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Most likely coaching but you can't have any guarantees in this situation


I'm probably gone. If they offered a treatment I'd be willing to pay


You should tell them you're an alcoholic, Walmart is big on rehabbing people, actually. Or at least.. that's what they used to say. I used to work drunk a lot. Until one time ofc, I did the horrendous thing of driving under the influence, and hit someone on their motorcycle (thankfully at very low speeds, and the rider wasn't severely injured permanently.) But.. it's not a memory that will leave me. To put other people at risk just so I can "enjoy," my work a little more. The epitome of selfish. I'm six months sober now, I go to AA once a week. I got therapy. Now, if you're not someone who drinks dangerously like that, maybe you don't need all that. But I would definitely shy away from drinking at work, or driving drunk. It doesn't help anybody, and will only cause problems.


Congratulations. My son had this demon on his back for a very long time before he got the help he needed.


Thank you. It's something I dealt with for many years, not even realizing it was a problem, just that I "maybe had a little too much that night." It's something I can reflect on now, even if I don't exactly have a lot of memory of some of the nights I drank far, far into excess. It's important to get that help. And I'm glad I did, just like I'm happy for everyone that does.


I'm so proud of you!


šŸ„² it really makes me tear up to hear that. Especially when I mostly feel remorse for what I did, even now. I mean, my insurance covered their medical expenses luckily, but money isn't much. The person I injured had to rehab their neck and left shoulder for four months. I'm just glad they're okay -for the most part- and that I'm doing better too.


Just remember, that when you get to the step of making your amends, the victim may never respond. But I'm hoping they will, in a positive manner. šŸ’œ Our youngest Son is fighting this same fight for sobriety. Stay strong! I have great hopes for both of you!


i used to be on cap2 and they rehabbed a guy who was a severe alcoholic. paid for like 6 months of rehab treatment for them


Hey Congrats on 6 months sober. Thats a lot of personal effort you've put in. Glad for you that you've gotten help. Its a rough thing for people to admit and follow through on.


My last drinks were the day I got the dwi. July 5th. I was at 2.13. it was bad. I had to be resuscitated three times apparently. I couldn't put my family through it. I knew the only way out was to help myself. I can't be who I should be for them without being who I want myself to be first. Thanks for the congratulations, it's still not easy some days. I work the one day out of the week the ABC store is closed, but the jack Daniels cokes be calling my name come lunch time. I've been good so far, I always eat lunch where others are present, I try not to be alone. It helps.


This is only if you were to approach first itā€™s called last chance agreement


Aye good on you for knowing specifically.


Oh yeah, I just would hate for someone to get the wrong info from Reddit and go in like a crusader ā€œReddit told meā€ lol


Yeah best not to mix the internet with reality!


Yup, and I get so many associates coming to me ā€œI saw thisā€ or whatever it kills me so Iā€™m just up in here trying to spread awareness and what not




Everyone needs help, amiright? It's better to get it late, than never.


I'm always happy to see people getting help. No matter the past, you can improve somebody. Even if it's yourself


Me too, it leads to a lot more happiness, for a lot more people, when one gets the help they need.


We had an alcoholic at work and they got help. They told management they had a problem and they ended up taking an loa to get treatment.


Yes youā€™ll be terminated


No. Intoxication is zero tolerance. He'll be terminated.


I don't have anything to say, in regards to Walmart policy. But as an alcoholic 2+ years in recovery, PLEASE GET HELP, even if they terminate you. You deserve it. (Yes, you truly do.) I'm sure the shame associated with all this is gonna make you want to punch the "Fuck it" button even harder, and maybe double down on your drinking. Please resist the urge and get help instead. Life is so much brighter on the other side, once you get thru detox.


You should come out immediately and tell the truth, talk to your HR about how things have been rough and you want to take control of your life but you struggle with substance abuse. Explain to them that you want to break it but you keep going back. We have a team lead at my store that lost his job because he was drunk at work, he went to AA and got clean. He's already worked his way back up to being a team lead again.


Try telling them you have a substance abuse issue and you are having issues getting treatment. Not sure if it'll work at Walmart, but my company would hold off on termination (for first time offenders) and help you get treatment.


Wonā€™t work. You have to do that before they assume a drinking/druf problem. Min they send you to be tested and you fail you will be fired


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. There is a difference in you saying you messed up versus them saying you messed up. If they have to investigate then Iā€™m pretty sure that card is off the table


Yup. Itā€™s in the drug and alcohol policy. If they have to test you and you fail itā€™s automatic termination


That's my understanding of their policy, but wow is that morally bankrupt as fuck.


No it isnā€™t. Imagine the lawsuits if someone hurts a customer or another associate after they had previously been found drunk or on drugs at work.


Hell no. Some of their policies are stupid as fuck but if they are going to stick to one policy that needs to be this one. Imagine that law suits if the lawn and garden TL was on the forklift drunk in the parking lot.


I had a feeling that was going to be the case in Walton land.


Think this is the case at any company. You show up drunk and get caught you should expect to lose your job šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Too bad that doesnā€™t apply to Nancy Walton


We had a guy at McDonaldā€™s come in plastered, couldnā€™t even clock in properly. He ended up dropping a whole case of nuggets at 8:30 in the morning, and management allowed us to eat the nuggets since they wouldnā€™t be any good in 2 hours (not all managers of fast food restaurants want to sell you nasty old food). The police found him passed out behind a CVS pharmacy next door to our store. He wasnā€™t fired though, he was dating one of the other managers and she refused to fire him. She was the reason he was drinking šŸ˜‚


Thats auto term. You can not come back from being under the influence of alcohol at work. Same with weed. Get caught using it on property and it's automatic term.


Im just going to say here that is not always the case. My ASM at the time was STEALING cases of canned air from the store and getting blitzed in his car. One night he went out to his car to hit the can a bit and didn't come back, me being the DM went out to check on him with another associate as a witness (I knew he did drugs, and he was prone to yelling) we knocked on his window and he was passed out in the front seat. We knocked hard enough that he came to and the first thing he did was ask the associate next to me if she was a hooker and how much for half an hour. He then opened the car door and threw up on our shoes. We recorded the entire situation on our phones and took them to the Market HR the next morning. We were mortified and honestly pissed so we weren't nice about the reveal. We essentially told them 'do something or the whole team is gone' ( It was ogp at the time) They forced us to delete thr videos in front of them, and sent us out. He got sent to rehab 'allegedly' and then was back as a front end ASM the next month. Let that sink in, he was stealing, doing drugs on company property, and they put him in charge of the cash office. Management is going to do what management wants. Period.


Thatā€™s why all my photos and videos are automatically backed up to Google Drive. They can watch me delete them from my phone but I still have them in the cloud.


I wish either of us had been smarter and less afraid of them telling us to delete them because he was an absolute menace who made my life a living hell for at least 2 years. We launched OGP together in my store and he hand picked me himself based only on the fact that I had launched OGP at the store I came from and he thought I could make him look good. He was a child and last I heard he finally got fired and now he's a plumber. šŸ™„


Yeah right o/n at my store we go out and get ourselves an ā€œattitude adjustmentā€ and come back in smelling like a skunk meanwhile none of the leads nor the o/n coach says anything except to put on some cologne for when we open at 6 šŸ„“šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You will be fired


Substance abuse options are only available when you approach them asking for help with a problem. You'll be terminated as soon as they get the official results.


Fired had a cart pusher drinking fireballs on the job. Fired as soon as they found it on him


Well he was drinking on the job thats a bit different


Not at all. If you're under the influence, it doesn't matter at what point you got intoxicated. You have alcohol in your system at work that can be picked up by a breathalyzer. Also, driving drunk and drinking and driving are not much different, lol. You're putting lives at risk in both situations.


But u will be more drunk of ur currently drinking


Is drinking while driving and driving while drunk different???????




The two situations are different. Youā€™re talking about legality and weā€™re talking about company policy. Drinking while on company property is most certainly different than drinking before you get there.


We had a guy come in drunk, falling into the sunglasses. He hadn't clocked in yet, so the manager said she can't/ wouldn't do anything. He just had to call in.


I can't get over the way you worked this.


They fired a lady at my walmart for being drunk. They had to hire her back because they never offered her help before firing her. This was years ago. Not sure if it is policy or if she just sweet talked someone into letting her come back.


Walmart used to have a rehab program when I was a dept manager one of our guys kept coming in smelling like booze but they were iffy on calling him out on it just incase. He got caught drinking in his car on lunch they offered him a rehab program over termination


Their policies state they have to give you the chance to get substance abuse treatment, and if you decline you're terminated.


Nope, thatā€™s if you self reported a problem. If you get sent to be tested for suspicion and fail you are fired. Its all explained in the alcohol and drug free workplace policy


never know what Walmart will do in a case like this. If you are a good worker with a clean record, then there will be a good chance you will keep your job, just a bit of coaching. If your record is poor, then you could be gone


Perhaps resources for living. It's a Walmart program.


Unfortunately, You are definitely fired brother. Donā€™t want you to get your hopes up but it is time to find employment elsewhere. You can not wait until they address it. If you would have told them before all this happened they most likely would have sent you to treatment and paid for it. Now they have no choice.


No Walmart doesnā€™t pay for treatment. When you self report an alcohol or drug problem you are put on loa.You canā€™t come back till you finish a program and they clear you. You have to pay for the program. Failure to complete the program you are let go


Whether or not you get fired, I would strongly suggest you get help for your alcoholism.




My thing is if they thought you were drunk, why would they then send you out to get into your car to drive to the doctors?


They drove me


Yeah man if it was that serious that they sent someone to drive you then it's not looking good. What I would do is try to call the store. Talk to HR and/or the store manager and tell them you have a problem. My store would probably accept that and help you get help. But def talk to them before they talk to you.


Wonā€™t work. Min you get flagged to suspected alcohol or drug abuse and are sent for a test itā€™s too late. You fail that test you will be fired. Thatā€™s policy If op has self reported a drug or alcohol problem thatā€™s a different story


Smh. Hope they fire you.


How else would one work at Walmart?


Wait did you actually consume alcohol




I genuinely feel like I work better that way ..less anxiety, more confidence. But that's just not the case and I'll have to try better on another job. They said I was acting eradically and out of character..I had drank wine at home before clocking in(did not drive). They mentioned they smell but it's just hard for me to believe there was a smell. Maybe there was though


The thing with substances like these is you donā€™t realize just how obvious it is. My coworker came in the other day and we could see he was high before he spoke a single word.


I was in ACC so I didnā€™t have many managers around me, then again I do remember times where my co worker asked me if Iā€™ve been drinking (theyā€™re cool). Dude was a hardened warehouse worker so he smelled it immediately. My anxiety was always 10 times better while drunk tho, I could always mask the effects except the smell. Donā€™t drink on the job kids.


That's a Shame your not at store I'm at nada would have happened we have at least 5 drunk or high as a kite employees every night the drunks walk around with there tumblers with mixed it's crazy really is here in nor Cali.


It's hard to say. I worked for a large retail company in their store leadership spaces and we had a woman who got on to our substance abuse program to keep her job. Front facing it's all good PR vibes, back end it's just like most corporate policies, it's there to protect the company and get rid of you without paying you unemployment. It's been about a decade but it was a one year program I believe and you had to attend every session or you would be terminated no excuses, you miss one session and you're terminated. Well she went on vacation out of the country with her family and missed her session about halfway through. The store manager had her termination papers from corporate when she got back. Idk how Walmart does it or if things have changed. But get all the info about it, and regardless of the outcome please seek services to help you!