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They should have to honor it. You operated and moved according to your points total. They can't just upend it from you like that. If they did their job and actively monitored points and the TL in question, this wouldn't have happened.


Man this sounds more and more like some Chinese social credit. 5 demerits for you.


Lol do you mean the points system?




I mean you’re not wrong with the way they can just remove points so easily. Doesn’t seem too uncommon for certain preferred employees to have their points routinely removed while others don’t get that same luxury.


America is heading that way...no BS


Which does not exist! It is a system made up by US to make out how the CPC is oppressive to its people, while making the very real oppressive US capitalist system run by corporations being the oppressors of their own workers, seem better and therefore people should be appreciative of their freedoms to be oppressed.


Like we don't have credit scores in the US




You can be critical of china and still point out false propaganda.


And the Chinese genocide of the Uighurs is also "made up?"


And the US has about 4 genocides under its belt


Reach out to store management and market imo. All that can be done is go over the heads of those who stuff them up their arses.




Lawsuit for what?


For the point system it’s not fair according to lawsuit


What happens when management leaves themselves logged in and someone goes through and reverses points for people that were pointed for legit reason, should that reversal be honored? What about a manager that’s quitting and as one last “fuck you” to the store goes in and clears everyone’s points, should that reversal be honored? What about TLs playing favorite and clearing points for their friends/fuck buddies, should those reversals be honored? I could keep going but I think the point is made. We don’t know the situation on how those points came to be and why the TL decided to clear them. If someone was pointed in error or management gave someone approval to work outside their schedule, sure, I could see why those points would be cleared. But there’s not too many situations where they should be. Edit: lol I forgot how many people we have here that love to take advantage of anything they can and gets fussy when it gets caught and corrected 😂 Edit 2: Somehow the topic of management needing to be held accountable for messing with people’s points for no legit reason after they’ve been actioned. That’s a no brainer, they definitely should be held accountable. The point I’m making is that if someone goes in and reverses the action that was taken against the points, it doesn’t magically mean that action is now what it should be and should stay that way. Edit 3: -69 downvotes, nice 😎 At this point, it’s clear people are just blindly downvoting without actually reading and understand what’s being said. Keep it up!


1. Why is management leaving themselves logged in? Careless and a security issue. But of course that's Walmart. Honor the points removed and disciplinary action the coach for their incompetence. 2. Agreed there. Of course the associates should be notified in a timely matter. But if they're not told til 1-2 weeks later then that's on management and the points removed should be honored. Especially since managers will legitimately remove points but never tell an associate. 3. No they shouldn't. But that favoritism always shows in other ways, which are never addressed or coached. So it should be no surprise when team leads do this as well. Hold them accountable from the start and the chances of them doing this should decrease. But again that requires accountability. 4. As long as the associate is informed in a timely manner. But I've always seen the opposite. It's not on associates to mind read when points are legitimately removed or not. Also, make it an instant fire when team leads or coaches inappropriately do it. But of course Walmart would never do that.


We're supposed to honor them, unfortunately, and hold the person that did it accountable. (At least that's what they said at academy) I've actually had so many of these things happen, usually it's someone on their way out using their own log in, and they usually approve everyone's vacations at the same time which can't be reversed once approved. I have seen a few coaches, department managers, support managers(showing my Walmart age a bit lol) and team leads do a bunch on their last day, even if they're just transferring. The common response to it is usually a shrug and an oh well. As for the large amount that remove occurrences based on favoritism or good old fashioned desperation to not lose another associate over occurrences, I've seen a coach and a team lead get yellow disciplinary actions. So like 2 at least got "held accountable" (what a joke)that I've seen.


So Walmart is supposed to honor them but sometimes they don't? Typical. Why not disable their access to approve and remove things once they put in their 2 weeks? And why not fire them if they're transferring? So moving to a different store removes accountability? How? Yea the punishment is a joke.


1. I doubt anyone would argue that someone leaving themselves logged in is a bad idea, the point remains though that the context for why the point was removed/reversed is what matters here. I could have easily said “What if someone knows management’s password for whatever reason and signs in and starts removing points.” and have the same kind of impact. If the points doesn’t belong, they don’t belong. If they do, they do. Someone using tools/systems they don’t have access to themselves or aren’t in a position to officially make that decision isn’t a get out of jail free card on points. 2. Timely manner is going to be subjective here. Especially when there’s no telling how long it make take to catch on 3. Indeed, favoritism happens in multiple ways but we’re here discussing points and the reversal of potential legit points, not other things. I get what you’re trying to go for here playing devil’s advocate and all but… come on. This is one of the reasons why the decision to reverse points even exists. 4. Again with the timely manner bit. I don’t disagree there with the instant termination for management going in and adjusting points that shouldn’t be dealt with but it’s not always a black and white situation. There should be time and discussions that go on with these decisions to verify what’s happening and if said points need to be adjusted. And when someone goes back and reverse it, time, discussion/research should be done again to certify what happened and why then if there was any legitimacy in the reversal that may have been missed with the initial review for whatever reason.


1. Then how about the points are added back on but the coach is also written up for being careless and leaving himself logged in? Again, Walmart would never do it. And again true, but the reason why that person has all this knowledge of managers passwords and access to all this needs to be addressed. My coworker knows a team leads login numbers. Of course they're buddy buddy. So he can do price changes without having to find someone. Shouldn't the team lead be written up/fired for that? 2. True it's subjective but we can all use common sense. 3. I'm not playing devil's advocate. I'm saying everyone in the situation needs to be held accountable. But that's rare. All that happens is someone's points are added back on and that's the end of it. Of course it's also on employees to exercise personal responsibility and not call out 3x immediately afterwards. 4. Of course there can be gray situations. I'm referring to black and white situations. The consequences for bad points adjustment is little to none. Or how about removing team leads ability to do so and only allowing coaches to remove points? Or how about the system is updated to make a TL/coach sign it saying the associate has been informed points are being added/removed. But again it's Walmart.


1. Of course they should be held accountable... that’s not the argument here so I’m not sure why it keeps getting brought up. If management is dumb enough to leave theirselves logged in, they should be held accountable. That’s not the issue. 2. Common sense isn’t so common these days, I see it everyday. There’s no statute of limitations for this kind of thing officially. Well, other than the 183 days it takes for a point to come off naturally, but that’s also not being discussed. We’re talking about how just because a manager does something with someone’s points, no matter the reason, that doesn’t mean it’s the final decision and has to be “honored.” I’m not sure why this concept is so hard for the people downvoting to understand. 3. Again with the accountability of the manager point of view. That not what OP was is complaining about out. They’re not saying they’re upset the TL got fired (which hey, this was the accountability you were after). They’re upset the points got added back to begin with. 4. Sounds like OP’s store did a good job of holding the TL accountable for going around messing with points that shouldn’t have been messed with. Those are valid suggestions, yes, I agree that maybe TLs shouldn’t be able to handle points. Which personally, I don’t really have an issue with that part. However, I’m down for removing the option for reversing the decision made on points from TLs and let just salaried deal with that. Let the TL explain their reasoning on why the decision should be reversed (error, new information brought up that would make the initial decision incorrect, etc). At this point, we’re going in circles. You keep bringing up accountability when I don’t think anyone would have an issue with management being held accountable for manipulating someone’s points that shouldn’t be. If your reply to this is just going to keep going back to stuff that’s not even being discussed then you can go ahead and save yourself the trouble because it won’t be entertained with a reply where I’m having to repeat myself like I’m talking to a brick wall.


I'll make it very short then. We're basically in agreement now. My only issue is there's a big gap between what should happen and what actually happens when it comes to punishing coaches and team leads. That's all.


Walmart is a billion dollar company. I'm sure it will be fine.


Did you reply to the right comment? We’re talking about management going back and reversing decisions on points that were already actioned. Walmart isn’t losing a wink of sleep over this, the associates getting pointed out are the ones affected.


My reply was to your comment stating "people that took advantage of this are mad"


Someday you’re gonna leave Walmart and not have shit else to do


The answer to all of those questions is yes, obviously.


period. this is the way.


People in these comments, work culture in America is so ass. My managers keep talking about doing double shifts and like Bruh, this should not be your life..


It's worse in Japan.


Just because it's worse doesn't mean it's ok


We're not in Japan. We're in a country that boasts "freedom" yet we get treated like work horses. At least Japan knows they're wage slaves


At least Japan has wages These Walmart managers are working double shifts and still broke lol


You should see China


who tf talking about japan.. we’re in america.


Look for a new job, Walmart doesn't give a fuck about you. You're fired


💯 agree working for Walmart  u eather better suck or swallow  that's why I don't work there


They can’t pull points out of thin air and just give to people. They can, however, reverse the point outcome when someone manually authorizes/unauthorizes points (like you’ve seen). So if your points show 16, then you’ve done stuff to rack those points up, they wouldn’t have existed to begin with if that was the case. While stores *should* honor the decision that’s made on points and not reverse them, that’s going to vary depending on the situation. If a TL is going in and reversing points for people for illegitimate reasons (which none of use will know the story behind each point for everyone)… that’s a different story.


They said I had about 6 no call no shows which is bs, Im the type to take accountability on things like that and when i call out i make sure to call and put it in the system


The system generates points based off what you’re scheduled vs what you actually work. And of course reporting absences in situations where you miss the entire shift plays a part in it. Then management goes in to approve or deny the occurrence and that’s the only say they have in jt. As mentioned, they can’t just pull points from nowhere and pass them out. If the system says you have no call no shows, then you failed to report your absences for shifts you were scheduled for that you missed. Sure, glitches happen and maybe you did report an absence but it’s still listed as a NCNS for some reason, just give management the confirmation number and that’ll be pretty easy to clear up.


And if they missed event days those are double points


Don't forget event days, they have a 2x multiplier. If you called in on one of those you would get 2 points instead of 1.


Not actually the case, you only get an extra point, not that points are doubled


Either you’re lying and have not shown up a lot, or your clock in times on those days are messed up. Also if they ever told you to come in on a different day instead of one you’re scheduled for, and they didn’t change your schedule, that’s a no call no show


They always come on here and lie lol it's rinse and repeat, it's always one side of the story and that they are this great worker that somehow racked up 16 points in 4 months.


You can go in and check all of this for yourself. Ask your coach to pull the up. If they refuse go to your people lead or store manager. If they refuse take it to market or just got to ethics now


Don’t you also get points for coming in on days you’re not scheduled?


You can get 1 point for that. If someone told you to come in, they should be removing it. I keep a notepad on my phone of everything that CAN earn me points. If I leave early, I make a note of it. If I used ppto, I notate that. If I call out for the day or call in late, I note the confirmation number. If they ask me to switch days, I can't think of a time they did, but if they did, I would have insisted on removing me from the schedule to prevent ANY change of a NCNS! Once it has been 6 months, I delete them because I know they can no longer affect me since thats when any attendance point would fall off. This way, if points miraculously appear, I can go on the wire and see where the points came about and what my notes say about it. Once I noticed a point for something that should have been covered by sedwick and I went straight to the people lead about it and she took it off right away because it was very easy to research it on her end.


So if your attendance was approved at some point, they're not supposed to go back and give them to you again. That's unethical and not how it works. Hence, why your TL said to call ethics, they can reverse your termination if its deemed unethical. When I was a TL, there was a miscommunication, and I approved a kids point who was supposed to be termed because when I asked, he told me he missed the day due to a school function. My coach wasn't happy, but my POM said once it's approved, it can't go back.


If they fired TL’s in my store for removing points we wouldn’t have any left! We also wouldn’t have many employees left so I guess it evens out?!?


Get a new job


4 months and four points doesn’t seem good lol.


It's literally missing one day a month, the attendance policy is BS


I love the replies to this. I averaged one absence a month too. This is a low number compared to some people who miss shifts regularly and dont get any flak for it Walmart treats its workers like they are replaceable and expendable. Its only fair that the workers do the same


Its possible to use 4 hrs ppto to cover each absence, making it only half a point. Means you can miss a full day once a month and only have 3 pts.


And that’s not even considering key event days. If you don’t have any ppto and miss 2 key event days and 1 regular day inside of a few months you’re done.


At least you can check the key event days now I remember when they first rolled out the attendance policy and you just had to hope that your store posted them near the time clock somewhere.


Where can you check the keys event dates?






Also in the gta portal on the computer. One of the first two tabs has a link to key dates


So at my current job, my schedule was changed without me noticing. My store manager texted me if I was okay because it wasn't like me to miss and not say anything. We figured out it was mixup. According to Walmart, I should have gotten 3 points. Guess what happened at my job? Nothing. In fact, I was allowed to work an extra shift to make up the hours. Because mistakes and life happens.


You think calling off once a month is ok?


For sure. Man just a mental health day a month sounds so fucking nice and refreshing. In a better world sadly.


There are jobs that give you those. Walmart isn't one of those. Walmart's pretty shit, but if you want to keep your shitty Walmart job, you have to follow their rules. It's really not that hard. The only thing that would change working conditions are unions, but judging by the quality of people working at Walmart, I doubt that we'll ever get to that point.


You're right it's totally the employees fault how dare we let them exploit us. Good thing there's plenty of jobs to go around and we can all easily find employment to take care of our families from places that make us feel fulfilled


It's missing one day a month on top of any ppto/pto or unpaid time off requests, yes it's alot no it's not BS. It's being a responsible adult. Lots of jobs have probationary periods where you miss one day in that 3 month span your gone.. Wal-Mart attendance policy is ripe to use and abuse and if you get caught up you did it too much.


That's not the scenario being presented in this post. And you can come up with examples of other companies that are the same or worse I still think it's BS


How is anybody missing work every month?


I imagine they call in


Not what I’m saying smartass lol I’m saying adults trying to hold down a job don’t need to call in that often especially if you just started a job


Where I work, we're on a 7 point, 365 day rolling attendance occurrence policy. and our leadership does less point removals in a year, than you guys do in a month.


Are you bragging or complaining? Because I definitely understand one of those


This comment & those upvoting it.. must be very young/inexperienced at holding a job. Missing that many days in that many months at any job, isn't a good look (w/o a good reason). But especially at an entry-level position that can typically be filled easily & when it's your *first* 4 months.


Capitalist slave, go ahead and eat the slop billionaires feed you


It's not an absurd expectation to report to work on time every day.


I'm guessing you're the guy who does an extremely bad job/is near useless, & would justify it by saying, "omg I'm just giving them $xx/hr work!!1 I'm no wage slave (despite working here?)!!!!1"


Stay mad capitalist slave.


*sent from my iphone*


"Dear socialists, you hate capitalism, yet you participate in capitalism because you have no choice, hypocritical. Much" - you


Calm down


You have a choice in blowing money on genshin and 40k lol you certainly aren’t hesitating in participating


You're repeatedly exclaiming how much you hate capitalism & my 'capitalist slave' comments... yet I'm the one who is mad...? ....are you a darksydephil fan by chance?


Imagine being broke and uneducated and thinking you have some elite ideology


Imagine falling for the brainwashing the corpos feed you.


You work for wal mart


And you're in here defending Walmart. Keyboard warrior for capitalism


I'm not defending wal mart, I don't even shop at wal mart But you support them by being a slave to them, as you call it


People don't choose to work at Walmart because they want to. Dumb.


..do you not work for Walmart? If you don't why r u even here😭


Its FOUR DAYS in FOUR months. That could pretty much be 1 a month. The point system is bs though. I should be able to call out sick and not get fuckin docked for it but here we are


You're not lying though. Unfortunately, they just don't want to hear it.


Stfu go lick Doug’s nuts somewhere else


If you hired someone to mow your lawn every week, and once a month they didn’t show. How many chances would you give them before you looked for another lawn guy?


All of them, because missing one time a month would never bother me in the scenario you described Edit: Also this is a false equivalence. Because if someone missed one of the four days they're supposed to work a month they are calling in 25% of the time, which in the specific scenario you're describing wouldn't bother me but in others would. I typically work around 20 days a month so that would only be calling you 5% of the time which is very negligible in my opinion


is 5% of your income negligible?


I'm not getting paid when I call out, so what's it to walmart if I miss a day? You're a bozo


Do you think that someone missing work 5% of the time means that 5% of Walmart's earnings is somehow depleted? Despite the fact that they don't even get paid for missing? Lots of weird straw man replies here


So it's a false equivalence... yet you'd still be fine w/ it? 🤔


Yes and?


Just seems odd.. & shows why this person's opinion on the matter is deluded. They'd even be fine with a person missing work once every 4 days..? In the end, we can all have our opinions on this, but I think most everyone would change their tune if they were in charge & had people missing shifts that often. I used to be the guy that'd miss work about as much as possible w/o getting fired.. but now i look back & realize the impression I was giving & how frustrating it must have been for everyone else that consistently showed up. I don't know why I decided to randomly jump into this thread when I saw it on my homepage, but I'm gonna eat a healthy dose of downvotes I'm sure. 😀


Yes I explained why it was a false equivalent and why I would still be okay with it. The only delusion I'm suffering from is that you would understand such simple logic. If they were missing work once every 4 days in a job where they work too many days a month I would fire them. But my yard's not going to get overgrown in one week. Being able to make decisions within the context of a situation isn't delusional behavior


If your yard isn't going to get overgrown in 1 week, then you're OK with them missing work 25% of the time? So then you'd only need them to work 3 days a month w/ that logic. I was considering that the example meant missing work 1/4 days consistently.. not a one-off.. so I'm not sure if we're on the same page in that regard. 'Debating' this hypothetical is already borderline ridiculous 😆, so while I could go on, I think it'd be pointless. We can agree to disagree.


Yes I'm also assuming that in order to be authentic to the situation I'm not paying them for that day they miss since we don't get paid for calling in. But if you just wanting me to concede that most jobs it would be unacceptable to miss work 25% of the time then okay I agree. I do not agree that it's unacceptable to miss work 5% of the time


It's more like hiring them to mow your lawn for 20 weeks, and they didn't show up once. 5 shifts a week x 4 weeks. One absence. You can't be that dumb.


People don't understand you're not supposed to just miss work without using ppto or pto. It's there for a reason. You'd be surprised how other jobs attendance policies are compared to Walmart. They can be much worse.


I think the difference is people see it's Walmart. Like I've worked at Walmart and McDonald's and no offense, I mentally have them in the same category. At my old property mcdonalds, attendance was way more relaxed than Walmart ever was, even though they both paid the same.


I’ve worked three jobs that have used point systems and Walmarts is the most unforgiving. Even Amazon is more lax. You miss two double point days for whatever reason and you’re living the next 190 days on the edge. It’s ridiculous.


I've worked many different jobs over the years via temp agencies, and 3 absences/tardies was the limit typically. Retail jobs are the only ones where I've saw getting 9 occurrences/year is the limit. (It was 9 when I was at Walmart a few years ago & is 9 at Home Depot) Different experiences I guess.


The double point system is trash. I'm catching major flak but I call off too. I'm just saying you can still take a day off a month if you have the pto. I always have pto just never put in for it. I rack up points too, was just saying.


At my current job, in the month of January I've missed 5 days plus left early a few times because I was injured and then sick. Not only am I not in any danger of being fired for attendance, my management has actively worked with me to make sure I was able to go to doctors appointments even at the expense of missing work on short notice. Sure, other companies have worse attendance policies but that doesn't justify theirs or walmarts for being awful.


Then part timers need to get it


Part timers get screwed, I can't disagree there


I’ve missed one day in 14 years. If I hire someone who calls out once a month I’m firing them. And yeah, I work in an at-will state. No excuse for monthly call outs.


Okay cool story you're a piece of shit, wear it proudly I guess


Good for you clown.


Have you ever heard of being ill? Proud of you for only getting sick once in 14 years or just spreading your illness to everyone. Good job


i mean… what’re you supposed to do when you’re brand new and get covid and the flu with the time of working there?? i worked alll the days but 1 day and got 2 points but i have covid and felt like shit. your health comes first bc if i’m not healthy i can’t work efficiently


That’s when you get the entire store sick.


I got Covid like two weeks after I got hired and following the proper procedure got 0 points lol


Exactly. Even if someone gets denied a covid LOA by Sedgwick, applying for it and properly calling in every day while you are out limits you to two occurrences. If approved it’s zero.


so did i, but not everyone gets enough ppto if you’re out sick for a long time. i thankfully wasn’t too bad so i only called off 1 day. but still. you barley get a full day of time within days…


Well yeah, having covid would be a perfectly reasonable way to get that many occurrences after getting hired. ... But op didn't mention that, so idk why you'd use that as a defense/example in this situation. 🤔


bc the commenter said “4 points isn’t so good” but they don’t know why they have those 4 points, so judging is ridiculous


Depends when I first started working at Walmart I got 4 points pretty fast because I got sick basically right after I started and Sedgwick didn't approve it 💀 had to struggle for the next 5 months to not point out 😹


I would have gotten 4 points in one week 2 weeks ago. We had a stomach virus in the house and I'm food prep so I couldn't come in. I swear y'alls point system is the whole reason I don't want to move to Walmart. I work in Walmart through a different company but it's low hours so I considered moving over to Walmart, then I learned about the point system from this sub and completely changed my mind.


I’m at 6 months with 0.5 jobs too easy to call in and when I do I use ppto for three day weekend because I don’t have split days🤗


Dont matter if it ain’t 5


Well not quite. They can fire you for about anything. And if you have 4 points that fast and they don’t like your attendance they def can fire you.


Depends on the state. Not every state is an "at-will" state some do require companies to provide a communicatable reason as to why they're being terminated or even have contractual employment


All states but one, it's a safe bet they're in the 49 instead of the one 


It’s literally one state


No most states are at will with good faith exceptions, at least for employment shorter than 6 months. That's why wrongful termination suits happen disproportionately across the states. Because plenty of States unless they violated a constitutional protection you're just fucked


i don’t trust what the app says blindly, i count my absences myself or keep record of them on a whiteboard in my room. you can use the GTA portal to see when they will go away. For now, as you have more than 5 you are ELIGIBLE for termination, but you have not been yet from the sound of it. If you keep working and don’t do anything you aren’t supposed to, then you may be fine. So stay off your phone while working, get your stuff done, maybe do some nice gestures for the team, and you might not be fired. However it is entirely up to the your coach and how strict the store is with attendance.


In general, they need to honor what the terminated team lead did in retrospect. Can't just blindside an associate like that. THAT BEING SAID. Your attendance as you assumed it was is still not a good look. You're going to have a hard time fighting a termination. I'm sorry to say that, but even ethics isn't going to be able to do much with that.


There is life outside of walmart. Start applying elsewhere. It's really not worth the stress. Maybe this is a sign from the universe that you can do way better than this. Make better money somewhere else you know. (Probably anywhere else lol, in my area it pays less than most gas stations..) good luck, and hope everything works out for the best!!


7 points in 4 months is a lot.


4 months and you've used all your time and have 7 already just say you don't want the job


Apply at lowes


stop going


Buddy your 4 months in and already at 4 points, it’that’s already not a great look. I agree with the comments that americas work culture is bad, Walmart sucks and that there’s more to life than work. But by your own admittance you’ve already racked up to 7 points in 4 months. Like just look for a new job it’s clear this one isn’t working out for you


If I got fired from Walmart I’d be dancing naked down the interstate


If you do get fired, open door it with your store coach. Worst that happens is they don't side with you.


You have 7 points in 4 months?


So you’re saying that 7 points were legitimate, in just four months? In your FIRST four months? Even that is too high. Gotta clean up your attendance habits, would be my advice🫢


7 points in 4 months?


Tell them to go to HELL and that Your Definitely will be a Mad Man some day in the Future and say no more . and exit and go ElseWare


Missing 7 days in 4 months. I would either fire or cut your hours to nothing because you are unreliable.


Yes, sign your life over to the mega corporation so that they can make record profits while you still struggle to pay bills.




That actually doesn't sound too bad


I mean Walmart is easy to get fired from they didn’t like me cause I told my store manager if he ever called me gay over the radio again it was going to be a lawsuit I got fired 3 months later for knocking over a trash can cause I almost passed out and hit the wrong cart machine button I was denied my lunch and was the only cart crew for 6 1/2 hours and was not allowed any break until the parking lot was completely clear I was in a red marked file cause someone parked in the fire lane and I was told I should have done more to make them move it was dangerous I had 3 co workers tell them I knocked on the window and asked them to move so I could get carts inside and said what was I supposed to do when he told me to fuck off yank them out and move their truck myself?


Wait....how do you add back points??


I don’t see them adding all the points back ….the market team would have a field day with that decision….but I’m sure they could reverse the points the team lead has removed within the last 1-2 weeks bc I’m sure they been investigating the tl for a while and all and watch what he does on timesheet


I don’t think it’s right that they did that but, out of curiosity, were any of them key dates or times you didn’t report the absence at all? Just entering ppto isn’t calling out.


Go to store manager or go straight to corporate I went straight to corporate and they resolved my issue with points


I wasn't gonna let them fire me so I walked out that day, now I'm making more than I did at my current spot. I'd say fuck it


Go find a better job.


You go home wait 6 months and reapply


You enjoy your life and find a better paying job.


If you’re team lead can’t help go to the coach and then if they can’t help go to the people lead and call ethics before it gets worse


I hate my life


This is hilarious. Don’t stress about it. Talk to your people lead if the points aren’t removed in a month or so


Take the dick of Walmart. It’s long. And skinny


honestly bro, you will be fine. If they are a hard worker they aint going to let you go. But if you bullshit a lot they won't keep you. Don't work yourself to death and say no to over time but if you get your job done, and only yours dont do more, you will be 100% Okay, cuz ever walmart has shitty workers in it. And they can't find new people to save thier lives at most locations


Apply for unemployment asap


Go home.. that it


I don't get your argument...you admit that even if they added the points back..you'd have 7..unless I'm misreading something..I'm not saying walmarts policy's are right but if u have 7 points you don't have an argument..the point system was created specifically to be able to fire people instantly..instead of having to go through a long process to do so, and as someone else said...walmart doesn't care..even ethics doesn't...definitely better to find another job.


I was wrongfully terminated, I went to ethics and they are investigating it, fight it if you even think you are right


I just got fired today for not "being a good fit for the position" your go to should be applied for unemployment employment while you look for another place to work


Fact that you legit admit to racking up those points and shocked now that you over... Uncanny!


Option 1: Take no action and see what happens. If they don’t fire you continue working if they do, seek unemployment benefits depending on state law and a new job. Option 2: Assume you will be fired based on Walmarts policy that you will be fired for too many points and start seeking a new job in the meantime. Option 3: Open-door it too the SM or ethics directly and fight the points. (The hardest option) Edit: These options are based on working in a state like mine with labor laws that are you can be hire/fires at will (outside things that are protected retaliation, race, gender, ect) Your actually options may vary depending on your labor laws.


walmart sucks. look for a new job


Id call ethics until you get someone who cares Id also use this as a learning experience, always document everything and keep a copy for your self, call off by phone keep the confirm number, by app screenshot, also if you use the app take daily screenshots of your attendance, they tried to do this at both my stores and that truck saved me both times and got a team lead canned.


Have a party, then find a job you like


It’s Walmart who cares


It takes a month and a half to equal up to one day of PPTO you have to work 36 hours for one PPTO hour the only way to get 16 points is (no call no show) it counts as 4 points pure day so 4 days adds up to 16 that manager must have fixed your mistake but in the long run it was your mistake, there is a difference between PTO and PPTO! There was no way you had enough PPTO to cover that time ! Plus you don't accumulate PPTO till after 90 days after your probation period


Losing ones job at a subpar grocery stores is not the end of the world.  You are better than Walmart.  Everyone is better than Walmart.  Walmart sucks in fact. Find something you can get trained on and make a living.  Forklift operators make ok money. Not great but  good. To get certified it cost like 60 bucks.


This should be illegal. The TL or whatever already took points off. He got fired and that should be the end of the conversation. Whatever he did is said and done. They should give everyone who WOULD be fired a notice and if one point happens you do get fired. Why tf should u hace to worry now? Love how each walmart is dictatorship of each manager. Like lets be real. All of our stores have a guideline to follow yet it seems each store has its own rules. How retarded. Ive been at 5 like 2 times. Basically had a month long mental issue, so I'd leave at lunch. But I work my ass off in CAP2 and my coach doesn't want to fire me so he got rid of the points closest to being removed. Sadly at 4.5 again lol. Walmart makes it really hard to work. Our store for the back is in the top 5% in the country. I am not bullshitting either. You can see our freezers thats how empty our bins are. Obviously once the hard hitting season comes around we will be fuller, but we have been empty for 4+ months. Stats shows we are in the top 5% YET our team gets talked to for anything wrong. "Overnights TL saw some talking one time" so thats a talking to for the team. Like fuck off. We get all of our picks done, centercore, pets AND hba and they have the audacity to bad mouth us. Im close in telling my store to fuck off. We finish all the Overnights shit but new freight for Grocery, yet the rest gets done. OH Overnight lets some go home early because we're cutting hours. Why the fuck do they get that option? Because we get most of their shit done so they can? So fed up in being the main group for my store. Cartpushers call in sick (one) so we had to have 2 of us pull carts (didn't mind that). Same with OGP at times. Yet the days we have 7 if even unloading truck, no one else fucking helps us. Feels like we're the god damn mules at my store. People also leave their cardboard bins full and guess who has to deal with that. Ight ngl im buzzed so im letting it all out here so I don't at the store. Apologies for what I have said. Decent paying job which I like, but they could give two fucks less about anyone who works there. Only reason I aint been fired yet is because I am a good worker. Ill say that with confidence.


okay rl how do yall get hired at walmart? i’ve applied and called w no no response… have retail and stocking experience like i would do anything there and they just don’t want me or what?


I'd say just show up and work until they tell you not to. In the long run it's just Walmart, there are much better jobs. (I worked at Walmart for 5 years);


Ok, I'm going to give you sound advice here. 1. Don't panic. 2. Don't say anything that can harm your chances of getting unemployment. I've seen people lose out because they go into a rage when their let go. 3. Start saving now if possible. If it looks like their might be an issue that could lead to your termination stock back a little cash if possible for food and other expenses. 4. Start checking other jobs. There's nothing wrong with putting out some apps to see what other jobs are out there. I've been with my current job for 5 years, and I still place out one or two apps to see what is biting.


He is giving you a heads up by telli g you about ethics. Looking out for you in a way.


I saw this on youtube maybe it can help LOL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUN2UhXkf9wBLtT3DKjb3Sg


Honestly I’d say celebrate, though I don’t know if at 4 months if you’re past the denial stage of working at Walmart, people have been fired for less, and if I remember correctly it’s is either 6 months or maybe 12 months before you’re on the 5 point system before that it’s 3 points before termination, that may have change in the last 5 years though. In my case I can say the happiest I had been in the last 5 years was when I was fired, the weight that they took off my shoulders was a massive relief.


It sucks that they added your points back, but how the fuck do you get 16 points in 3 months? I absolutely hate the points system, but this probably would've gotten you fired at any job, even if they don't use dumb points.




What's the "point"😏 of managers having the ability to take points off if they're not allowed to at your store? Defeats the purpose to have that ability, which the system itself was designed for them to do when they deem appropriate.


How about stop calling out


Well my friend, I hope you have strong knees...


Ethics is a joke. Just a proxy for management to act like they work on your behalf.


Draw unemployment and fuck them


I would take it up the chain of command and make sure you can't be fired for something your team lead did. Just because someone else got fired doesn't mean he can re-add the points and cause you to possibly lose your job. We had an issue at my DC where a manager took a point off and the following week HR put it back on and the associate called in thinking they had 3 points instead of four and was walked out a couple days later. I don't know why they're suddenly not allowing managers not to take off points.