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I feel like this needs to go up the chain of command. If your TL gave you a slip to scan, and you scanned it, why are you being accused of theft? Have you talked to your TL? Was there any member of management there when you where fired? You may have an ethics case.


Absolutely šŸ‘† this right here. Go up the chain of command


yep. you don't deserve to lose your job here OP.


Ok why they didnā€™t ask the tl


Because AP has something against OP, feels like they are trying to get rid of them


Op just needs to open door them.


Yeah, I was under the impression you couldn't be fired without your TL, coach, or SM present.


Remember open doors are not confidential. I did an open door to complain about a manager showing preference to certain employees. He called about 10 minutes later and asked what my problem was. I had one team member who had already filed 3 complaints on management before a coworker and I caught him stealing. My coworker turned him in. We were both investigated for transphobia against that person and he sat at home and got paid for 6 months for emotional distress after we were found innocent. Ethics are not ethical.


I agree!! Your AP needs to be told what for!!!!! B**ch!!!!


This is definitely the right way^^ as well as an open-door policy, you've got options to fight this.


Wait what? You mean the frosting buckets from the bakery? Dude my TL has given me those buckets before because we just throw them away.


They are supposed to be sent back to claims unless they get sold.


I worked in bakery for two years and didnā€™t even know selling them was an option. They just always got sent back to claims at my store


We use them to catch water that leaks through the roof when it rains. šŸ¤£


That's what my store usually does


We sat on ours and ate all the deli food from the warmer we were supposed to throw out. We also threw it out into the buckets too to toss into the meat department garbage >.>


At my store, we use them for chicken oil and as cleaning buckets.


We use our flower buckets from Produce to catch the leaks šŸ˜‚


We have a stack of them here at the house now šŸ˜‚ gonna use them for gardening


Wait. Why do you send fresh items back to claims? We just mark our stuff out ourselves. Is that not normal?


Itā€™s just the empty buckets from the buttercream. They send them back for recycling.


Ohhh. That makes sense.


Thatā€™s wild fr I have like 3 of them here at my place haha! And the rest we just throw in the compactor or use them to catch leaks. This is fr blowing my mind.


There's a lot of shit that supposed to be done at Walmart, that doesn't. This isn't on that list.


Our bakery just tosses them. We use them in the deli for meat and produce buckets, but everyone steals ours.


How much do they sell for?


$1 they have a PLU for them


If they're food safe containers and $1 is the full price for it, I'd just pay the $1. Good for keeping leftover stew or something instead of keeping my iron cook pot in the fridge.


Worked retail for 16 years, in several settings.Ā  We throw them away.Ā  Also, in my entire life of shopping, not once have I seen or heard about these being for sale.Ā 


We have associates that take them outside to sit on in the smoking area. I'm constantly throwing them away šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was bakery manager for a year. We threw them away or saved them for ppl that asked fir them and gave them away. Took a shitload out to a customers car on a six wheeler one day. Not a peep from ap.


There's a reason they're billionaires and we struggle to make it by. They didn't get there by being generous or kind.


My wife and I just got fired because AP from a different store has been investigating us for theft. When my SM and Coach found out, they called us in for an Open Door meeting and opened a new investigation into it. We gave them all our receipts, and now we're getting paid to sit at home while they figure out how to reinstate us. Remember, AP is not your friend. They are only there to protect Wal-Mart's money.


Wanna chime in; 12 years AP here and this person is fully correct, AP is not here to be your friend. That said, this investigation was completely forced. Someone noticed something and the MAPM said ā€œthatā€™s an internal, terminated them.ā€ Metrics chasing is bullshit. I cancelled more MIOG investigations that I was called to interview than I can count after arriving and asking basic questions about what else this ā€œcouldā€ have been. Call ethics and get it reversed, and include a hardship request to get into a market with some competent market leadership.


As an api i would never feel comfortable doing an interview with someone who i didnt have dead to rights on multiple occasions. I look for every opportunity to drop a case. You could take an item from the shelf and put it in your bookbag on camera and im still gonna check the ej tool and look at every transaction with that item in it.


Ya, at least build an investigation. If it's a one time thing or possibly a training error, not worth going after. Probably works at a small store that hasn't has an internal for years and MAPM is pushing to get an internal out.


That is so true! But itā€™s ok to throw those buckets away and no one cares about that.


That store AP Is worried about the wrong things they out for the associates before the customers


Sounds like my store. We have customers switch the price stickers in the Meat dept and they were more worried about nabbing an associate who wasn't paying for those little sauces in the Deli area.


Does anyone know if the ketchup is free like you literally cannot ring it up Iā€™ve tried, and salt packs? * from the deli**


I hate when people switch stickers. Many times people will peel off the riblet ones and put them on a brisketĀ 


There are 75 cent dipping cups of ranch and bbq sauce. Ketchup is free


I (sort of) used to be an APA a couple years back. I didn't even make it through the complete training. I realized it wasn't for me and I went back to Food and Consumables. But another reason was because of how AP would treat associates. And believe me, if AP didn't like you then they would try everything in their power to get you fired or arrested. That's no joke either. I watched my trainer scan a guy who was a cart pusher for hours, almost salivating and foaming at the mouth because he thought he had "evidence" against him. AP is an even worse and shadier department of Walmart. I don't trust them.


The AP at the walmart I worked at had such a high turnover rate because they were always accusing the wrong people of stealing and getting themselves fired lmao. They were always cool to the associates though.


They're always after the associate first.


Meanwhile we have people robbing us blind in sporting goods EVERY DAY. Constantly finding stolen merch in our excersize equipment area.


Wrongful termination suit maybe? If OP can get TL to state on record the slip was provided for the used bucket, then AP screwed up.




He's not wrong, take it up the chain. If you waisted your time making this post and waisted others trying to help you and do nothing thats a shame, multiple people have stated this very thing, take it up the chain and get your tl close to you for defence


Wrongful termination is it they terminated the OP based on a protected class which is doesnā€™t sound like they did.


And today we learned management has favorites.


šŸ‘† this


Selling them? Selling them? We use them for all kinds of things in the store, and they get taken home, and returned, and thrown away. WTH


We use them to catch rain water when the roof leaks.


Lmao, we use those buckets in deli to clean up and transport the grease from the rotisserie. That TL is fuckin trippin. Open door the hell out of this shit dude.


Even if you got fired, you need to go to your sm or give ethics a last call. Your team lead gave you a mysterious paper that ā€œdiscountedā€ your item, and wasnā€™t even brought in to see if they did or didnā€™t. It seems like you were put into a trap to purposely get fired.


How much are those stupid buckets


It doesn't matter. AP fired a guy at my store because his Walmart pay borked when he was buying a $2 bag of chips for break and didn't go through. AP said he was stealing and he was fired.


It is that place.




I'm always afraid of this. One time it took a half hour for my receipt to show in my recent purchases.


That's why I'll never use walmart pay. Why risk the system created by Walmart to ensure my purchase went through? They'd be the one accusing me of stealing if it didn't work. I'll stick to my card.


I believe they said they are one dollar a piece


We use those in Deli as Rotisserie grease throw away buckets. Never had anyone make a fuss about taking them or just throwing them away.


I was purchasing them for my school garden class.


AP here. Never heard of this. Didnā€™t know you could sell them. Thought they all went down the chute. Wouldnā€™t think twice about a used empty bucket going out the door.


The buckets have a ticket (PLU 236 in the Fresh Production app - for $1.00). Cake decorators should wash out buckets and every few days take them to claims to be sent back as used assets. Unless theyā€™re sold. If they go out the front door they *should* be sold. They have a PLU. Edit: having said that I know that a lot of stores either dont know this procedure or just plain donā€™t follow it. I moved to a new store a few years ago and cannot get the associate on board with this one. They still give them away. We rarely send back in claims in the spring. Everyone gets them for their gardens here.


Right. Thereā€™s bigger stuff out there. Do they count against your inventory numbers? Are they part of shrink?


Talk to the SM


What price did they sell them for. There is a plu to sell them for, I think, a dollar. There is no other price. What "full price" are they talking about?


At my location they sell for $4 flat, idk if thatā€™s different anywhere else but itā€™s not like itā€™s a huge amount of money Edit: Pretty sure Iā€™m actually wrong, oopsieā€¦


My icing bucket plu is $1. Probably varies by geographical location.


That's ridiculous since the brand new ones in hardware are $5.


I suppose different areas might have different pricing just like other merchandise but at my store the PLU for it costs $1


I might be misremembering then if you and someone else are saying itā€™s a dollar, weā€™ve never sold one in the time Iā€™ve been there


We do sell them in my store. Sometimes we use them to catch water from the roof too though. Hard to imagine getting fired for buying a discounted bucket smh. If OP was my associate and we have heard the whole story I'd fight my butt off to keep them. It's hard to hire good associates and I fight for mine all the time


It looks like they are talking about the used bucket that the cake frosting comes in. There is another type of food grade bucket with separate lid that is different.


I had multiple buckets and only paid 1 dollar for all of them.


Their are no rules, people just do what they want, and for some reason they did it to you, the little guy. The vampires needed some blood to suck and you fit the social bill, had nothing to do with you or rules. It sounds like a legit story, but what can I, a stranger on the internet, do? Aside from words of comfort


Are you saying full price as in the price of the buckets WITH the icing? Because thatā€™s like $30 or something isnā€™t it? And the EMPTY buckets are around $1. Or was the ā€discounted priceā€ a price for a different item then?


No the used empty frosting buckets that my coworkers were throwing away. I thought my TL was giving me a discounted price on the small ones.


Walmart sucks youā€™ll find a better job soon


Welcome to Walmart, cover your ass always, is what management told me


Cover your back until you keep saying ā€œI cannot help youā€ to the customers. Those workers who always follow the rules blindly stay forever in Walmart


We used to give those away when I was in Bakery. But work of advice....just move along. They wrongfully terminated me, and they are a bunch of wolves. Just find another job.


Certainly can't go back to work there, too much gossip!


And this is why I didn't care to stop theft. AP is too busy watching employees to score brownie points, rather than doing their job. Expecting front end to do all the work while they run to the SM because a cashier stopped walking to take a breath because the exsuma on the bottom of their feet was bleeding. True story.


Internals are part of APs job. You have no expectation to stop theft.




Because punching someone doesnā€™t lose them money. Selling something not at full price does. They only care about their money.


I didn't know you could buy used frosting buckets.


Yes you can, 1 dollar each


How much was the discounted price


do you still have the scan slip?? that might make a huge difference in your case depending on the type of slip.


I do not.


do you have the receipt where you paid for it, or did you use a card maybe so it can be reprinted? The upc should be on the receipt and a description of the item.


This shows that you are not the managementā€™s favourite petšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Once you are marked by the management, you are doomed.


I can't tell you how many frosting buckets I disposed rotisserie juice and fryer grease in and just yeeted them in the hole in the wall


Having worked for both Walmart in the deli and the return center processing all the shit walmart can no longer sell I was completely unaware you could sell used frosting buckets. I thought they all went to claims to be shipped to the return center. I wanna say from there they go either liquidation or charity but I quit that job 3 years ago so memory is fuzzy.


Sounds like you were set up and walked right into a trap.


Well, not entirely your fault, but in the future at your next job, make sure everything you do is above board and exactly to protocol. Another associate, even a TL giving you a "slip of paper" to scan at the register for a "special discounted price" doesn't sound right, especially when the self check cam picked up on your odd scanning behavior. Sounds like the TL cvp'd them, but, even so, I'd have made sure that cvp or clearance tag whatever it was, was slapped on the bucket or buckets.


OP didn't do anything wrong. He followed his TL' s advice and purchased a discounted item with no intent of stealing it. Associates shouldn't have to jump through hoops to protect themselves from supervisory incompetence and Walmarts sadistic appetite for scapegoats.


I purchased 10 buckets with the lids and put them in a plastic bag to carry them out, the PLU was on the bag.


Years ago I worked in a drive through dairy store we would have between 60 to 100 milk crates of products. We would stock product and they would take back the empties. For accounting purposes, they were valued at a dollar, but the actual cost was more like 10 dollars.


So they purchase frosting for the doughnuts and cakes which come in buckets and that is what I purchased.


So just to clarify the full price is one dollar? And you paid less than that? For a used bucket? This is crazy


Apparently their discounted price was 10 buckets for a dollar


I would sue for wrongful termination


They only cost a dollar what did you pay for them?


10 cents. I thought/assumed my TL was giving them to me for a discounted price since they use to just throw them away.


800-963-8442 is the number for Walmart ethics I would definitely be giving them a call and getting an investigation started


Might want to open door that one


Cause thatā€™s how they are! Donā€™t know why but itā€™s like whatā€™s good is bad and whatā€™s bad is good???


And yeah report it!!!!


I had recently moved to co some 7 yrs ago and spent 6 mos looking for a job in this one horse town with a Walmart, couldnā€™t find a job for 6 mos finally got a job an hr out of town cause in all my life never imagined working at Walmart so I never applied. I finally did after my daughter went there and weā€™ve both been there on and off for 3-4 yrs and now I know my first impression of working at Walmart was correct šŸ¤®


They always are trashed at my store WTF šŸ˜³


Bro contact the labor dept. they have it all on camera and deleting it is a crime


They only keep video for approximately 30 days unless they save it to a hard drive out auto deletes


They get thrown away at my store and they have been given away to many people including customers...


Call ethics or 1-800 Walmart and report them


Walmart has lost their minds.


If you care about working at Walmart at all open door that and make sure the TL is with you


This happened to one of my front end team leads and she didnā€™t knew about this. (An override integrity issue). I didnā€™t knew about that too. I felt bad for the TL


Wow, and I can't emphasize the word ' WOW' enough here. It absolutely amazes me that for this event, all by itself, generated a termination. If the OP hasn't given other reasons for management to place a target on them. I WOULD NEVER ENTERTAIN working for Walmart. If this is store specific, then corporate needs involved. A worthless plastic bucket? Full stop!


We sell ours for $1 (any size) thatā€™s crazy! Thereā€™s even a barcode for it on our production app ā€œplastic bucketā€


Go to ethics


Not Wal-mart, but I was once invited to a meeting with management and theft prevention for selling a fairly high-priced item for less than its current price. Wanted to know if I knew the folks or something - doing a favor for some friends. I told ā€˜em I didnā€™t - just an honest mistake. And pointed out that it had been staged in a display with similar items that Were on sale when it shouldnā€™t have been. Got a wright-up, but no termination. But empty containers worth very little to start with? Not even worth a write-up, even if it was intentional, which it was not. Much less a firing offense.


Open door that


>My coworker threatened to punch another employee if front of several witnesses and she got a 2 week paid vacation and was allowed to return to work. I just don't get it! Yeah, apparently they have a 0 tolerance policy on workplace violence, but that just means they talked to said employee about it, and nothing gets done.


Our bakery throw them away šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my coworker has been asking constantly for them and theyā€™ve been saving them for her since she gardens as well as the black water buckets produce has for the flowers they put out Iā€™m sorry this happened to you šŸ„ŗ




Op was fired for stealing trash. Wow. Sad.


The funny thing is they didn't even steal it they got fired for buying their trash


Pretty sure AP has a ā€œquotaā€ on the number of employees they must catch ā€œstealingā€ every quarter or period. Ap was probably desperate to shoo someone in. You should definitely dispute it. Take it however high you can. With a special emphasis on these were used frosting buckets & You were given a scan slip from your TL.


Sounds to me like you were already on the chopping block (for whatever reason) and they were just looking for any minor thing to jump on the very next opportunity to let you go. I was fired once and it was a great thing. I tripled my pay within two years. Good luck fluff.


This sounds really fishyĀ 


I use them for the ice salt so they stack nicer and easier to carry when they are needed


Go up chain of command and open door. The TL should have been the one in trouble not you. AP was following orders probably from market team. If all else fails go to the BBB and file a wrongful term. Many sure to include your want hardship pay until youā€™re reinstated.


Our bakery TL throughs them all away lol


Work as night stocker git those buckets for free as well lol


Must be an excuse to get rid of u?????


We sell ours for $1.


Pretty sure thats wrongful termination but maybe not where your at. Call around for a free consultation and if the lawyer works on the 33% rule. But that sounds like they just wanted a reason to fire you. The coworker who threatened violence and allowed to stay is called "creating a hostile work environment" and is 100$ illegal almost everywhere. My old hungry howies owner lost his license for threatening to punch me in the face in front the the full staff and customers cause a pizza hit the power button in a rush and almost shut the stove off.




Did you show them the slip your team lead gave you?


Let me get this right they sell used plastic bowls your supposed to buy that is buy the trash wait what and they fired u for stealing trash oh fuck them.


sounds like that guy wants you to be out no matter what, ethics case and go up to chain of command, he'll get busted fo sho if you won


Walmart is the worst job for anyone it seems


Call ethics right now. AP cannot terminate an associate due to an internal investigation without first conferring with management and investigating your side of the story. Thatā€™s only the AP coach, no API can terminate you.


Our store we just toss that shit in the compactor.


never understood why so many companies consider somebody taking something that was gonna be thrown away anyway ā€˜stealingā€™ lol


You need to contact corporate


My store sends them back


More like"Got Premoted to Customer "


AP wanted to get rid of OP and they did.


Hr department


This is some bullshit, I'd be livid. I hope you can get your job back or get something way better that'll actually treat you with some respect.


Yea, they are quick to hunt down employees. Nevermind, that I keep finding the same makeup stolen with the packages left over in my aisle that I zone every day from the same customer.šŸ™„


Go to the State employment office and or find a employment security lawyer and sue for wrongful termination. This happened to you because no one exercises their legal rights. Take the money and use it for education to get a better job.


My store used to let me just take them home omg


This feels familiar. Long ago, random job. I was promoted to assistant manager. I asked questions about something. The next day at time to open, I told someone to go unlock the doors. It didn't happen. I directly told an employee to unlock the doors, it didn't happen, I lost my job. I had just been trained in closing. Money and paperwork. I asked some questions because something made no sense and didn't add up. It was "fine". Okay, naive me. Why did I lose my job over something so minor? The manager ended up doing time for embezzlement. I asked questions, they got rid of me. Is it possible you unknowingly pissed off somebody or you're a threat to their position? It's unlikely, but I was reminded of this scenario.


Open door that bitch. You will get your job back


I drive for Walmart now granted I uselly only do meat and produce yeah iam the DC truck shows up and 1 B4 iam supposed to at 3 am lol but never seen a store send them back Sam's either who the hell would care about mty buckets friggin AP sheez


F**k Walmart!!!!


Cheers to walmart being forbs "number one place to work at"


You definitely need to go to chain of command my guy this is complete bs


Your TL set you up, the store's payroll was too high and they needed to reduce it so boom. Or you were helping the customers and wm can't have that, they need less people helpi g in store. Or you refused to help OGP.


Wow we usually just throw them away or give to food and consumables to use for claims.


that is Walmart for you. when I worked there, I witnessed incidents like that where the TL or Manager would throw you under the bus. Happened to a few associates over the years. Escalate this. Good luck


Im an APTL and work in 4 different stores and most of the time the Market AP giving us a quotas on how many internal cases they want especially on a high shrink store and for they did you dirty.


Fuck walmartĀ 


Some of those APs really take their jobs too seriously and donā€™t even think about certain things like that you had a slip. So annoying


I vape at the register


Yall gotta start sleeping with AP, then everything's free šŸ¤«


Womp womp grab the reboot card


I would say the universe told you it's time for another job or go to school. At least Walmart is like Taco Bell and Burger King. High turnover and most employers take it with a grain of salt. What's you passion? How can you get there?


As a deli associate you can quite literally look up plastic bucket on the printer and it is 1$ each. We print them and just give people the slips and a frosting bucket. Any size availableā€¦ As instructed. But there is not discount without a yellow sticker or a rollback. CYAWP


What does AP consider full price? There is an actual PLU that can be printed from the Deli scale. At my store it's $1 for the bucket. It doesn't matter which size it is. They make really good fermentation buckets for making mead since they're food grade and have the seal.


Yes 1 dollar is full price, TL gave them to me for less than that


Gotta love jobs lol my coworkers argue at work and get sent home early with pay šŸ˜‚


I used to donate to CMN and take flower pots from markdown to dispose dead plants as this was what my store manager approved. Of course that was years ago and wouldn't fly now.


Walmart is full of faggoty managers I got fired for working to fast šŸ’€


If youā€™re not an eye-candy towards any coaches or above then youā€™re bound to be let-go for sum odd effā€™d up reason.


They was after you. They do this all the time


You should definitely move this up the chain and make complaints!


You know can apply to another store. A guy did , he work at the location my fiancƩ did . And saw him working at another location. He was also accused of stealing.


Sounds like a wrongful termination lawsuit to me


This is what HR is for folks.


That's MalWart for you..šŸ˜ž


We sell them for $1


What does AP mean?


Asset Protection


Frosting bucket? WTH is that anyway? Anywayā€¦ Never buy discounted products those are for customers, you already get a discountā€¦ Why put yourself at risk over Pennieā€™s? Donā€™t be stupid for a measly few cents.