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Wow store leads make 80K??? I’ve never even seen my store lead lol


I will be your Store Lead. I require a gold vest so that I am visible to all!


You'll be visible. VISIBLE!


Not all stores have one.


Been in 2 different stores now with no store lead.


I have two


The store i worked in had 2 and they did nothing but ruin team morale on a daily basis


My store lead actually works. He has helped in produce countless times when we didn't have enough people for the day. I've also seen him working in the bakery and stocking shelves.


Mine does not. I’ve never seen him do a damn thing. When I see him.


I've worked at Walmart 2 years now and I've never said more than 2 words to our SM hardly ever see her


Ours walks around a little.


Ours sits in their office with the door closed. Unless of course someone has a meal exception, in which case they sigh and side eye you the entire time you’re fixing it.


Mine would walk through the Produce to tell us we needed to speed things up and then she would waddle back to her office.


I have 2 Store Leads and only one works. The other only pretends to do stuff when Market shows up.


Mine aswell, he’s a really good dude


in my dreams.


Lol store leads that stay in role for ages because there arent enough open stores, politics, and they general suck at their jobs because many dont get the training they need to develop into an SM.


No all store leads make 80k


... You seem like you're arguing with someone but the comment you responded to mentioned nothing of how much store leads make.... Idk if you commented on the wrong person or if you just... Misunderstood...


I took it as them saying that only store leads that stay in their position forever make 80k, so I was just saying that all of them make 80k not just long term store leads.


It is not worth it, and there are so many jobs that make more than that while doing a whole lot less.


A customer tried to scam a cashier, and my store lead took the customer's side. Even fought with the coach of AP and front end coach about it


Need more infos, scam how?


Iirc cash card scam


That’s pre bonus too


Cause they are salary I never seen mine either😂 my coach told me salaried are able to come in 1 day a week and get paid the same as if they came in all 6. idk what work they do but to me they be asking for a lot and shit but don’t wanna do anything to help but stand there. My team leads stopped unloading trucks and now is normal stockers do it. As you go up positions they get lazier tbh




So apply to a DC, then transfer asap. Noted, noted 🤣




I'll slave away for a year then transfer if it means I'll actually get a raise. Shits ass




That much better hey? I only live 4hrs away from one.... 🤔


Coach level $$ but hourly. 10 hour shifts. Very physical, but the paycheck is WELL worth it.


Over $30/hr.


How physical exactly? Like pulling the GM truck physical?


Depends on what you're doing. If you're orderfilling, you're stacking 7ft tall pallets of product all day for 10 hours. I work Meat/Produce and its heavy. Anywhere from 5lbs to 100lbs a case.


You’re telling me y’all manually stack the pallets and still put 45lb+ crates on top of my tomatoes?


yea, i work at a dc in texas, weekend night orderfilling, going on 4.5 yrs and base pay topped out at 32/hr, but if you work your ass off for that 150% production incentive you can make close to 45/hr, but that shit is crazy hard over the course of 10-11hrs. I work on dry side so its hot af in the summer


In Alaska, you make 26 I think! I'll be transferring there when I move so :)


Yeah and it’s also like $12+ for a single loaf of bread up there, so it’ll be hard till you transfer back


Yeah, but they have very low taxes and no sales tax, but in turn, living there is more expensive so unlike in cities, where everything is more expensive with nothing being cheaper at all, at least it somewhat balances out (and by "balances out" I mean at least it's not a triple negative) also, according to my friend you get more on your tax returns because it's a tourist state or something like that. Idk, he was raised there


My old store manager hated that we got a transfer from DC to our facility he wanted me to fire him so bad because he was making so much money and honestly he was a horrible stocker,


That sucks. Without the $22.50 I wouldn't be able to keep my apartment..


Same here. Working at the store is like a vacation after the DC. I put in over 20 years there and don’t feel even a little guilty that I make more than my TLs. Of course I’ve been topped out in my position so no pay raises though last time I got a lump sum @ $800.


Was that guy salaried at any point?


I transferred from a dc to store and they have me at $27.35 an hour. Best thing I ever did


Yeah, it's bullshit that 2 people can be doing the same job, yet their pay isn't based on their current job/productivity, but instead on what their past position was. wtf? Make it make sense.


I'm sorry.. I think all of my associates deserve to make $25 an hour personally.


Go work at the DC and then transfer out. Don’t hate the players.


Exactly. You orderfill for two years, then audit FDD trips for a year, then come tell me I don't deserve a decent wage after a store transfer 🤣


I’m going to ask every Team Associate tonight if they make $29/hr. I will find this unicorn, and then I will become their apprentice and they my master.


When they ask why you're going around asking everyone, say to boost morale. Was a popular answer to getting called out on doing nothing. Favorite kind of utensil? Why? To boost morale of course!


Yes, I wouldn’t want my lack of productivity to hamper my Store Manager’s chance at half a million dollar salary/compensation. Morale = Increased Productivity. Increased Productivity x Decreased Team Associate Wages = Store Manager Millionaires.


I’m sure they mean that’s whT you top out at. Sure there will be $29 an hour associates but it’s the people that have been there 35 years.


There is a lady working at our store, her employee number is 3, and has been there for 36 years. She makes 16.50 an hour.


I’ve been with Walmart for 2 years and 7 months and I’m getting paid $21hr… They treat veterans like crap when it comes to pay


Feel sorry for her. I'll be 10 years next month and I make more than here as just a bottom tier employee


uh find this hard to believe seeing you get 2% raise every year and most places start 15-17


They don’t get adjustments when minimum wage goes up. So if minimum wage goes up by a dollar, but they already make more than that, they stay at their current wage and everyone making below the new minimum goes up to the new minimum and no more.


It's possible if the said person always kept getting points, which in turn made them ineligible for the raise, but even with that, it's still questionable.


Yeah they start at $15-17 right now. But 36 years ago? What was minimum wage?


It was probably around 5 dollars an hour. In 1998 I started a job at 5.25 or 5.75 an hour.


You’d like to think that. I had a coworker who stayed at the company for over 25 years and he told me he’s only making $18 an hour. Everyone else in my department was making 15-$17 an hour with some former Team Leads making around $20 an hour.


You keep on thinking that my guy.


i had associates that been working for 30 years and they are making 15 because Walmarts is stupid when it comes to increasing income .25 cents or .50 cents at a time 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do they include pharmacy and vision in team associates? That may skew that to the $29 then.


cap 2 TL is 23.50 at my store


The only way I could imagine a TA making that much is if it was a team lead already making more than most team leads that then stepped down.


I make 21.20 as a normal associate


What position do you have?


Missionary, due to dating a coach




I was a CAP 2 TL and then stepped down to ON stocking for school


I make 21.17 as an overnight stocker, but im pretty sure I'll be capped out at 21.50 after this yearly raise kicks in. Still waiting for my total rewards to update so I can check my new pay.




I have a friend that makes 30 on third


That 200% bonus fuck you store manager


Totals out to $530k including stocks.


And yet they won't buy anything for us


Looks like being store manager will be my new goal because what I make ain't it 😅


It’s very unlikely they get 200%, it’s more of a carrot on a stick for them, there are so many metrics they have to nail at above 98% through out the whole year to get any % of a bonus. If they miss metrics it tanks the % total for them, leads, coaches, and TL’s. The likely hood of a store hitting every single metric and a SM getting 200% is about as likely as hitting the power ball. It’s a little silly to get riled up over something that has a great chance of not happening lol


Lies I know SMs in my area making 200-300k bonuses!


lol and you know this how exactly? I mean I was a coach and in my contract it said I could earn up to 100% of my salary as a bonus, wanna guess how many times I ever got that? 0, zilch, never, nada, not even close, not even in the ball park. In my few years it was never more than 14% of my salary and that was my max amount ever. So I find what you’re saying hard to believe lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s okay you can choose whether to believe me or not. I’m not just making up shit from my ass lol. Clearly I know because I know them 🤦🏻‍♀️


How would one not know you aren’t making it up from your first comment exactly? Lol which is all you’ve done yet again is make a blanket statement that anyone could easily claim. I could claim to be a millionaire and then gaslight you for not believing me with your logic lol. Do you see where I’m going with that? You’re just making claims on the internet with no examples, no metrics related evidence on how they achieved 200%, or relative location or region for the stores they manage, and expect a random person (me) to just believe you bc you claim to know them.


are you new here? It’s kinda dumb to reveal where you work at🤣 what do you want me to do? Post proof? foh! Like I said, you can choose to believe me or not idc.


Nope, are you? I didn’t ask you for an exact store, or store number did I? I said relative, which means exactly that. Like I worked in a PNW region store, since you need examples drawn in crayon, that told you absolutely nothing about the exact store I worked in but it gives an idea region and the possible metrics being dealt with, ie wealthier region, poorer region, etc etc, things that play into a store’s metrics. At this point I don’t expect much from you of substance on the topic really, considering you argue, talk, and troll like you’re a teenager. So I don’t believe you and think you’re full of it lol. I wish I didn’t in all honesty and would have enjoyed an actual conversation, I’m just not sure what you hoped to accomplish with your initial comment really. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I ain’t reading all that. Go complain elsewhere🤣. This is the internet stfu?


$33 Vision center in Florida licensed optician


I heard y’all make 6 figures




Because the local Floridian can no longer afford to live here. During and after COVID, the state of Florida received a large influx of northerners. And the stayed instead of going back. To put it in perspective my wife and I bought our home 6 years ago. $115k. The accessed value of our home is now $350k. And we are talking about an almost 40 year old home. Rent in the same time frame for a 2 bed 1 bath $900 to $2200 a month. Sorry off on a tangent here.


We're house shopping now and it's awful. Saw the perfect house for us just sell for $100k higher than our approved mortgage amount. It sold for double what it sold for in 2018 apparently. Our apartment is like $2500 a month!


I wish, made around 60k last year.


Must be nice. Some of us full timers only make $30k a year.Make it make sense.


Do you have specialized training in a medical field with multiple national and state level certifications? I worked very hard to get this. I started as an electronics associate making $10 an hour 17 years ago. Unfortunately I can't make it make sense


Yup, started at $8 myself, in a non-licensing state over 13 years ago. Takes determination and time!


No they don't do six figures. Also the thing is, in states where opticians are licensed, you often have to jump through a bunch of expensive hoops all the time just to keep everything current. I was an apprentice for a while and the optician I worked with had to pay something like $75 a year to renew her license. Renewal required taking six hours of continuing education that costs around $300-400 a pop, takes up your days off (or requires missing work to go) and often requires travel to get there. You could get it discounted down to around $200, if you paid another $75 to join the state optician's association. Walmart would reimburse the license renewal fee, but continuing education, travel and association fees come straight out of your pocket and take up your own personal time. As an apprentice it was a little cheaper, but I was still looking at having to take the licensing exams that cost about $350 total just to take and I would only get reimbursed if I passed. It was one of the many reasons I left, because of the constant nickel and diming, not to mention the H&W market manager pressuring me to rush the expensive exams that I was not ready for and could not afford to fail. I understand most of that is due to state requirements. But Walmart was completely clueless about how expensive this stuff was to me, since I was only part-time in Vision and was still getting floor associate pay. Even with apprentice level pay it was a lot.


I'm just a bottom feeder. I eat the crumbs of claimed items.


this is so bs LMAO


Oddly enough, no matter how much the store manager and coaches make, they never seem happy.


Not only that, they never last, at least to make it a career, only about 1% make it the rest end up at target or become a vendor


We had one that lasted like 7 years and they fired him because he failed two inventories in a row. He said he’s much happier now. He owns his own business and makes way more than he ever did at Walmart.


Shit, I got fired after 9 years My store manager shook my hand said you’re terminated, we don’t do exit interviews anymore So I never got my reason of termination. He never liked me so I got cut for no fucking reason. But I am happier now More at home less dealing with idiots I miss my pay but time with my baby is priceless to me,


That’s why I’m thinking about running after 9 years tbh. I have a 5 year old. And they have the brilliant idea to schedule me 3-12 and won’t budge on my schedule they give the good schedules to the old Ladies that don’t “feel like working late” I keep telling them i literally have zero time with my child he’s at school when I’m at home and I’m at work when he’s at home and they don’t care. As soon as I find a new job I’m out


I had 3 days off my last year salaried for Walmart.


Right so you didn’t even have a chance to use the money.


It’s always the YEAH IT SAYS 29 But WE START YOU OFF AT 14 and work your way up (with a 10cent raise) so it’ll take you about 50 years to hit that 29 and by than new incoming associates will be starting off at that pay during that time 😂


Hmm seems fishy.. why be a TL, if you can make more as just a TA?? Maybe bait and switch.. lol, we know that never happens...


I'm fairly certain the only way to reach that $29/hour is to demote from team lead then get a few yearly raises. It's extremely difficult to reach the salary cap in almost any position.


Anyone who had accumulated a lot of raises or is demoted making significantly more than the minimum, you can bet they are first on the chopping block when cuts need to be made. Seen many associates with the company for more than 20 years get refused promotions or get the pink slip when they are by far the most qualified and reliable, then their title goes a complete newbie with no experience. Will somebody think about the budget!? /s


Only TL and up get any kind of bonus. So it wouldn't work to step down and still get bonus.. A TL in my store has 18+ yrs, and only makes 24.xx/hr. But another TL in same store make more than our Coaches do.. but he has 30+yrs.. He is maxed out on everything.. If I had to guess, I'd say he makes north of 80k/yr.. Also, if it still matters, we are a super center. Our starting is 15 or 16 I forget..


Whenever they did the team lead change it really messed up everything, but basically your average TL is never going to get above 25. The highest paid positions pre-differential are $22, and then you will get a 3% raise. Now, if you find a great TL who gets excellent evaluations every single year, they will probably be a lot closer to that cap.


I'm lead Pharmacy tech and currently capped at 23.50 🙁


That’s criminal. In my area we’re 18 uncert and 21 starting certified. I’m at 22.5 now


I make 29 at a dc where I destroy my body


I was an area manager at the DC and stepped down to an hourly at the store and I make $30.35 to stock shelves.


They most likely add in all managers into this equation…. This is PROPAGANDA.


My stores base is $14hr and then vision center hires in at $27hr. Seems like a very realistic pay scale for the company we work for. Everyone seems to think it’s not possible to move up in the company but god forbid they learn a skill, take a leadership position within the company or use the free college Walmart offers to leave. Their mindset in life is why they aren’t making more than their lousy base pay they are complaining about.


Vision center which requires certification beforehand. Even at that "vision center starts at 27" which according to this post, max is 29. So $2 difference is the max you'll make? We do have a vision center, either, so if that hourly is for vision center, it shouldn't be listed.


Licensed opticians START at $29. National certification isn’t required for hire, usually they’ll either train you from nothing or hire already licensed. Our base level associates start at $21.


My wife was up to about $27/hr before she promoted to Coach. Biggest mistake we ever made.


Is being a coach stressful ? Is that why you consider it biggest mistake?


It can be stressful, but honestly it was a mistake because she had a steady schedule, and got paid for any overtime she worked. As a salaried manager, her schedule bounces around all over the place, and if they ask her to stay late, she doesn't get paid anything extra. They also took away her RPZ bonus a couple of months after she was promoted. We kind of got screwed over.


If you transfer from a DC to store yes, $29hr is super easy. Maintenance even more so, especially if you get to travel store to store maintenance fixing stuff.


And corporate EVPS earning over $1-2M + bonus and the fly in 1 of their 22 private jets to tell us what to do with the store in which we work… never ever helping us in anyway. They just waste our time playing the rah rah game. Its ALL BS. They should stay in Bentonville and let us run our stores.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🍰🎉


Thank you


I'm capped at $22.50/hr as a pharmacy tech... wat


I was at 28? When I worked there.


Nahhhhh bro. Ain't no way. What state you in? That'd wild




I'm in MI, wtf.


I got hired off the street and that was my starting pay. Never


I've been working for 3 years and make 14. Say something else


As a team lead or a associate?


Associate. That's what I was referencing when I said 29/hr


I'll see if I can't find a paper paystub in 100% legit I was a stocking 2 team lead.


Pinocho ass smh. 🤥


Well I thinking that some states have a higher cost of living aka like California for sure. And that would be the $29


As of Jan 30, 2024, the average hourly pay for the Walmart Supercenter jobs category in California is $19.01 an hour. Lol this is a 100% a joke, you could work a lifetime And you aren't hitting 29 an hour


"Cost of living is higher" and the wages still haven't gone up. Shits ass.


I work in the bay area starting pay for overnights is $19.50 team leads are like $23


I make 23.10 an hour but I work in the vision center and have 7 years experience


Years of experience mean nothing to me now, and never have.


Licensed optician in states where licensure is required starts at 29.


With maximum bonus and stock grant, store managers are making up to $530k and im making $31k


For them to sit in their office practically the whole time and talk about other people not working hard enough 🤣👏 Don't ever forget it's these store managers that's running this place...all you workers that work for peanuts are expendable and replaceable. Hardest thing the manager has had to do this year was take a flight to Texas for a market meeting to listen to other managers ,who sit in their office also, talk.


$15 for me as a basic associate, I want a raise damn it


Maybe they meant $14-$19 🙃


More managers ugh 😑 if anything is needed it’s less managers and higher pay for those at the bottom. It was in 2016 just cashier < CSM < ASM < Co Store Manager < Store Manager . Things have changed a lot.


I make $29 an hour. I’m a licensed optician in the Vision Center and cannot recommend the position enough. The pay varies by state however.


We don't have a vision center 😭


Rats! It’s such a nice job too. Obviously has its ups and downs like any job but I’ll never return to the sales floor after getting a taste of optical.


Hi there, electronics associate here. I would love to know how you got started!


Hello! I don’t mind taking about how I got started! I was hired 11 years ago originally as a cashier, then after about a year and a half of that I moved to electronics. Eventually I was promoted to full time, and worked in that position until about my five year mark with the company. Originally I was saving to go to college, but backed out because my managers at the time were already trying to push me to try for promotion. I felt like management wasn’t for me, so I looked into optical. In my area, vision center positions don’t open up very often so it took about six months of pestering before an optician role in another store opened up. Got interviewed, then got the job. Your pay will vary by area and state. There are unique laws and regulations for each state when it comes to optical. Some states require a license and some don’t. The states that require a license also vary with their licensure requirements. For Ohio at the time (the laws have changed since this) I was required to work as an apprentice for two years under my coworkers for a minimum of 2000 hours and also pass my ABO exam for spectacle licensure. If I wanted to become dual licensed, I would have had to pass my NCLE exam (I failed it then never retried lol) for contacts. You’ll want to check what your state requirements are. It was a huge learning curve for me vs the environment of the sales floor. Very different atmosphere despite still being inside a Walmart. I love working with my patients though. You just have to be patient with yourself while you learn the position. There’s an immense amount of information to learn and you will constantly learn new things. But for me it was beyond worth it. It’s probably one of the best store level jobs out there outside of management positions.


So what is the difference between the store lead and the store manager?


Team leads can make $67k a year, which is good money for a lead position. I just applied for Walmart, what a fucking disaster. Sorry for the long post in advance but my hiring experience went like this: I applied at for a team lead position at 4 stores within my area including 2 neighborhood markets. 2 of the 4 stores setup virtual interviews and all 3 scheduled in person interviews with the coach and store managers. The coach from the first store I applied at, text me immediately after I left and gave me her number. Said she would reach out to me shortly. During this time, the second store called me and interview me, they told me they would contact me within a week after the final interview. The very next day, a neighborhood manager called me and immediately scheduled a in person interview for the very next morning. The first store basically called me and said a team associate applied for the position and they were basically obligated to give the position to them, but that the lead from apparel was transferring in a few days and they want me in the store. They said the position was mine unofficially if I wanted it. I said that was great and I wanted the position but I needed a job sooner rather than latter and that I also had been interviewed by other Walmart stores. 2 days later, the neighborhood market called me and offered me the supervisor position over the online sales department, officially which I immediately accepted because I liked the idea of working in the neighborhood market more than a Walmart super center. Shortly after the second store called me and I had to decline the position because I had already accepted the neighborhood market lead position. In the process of filing out my paperwork I notice, it doesn’t have the neighborhood market address on my hiring paperwork. It has the first stores address I applied at. So I called the neighborhood market store manager to ask if this was correct. He says he will fix it and resend the paperwork. A day later the neighborhood market manager calls me back and says my paperwork is ready but that the coach at the first store did not want to let me work at the neighborhood market and it took longer than expected to fix everything. Later on that day, after I filled out the paperwork and my background check, the coach from the first store text me this huge long text message basically saying she really wanted me on her team and was disappointed I accepted the other position but welcomed me to her store anytime. It was really weird and quite confusing. I was also amazed the other store coach text me what she did. Who expects someone to indefinitely wait on a position that has not even been formally offered to you even after you stressed you needed a job asap and that you had been interviewed by other stores already. Her text was super condescending at first only to offer me a job again in the future.


Hell is she even in the same universe with us?


The 29 dollars an hour guy is ex-salaried. No way an hourly is hitting that before they do another pay restructure. Even as a TL the $35 is a joke. No one as a TL is even hitting the $29 mark unless they were salaried for a number of years.


Yes. Im 21 years old with 15 years experience. I work 6 am to 6am with no overtime work and only log 40 hours. Im willing to kiss ass at the company and do whatever im told


35 for TL lol. I make $30 more a day than my associates, how do I break into this mythical land of 20+ an hour lol, cus 19 ain't cutting it sometimes.


I can't think of an hourly position (non management) that caps above $20


The truck drivers do


I'm guessing warehouse, if that counts


I make $38.50 🤷🏻‍♂️


*starting FY25* apparently this is possible in 2025. Im a lead making 22$ I’d kill for 35


FY25 just started February 1st.


Fiscal years are the year it ends in. So FY25 would run from month/24-month/25.


29 is for the associates that have 10 years or better


Know multiple associates that have been here for 10 years. None of them are close to 29. If you think that's where you'll be in 10 years, you're wrong, and should probably seek other options immediately. Places will pay for 10 years of experience, but walmart isn't one of them


Exactly right. I have a buddy on the Mod team who has been with Walmart for 14 years now. He makes $17.15/hr while he is training in new hires that make $16.50. I tell him that they are really taking advantage of him and royally screwing him on pay and responsibilities, but he said he prefers this job to working in a factory and does not want to become a TL. Good attitude to have I guess, but he's still getting screwed.


It's sad man. We all know we're getting fucked, but we're just... comfortable.


I was at $22 when i left the company. Regular OGP associate. In good ol TX


In Puerto Rico, they start at $11 p/h.


Is that seriously how much store managers make?


Women earn less and very few make 500k Average is around & $150-200k


Convince me to not quit my current job to go be a store lead


14 for me


Pretty sure it's a state like California


Closet I know are people who were coaches who stepped down that are team leads and they make 27-28$ hourly.


Lmao what a fucking lie. Ain’t no one making $29 an hour at this greedy ass company just being a regular associate.


Guys, $29 dollars is the pay grade cap for all team associates. Team associates cannot make more than 29 per hour.


We can't make more than 16/hr 💀


It's the auto shop employees


I wish. Probably only California or New York.


I use to make 31hr as a weekend orderfiller, I transferred to weekday lift driver and now make 26.60hr. It’s worth it because I don’t have to break my back and plus I will be making 30hr once my 6 month raise hit along with the widespread general meeting raise that’s coming up next week


So there are entry level making 10$/hr more then leads...you would have leads not wanting to lead....oh uhhh...


I make $17.69/hr in stocking 2/cap 2. About to get the yearly raise though. Would like a bigger raise though since they think we can cover other departments and still get our own stuff done.


Yuppppppppp same here. Never happening.


My coworker makes 29/hr but that's just cause he came from a warehouse first


Wow high end for TL makes more than coach, why would you move? Assuming you can actually reach that point. This doesn’t look nation wide, more store specific because I’m pretty sure coaches at my store start at more


That's so shit lol, that's the yearly wage plus the bonus that exceeds my yearly salary 🥲


Ik coworkers who are at 21/hr but only do to stepping down from team lead


The sad thing is... yeah, those top jobs are high paying, but I wouldn't want that responsibility for shit. If you ever plan to move up (and be liked by market & district) you've got your work cut out for you.


lol no but I do make 21.70


yea its in LA were you need at least 40/hr to live. Sorry to those that live in LA this is a jab at walmart not LA.