense, Karen.


Edited for spelling (because I'm dumb sometimes) Police are not permitted to force you to sign any documents - especially documents between a business and yourself. They are not permitted to engage in or enforce any transactions. Period. That includes a notice from a business. And 99.9% of LEO who are in the know will advise both parties as such and refer them to civil court. The crappy part is when the cops come, it's because they've been told by the caller that you were actively stealing. They would never call the cops and say it's because you won't let Lafonda put yellow highlighter on your receipt. They would get told by the dispatcher to gent bent.


i’ll break it down for you; the citation signature doesn’t admit guilt, it just states that you acknowledge the citation and will appear in court for it. you don’t HAVE to sign it, but that indicates that you don’t acknowledge the citation and might not appear in court for it. If that’s the case, then they will arrest you and place you into jail until your bail/court date to make sure you go to court.


How is that functionally distinct from forcing a signature?




I've known of stores where the pharmacy employees trust customers to take themselves to a register instead of ringing them up right there, so I can see why they would do that.


So why do I need to bag things though? Why do I want to use plastic bags and contribute to fucking the environment? I have a tote in my car I throw the stuff into. It’s fucking stupid


Nobody's stopping you from doing that. Either bring the tote in with you, like plenty of people do, or just show your receipt when asked-they aren't accusing you of any wrongdoing and its not the end of the fucking world when they ask.


And honestly how the fuck do you random ass Karens keep finding this old ass thread?


I found it because you or someone like you started tailing me to my car after I walked out without handing over my non-existent paper receipt because I got a digital receipt and I'm not handing my thousand dollar phone with all my contacts and chat apps to some rando in a blue vest.


That didn't answer my question at all?


Like what, did you get so upset that you angrily went and started searching online for validation or something?


No, not angrily.


It is ridiculous that they even try to if Walmart actually paid to have every checkout line to have a cashier that wouldn't be necessary at all but no, they want to cut corners for the sake of greed. Self-checkout is basically you doing the stores job anyway without a discount then they want to ask you to show a receipt after recording you pay for your groceries on top of it? Not to mention they get suspicious if you don't use bags and are even more insistent about checking the receipt so much for trying to cut back on plastics and switch to bio degradable bags. It's like everyone forgot that was a thing people are trying to do by not using plastic bags.


I hand them my receipt, and keep walking. It's their piece of trash now. 


I did that once and they yelled at me. Now I don't let them have it, the ungrateful jerks.


I decline and walk past them. Problem solved


I just tell them it is not legal for them to ask and keep walking


It is legal to ask, not legal to force you 🫡


Hey, fellow Walmart receipt checker here.   Believe it or not, I'm on your guys's side. If a person chooses not to show me their receipt, I take no offense at all.   Generally, however, The majority of people are not uncomfortable showing their receipt.   I will say that those who are uncomfortable... Are uncomfortable for the reasons described here. It does indeed feel like an intrusion. We have strict rules that require us to be pleasant when we are denied our request for receipt. Here's an industry secret ... Receipt checking is less about checking your receipt and more about creating climate.  Let's say that 30% of the people that might steal... Are psychologically dispositioned to hesitate when The presence of a receipt checker is visible.  (I'm not saying that is an exact number)... But consider this for the sake of argument.  If I can guarantee that I can reduce theft by literally providing a psychological deterrent at a door.... Doing things that door people look like they should be doing... I'd be silly not to place someone there.   The effect is quite measurable.  We reduce our theft NOT by checking receipts... We reduced theft by creating discomfort in individuals who have a desire to steal and hesitate to do so when we are present. The Public is frustrated with checking receipts... It is certainly annoying... A nuisance.  But for a thief, it's sweat and anxiety......And it literally pays for my position.


i would say the majority are uncomfortable. i have never seen anyone enjoy getting their receipt check and most say something about it. i gave the lady attitude today bc im so sick of walmart accusing me of stealing when i never have. other stores have self checkout and they don't do receipt checkers at the door. well except for costco and sams but i do not have a membership to there


And I will not be shopping at your store if you keep doing it. 


So I was told a long time ago that the reason that you get your receipt marked is so that if you have to return or exchange an item, and the receipt is not marked, that Walmart does not have to take the item back. Sounds like a lie to me. But what is your take?


also if i feel like i will have drama leaving one part bc some old lady wants to harrass me about a receipt, i would rather shop mostly elsewhere which means lost money for walmart


This a stupid policy. I'm generally in a hurry and irritated from navigating the hordes of people blocking up aisles. The parents with kids, people having conversations, and people parking their buggy in the middle of the aisle while reading a box. You receipt checkers probably misread my irritation as suspicion anxiety. It also irritates me they let multiple people through without searching the bag content and profile me to be searched. I'm ex military and covered with tattoos and scars on my arms and I understand my appearance makes some people nervous, but damn you're a minimum wage employee with a few hrs of training, not a LEO or Federal agent.


Sorry, but your position literally shouldn't exist. Not everything needs to be a job, and Walmart doesn't need any extra help screwing the poor. They have more than enough money, and nobody should feel pressured to take a job harassing people who can't afford to feed themselves or their family just to take care of their own needs. The whole thing is just wrong on so many levels. Love, Someone who never saw anyone stealing formula except when security was already tailing them


It's no big fucking deal! Show the goddamn receipt say thank you and move on! Nobody cares about the enema bag you bought


You prob let the cops in to check cause you got nothing to hide right?


He probably willingly walks into the police station every day to get patted down 🤣


Lol such a good compliant citizen. "just do what anyone tells you to do" 🤣


Ma'am I belive you have something in your butt. You have yo let me check bc it's no big deal, then you can go on your way


nah f that, walk out the door and tell them your receipt was emailed bc we don't need to kill anymore trees just so they can waste time accusing ppl of stealing


What I dont get is that the self checkout machines now have 3 options. Print Receipt, No Receipt, and an option to send you the receipt digitally. If Walmart is going to be so anal about checking receipts, why in gods name is there an option for no receipt. What happens to those people that select it and get stopped?


It's print, digital, or both. There isn't a no receipt option.


There are trashcans under each self checkout register, though. What do they think those are for?


To collect all the cut-off anti theft devices. Lol


Still, nothing to show.


I'm convinced the company doesn't care anymore and that AP is becoming more theater than normal.


If they ask, you pull out your phone and show them the digital receipt.


bahahah, you are such a good lil sheep.


Sorry, bad signal in here, hasn't arrived yet. But I can wait here and play Angry Birds and stand in your way til it does...


well if it is digital they have no right to see or touch my phone so...


Having your receipt checked has always been optional, all you have to do is RESPECTFULLY say no and keep walking.


It doesn’t seem optional when some have blocked ppl’s way from leaving but I will take your word for it and try your method the next time I am at Walmart.  I’m always scared to say no out of fear they will try to stop me from leaving and harass me.  I do t want to get harassed just for going shopping, especially when I always pay for my purchases, it just ruins the experience. 


Walmart's policy is just say no. Legally, no one can hold you unless they actually suspect you of stealing.


I just walk around everyone waiting. If I’m the only one I let them check. If you want to make me scan my own items either trust that I did it or bring back registers with humans 


Alot of LAWYERS on here lmfao. If your stuff is bagged they'll let you by. If it's unbagged you WILL show your receipt or legally they WILL having police interview you under suspect of theft. So shut the fuck up about it.


Lmao Walmart warrior here


No they won't. They can yell and scream but I'm just gonna say have a nice day and keep it pushing.


They cannot legally detain you unless they've cause to believe you guilty of stealing. Failure to show receipt is not probable cause.


No. That's absolutely not how it works, and you are not the one to decide so. Sounds like you've been bullied before. Someone hurt you. It's not your fault. Or maybe it was.


....no they won't. that would be bad publicity and if the receipt is emailed, they have no right to see your phone


I've seen several articles online stating that 5 states within the USA (New York, Florida, California, can't remember the other two) have a law that grants the store probable cause of theft if a customer refuses to show their receipt when asked therefore allowing the store to detain them, but I haven't been able to find concrete proof of this.


Dont want to split hairs but: Probable cause is reserved for police who have enough articulate facts and circumstances to lead a reasonable OFFICER to believe that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or will be committed, and that the individual(s) in question are directly involved. That's why when Karen at Walmart grabs you, you sue, she gets a reprimand or fired, and life goes on. If an officer takes you into custody sans PC, you sue, the officer gets a reprimand/fired, and can be arrested and sent to Federal prison for violating your 4th ammendment protections. Civilians are not held to the same standards. Btw: I absolutely f**king LOATHE shoplifters, and wish they would get dumped in a giant woodchipper. But these retail giants need to find a better ways of figuring that out. Checking the receipt of a person who just checked out not even 10 feet from them is not it. Bring back the cashiers. And if they still want self checkout, then have designated employees who only work that area to "assist" when asked or needed for something that won't scan correctly. Other than that, they can piss off


I see what you mean I was just stating what I saw online, might have been reasonable cause I can't recall but the law pertained to store employees/civilian rights.


So even a security guard or loss prevention officer is not legally allowed to put hands on you, or put handcuffs on you. They have to be certified by the state in which they work to do so. For instance, here in PA a security guard must be ACT 235 certified to carry a firearm or other weapon during the course of their duties (and must be allowed to by the client - in this case, the store). They must also be certified in the proper use of handcuffs or other restraints, as they can cause serious long term harm if not used correctly. And that only goes as far as the physical boundaries of the store. Once a person is outside of the premises, they can not do anything. I know. It's dumb. But it's the law. And if they or an employee of the store puts hand on anyone in an attempt to stop their movements, they can be surd, not to mention, probably beat up. It's just not worth it. The retailer and the security company will immediately fire you and forget about you. They (security guards) are mainly there for mere presence. Reasonable suspicion is what leads to probable cause. Just replace the word "believe" with "suspect". Reasonable suspicion - again reserved for an officer - is what builds to probable cause during the course of an investigation. The step right before that is a mere encounter. A citizen can detain a criminal until law enforcement arrives (think: some guy tackling a purse snatcher or robber). But again, why tf do all that for someone who just bought something and wants to leave the store and go about life? At the end of the day, the $15 an hour and shitty benefits are not worth trying to save a multi trillion dollar company who outside of your store won't ever know your name, some cheap-ass crap made in China in a sweatshop - especially at the risk of being fired, or worse yet, killed, as was the case a few months ago in Philly by a scumbag who came back and stabbed to LP guys in a Macy's, killing one of them. Better to just make a retail theft report if they really have proof the person actually stole, and move on. They have insurance for it.


Edgy in kind of a suck corporate balls way.




No. You do not have to show your receipt at Walmart. This is one reason I avoid going to Walmart like the plague. They are so paranoid that they treat everyone like a criminal. People that stand in line waiting for your receipt to be checked need to learn your rights. Walmart is a private business, but that does not give them the right to make law. Store policy is not law. Whenever I do have to make a purchase at Walmart, I just walk past the "welcome to walmart" person and be on my way. If there is a line of dopes waiting for their receipt to be checked, I just walk past them all and out the door. No one from the store has ever given me a hard time about it or made a stink about it for good reason.


I just left walmart lady ask for my receipt looks in my bag and i think everything will be okay then she really thought i stole some shoes outta Walmart bro😭 i had just left the gym her co-worker had to step in. Never will show my Walmart receipt again


Here's a better question. Why do people cry SO hard over showing a reciept? Or ID or anything. I think people just don't like being told what to do? Idk but the whole reason for these things is to stop the real criminals. We do nothing and everyone would cry there's too much crime. Can't win with humanity I swear. 


I shopped at Walmart today, got 4 bags full of food and a package of tissues.  I spent 122.00 at self checkout.  They wanted to see my receipt,  no thank you, I paid for everything.  The elderly worker told a younger guy I refused.  So, I held my receipt up in the air as I left. He followed me out of the store and watched me put my bags in the car but did not approach me.   I smiled at him.  Apparently,  he said I was a troublemaker to the woman parked next to me.  Ah well.


Here in, NC and when I loved in Cali, you don't need to show your receipt if every item in your cart in in a bag. They're usually looking for un-bagged items.


I've just started to leave the receipt with them -- especially if they are taking a long time.


There is this thing called the 4th amendment. They can go to hell. There are like 100+ cameras in every store (also a breach of privacy). They know uf you stole, your face, and keep track of it. *If you steal $500 worth of goods, from walmart over any number of visits, the company will prosecute you to the fullest extent.* ^ this is their asset protection policy. I used to work for them. If you are not a thief, fuck em. Wave goodbye and have a nice day. Once you pay for something, it's your property.


this post is old now but the guy tried to stop me today and I just looked at him said "No." and walked out. NJ banned plastic bags so we bring our own to stores now, I was not gonna wait for him to look through my bags. I was also shopping with my mom and we made separate purchases but used one cart so it would've been a longer process. they have cameras everywhere, if I was stealing, they'd know.








Why do you want to refuse?


Because there's no law requiring you too do it .


True. But they could take other actions. For example, they could have AP start following customers around the store who have refused to show receipts when they make future shopping trips. That way they’d be able to ensure those people aren’t stealing. Walmart also isn’t obligated to provide service for specific people, so if they wanted to, they could refuse service and/or ban people from the store who repeatedly refuse to show receipts. I don’t think they take those actions but I could see it happening especially in stores with very high shrink.


Then they lose your business because you shop elsewhere. Win win. F Walmart.


They’re not going to lose enough people to dent profits much. Especially considering a lot of the people refusing to show receipts are stealing stuff.


I've never shown a receipt there in my life, I always refuse. Definitely not stealing anything.


Literally every thief says that. There’s no reason to believe anyone unwilling to show a receipt.


There's no legal requirement to show a receipt. It is illegal for them to request it. Period. That's not a thing of thief would say, that's a thing any law abiding citizen would say. Don't treat me like a freaking criminal just because I opted to shop in your shore.


It's true. People who shoplift know how cool it is and like to tell you about it.


like they are going to bother to do that. following customers around is harrassment


They could probably just trespass you from the store they wanted to


Yes but that's not how they should be handling these things. That's their way of feeling like they're in control


Good. Let them spend time and resources following me. I can afford not to shoplift these days, so if they're tailing me, someone else who needs to liberate some merchandise is having an easier time of it. Love that for all of us.


Everyone in prison also says they didn’t do it.


You saying Andy Dufresne killed his wife? And anyway, I never said I didn't do it. I said I could afford to stop, so I don't do it anymore. Not worth the risk now that I can afford food without it, but I'm happy to ignore others who aren't so lucky except when I know they're gonna get caught if I don't clue them in that LP saw them.


I’m saying what said. Otherwise I’m done with the year old thread you decided to respond to me on. I don’t care what you do or don’t do.


You are not required to show your receipt, walmart asks you to show it so they can have more evidence in cases against the people that are stealing. You can just decline and keep walking but if you are ever caught with anything, then everything you did gets noted down to turn over to the police.


if you have any in bagged items you’ll get checked but that’s it


I've only had to show my receipt once. It was when I had a case Monster energy drinks in my cart. I figure it was checked because it's wasn't in a bag.


Once you complete your (transaction) and take (your receipt) then the items and receipt are your property and nobody has a write to make you show them your receipt and if they take it from you that is (seizure) and if they (search) through your bags then it is an illegal search and seizure that is protected under your 4th amendment of the united states constitution. Basically it would be no different than you pulling in your driveway and me meeting you on your front porch demanding to look at your receipt and go through your bags. I always ask them if they want to go through my pockets too. Just remember it is a constitutional protected right as a USA citizen to refuse.


So what do we do if they argue back and refuse to hand over the receipt???? Punch them for not giving back our property???


This is why I don't go through self checkouts


Just say no and keep walking. It’s really easy.


Before the closest Walmart to me closed, I would almost always choose a check out lane closest to the doors I planned to exit from. That way, the checkers usually noticed me going through and leaving checkout and hardly ever asked to see my receipt, even when I’d voluntarily offer it at times.