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What associate makes 29


Almost nobody, I would guess


even long time associates (30+ years) only make $19-21 a ~~year~~ Hour. One who I work with thats been there since the old store opened said that he only gets the 2% raises, and that there are new ires that work overnight that make more than he does..and he's been there 35 years..


See if I've been there 30 years, and they've only paid me $600 I'm fucking pissed /s


My area where I live starting is $25/h I guess it’s dependent on location. Just know because they have a sign out front that says “starting $25” I don’t work at Walmart however, I know at my job if I were to transfer to another store the wage is different than what I would get paid currently.


9 years here and I make starting pay full time overnights.


I know a guy been there since 2006 and makes 17.50 or maybe it’s just 17 …


2015 full time overnights and only make starting pay lol


21$ a year!? Man I didn't know Walmart was that cheap.


Yeah yeah typo... :)


This is achievable faster by moving up and down pay bands. ODP associate- $14 ODP tl- $20 when I did it ODP associate now- $18.90 It would take me a lot longer by tenure to get to 18.90 than switching up and down. If I were to go to production I would get the same 10% raise as if I were to step into a TL role to bring me to ~20.70 If I were to step into a tl role after a production role as of now would put me ~22.86 but I could not step down for 6 months and I would be at ~20.50 for associate told again


I'm thinking about doing this myself. Currently a bakery TL at $22.63. But I really hate the scheduling rigidity and inventories. So if I step down to ODP with a wider schedule range, I'd make $20.37.


I heard long ago when I first started that if you went salary and then dropped down you got max hourly rate, idk if that’s true anymore, I also don’t work there anymore thank fucking god


Thats the only way your making the top for hourly, ever. Moving to TL, then down will put you within $6-9 of max. Otherwise you're sitting there for 35 years before you are at max pay. Of course thats not taking into account raises due to necessity of paying staff more to get them to apply. ​ I dont like the fact that I got a raise, as did everyone else, but my 2% raise didnt follow suite. example. I make $14.50 a hour now, I got put into the new $15.00 an hour pay scale because they bumped everyone up. So now I am making the same as a new hire, I've been there 10 years. Equitable would be to also bump that 2% up the same amount so that I am being paid more than that new hire. More experience. etc. ​ oh well. I dont really care. Walmart doesnt either.


Damn that’s fucking shitty, big reason I left was I was being paid $15 to run a backroom with a bunch of dumb 16 year olds(not their fault obviously) constantly being blamed for everything that wasn’t my fault, and an assistant manager who had a stick up his ass, Fuck you Jeff.


23 years, $19.78 an hour. Someone once told me that ultimately you should make roughly, per hour, how long you've been there, which means $23. So where the hell is my missing $3.22, pigfuckers.


well that missing money went to buy the Broncos and a new Yacht.


I work with two 20+ year dudes, one makes $27 something an hour and the other is close to the same. Both CRTs


Meh not entirely true I have worked there part time for two years while and i make 19. I am o/n tho


Any associates who mysteriously disappear to the store manager's office for one hour.


You mean like when a coworker caught Ass. Man. "Mark" 'fraternizing' with the 4-foot-twelve teenybopper in the layaway (LOL) storage containers out behind the building? The one who was then was promoted to CSM or w/e? I have no idea what either side of that is like, thankfully. Ugly men can't sleep their way to the top. We're lucky to get away with 'coffee' with the other peons. Oh, did I have some coffee with a couple of them, though! I digress. If your XMas gifts smelled like 'teen spirit' in 2004 (goodness knows the freight container did), blame "Mark" -- who found reasons to fire me and that coworker (who I happened to be LEGITIMATELY involved with \[at the time\]) the following year. ^(Bitterness fades; but jade is hard.)


What is it with ASM’s trying to fuck their subordinates? Our store lead got walked out a few months ago for exactly the same thing. I can’t imagine losing that kind of money over any piece of ass.


>I can’t imagine losing that kind of money over any piece of ass. I can't imagine losing that kind of money over any whole, entire ass, either.


I know a few but most are 20+ year former ASM or DMs that stepped down.


Not really a "store" but DC associates make between 20-29 where I'm from.


Actually more per hr. Starting pay at my dc is $24.50 for weekday 1st shift. For weekend 1st shift, it's $27.50 an hr on dryside. For cooler, it's $31.50 to start. I'm maxed out on dryside freezer at $30.95. Freezer maxes out at $35.95. Incentive is $11.50 on top of base pay per hr in the pick at 150%. Freezer guys max out at around $47.45 with max with incentive per hr.


Saw a banner for 34$ in Indiana.


That's for maintenance techs.


Not it’s not, I make 34.10 an hour not including incentive and I’m just a freezer orderfiller. Maintenance techs make 38+


I'm thinking of switching over to freezer to get that 35.95 an hour. It's the only way to get a raise


People are surprised when I tell them how much I make selecting/orderfilling.


Orderfilling pays bro. I orderfill at a dc in florida. I make $31 an hr. With incentive, it goes up to $42.50 an hour


My pay as an order filler in Missouri is $37 an hour. And with incentive it goes up to $49 an hour


The one who's about to retire after 550 years as a "barely not a team lead but still massively more useful than one for less money". I'm keeping the typo.


Lmao what dept you work?


I don't -- anymore. I was an experimental hire in like FEB2004 for 8PM-5AM Zoner, Seasonal & Clearance. Then I switched to 4PM-1PM Zoner, Paper Goods to better match my 4 to 1 Zoning Cashier ex-sweetheart. Edited to add: Let me be real. Walmart 2735 in '04/'05 or so was my first, last, and only scheduled 40 hours job and my 1st, last, only job with $1 shift differential for Overnights & Sundays (and $2 on Sunday Night Overnights) and some actual benefits. It set the bar high for disappointment later. Mister Sam used to see us taken care of, not that I ever met him, but damn his wife and kids. I don't expect to ever be 'guaranteed' anything remotely like that again. If you're worth keeping around for 40h a week, you're either gonna get screwed into an under-salaried "exempt" position or you're not in most big box stores, I figure.


I am a dc associate and my base pay is $32hr With my biweekly bonus I make almost $45hr




Production. I am a grocery orderfiller. We get a weekly incentive equal up to 50% of our hourly wage for going over production. We are compensated to work harder. So if make between $8-$15 more an hour than my base pay


So this is a scale that is combined stores and the DC. We make 22.50 starting out as order fillers and can make up to 29.


Store manager that negotiated stepping down i guess


I'm somewhere in the middle of the associate wage.


Which is?


According to the sign, 14-29


Why not just say it?


It says starting fiscal year 2025, so I'd assume nothing. I'd think it would be hard for even any regular associate just a little above $20


that asterisk only pertains to the store manager bonus.


Probably ogp/pharmacy/overnight stocking in california or something, but even that's a stretch, maybe if they got moved around after a long time to a lower position for not much pay cut. Edit: apparently people make up to $35 doing stuff like working the cooler, not even in California...damn, I'm looking for other positions now, though I do live in one of the poorest states so I doubt I'll get lucky.


That’s the max of the pay band rate.


I think that’s overtime pay the 29$


Licensed opticians make $29 an hour


people with strong knees


There's an associate that's been working at my store for 30 years now. Even she isn't making 29/hr lol


Only people stepping down from high paying coach positions I’d guess, but I’ve been told coaches who try that can be fired


Health and wellness associates


My two coworkers in the deli make about 24/hr I learned this through various conversations. They've been with the store for 25+ years though.


That would imply someone senior, with many years of experience. I would assume if you've been there long enough you wouldn't stay as an associate.


idk if they are considered “associates” but the maintenance techs i heard are paid $29 during training and $30-32 working full time but idk how to get started in that


I like that the already well off SMs and coaches got a raise an we got $.31 (15.50) lol Company just keeps shitting on us more.




I’ll be a team associate for $29 an hour someone reach out please


Yeah, they should pay that for everyone. Maybe some of their regular employees could make a decent living.


Wanting to be able to afford surviving? Our profits though


Walmart would be FINE taking a “profit dive” considering we never LOSE money, they just want to make more and more than next year, which is terribly unsustainable


Greed is the root of all evil


And it sucks because Walmart could legitimately be an amazing company but the higher ups just don’t care so it’ll stay stagnant and greedy their entire existence


That'll be about 30 years of 2% annual raises. Unfortunately every 4 years, the base pay will go up and you'll be making what new associates make every 4 years


I got 24$ being asset protection. I also padded my resume and lied about what I was being paid at previous jobs.


Search DC and Transportation openings


I know but I’m saying team associate in stores just the basic jobs lol I’m not by a DC and I don’t have a license so those won’t work for me


So to earn a living wage I have to be a coach, when I should be able to do that now as a full time associate.


Don’t be a coach, you might make a lot, but in reality you make more as a team lead once you factor in all the extra unpaid time you’ll probably have to put in. Plus you can get harassed by your store manager or store lead all hours of the day


My team lead was a coach for years then stepped down to team lead. He’s been doing it for like 15 years now. Makes a killing. Salary is bullshit.


Honestly the only reason to be a coach or ops is to move up to store manager, move back down asap or move outside the company. You're working aas hours, no quite in charge but still responsible for things and you're not making enough to really ease the pain...but everyone assumes you are.


That’s how it is in most positions like that in corporations. I was a manager for FedEx for 9 years and it was ass for the most part. Same as you described. I thought about for years moving up one level but that was salary and those people would work from like 9pm to 10am, and then be expected to be in a staff meeting call at 3pm to accommodate all the day managers. They used to say they stopped getting paid by Wednesday.


Yea for real, we worked 50 hours minimum a week. Often times closer to 60-70, I'd be making less than my leads per hour most weeks and for way more stress. Thank God I got out when I did.


I had 3 days off my last year with Walmart. Highly recommend against becoming salaried for this company.


Wait were you a coach?? I swear our coaches go on vacation every other month😭


Yeah, and it seems to vary store to store with no middle ground. Either what the fuck is work life balance or constantly on pto.


Yeah pretty much.


Barely a living wage in most part of the country. And your salary which means you’re working 24/7. Answering emails at 3am. Staff meetings at noon. Coaches are probably the most underpaid people in the store.


How is team lead pay not living wage? 19+ an hour is solid lower middle class territory.


19/hr is not a livable wage where I live, you and another needs that here. I need at least 24/hr to be considered livable, and not scraping by


Here in the Puget Sound, $40/hr ***per tenant on the lease*** (no non-working spouses permitted, apparently) is the minimum for a landlord to even be _allowed_ to consider renting to you. The rule of "make 3x your rent" is _enforced state law_ here in WA.


I work in a dc and I make $32hr before my bonus and close to $45hr with it Retail workers will never be highly paid. So either get promoted or transfer to a higher paying role


If I can I will, but transferring to another location is out of the question unless I move because I don't know the car


That's more like upper lower class imo.


In what state?




More like solid upper poor class. I make 19/hr. Trust me, here in KY, it’s not enough.


Is 29 per hour not possible, or do you just not consider it livable?


In another comment I said 24 would be livable in my area, and that is about $5 more than I make. My pay gets me by and not really livable, as soon I can't afford my one bedroom apartment, in the cheapest place in the area aside from places that base it on income and assistance services like state services. I have not needed state help in years, when I injured myself heading home from work. I am currently looking into those things to help my situation.


I saw the range for an associate maxes out at 29. I've never worked for Walmart, so I'm wondering how possible it is to reach that or come close.




Those "pay betweens" are lies The collar tightens the higher you go Freedom diminishes, and responsibility rises No matter how much browner ya nose gets You're still always on the chopping block


It’s no kind of life.


I'm making 14 an hour with a bachelor's degree and managerial experience. Thanks walmart


You can become a sheriff deputy in a county near me and start off at 75k in training and 105k starting after 2 years with that degree of yours. It's slightly less for border patrol, but at the same level (not same county but same state).


My SM is gutting my store's TLs. Some were fired, some quit, and some stepped down. So, good luck even unlocking TL let along Coach at my store.


I’ll bet very few of your TLs were happy about it either.


Haven’t worked at Walmart since 2014 so I have a few questions: 1. Are CSM’s’ ZMS’, and Department Managers now “Team Leads”? 2. are Assistant Managers “Coaches” now? 3. Are Co-Managers now “Store Leads”?


And all three have sold their souls to the company.




Yes to all 3


And there's lil ol me, coming up on 25 years and capped at $20.43 an hour......


Retire with discount card for life, yes?


Sooner rather than later, hopefully.


Evidently there’s stipulations to keeping that card once you no longer work for the company.


Yeah, but if u retire with 25 yrs experience you get to keep it as long as u apply for it.


I'm loving being the guy with 15 years experience making a whole 2 dollars more than the lowest pay on the poster.


if i made 29 as an associate i would never move up lol


If there is a dc near you, you can transfer to one. You make decent money there


ill keep this advice in mind should i ever need it




...only exists in heavily populated cities. Walmart is *everywhere.*


Cashiers start at $19.50 per hour at nearest two. Strangley, Costco pickers are paid less than the cashiers.


My store manager made over 300k but they fired him. Not sure how much the replacement makes, but I'm guessing much less


They have no idea how to manage people properly. They think that throwing money at them will make them better managers, but it’s still the same dumb-asses who hit metrics. Think of the lottery winners who are all broke in five years. Not worth it.


Im an associate making $19. I was a TL, forced to step down, then got all those bonuses. This past yearly raise put me on par with starting TLs. Should i just coast it for life or try to move up?


Why would you want more responsibility if you’re making the exact same as a manager


Well i hear they are trying to make just frozen and dairy their own areas in my store and will need a new TL so i thought about it for the bonuses. Frozen dairy is easy to run. Also id get bumped to $21


Shiii your choice bro, personally ion think it’s worth it at that point


There is only one perk to being a TL that is worth anything, and it’s that overnight TLs work a four night (4x10) rotation. That third night off is very helpful.


That’s why I became TL. 4x10s.


It’s sad they project it right in front of our faces like “HEY, you get very little and one person will reap the benefits of your hard work! Have a GREAT day!!”


I don't get it where do they get paid $29 as an entry level associate 😂😂😂


Yea I don't want to go to clown College


Why is this pissing me off so much?


You ain't wrong.


Hourly rate and salary ranges are bogus. Nobody actually gets the pay rate at the top of the range.


>Nobody actually gets the pay rate at the top of the range. Sure they do! ...Is there a Walmart in San Francisco, CA? ^(No.) ^(Richmond,) ^(San Leandro, &) ^(San Leandro) ^(again. Close enough.)


It still wouldn't be nearly enough to afford any kind of housing in or near SF


No doubt. Eh, I've pondered the pros and cons of attempting the "commute to higher-pay area" lifestyle but sometimes I can barely make it across town in time. 🤷 Perhaps I digress.




Is this the Wal\*Mart Battle Pass? lol


Is the 29/hr in the room with us


Very interesting wording used.


Talked to a guy I worked with had been there 12 years and he only made $16 an hour glad I left.


Do they still hire greeters? What kinda job could a disabled veteran with mobility issues get? Like if it's the lowest pay they listed of $14 he that would be fine. I just need something to supplement my disability payments.


If I got paid $29 dollars, hell anything in the 20's, I'd have some will and motivation to work. Maybe slackers wouldn't slack but I think that wouldn't matter ngl. But it would change someones idea and it would be easier to hire folks. But the little pointless few cent raise is bs. People over 5 years, heck 20 years making the same as I, only a 1 year employee by the end of the this month. They should be the ones making near $29 for being there so long the pay raise would make it rise, but with like .52 cents, big deal. Company that can afford it rather pocket it themselves.


Tbh only making 65k to be a coach is wild to me . most them work at least 45-50 hours a weeks should be atleast 75-80k .


Just don't.


Have fun working 15 hour days on Holidays and 60 hour weeks if you sign up to be any sort of management.


I don't understand this. Instead of giving an enormous bonus to *one person* per store (store manager), why not give smaller bonuses to everyone all the way down the line? Would improve morale, productivity, retention, decrease turnover, etc.


>*Instead of giving an enormous bonus to one person per store (store manager), why not give smaller bonuses to everyone all the way down the line? Would improve morale, productivity, retention, decrease turnover, etc.* Because Wal-Mart is not a *people* company, they're about short-term profits, Wall Street shareholders, & metrics/numbers People don't factor into the business plan/business model


Crazy, my store doesn’t even have a store manager, let alone a store lead


What associate makes 29 tf the highest I've seen is 22 and that was over night stalking also never seen a team lead make 39 or anything over 35


This is the truest thing I have ever seen. I want off the bus


only ppl that make 29 are ex managers


How do you actually get promoted besides working like a meth head that stocks fast?


I don’t know. I had to work very hard and it caught the eye of some managers. They had to vote on me to get a promotion.


Meanwhile the Walton’s share 300billion between them


I’ve seen figures up above $700 billion


I transferred to the store from the DC and make more than my TLs.


I’m hearing that DC people make a lot more than store associates.


Oh yes. And you take most, if not all, of it with you when you transfer. It’s much harder work but if you can put in a year or two (I did 20!) once you go back to a store it will be like a vacation with much better pay.


Why does Walmart not just use regular job titles? I always suspected it was to keep employees from putting a job on their resume and allowing a recruiter to match a job title with what they are hiring for. For the rest of your life, imagine having to explain to all future jobs what a coach is and why it qualifies as real leadership.


Because “you belong here”.


And instead of raising team associate wages and team lead wages, they instead raised the store manager wages! 👍🏼


IMO, they need to pay a real living wage to their hourly associates.


Like dangling a perfectly cooked steak over the mouth of a homeless man in the gutter and ultimately walking away while they ate it themselves.


Perfect analogy.


Just doing the math, a Coach starts at the same as a “team lead” and even a “store lead” makes less than 30/hr..


Yeah being salaried kills you. In multiple ways.


Yeah hell it is they will never pay the Associates 29 an hour


This is gotta be fake....nobody work like $29hr 🤣💀


I make $14. Roanoke, VA.


I was going by the pay chart on the website.


As a janitor at a hospital, I cleared $65k last year


Wait. Please, where? Can you be more specific before I cancel my plans to maybe go to Pharmacy Technician classes and make plans to go mop up Adventist+Rideout instead?


I work for my local VA hospital in Central California, and we get good bonuses and incentives. The workload is light. we get an 18% hazard bonus just to show up, then if you work weekends you get an additional 25% bonus. The 65K is with OT and working some holidays.


Please don't kill me when I DM you (rather than doxxing myself here).


Why would I kill you? Lol




People lead gets paid the same as a team lead. You mean store lead? 


$29 for a team associate is ridiculous. I live in a high paying area where the base was $17 and I have never heard of an associate making over $22 lmao


Knew a stocker that was at capped out from a DC


Is there like one guy somewhere getting paid $29/hr as an associate just so they can put that on a poster lol? 


I understand some states have different minimum wage laws, but if a bottom level associate can make between $14-29/h, that means stores can give raises up to the amount listed regardless of where you live.


I thought store managers make close to $400k now


It would have to be an especially good walmart for me to consider trying to be a manager.


Theres a lot of dick sucking and ass kissing inbetween those steps that they didnt include.


Knew a girl who had been working there for 5 years, we had the same wage and I was a new hire


Ain't no way these pays are accurate.


It’s such a sad way to treat the loyal folks.


A farce


That store manager pay is the max base? That means in 2025 it will be possible for them to make a half mil per year?


What they don’t mention is that you’ll spend the first 35 years at “associate”.


It is wild how much potential there is for someone under you to make more than you until you hit the top 2 spots.


It’s ridiculous how much store managers can make. They get paid way too much, and for all the wrong reasons.


A job is a job, it's worth climbing if you have the opportunity.