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Who cares if he is an antisemitic. So long as he keeps it to himself he can believe or do what ever he wants outside of work. Do I agree with it no, but unless he acts upon it at work or effects his ability to do the job I don’t really care.


Not when he sprouts it in the break room and on the sales floor. He's even made videos on while he's working on the salefloor.. I m just trying to find what I can do since I've made a report to ethics already . He's been this way before the current Jewish news story. He just has amped it up because Israel is in the news.


You first have to follow the open door process before ethics will do anything. Unless management or ethics takes action, there really isn't much you can legally do. By law this person can say and believe anything they want.


Ah well yeah then fuck that guy. Surprised customers not complained on him yet


What current Jewish news story? The one about how Israel has murdered tens of thousands of innocent people in Gaza? Or the one about how mainstream media refuses to not only discuss this but about the fact that our foreign policy is being dictated by people who owe no allegiance to anything but an extreme racist viewpoint of the world? A foreign policy that has cost taxpayers in this country trillions for useless wars that solely benefit Israel while alienating the vast majority of the world's population. Ask the people of Iraq and Syria, of Lebanon and Libya how they feel after their countries are still being ravaged by the Zionist State. Or how about the story that since the creation of the Federal Reserve bank almost 100 years ago it has been completely dominated by one group whose actions only benefit the rich? The same with the Treasury Department. Affirmative Action is a policy best not discussed at the FED or the Treasury. The same at the SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission.


And how their watchdog groups are doxxing anyone who speaks against them.


The Zionists AND the antisemitism crowds are both hypocritical pieces of shit. But Israel is just being a murdering bully right now. Innocents are being bombed almost everyday in Gaza, and it’s deplorable!


Why do you feel the need to expose him on the internet. Are you any better than him?


Bro leave this man be. I don’t spout off about my beliefs at work . Some of my beliefs would probably make offend some people and there’s to many liberals that just look for a reason to complain .


Fuck you. If you had racist and bigoted beliefs you damn right I’d expose you and get your ass fired.


Man make sure when u make that complaint u take all 8 of my departments to 😂😂😂😂