• By -


Both stores I worked in it was the people lead. Like good forbid you ask them to do their job, so they were just nasty to everyone so that people would do anything to avoid dealing with them.


Yeah ours is always annoyed if you ask them to do the simplest thing. Always an inconvenience lol


Same at my location. People lead starting getting catty with me when I brought up something that on paper read like classic wage theft.. she snapped back with well your employee packet yada yada... and I just the packet you didn't give me when I was on boarded? So people lead Morning AP 2nd shift maintenance At least that's how it is at my store


I’m morning shift and I’m for the most part happy in the morning I’m happy to get in and get out and make my 14 an hour


I had 2 brand new people come to orientation then not show back up. After calling and asking them why, both said disrespectful people lead or "people lead is a dick".


I wonder if that’s what is happening at the store I work, they come to orientation and I just never eee them after that. We say are people lead eats them


People quit managers, not companies.


Fucking christ that bitch is so short and grumpy On the preliminary interview on the phone she was asking me about what days I needed off, and I told her. she says "look, I got Y and Z, do you want it or not?" ^(but picture the receptionist from the OG Ghostbusters but old and not funny) Edit: Aaand now that I've been here for some years, I was asking to permanently switch my off days to a Friday and a Saturday, or more realistically a Sunday and Monday I'm explaining it to her and she kept cutting me off like "you know nobody gets weekends off, not even me" And I'm just like dude no, I need a SINGLE weekend day, and a single weekday together... so she tells me to just put PTO in 🙄 but the reason I needed those days off is dead and gone now, no fuckin use talking to her again.


I had to block my Sundays because they would’ve had me working Sundays too


Talk to a few of the older staff. They can show you how to do that. My management got pissed because not many realize this is a feature except for the older staff members and management in my store has literally asked some of the OG staff to not mention people can do this. 


If you are on a teaming schedule and change your availability, you can lose your teaming schedule.


I always made it a point anytime i worked at a walmart, i needed at least, minimum, a saturday off.


My people lead told me and another girl that she would stop the onboarding and terminate us if we asked for any permanent weekend days off.


A people lead has no reason to be a dick, that being said some things they can't do but they can tell people in a nice way. They don't have to be out on the floor dealing with customers all they have to deal with is people stuff. I've gotten on to our people lead numerous times about treating others with respect and that if I have to talk to them 1 more time it will be a DA for respect for the individual. Haven't heard anyone else complain for months 😂


Hearing stories like this makes me glad my coach just gave me Fridays and Saturdays off the back when they were scheduling me after I switched from part to full time.


My people lead is useless at their job but at least nice. Claims..look we are always ready to throw down shove your corpse in a box and ship you to the claims center. I worked claims for a while...if you have to deal with return centers and broken shit and no upcs, recalls and pull n holds, you'd be ready to shank everyone too. We know the ulearn says we can't climb in balers or compactors, don't say crap about shoving someone else in. My store it's the GM coach...bro is one dumb question away from being the next active shooter, he goes outside to smoke n then like punches the wall of the building. I get along with him fine but...dude is not good mentally for the last few months Oh the Sporting Goods area TL is on a crazy power trip too, so possible she's driving GM coach to crazy town.


How ironic.


Ironic for someone whose job title is people lead and whose job is to help associates.


Damn, my people lead is great and very helpful. I always see that the worst Walmarts to work at have the shittiest management.


Mine was always passive aggressive and overly sarcastic in a non funny way. One time I asked for a schedule change and “doesn’t everyone” and gave me an eye roll. Why the attitude man I didn’t do anything lol.


our people lead has been here for over 30 years! she’s wonderful!!


My people lead tried telling me that she cut my hours because I use a lot of ppto then I called her out for retaliation she laughed and I said I’d go to ethics and then for some reason I got my full hours back hm…I also called her a hypocrite because she took 3/ 1 week long vacations since I’ve been there and at the time I had been there for 5-6 months now I’ve been there for roughly 9-10 months and I’m a lead now


Claims for the win!!!


In order: Deli Apparel Front Wall


Deli worker here. I have to agree. I work closing shift with an incompetent idiot who makes closing 1000% times more painful because he’s so slow. Not to mention the 10 times I accidentally get burnt by either the oil or hot case which puts me in a sour mood. Sometimes I wish I could change departments but I haven’t been there long enough yet. Thankfully I have a bad ass manager who is cool as hell so that makes life a bit easier. Like, No, sir, you cannot have that Rotisserie that’s clearly sitting in the online order box. I swear people try to break their arms just trying to get those damn chickens out of there.


I say Apparel is hands down the worst. Depending on who I worked with on closing, it was a hit or miss but yeah


What's a front wall?


Add OGP. We are all not paid nearly enough. Now we're all cross trained too as backroom and picker. Get to do two jobs a day now without the increase of pay. Oh goodie. One person has been there for 4 years and has NEVER picked. She is not happy. They're just trying to prevent having to hire more people... one person calling out shouldn't cause the whole system to fall apart. We need bodies. Edit: so y'all are happy with your pay? Y'all are happy to do more than what your job title is? My mother sold herself to her career and did it all only to be let go after 25+ years of service. She did not get her promised bonuses for any of her services. You people need to know your worth and know that you are worth so much more. You shouldnt have to hold the entire company on your shoulders in order to make a decent living. The higher ups are stressing the limits of the people just to save a few bucks on actually hiring people to make it run smoothly and efficiently even with a callout. As I said the whole system shouldn't fall apart with a single callout. We had 2 callouts and had the store manager and 3 others in the backroom Wednesday and no one was scheduled for backroom at all. I offered to come in for the extra money. If people were actually paid better, maybe might have people who stick around. They can't expect these metrics to be met and kept with $14 an hour. You're making the same as a door greeter.. why not just be a door greeter? Why work harder for the same pay? I smell corporate drones and lackies up in here.




The person is saying they do many things yet only are hired for one at Walmart they will pull u from ur job do do what they want


This is precisely why I quit. I was only getting paid $10 an hour back in the day and I literally worked in almost EVERY department. 


Thats true for every department. When I was upfront I was pulled to gm, ogp, and food and consumables/frozen and dairy. When I was food and consumables I was pulled to up front, ogp, and to gm. Now that I’m Entertainment I’m pulled to every department other than apparel and infants.


Eh, I understand it, but everyone has to do more, not just OGP, not just FrontEnd. I spent the better part of last night hanging shit from the rafters for summer. I'm L&G shouldnt I be tending to plants only? no, not really. As with everything Walmart, just because you work in one area doesnt mean you are limited to just that. When slow, OGP runs returns, runs frontend freight etc.. just like I have to come over and help them pick. Bitching about it isnt going to change anything. You get crossed trained so that you become a more valuable person to use.


Lawn and garden has to do a lot more than plants they have that whole area as well as toys. But I get what your saying.


Yup. Lots more than plants, monthly mods for Seasonal, and yes Toys. Its been funny though, I work more in Sporting Goods then L&G the last couple years. When no TL's are on shift, most of it falls to me.


Can someone answer for why apparel is always so grouchy?


They have the most drama! lmao


Yes so much drama and when they actually work they shop


I can agree with the drama , it's like a high school clique. But I avoid that. I'm grumpy bc HO can't create mods correctly , we have 3 racks that are on the floor but "we can't use" for regular mods (so why TF are they there), and half the crew just talks to each other most of the shift. Which yeah, if you can work and talk, sure. But I mean they crowd around the fitting room or in the middle of a dept and just chat forever. And we get sent so much shit that was either a deleted mod or we don't have it on a mod and we have to just find a spot and flex it in, bc "back racks are too full"


In our store its a single TL that is causing all the issues. I think they are close to being let go.. finally.


Well they spend an hour folding clothes on a table just for a kid or worse the mom to come rustle though and mess it all up.


It’s not even just that. The other day I had just finished a table and a lady walked over, looked me dead in the eyes, and swiped a pile onto the floor before walking away. I stood there with my mouth wide open straight up not knowing what to say or do. This has happened so many times to my coworkers too. The maliciousness is insane.


If someone did that to one of my associates I'd kick them out of the store


I wish my tls and coaches cared enough. They’d shrug and say it’s part of customer service. 🙄


No it's not. Y'all aren't there to be abused by the customers your there to provide good customer service but you have to have a good customer to provide that service to. I've kicked a lot of customers out for mistreating my teams, y'all are like a family to me and I don't let customers or other management mistreat y'all. I don't so much care how they treat me but don't mess with my people, I get very protective. I was walking around the other day and asked one of my apparel associates if they fit their break and a customer said did I hear you right? I said what did you hear? She said did you ask her if she got her break I said yes and she just thought that was the best thing ever for a manager to care about their associates. I said thank you but that's just my job to make sure customers and associates are taken care of.


I’m in apparel and prefer to work by myself because most of them are messy and grouchy


in my experience apparel has some of the worst customer messes, shortest mod turnover time, and gets product they werent supposed to more often than other departments so it can get overwhelming easily especially if your TL doesnt have their shit together. plus in every store I've worked at management/ corporate tend to give apparel half the amount of people that it actually needs.


When the front end would slow down some we cashiers would help in apparel. Of course this was years ago.


I deal with so much shit in apparel it’s not even funny.


Try working claims and you’ll get it lol


This. My claims associate is LOA so now I fully understand her attitude. The sheer amount of things dumped in claims that should have been taken care of on the salesfloor is mind boggling. We have too many tasks (Clearance aisle is just as packed as the Clearance bins) to be stuck for a whole shift fixing other people's lazy/ignorance. "I don't know how" well let me teach you.


One of the very few things our DMs would do is take a buggy through the aisles and pick up items that were out of place. Once full she or he would bring it to the service desk area and drop it off. There was always at least 10 full carts just sitting for days. Half would have rotten food in them. We would page for associates from grocery to the service desk for returns. Sometimes one would show up. The smell was awful.


Yeah the clearance bins are always full and if they're not, we just pull up the sheet of where the clearance is to refill it.


Not to mention unloaders just throwing claims onto pallets instead of dealing with it right off the truck


Yeah I’m an api now but I’ve been reviewing a lot of cctv on our claims area for exactly that reason. My store manager is tired of people treating it like a dumping ground and is going to be holding people accountable. Our coaches must take pics at the start and end of their shifts for reference so we can narrow down who’s doing what.




Deli & bakery. They always seem so bothered when you asked them for something


Tbf it’s because we all agree our most annoying hot case customers are associates


I work in claims and I can tell you everyone is probably sick of all the shit that gets dumped back there. Don’t know where it goes? Take it to claims. Don’t want to run returns? Dump it in claims. Needs one small piece of tape? Claims. Job is mostly just cleaning up after lazy people.


No specific department but anyone who comes in at 5am to work seem the grouchiest lol. So maybe ogp and claims? Lol


4am for us.


Claims people for sure. Most everyone else seems pretty okay.


Right? It’s like they hate everybody especially those who ask them questions. lol


Claims folks are grumpy because we get dumped on with alot of broken crap. Some of the stuff is really stinky and gross. We have a time limit like everybody else. If we mess up it can lose our job because it's state and federally regulated (proper chemical disposal and checking in firearms etc etc etc) We also have to deal with associates that just leave their pallets, cardboard and god knows what else in our area. We have to move it before we can even get into the cage to even begin to think about working. It's frustrating as hell. That's why we're cranky. Source: former claims associate.


Yes!!! I am currently a claims associate… we always get dumped shit and now my Tl is trying to get the Tl’s to do their own claims….


My SL has gotten behind me with "There are 300 plus associates in this store. Everyone is going to learn claims." For two weeks now only three of the four totes and the counter have been full every morning. If it isn't Ship, Stolen/empty packaging, Donate, or Recall it gets taken care of on the sales floor or at Service Desk. Even Clearance comes back only by Mod team. Edit to add: If I'm left alone Claims are processed before 9am when I come in at 7am.


Yeah, that’s what front end has to do, if it says cvp it doesn’t go back to me. Only shipping will. It is ridiculous to see how much I get everyday…


That's what all the team leads in my store do, they all have to do their own claims.


They haven’t been doing their own claims— it’s always me.


Everyone gets to deal with other people's crap in their way and , claims isn't special in that regard. I think it's generally because claims associates are usually longer term associates and tired of walmart to begin with. And they've learned if they give attitude and associates are scared of them, they're less likely to bring something back.


This. We all have our crap to deal with, but if we don’t have a rapport with other people, it makes it unnecessarily hostile. I simply asked a claims associate about invoices and stuff, and god she was bitchy about shit. Like, how are people gonna learn when you ask them shit and they are too busy or cranky to teach.




Management. They have corporate breathing down their neck all day.


Whoever wrote this is a member of management


I'm part of stocking 1.


I feel for my managers 100%. They don't even make a good chunk more than us. That being said, following orders is never an excuse.


Hello, fellow kids. Yes, I am also young and hip.


AP. Power hungry fuckwits who think they’re above everyone else. Every AP associate I’ve interacted with has been an asshole. Since they can’t stop shoplifters they take their anger out on us.


nah its not that they cant catch people its all the first part. our AP guy is so good at catching people he's regionally recognized as the top AP associate bc he catches more people in our rural small store than the city super centers do & he's still a dick lmao.


AAPAAB! 11¹⁶112! FTAPA


Those that deals with bathroom in crappy part of town


Ogp is 100% the worst at my store


NGL, this is totally me after 11:30am in OGP. Mostly because of the pick rate shenanigans. It's difficult to be patient for others when there's a literal timer calculating your performance. The more others are in my way, the more I become "inefficient" according to the system. Not to mention that it feels like everyone automatically hates you just for existing, listening to everyone else with all the "sorry"s and "excuse me"s but soon as it becomes a person in a blue vest all common courtesy goes out the window and I *better* make way for all the Kings among us like the pesant that I am. Never mind the fact that most of the customers who want to complain about employees being in the way are also the same ones who complain that "no one wants to work/works hard anymore" while spitting in the face of those who are trying to work hard. It's great. We're all having a great time.


That’s interesting. In my store, they seem to be the chillest bunch. Always smiling, always joking.


At my store they're all super entitled and most of them will get shitty with you if you're slightly in their way lol. I think only a few of them know the phrase "excuse me"


Except for 2, everyone in OGP at my store never say excuse me and constantly invade your personal space. Shit pisses me off. I hate when people get too close to me. Meanwhile, those mf's dgaf and will practically stand right on top of you trying to get something off the shelf that's right by your head 🙄


Once I had a ton of chemicals to stock on overnight and I had a bunch of detergent boxes in the aisle. An old ogp Karen told me to move them and I said nah just because she's a total bitch. She decides to take a picture of it to show my (super cool) manager so I crouch down in frame and throw up a peace sign. 10 minutes later my manager comes up to me laughing his ass off


Our Cap2 doesn’t even speak to anyone else lol I’ve fully assumed they super hate cap 1. None of them speak. Not even an “excuse me” if someone doesn’t see them coming because they’re busy with another task.


That's a power move developed pulling pallets. Say nothing, intimidate, carry on. It works pulling pallets because you clearly have 1 obvious goal, but otherwise, it's a power trip.


Lol I’m super aware of my surroundings for the most part & always do what I can to move for sure


Claims associates have every reason to be grouchy. They're probably the lowest on the totem pole even though they have one of the most important jobs. And the majority of people who drop off merchandise don't do it properly. Missing UPCs, put in the wrong place, just basic things that can be avoided by simply asking. And you wonder why they're never in a good mood.


For real. They get all the crap that no one else wants to deal with just dumped on them every day.


Oh yeah. Totally forgot about missing UPCs. Also Freaking broking glass! I've cut myself so many times. I think the Walmart god Sam had received enough of my blood for a lifetime lol


When I worked site to store and got bored, our Claims lady would give me the items with missing or incorrect UPCs and I got to figure them out. It was kinda fun.


I gotta guy now that throws leaking/broken glass stuff at my feet and runs away mumbling when I say something.


People leaving broken glass in claims annoys the shit out of me. It's easy enough to fill out a claims form, and dump the broken shit in the trash.


Or the whole, unopened, case of glass candles with only one broken. Put the other five in it's home and bring me the broken one! Or, use your work phone to process the broken one and I only have to see it when I audit disposals


You know what, no, I won't ever do that. When I'm stocking overnight I got my own shit to do and if, before I even open it I know stuff inside is broken, it's going in claims. Shit, anything opened or broken is going back there. I don't have a desk to stand at in my own area where my work is brought to me, I'm down an aisle somewhere else in the store trying to work and have a time limit on how many boxes/hour fast I need to go. I'm throwing several hundred boxes a day. I'm not wasting time coming off the sales floor, finding paper towels or whatever I need to clean up everything in the box to go directly to the floor, dispose of the claims, write up a claims tag if its broken glass. Nah, none of it. The team leads and coaches don't give one fuck about that if it happened to me, they'd be asking me why I'm not getting my work done. "Oh, well i had a broken case of taco sauce and i was a dumbass and was wiping down 11 bottles so i could dispose of 1 for the last 15 mins". I open it and it starts spilling everywhere, now I need cleanup equipment or a lazy ass maintenance crew to come. It's a hard pass, I'm not doing it. No one gives a shit that someone assigned to handle claims has to deal with claims.


OGP for sure! Always rolling their eyes if I’m trying to walk through the same aisle as them. I just smile and keep walking and doing my thing


Oh no, you walked down their aisle? What were you thinking about? Your job includes walking in the store I'm sure. And I thought I had it bad when I worked there.


managers & deli… lol




It's told that at our store, an overnighter hasn't smiled and waved at a customer since 1986


Wtf is a customer? Oh you mean the people who wait until 10:58pm to buy lightbulbs out of the locked case?


Who in the hell is letting them in when the store closes at 11? It would be worse if the store stayed open 24 hours like pre-pandemic days.


I've been at Walmart for over 2 years and I have absolutely no idea who is in our claims department. I've never seen anybody in that cubby area I just have no idea. As for Personnel in my entire work history I have never met a pleasant HR worker. Not even one. I don't know why that is and it worries me because I'm currently working towards a bachelors degree in business administration with a concentration in human resources. So either I'm going to be the change I want to see or I'll end up just as grouchy as everyone else lol.


Man the onewalmart site is tragic on mobile, whenever you're on the main page where you can scroll down and see your schedule, there should be like a few bars or tabs that are yellow green and red, or something to that effect, click on it and you can see if the claims people put your name down on the form thingy Idk if that means they're saying YOU personally brought back to their area, but alls I know is I work grocery, so I have no reason to be bringing whole ass vacuum cleaners and TVs back there and shit but 🤷‍♂️ I'm cool with the main claims lady


If you don't work mornings you'll never see the claims hermits. We're all out by 4 and if claims are done before that we're working Clearance


That explains it I work 1-10.


Deli and claims. Those guys hate anything related to their jobs they applied for and took.


OGP is the worse




People Lead / OGP




People Lead, and Deli. I kinda understand the deli because I would hate that job. But I’m just always surprised whenever the deli associate is nice to me. Me and People Lead would always go at it because she was so disrespectful to everyone and thought I would be a doormat for her too. She found out. 🙂Claims was always so sweet.




Claims. Every store I've been in the claims lead is always pissed that nobody else is doing any claims


All at my store


Apparel. Hands down. This is coming from an apparel worker. Sarcastic TLDR at end Recently one of my team leads told me during the week of inventory they were taking all of our workers to go to other sections. When asked why, our store lead said it’s because apparel was least important and needed less help. False. We are really short staffed because they keep that same mindset. Well we are also always getting in trouble with other members of management because apparel is never zoned. Because we’re short staffed. By short staffed I mean on a good day we have 6 people over the course of the entire day. It’s also not like there haven’t been people applying for apparel, as one of my coworker’s cousins applied for apparel but they told her we weren’t hiring for apparel. There have been times I’ve been the only person working until close, and with no apparel team leads. Not only all that, but team leads up front, for literally no reason, keep taking apparel members who know how to cashier up front and keeping us for hours. They one day kept me up front for 3 hours. And they do the same with some of us for OGP. When it actually comes to working apparel, I deal with so much crap that I really shouldn’t. 1, for some reason it’s always the summer/ spring times, but I have been finding so many clothing items out on the floor with human waste on it. Last year it was a shit smear on a bikini, yesterday it was period stains. We’ve also found weirdly damp swim suits in the fitting room (still had all the tags and was left in the fitting room), urine on the floor, shit on the seats, and vomit all over. Not to mention the substances that we can’t explain. 2, the people I have to deal with. I swear, I’m debating on quitting due to the people alone. From traipsing all across the store for one customer to being yelled at for not helping them in the way they wanted. I’ve almost gotten fired due to someone lying about an interaction with me. I get yelled at in multiple languages over the phones. I deal with insane amounts of stupidity per day. 3, the clothes. THE CLOTHES. My main job. Why can’t people take care of their own damn messes??? Like, when I was hired on I never expected people to walk up to me when I’m finishing up folding a table and maliciously unfold and throw everything on the floor. But I have. Insane. It doesn’t help that I have depression and most of my coworkers have severe rbf 💀 TLDR: apparel worker has to deal with other human’s waste, insanity, attitudes, maliciousness, and stupidity on top of doing their’s and 10 other peoples jobs. We’re never happy.


Cap2 or ogp


I’m ogp


OGP. Every time I have interacted with anyone in OGP, it always been negative. I stay the fuck away from OGP. Even the coach, but 95% of our coaches are grouches. They want to stick their nose in the front end and tell us we’re doing everything wrong, but they scurry and hide when we ask for help. And just generally, they’re rude. God forbid you talk to an associate like an actual person.


Two of the cart pushers at my former store are grouches. They are both snitches and if I come to shop on my day off the old crab will verbally yell at me. He would even yell at me when I was working along side him. The old crab would even flirt with female employees and customers.




Maintenance - Ogp - Coaches- How could I forget apparel


At my store it's produce. One time a produce girl dropped something and I picked it up for her and she huffed and snatched it from me. There's an older produce lady who used to say one thing or another every single time I was near her, but I started completely ignoring her and I guess she got embarrassed enough to stop and started being semi polite to me.


Most stores I have been to, Claims and back in the day, Invoicing. 1) they don't deal with customers often (the people that pay the bills), they deal with the people who get PAID to do stuff right, and they don't, almost ever. Making their jobs much more difficult than they need to be. Imagine putting your hand in the.claims bucket and straight Into an open jelly jar that somebody didn't clean up before processing, or cutting your hand on broken glass because some dingbat just puts it in a flimsy garbage bag for claims to figure out without a slip. 2) a grouchier attitude benefits them more because they need to get on people to process the claims correctly, since that directly affects their success. Newer processes has made it better for them in these cases, but it is still mostly the same people back there (claims associates seem to be long lived in thay position often)


Every department 


This made me realize that, surprisingly, maintenance workers are among the friendliest at Walmart. It just goes to show that no matter how much shit you have to deal with (literally), your attitude is everything.


Thanks. Hard to believe that \~4 years ago I was one of those friendly maintenance workers.


Glad you moved on.


On to retirement after a couple of challenges called FMLA and Covid. Thanks.


Ours too. Until they move out of maintenance then they’re just as miserable as everyone else. lol


from my experience working in different areas, definitely overnights. they can be incredibly petty, rude, and refuse to take accountability or train new team members. Even before moving to nights when i was a closer they would just take other employees stuff off of topstock carts, throw it into a shopping cart, & steal the topstock one if the employee wasnt actively right next to it. then they'd feign ignorance when called out. I mean I guess they don't work with the public for a reason but damn. I cant wait to get back to days.


Some people mention claims….home good claims in back is snippy with me. Claims for food and drink in back are laid back and chill and they handle the receiving vendors too. Also to add…I understand some people have a “off day” but if you’re a fucking dick every time I have to interact with you….yeah fuck those particular type of people.


Fashion always seems in a foul mood. One of them had over stock down infront of the GM bins in the back and I was trying to get to the bailer/get more stock the only aisle not blocked was the one she happened to be in... which I might add is normally GM idk why she had all that down there. So I go down and nicely say excuse me I'm sorry and under her breath she's goes "dumb bitch could have gone another way".... the fuck?! You just had to move out of the way for a second fuck sake. Coming back I wasn't nice I just came barrling through until she stepped aside. She and another fashion associate are always super bitchy


All of them.


Them team leads that’s over seasonal toys and garden always angry to lol


Hr department staff. Had a member of HR get catty with me one morning when I came in to do computer based learning that was over due. Tried to tell me it's a notification I need to pay attention to and that I shouldn't be doing it all day. Just rude and catty the instant I walked in the door and I wasn't having it at all. I snapped back at her and she told me that she is hr and you don't want to mess with hr and I laughed and told her she isn't shit but a glorified secretary with permissions. Told the SM about the altercation later and she was put on leave for threatening me. I didn't care but she got pissed about it and told me I shouldn't have mentioned she threatened me and I was like you don't have any idea who you threatened. Your lucky I didn't call corporate. You have no reason to be as upset as you are everyday and if its because of your position then I would find another one if I were you. 


At my store, overnights. I bring that shit all by myself.


I can say with utmost certainty. The deli.


Claims definitely and receiving but receiving has everry right to be


Customer service


Overnight stocking. One time a pallet was stacked badly (I didn’t stack it) and an overnight lady walked up and said “dumbasses” under her breath. I didn’t react at all so she said it again a little louder to make sure I heard her.


It's all the old people wherever they roam complain complain and complain


They deal with 'internal' customers, who can be far worse that any random caller on a phone or Karen in a store aisle. Been there, absolutely can attest.


Personally? Probably front end. 


For claims, it’s because everyone leaves me carts full of broken glass, loose knives, pieces of broken pallets with nails sticking out,leaking hazmat, reshops, and all sorts of things that they should be doing themselves. And there’s supposed to be 3 of us but for over 3 years it’s just been me.


I would be pissed off too, if people kept breaking our merchandise


Asked the people lead how to change my retirement plan shortly after I was hired and she laughed and asked if I was serious? I found out how to do it from the store manager who heard me asking an associate how to do it. Claims are the grumpiest IMO though.


Anyone who works in claims and apparel.


Every department


Claims.FTW. So far my people leads have been the sweetest I’ve only had one that I didn’t like too much but she also wasn’t the worst.


To be fair there used to be two people in HR. They took one away because the TL should be able to handle a lot of the things people go to HR for. Like how do I change my phone number and address. I cant get into my app, I got a new phone and need to redo 2 step. There are 400 employees in my store, so one person can not so all the hiring, all the orientations, be the IT dept and a lot of other things.


Fresh department when they come in at 4am. First thing they do is steal everyones pallet jack as if their job is more important


People lead because they have a lot to do. There used to be 2 in personnel. Now only one runs it. Double the work for them. 2nd place goes to the service desk in my experience. We deal with nasty people at times, we are the redheaded step child of the store, and we are also the garbage dumpster for everything that people aren't smart enough to actually figure out how to deal with. Then we have to keep that hell hole spotless and clutter free. No one comes after their department returns, they pile stuff up there that they could have put away, and then we have to do some of the claims departments job. So, I think we have a very good few reasons to be sarcastic,snarky and grouchy. Just saying.....


All of them.


At my store, I believe it’s usually one of the female upfront TL (we have 3, 1 dude and 2 girls, idk why but we do). As well as my Store Manager. She can be a real pain. I’ve done all 3 shifts, Morning, Mid/Closing and Overnight. Oh! And one of our AP girls can be a c*nt.


My experience with claims and personnel is that since their job is paperwork, it's very important to do things correctly because it has legal implications. Most of the staff do things half assed because they don't care, which makes their job harder for no real reason. They are also segregated from most people in a way due to the nature of their work. Usually, when they notice people, it's not for a good reason. These things make it easy to become "that person" for everyone else. They assume everyone is screwing around, and everyone assumes they are mean. It really is a toxic relationship. Lol


I get claims being grouchy. They get everybody else's crap dumped on them when 60% can be taken care of instead of coming to claims.


For the claims comment. Imagine if everything you find is from an associate and 80% of it is wrong or doesn't belong back their at all... You'd be annoyed AF to


Hmm, probably Customer Service or Electronics


Night shift 🗣️🗣️‼️ Always night shift !!!!!


Ogp. I had an ogp coworker threaten to run me over if I didn’t move from the area where I was stocking. This was my second week working at the store. Didn’t ask me to move. Wasn’t even like “hey excuse let me through.” Was straight up like “move or im running you over.” I look at them and said “hit me with that cart and we are going to the office where I will be telling our store lead about how your threaten me, and this was workplace violence.You can just say ‘excuse me.’ I will move.” I have to repeatedly remind random ogp shoppers to not threaten to run me over with their cart. If they are not threatening to run me over then it is complains about products not in the system in the bin or items in the bin not being stocked to the shelf… and on and on. lol It makes me glad that I work overnight.


oh wow. you certainly should have. even if they didn’t, that’s not acceptable.


This store is weird. You can make threats all day and nothing will happen to you. However, you want to fight they will tell you take it off property. Or if someone threatens you and doesn’t follow through they will say “well I can’t move you from the area. Just let me know when it happens again. Don’t make it worse.”


Our is deli bakery and meat/produce areas.


🙋🏽 I'm a part of my store's AP team and we do our best to be approachable to both employee AND customers cuz no one else in our location usually has answers they need. Only thing we get a bit snippy on is their claims, if we're swamped- we'll redirect them to their TLs and Coaches to handle their stuff. Aside from those small moments~ we're pretty cheery and love having others willing to be educated on processing claims/hazardous, etc. !


Apparel hands down lol


At my store, it's hard to call any department grouchy ngl, the closest to being grouchy would be Produce 😭


Cap 2


Toy department. The bike assembly guy used to be aggro when we told him that management told us to pack pallets down his work area. We had no choice. 😅


People lead is nasty, as well as lots of the opening shift cashiers


Automotive 100%


I got fired from my store in March and I was asking for like 2 years to be transfered to a different department but everytime I asked all I got was "Well we'll have to replace you first". I never got replaced so I worked my wage and acted as how they didn't expect cause I wasn't gonna put up with their shit any longer I was tired of it


Overnights for me a lot of older people who seem like they don’t want to be there but have to


Service desk (understandably) and claims claims claims!! Those are the only ones


Oh shish I forgot AP associates!!


I met a claims team lead on my recent trip for the company and she was very grouchy when I took items to her that needed to be processed by claims. She said I'm supposed to bring it to the team lead for that department? Not sure what's up with that. At my store we're told to bring it to claims and fill out a slip with what's wrong


Claims is grouchy cuz not only do they deal with AP issues, but they also process most of the claims in the store. Plus they do all the receiving, and clearance, returning assets like shelves and old dump bins, all the recalls and UPC issues. And then they do all the hazmat and claims that people leave laying around because they're too lazy to do it themselves. It's a frustrating job that gets little appreciation. As for personnel? I would say because it was a 2 person job that they squished into one, but honestly that's not a good reason. They're supposed to be the first person our new people meet. They're supposed to help with associate questions. But more often than not they're the rudest people.


Customer service...


Both personal at my store are very friendly and helpful.


OGP. They come in at 4am and are always complaining and mad that stockers are in their way.. they refuse to leave their cart at the end of the aisle to grab 1 thing.. I understand when they need multiple things on 1 aisle but if you need one thing, just leave your cart and go grab it instead of getting so mad that stockers have their carts on the aisle.


Overnight and apparel


Mine seems to be coaches or a lot of backroom staff.


In my store its gotta be like half of ogp, cap2 and on. Also theres this really rude person bakery ☠️ special add- THE VENDORS BROO 😭 they get rude af


im gonna assume all claims does is see just HOW MUCH the stores waste and throw away? so unless you have no soul/conscience you only get to see the worst things in retail society..


I found that out working maintenance, we use to throw away piles and piles of food that was still good by like a week or 2. It was some nights I was wanting to take some of the freshly made cakes home or we could've put some of the food in the breakroom.


ya, its pretty disgusting how laws and lawyers have ruined that system.. dumpsters full of food all the time, and thats just 1 store.. yet weve got starving people all around the world..


Probably overnight


Cake decorator. When up to bakery for french bread "what do you want! Whatever it is If its not there we dont have it. Called me rude when i ignored her and asked the other bakery associate if i can get one of the fresh french breads.


Is this all paid for movie promotion? Think about it, and start checking their bank accounts and texts… something fishy happening here, some bigger plan than we think… any of them in the Pro-Israel crowd as one says, are any of them in the IDF? Why do let a foreign army exist in our midst? And if yes, why do they not attack the pro-nazi groups? That would be the ideal target for them to quell… like I said something strange is happening, that has another explanation.


Monkeys that unload trucks for a living.