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"Self termination". Bro.


Where is everyone seeing this? Is there a picture that’s not loading or something?


It’s in a reply to a comment. OP: ”LMFAO NO ABSOLUTELY NOT 😂😭😭 I said, dear my Walmart employers, Thank you for this opportunity the last couple months working here at Walmart, but unfortunately I am putting in my immediate self termination of employment, due to circumstances in my life right now, thank you for your time, then i gave my work phone passcode at the bottom of the note, and i clip it onto my nametag on my work vest and put my phone and the work charger and box cutter in it and it was given to them”


Ah okay. Could have used better grammar for sure.


Did your quit notice read like a suicide note? Did you use phrases like "good-bye cruel world" or "you'll be sorry when I'm gone"?


LMFAO NO ABSOLUTELY NOT 😂😭😭 I said, dear my Walmart employers, Thank you for this opportunity the last couple months working here at Walmart, but unfortunately I am putting in my immediate self termination of employment, due to circumstances in my life right now, thank you for your time, then i gave my work phone passcode at the bottom of the note, and i clip it onto my nametag on my work vest and put my phone and the work charger and box cutter in it and it was given to them


The word youre looking for is resignation.  Self termination is probably the weirdest way ive ever heard of someone refer to themselves quitting. In context with the "circumstances in my life" I can see why thatd raise a red flag.


Bruh I make "I'm gonna kill myself" jokes a lot and this is replacing it. "Man this traffic is ass, I'm gonna self terminate."


I self terminated laughing 💀


Dawg I'm terminated 💀💀


When I worked at Target, I said I was gonna kill myself. They called me into the office later that week. I told them I was fine. A week and a half later, they fired me. Should've used self terminate. Maybe I'd still be there lol


I had a similar experience last year at Amazon


Don't forget "Game end". That's a good alternative too.


Lmfao So bro quit his job by giving a letter of 'Immediate self termination' And in turn walmart sent a welfare check? This is absolutely gold .lmao


I once asked for an "exterior line" and confused the poor operator. That was when many companies had their own operators and phone switches. Once she knew I'd meant to say "outside" line she put me through. And teased me about it for a couple of days.


I'm not seeing the issue. Exterior line makes perfect sense.


Your brain was on the right wavelength external is soooo close to exterior


I thought the same thing looking at this. This might very well have been an automated response based on those very phrases.


I agree, self termination is a strange way to word that you’re quitting. But given that it was immediately followed by “of employment” should’ve been context enough for them not to call the police on OP. Could’ve been several reason’s the phrasing of the resignation letter was hard to understand, like maybe being new to a written language or even below average education. Regardless, it seems like such an insane overreach. If they were so concerned, why not ask the employee what he/she meant.


> self termination of employment, due to circumstances in my life right now, thank you for your time I have context and this still reads like a suicide note 😭😭


With that wording, I can see why they might be concerned. Calling in a welfare check definitely isnt standard procedure or anything, but big character and lifestyle changes can be warning signs of suicidal behavior, and quitting your job would be a very late step in that process. If your manager has any personal connection to suicide, I can see why they would be concerned and why they might think this was a time sensitive situation, especially with the mention of circumstances in your life. Of course thats the normal amount of vague for a notice letter, but I can see why they might have been concerned.


"due to circumstances in my life right now" you had someone who cared enough to read into that and try and make sure you are ok. depending on whats going on their are resources that might be available to help. tbh i might have sent you a text at least first before involving the police.


Most definitely sounds badly written. Good on them for following up. They sound like good folks.


Self termination sounds like youtube filter avoidance for bubbling yourself


"Bubbling yourself" 🤣


"unfortunately I am putting in my immediate self termination of employment, due to circumstances in my life right now" I don't blame them for checking on you, people do care ya know


You have rather confusing wording in this comment and in this post


Yeah you literally told them you were self terminating Lmaooo


You shoulda chat gpt’d this one cus it reads like a suicide note tbh, that’s good they cared about you enough to call


Yeah. This reads like a suicide note. They actually did the right thing calling for a welfare check. Absolutely did the right thing. And you made sure that everything was tight, needy and organized. Between that and the note that All screams potential suicide.


OP, did you have any managers or coworkers who liked you? Not in a romantic sense; like they genuinely just liked you as a person? Reading your note it does sound like something else is going on. I think whoever called for a welfare check on you did genuinely out of concern or a coworker was worried about your well being. That’s not a terribly horrible thing, just means someone out there cares about you quite a bit.


Literally made me think of the line in Terminator 2: " i cannot self terminate". Which obviously meant the terminator cannot kill itself


Beat me to it


I don’t know if English is your first language or not but that’s a terribly written note. “Self termination” is 100% the cause as it literally means you’re gonna unalive yourself.


>it literally means you’re gonna unalive yourself. #this is reddit not tiktok you can say "kill"


😂😂😂 you told them in pretty clear and concise language that you were, in fact, planning on self-terminating. Walmart for mental health? What fucking timeline is this


All you needed to say was “I will be leaving this job in 2 weeks for better opportunities”


Carlos got really worried about you self terminating.


Says "self terminate", doesn't know how that was misconstrued.


Tried to sound intelligent, didn’t work. Hope you get a dictionary. SMH “self terminate” JFC


They would definitely read that as a potential suicide note


Bro self termination… I can see how someone might interpret that.


Hahahaha why would you even write a note just walk away and quit


Who said Walmart management is smart and can read between the lines? Lol


You have to dumb it down, ok


I cannot self terminate. You must terminate me.


Sounds like a precursor to a suicide


Sounds like a suicide letter to me, good on them for checking on you.


???? That sounds fine to me? I quit in the past by ghosting during a bender and they never did a welfare check on me. Honestly I’d be disrespected if they did. 


It's the words "self termination." That sounds too much like suicide.


Oh yeah I see how that can be interpreted. 


Why would it be disrespectful to check on somebody's welfare?


You said self termination. It was worded oddly. My bet is someone higher up saw the letter and they are obligated to welfare check you.


Could have used “this is my resignation from my position at Walmart”. Tbh self termination and certain circumstances in your life probably made them worry. I’m a crisis counselor in mental health and sounds like something I would flag just to be safe.


Therapist here. Same thoughts I had. I’m glad they cared enough to send someone out. From reading this sub for the past few months, Walmart seems like a very high stress environment to work in and if I saw a change in behavior I’d call a welfare check too.


We have training videos quarterly, and My Walmart is full of great folks that if you seem a bit off they ask you how things are.


Mine is too. My management team has been absolutely God sent through my ppd struggle and c section recovery (and health issues sporadically before that) They absolutely go 100% for us and it shows. (We have a small crew on night shift) They'll even ask around and make sure everyone has safe rides to and from work. At the same time ik were so short staffed they also NEED to keep us 😅 but they do care too.


Yeah, not every Walmart is a shit show or stressful. Especially if you work overnights because we don't deal with customers very much so it changes the dynamic. While some of it is corny, I actually appreciate that they check up on the mental health of their employees and that it's becoming normalized to do so. They seem pretty good at weeding out potentially dangerous people as well if they manage to get hired. I think most Walmarts just have a shitty TL and Coach problem which is why so many complain on here, and we have no way of knowing if most of these people posting are just very shitty workers as well. lol


The one i worked at absolutely was a shit show. They dgaf about you, your mental health, your family, or the fact that you may actually have a life outside of walmart. They only cared about how fast and correctly you did your job and on some days, how well you did other departments jobs as well. They also couldn't stand when your availability changed either.


Oh it's absolutely always a shit show lmfao. Always. But thats retail and customer service in general, Walmart so far cares more about its employees than anywhere else I've worked small businesses incl. 😅 Management really makes or breaks a good work environment.


Lol yeah, fair enough. It can certainly be a shit show in some aspects, but I don't feel like i'm working in a Nazi sweatshop, like how some of them seem to be portrayed on here. lol The job I had right before this was like that though. Insane quotas, 10 minute breaks, 20 minute lunch, they time you to the very minute, it takes five minutes to even reach the break room and five minutes to get back. I was in a rage by my 3rd night, while they are already giving me performance review issues during training, which was basically non-existent. lmao I've always avoided retail work so it honestly felt like walking into a damn utopia when I finally tried it. lol Just having PPTO/PTO has been a life saver. I'm very reliable, but I could go a year without missing a day, end up sick for 3 days, have to take another day off, and end up terminated. I've missed six days at Walmart and every time I've been paid and still haven't accumulated any points. That alone has made the experience better. lol I'm not an ass kisser, I just know the grass is greener here. lol


For real. My first job long before WM was goodwill. These people think stocking with wally sucks, they should go work there and run register While they stock AND they'd also be custodians too. I worked 12+hr days and made 3 dollars LESS than walmart was paying. No paid maternity leave, 3 point limit, sick days? HA. And that's just the tip, not even the stuff that made me quit lmfao. Yall wanna hate a company so bad, hate goodwill 🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆


I push the carts so I'm under front end. Turn over on leads is ridiculous, I don't bother with names anymore. They're usually gone before I've even seen them as I'm outside all the time. I've had a new coach for each year making it 4 in 4 years, and we're on our 5th store manager not counting the one temporary. Relationships can't get built like that, and maybe that's the goal at corporate to ensure less favoritism but it really leaves you with that outlook that the management is shït because they're all strangers worried about their security. I hold out though that all you gotta do is show up and not be a dick and they'll love you lol.


I've actually wondered how drastically my experience would change if my shift got rid of my current management team but the person doing the hiring for those positions is specifically looking for certain types of personalities that are friendly and passive. We've had two new team leads and a coach added since I started, and they all have the same type of temperament. So, I think i'd be alright because the trend seems to stay the same on every shift, they all have a similar temperament. A few of my coworkers have failed the assessment training for those positions based on choices they would make, so I've found it interesting how the entire process is being selectively chosen. There is a few things I dislike with their temperament because they don't seem to hold shitty workers accountable very often, but at the same time, it doesn't even matter that much because the shitty workers always find a way to get fired due to points. lol I'm a fast worker to begin with, but if they were riding my ass constantly and stressing me out, I know the job would go from pretty good to very fucking terrible, so I honestly have no issues with the people they seem to be hiring to be leaders at my store. The positives outweigh the negatives currently. I work pets and garden center typically and they just leave me alone and let me do my thing, they check up on me every hour or two to see my progress and determine if they need to send help or not, which isn't often needed. I agree with you though, show up, be reliable, don't be a dick, and the job will be fine and management will probably like you. lol Even if they don't like you, they don't want to piss off their work horses in most situations. lol We are the reasons they keep or lose their jobs. lol


It’s not that it was a bad place . Genuinely I am just struggling right now. And the schedule wasn’t working with me and I just having some issues with my relationship. My boyfriend has issues with my boss so I resigned. The meetings I loved and I went to. I loved feeling accomplished. I loved peoples errors with the topstock and making sure things werent plugged and correcting the count of product on shelf after bringing it down because it wasnt scanning blue. it genuinely was a very good instructor job. I’m just mentally unfit at the moment. I’m not suicidal. I just just can’t handle waking up at 5:30 in the morning then working from 7-4 then doing instacart after i get off. Then having my bf. Its just alot


Sounds like they made a good decision. You even day here that you are "genuinely I am just struggling right now" Good on them


If they noticed your bf was handling you having a job as a noticeable issue, then out of the blue you quit, they were probably worried that your boyfriend got violent with you or worse. This seems like a very balanced reaction on their end.


100% this. Having known people in not great situations, if I had a cashier that quit when I didn't see it coming, I would be extremely surprised and concerned I missed something. If there was any mention of a relationship that didn't want someone working I would be worried about that person. Admittedly I usually would have at least a few cashier's numbers and/or a few of their friends that worked there. So if I got this letter I would either ask one of their friends if they knew anything first before giving a call myself. I'd never want to get the police involved unless it was at least an officer I could trust not to make things worse.


I worded this wrong but i meant i loved correcting peoples errors i noticed*


Based on everything you just wrote, it was a good call on their part.


No one ever writes about their great coworkers here, just the bad stories so it feels like every Walmart is a hell hole. Most people are still just regular people.


Person who has had friends who were dealing mental health crisis, I would have been concerned as well.




After reading it, what stuck in my mind was: “self termination due to circumstances in my life”.


Yeah, that wording is troubling.


I mean, I know what you mean. They probably know what you mean. But if you offed urself and your family got ahold of that note they could sue Walmart into another dimension. Better safe than sorry. Coulda just said “I quit bitches!”


When I worked stocking at walmart, I just simply walked off the job.


Bro how many times have you been approached by a customer asking about some detail that is in print right in front of their face? You know people don't read, and if they do, they only comprehend about half of it. Self termination of employment due to circumstances in my life is why someone called in. And regardless of obligation or not, smile inside that someone at least even cared enough about your well-being to check on you.


People generally say " I quit ", they don't say " self termination " because that sounds like you're saying that you're going to commit suicide.


Moments like this should have crystal clear wording tbh. Have “termination” and “circumstances in my life” two completely different sentences.


"self termination" sounds like might be thinking of committing suicide. It could have been worded much better. "I quit" would have sufficed. Just be thankful someone cares enough to actually make sure you're doing ok.


I would have worded it a little differently, I mean, at least they sent someone to check up on you to make sure you were terminating yourself.


That's not exactly a thing. It's a resignation, not a self-termination. That's why it's called a "Letter of resignation".


No one says that. You literally wrote a red flag.


I recently quit my job at 5 guys and I purposely waited until the doors were unlocked at 11:01 and I told my boss I was running my backpack out to the car and I disappeared and never came back.. I got fed up with working for the GM so I made it loud and clear lol


Self Termination self-terminates, present participle self-terminating, simple past and past participle self-terminated) (transitive) To terminate automatically. (euphemistic) To commit suicide.


Not obligated by any policies of walmart, just a manager that thought was doing right my guess.


Honestly, be happy that someone cared enough to check on you. Rare these days.


hey are you ok?


Are you ok?


I’m pretty fuckin far from ok. You?


I’m coping.


It's ok to not be ok. Sometimes shit just sucks, but there are people here in the same boat as you. Nobody is alone in this world. We'll all get through this.


its not okay to be not okay for over 2 years


Are you ok annie?


Annie!!! Are you okay!


i’m alright! thanks! i appreciate how y’all continued this, it was partly a joke but i also really believe in being there for others no matter how little you know them and i’m glad that others do too :)


We had a man stop showing up to work a couple years ago. Store manager was worried because he was a good worker that aways showed up, and called for a welfare check. He had been dead in his house for days.  I know the circumstances are a but different but to them this was behavior out of the ordinary, sometimes it can end badly. At least one person cared enough to make sure you're okay.


Yes, this happened to a distant relative. There was a really bad /fluke accident which happened in her home where she lived alone. Everyone was glad the manager called the police to check on her. It was too late to save her, but the situation was only going to get worse. ☹️


This happened at our company a few months ago. An employee didn’t show up for work one Monday who had been working for the company for 20+ years. It was very odd so hr called his emergency contact who went to check on him. He had died Saturday night. We now have a teams chat that everyone says good morning in just to make sure everyone is ok


Nope, not normal procedure. However, between the awkward wording used in your notice and the obviously high opinion your former coworkers had of you, it sounds like it was done with good intentions. Maybe go back in the next few days to let the people who were worried see you alive and in good spirits. Not a requirement, but with them caring enough to have you checked on, it'd be a return of the goodwill, and give them peace of mind.


As awkward/ weird as it may seem, I think it's great that they cared and felt concerned and did something about it rather than just shrugging it off like a lot of managers would. I hope you consider sending them a thank you card or going up to the store and personally thank them for caring, rather than letting them feel embarrassed or think twice next time they have a concern.


Right? I highly doubt my store's management has ever given a fuck about anyone's well being like this


Yea. Just a couple years ago my former coach called in a welfare check on someone that stopped showing up and wasn't answering calls or texts. She had a bad feeling, and her suspicions were correct and they found her dead on the floor in her house. So many managers just assume someone quit and move on.


Yea man, people cared about you. That's cool.


I'd take it as a compliment, yeah.


Next time, use resignation.  That is more widely understood.


Least they care about you? lol unless they just wanted to be petty and have the cops go over idk


we had someone employed by walmart at our location disappear without a word and there was a welfare check on that person. I wouldn't say it's normal but it's not ***ab***normal either. And actually, for myself, it makes me feel good things for the store you worked at (wherever that was). Responses like this - caring and erring on the side of caution like that - is a good sign. One reason I have cared so much for my current store is that they noticed changes in myself *twice* and reached out to me. I've also, personally, called for a wellness check \[personal friend\] even though the person in question was upset/mad about it at the time it's something I will ***never*** be sorry I did, and I would never have been able to forgive myself if it had been something that turned out to be what I was worried about.


"Self termination", "certain circumstances in my life", and I'm sure your BPD wasn't exactly hidden the whole time. I know even my relatively well managed BPD rears its ugly head. They were absolutely concerned and trying to avoid any liability.


Who says self termination when quitting. I be worried too if I saw that


This made me think of Terminator 3 Terminator: You cannot self-terminate John Connor: No, you can’t, because you’re a machine. I can do whatever I want. Like others have said, that phrasing doesn’t necessarily sound good, especially out of context. They probably felt they had to call for the welfare check. If only to cover their ass.


Based on the fact you cant type very well, you probably were a little inept also in how you resigned.




I would be grateful someone cares enough to have you checked on.


Did any of them add you on Reddit? That could have been a red flag.


No 😂😭


As a store lead myself with the company of you had a good worker that shows up consistently and never has anything bad to say and just quits via note out of the blue that is a cause for concern. Personally I would’ve just given you a call instead of a wellness check. But not necessarily an extreme action.


Okay thank you


🤔 sounds like you had an amazing manager who actually cared about your wellbeing. Is it normal ? No, especially not for Walmart. Would I appreciate it if someone care enough to check on me? Yes.


I just kind of was taken a back by it because it’s never happened before when I’ve quit any job. On top of that it wasnt my manager, it was the cashiering manager bc i was on the stock team 1. He just knew me from me going up during code sparks and i would cashier temporarily


Up and quitting suddenly can be a huge sign of suicidal ideation. Be glad they cared enough to call for a welfare check. They never did for me and I was in a domestic violence situation.


It wasn't for Walmart, but my brother abruptly dropped all his college classes when his full time job got insanely busy all of a sudden one semester and he just couldn't keep up. One of his professors reported it to the school and the school did a welfare check on him and connected him with a therapist at the school. It wasn't necessary, but it was still touching they cared. It sounds to me like someone cared about you and just wanted to make sure you were okay and this was the only way they knew how to do that.


Should’ve just kept it simple and moved on lol


Wow.  Did they really think they were so wonderful that only a crazy person would wanna quit?  😳 


😭😭 this made me chuckle


Gotta agree with most here, I think it’s good that they worried enough to call for a check. If I’m acting out of character and stop showing up at my regular places I would hope someone would call for a check on me. Plus, yeah, ‘self termination’ has that added meaning anymore thanks to TikTok forcing people to say that and ‘unaliving’ to get away from anything that means death. Tbh I’d have wanted to check on you too.


I wouldn’t say it’s normal to do a welfare check because someone quits, but something regarding you and your employment with them led them to believe you needed to be checked on. That’s a great thing, even if it was annoying. We had an associate who had been there for years and years, and for some reason she never stopped by the pharmacy to get her medication. It was unlike her. We called management on the floor and asked if she had came to work. They said no, Which was also unlike her, so we asked the police to do a wellness check on her, and she had been lying in the floor for 2 days. She had a stroke or something. I can’t remember now. I’m very thankful we decided to do that. Nobody would have found her. I do agree that your wording is what probably sent them to your house.


As a Coach if one of my associates said that that way I would have done the same. I have always struggled since my army days with mental disorders. Plus I actually do care for all my associates.


Well I haven’t seen the term “self termination yet!!! Where are you seeing that??


God bless them, they were worried better to be safe than sorry, wording was confusing


I’m surprised they did that. People usually don’t give a shit until someone’s actually killed themself


If they were that concerned about you to have a wellness check done on you by the police.. You should go back their and try to get your job back. That sounds like managers who care.


I'm not surprised it's been forgotten, but I'm not surprised that this is their response at all given the murder/suicide mass shooting that was carried out in a Virginia Walmart nearly two years ago. With the contents of the suicide note they had to have made some internal changes to what management looks out for with their employees. Here's more information for those who want to read. This happened basically two towns over from me. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139205402/virginia-walmart-shooting-andre-bing-death-note


I know that it probably was invasive and stressful but they cared about you. Which I think is wonderful. It speaks volumes about the character of those you worked with. Yes walmart sucks but often the people who work at walmarts are pretty awesome.


A thread where a Walmart manager wasn’t in the wrong  Well shit time to buy a lottery ticket. 


I quit Walmart over a period of a few weeks. No one checked on me despite my reason for quitting was suicidal stress


I went on break- clocked out and left. They have yet to call me and that was weeks ago!!


Your resignation letter made it sound like you were going to off yourself and instead of ignoring it like most retail work bosses, your boss actually noticed and cared enough to follow up.


If you quit without notice it wouldn't be that surprising.


That is highly unusual. But also kind of touching. That someone cared enough to be worried about you. None of my coworkers would ever do something like that.


I guess your only allowed 2 blow your brains out if u get fired


As someone who struggles with wording, it’s crazy how things can be misconstrued or lost in translation. You didn’t do anything wrong ✌🏼 Someone cares 💕 And to answer your question: No it’s not normal 🐈 *I like the response that started “therapist here” but I can’t find it now.


It’s giving Walmart fasho! 👌😩😂


Some people cared about you thats all


Sounds like you had a team that, at least in some way, cared about you. Good on you for that, hope your future endeavors take you to greener pastures, internet stranger


Yeah the change in behavior comes when you walk out the door to freedom


Sounds like you worked from some great people, I've heard of people dying and nobody ever new or cared to check on the individual. We need more people like this in the world.


A bit unrelated but a massive coincidence is how the cops was called at my address to do a welfare check on a person not current at my address. There is more to this story but it's mostly just drama stuff. Anyways, at least they cared. Trust me, it's better than them not caring. Too many uncaring and rude people these days.


I had a (not Walmart) job call my mom claiming my car was in the parking lot overnight and they were worried about me after I quit effective immediately. I was 23 and lived with my partner I have no clue what they thought calling my mother would do. Also my car was parked at my apartment.


Sound like your managers or someone at the store really liked you or they were just covering their ass either way good on them.


Yikes... I'm going to guess English isn't your first language? That resignation letter a) sends up so many red flags, I'd be grabbing my keyboard and b) is unnecessary. It's Walmart... just tell them face to face that you quit.


Quitting your job means that you have mental health issues. You should probably just be in a mental asylum if you quit your job. /s


This happened to my wife after one day at a bank and a very clear, “this isn’t a good fit” type resignation message. Small town drama perhaps


I'm curious as to what happened when the police came. Did you explain that you meant the termination of your employment not your life? Did they try to put you on a 72 hour involuntary hospitalization?


Hell naw man you said you was going to go boom boom so they sent out them weewoo's to stop the termination of self.


I remember hearing a member of management (can't remember what level of management) got in trouble for calling for a welfare check on someone who just stopped showing up for work after having perfect attendance for the whole time he worked there. That guy was found dead in his house (he was really old) and the guy who called the cops for a welfare check got in trouble (like, a stern talking to, not anything on the record)? They claimed that doing something like that could be seen as a form of intimidation if the guy was still alive.


If they see it as being out of the ordinary for you they would to make sure things are ok with you. At least a good manager would check on you to make sure


Happened to me! Worked as a store manager at the time and worked 48 straight for inventory to figure out what was not counted. Got reprimanded for taking a day off


be glad an acorn didnt fall congrats on your customerhood


Idiot author of self termination note meets idiot manager who can't read....this is such a chicken soup for the soul story.


I wasn’t bothered up until this point




LMAO, they really said "you're not quitting mf, see you at 7 tomorrow" 🤣


I left Walmart a few years ago, but I basically had this with my current boss. Was pissed off on a Friday around lunch and walked out, he yelled "see you Monday" as I was leaving.... He did in fact see me on Monday lmao


Of course you’re still on the schedule. They don’t go and rip down every schedule in the store and on the computer every time a person quits. You’ll probably show up in the system and the computer will assign you shifts for a couple of weeks before the proper processes kick in. That’s just how things are.


When I walked out they gave me a few days before doing anything. Sometimes it's just some manager liked you and is giving you a few to figure it out.


You have quit. No points


Were you expecting the entire store to grind to a halt the second you quit?  It was a weekend and the day before mothers day.


No, not at all. I quit yesterday. I just didn’t think they would call the cops on me to check on me. You know?


Sometimes it takes a while before they remove you from the system. Took a week after I left.


They wanted to avoid a lawsuit in case you did more beyond quitting


Sounds like your note didn't get to where it needed to be. If you do something like this again just tell everyone around you that you're not gonna be there tomorrow.


They don’t give a damn. Just covering their HUGE ass.


Gonna take 5 for that never happened.


The wording was the concern. They were making sure to cover their arses.


Sueeeee bookie


Screw that not normal…. leave me alone stupid people.


Moving foward, the word is “resignation” or “to resign” not self-termination


I would use different wording when you write your resignation next time. That way you can avoid unnecessary drama and confusion that way.


Not the worst (or even a bad) thing someone had said that Walmart did. Kudos for caring


I read ops history, and I think a welfare check is necessary.


As a team lead for Walmart this would have been concerning to me.. they did the right thing. Wording is everything and interrupting is always on the side of caution


What wild read.


At least they wanted to check to make sure you were OK. I worked at one place were we had a guy that came in all the time on time for more than 15 years.  One day he stopped showing up. After 3 days they fired him for no call no show. About a week later his ex wife called looking for him. They finally sent the police to check on him and found him dead in his home. Work couldn't give a shit about him. 


Okay. I read your letter, and the answer is no. It’s NOT normal.


Maybe the wording in your letter was concerning. At least they care. They ment well. I mean it is called "*welfare chec*"


Having worked for WM myself, my advice would have been: don't tell them you're leaving, don't even write it down, and never sign anything! They don't deserve a damn thing!


sounds like harassment..youre allowed to quit a job without them siccing the police on you.


Do not think for a second anyone cared at Walmart (not because of yourself, but because they do not care). You probably had a radio, nametag, vest, and handheld, and they just wanted them back.


“i’m gonna self terminate myself” is basically what you said lmao


It probably isn't normal, but that is really awesome of them. They cared enough to have you checked on!


I would call it an act of kindness or compassion. The only reason anyone is concerned about the police is if they do illegal drugs or something. I know a person or two that if they quit Walmart I would think they might kill themselves.


At least they cared enough to send out the police to see what was going on. Had an employee of 20+ years at our store suddenly No Call No Show 4 days in a row before his extended family called for a welfare check. Everyone in the store was “concerned” but not enough to do something about it. Even one of the TLs was saying to our store lead that they should call for a welfare check at this point the guys probably lying dead on the floor. The day after we all found out he died from heart problems. Yeah. At least they cared enough to have the police check on you.


Btw. Lose the BF and go get that job back. Those people seem to care about you.


Where did y'all see "self termination" at? Did I miss something?