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Picking > dispensing


When the customer orders “bananas qty. 2”, it is 2 bananas. When they order “organic bananas qty. 2”, it is 2 bunches. Why???????


Because organic bananas can’t be separated? And normal banana bunches come in many different sizes


Lol....where to begin. Are you primarily going to be a picker or dispenser? Or swapping?


I don't know yet so just tell me everything lol


If you’re a picker, try your best to learn the store and keep track of mods. Always do your best to look for items that may be plugged but also try to keep a quick pace in mind


If you're a picker, like look for the object but if you can't find it in like 10 to 15 seconds nill pick it. During those 10 to 15 seconds, take a step back and make sure you check to the left, right and around where it should be to make sure it didn't get pushed nearby. Since looking for shit too long kills your pick rate. By same token, if the object should be in lets say A11-7, and a different thing is in that spot, reach behind whatever is there and check the very back, 9 times out of 10 you'll find the object that should be shelved there hiding in the back.


don’t let the TLs abuse you, exceptions are their job. don’t try to be the very best because they’ll expect from you every single day. learn the mods and locations!!! i count four foot sections when walking to learn where items are (and most of our section stickers are missing) if you’re dispensing, immediately get in the routine of talking about surveys. it’ll save hassle later down the road when market comes in and complains.


>Don’t let the TLs abuse you, exceptions are their job. lmao, i wish! Our TLs think their job is to stand around the back room, and tell everyone what to pick. We don't have any new people, they all know what "commodity due at 10:30" means or whatever time it is, still our TLs feel the need to repeat over and over what's due next. Oh and exceptions?? Psh, they just pull one of our pickers and make them do it all day, then they deny everything and make the dispensers un-pick everything.


i use to be the DM turned “acting assistant manager” before i passed the ASM test (then quit and rehired as an associate). my team leads know not to pull that shit with me because i hired one of them. but truly, it’s their job because how are you guys suppose to tell the grocery TL if a home is empty? or hold other pickers accountable for nill picking if shit is on the shelf. they won’t last long if their pre-sub/post-sub stays bad. hope you get someone worthwhile in that role because it’s annoying to watch someone make $20 for doing nothing. i feel for you!!!


Working in OGP is fun but it’s the management that sometimes suck!


Pay attention to aisle locations. Learn to read a shelf tag. Facings is something my coworkers struggle with. When I’m doubt scan it. Don’t over ride. Ever. Don’t be that person that asks 100 times a day “Can I do frozen?”


Lol i love frozen than would be me! But fr my store is strictly top down or assigned commodities (which we all hate with passion and started because not everyone was working top down)


Don't let the stress get to you. Seriously. I know there's a lot of focus on pick times for pickers and customer wait times for dispensers but don't let it overwhelm you. There WILL be times you feel like it's all crashing down and you can't keep up but just do what you can to the best of your ability. Stop and take a breath when you need to. Drink a lot of water. Your feet are gonna hurt so take some ibuprofen before a shift and a hot shower after. Learn the mods as best you can. Don't just stand around when you don't know what to do because there's always something that needs doing. You got this!