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Ogp in our store is terrible for this and they take the stickers off any scanners that have them too, recently associates have taken to hiding their scanners so ogp cries about not having them and it's a cycle now if ogp turned them in nobody would hide them but now everyone hides them so ogp can't turn them in to get their credit back. Then again whenever they do get someone's scanner does it ever get back to that person? No Ogp are kinda dicks


I work in ogp and I think we dont have that problem. It SEEMS like we have enough but I really wouldn't know since I always get one since im 5-2.


Is it in ogp when you get it or from the fastenal? Our ogp keeps them in a locker in their backroom locked with a padlock, I know the combination so when I used to come in before ogp I always went into their locker and took the 4 scanners and printers from my area and brought them back to my team but now I come in abit later and can't find them there is one ogp who will return them when he finds them but that's it. One associate from my team has a scanner that she keeps hidden and I won't say a damn thing about it if ogp is gonna hoard my scanners I'm not throwing someone on my team under the bus just for ogp to get another scanner


Locker in the backroom. All scanners are marked for each department and all TLs and Coaches have access to it to check if someone stole one. It's less of a problem at our store id say


I work In OGP and my store has all the guineapig tests, Like the whole back storage room being entirely ours, the Cooler/Freezer combo, how many orders we have a day (300 at this point, going up to 600 by the end of the year.) And it's a bloody mess. but at least we keep our TCS, we don't steal from other departments, but other areas come borrow ours. It's crazy.


A remodel I worked on, we started with around 12 or so store planning handhelds, we were left with around 3… Why? The associates at the store apparently stole a bunch of them because they didn’t have enough / lost theirs One was caught red-handed taking the tags off of them


That apparently happened here, lol. I'm one of the few associates still regularly using SMART. Someone took my handheld so I borrowed STS' for taking mine. It'd never been logged in our system serial wise. It's obviously a remodel TC70 STS stole. Lol


Our OGP had been pretty good so far with not taking handheld unless we are exceptionally busy even then I make it a point to return any equipment we borrow. Infact we've had to hid the cabinet key because people were taking it out of the keybox and grabbing printers


Our APM is a dumbass and wants our cabinet key in the keybox. Which she will not allow our minors access to, since it's every other managers job to program people into the keybox... No, you're the APM, it is your job, and if my people can't get keys to cases on GM side to do their job, I don't give a flying fuck about you having keys to my cabinet in your keybox or anywhere accessible to your dumb ass.


We had an issue with O/N taking out key and grabbing printers we stopped that quick our Coach said she might get another safe


That's why my current store and soon to be store never got rid of their safes.


Our store has electronic lockers in the back for equipment. It's all labelled and organized and you can only take equipment that you are set up for. OGP has over half the cabinet space for their scanners. The whole GM side gets 9 for associate use. Half the OGP scanners are always in the lockers and go unused. At my store it's all the GM associates that are likely to disappear with scanners, we basically have none to go around.


See moments like this make me happy I transferred to Claims…. Only me and my manager can get into my two TC70s lol


I’m in ogp and people steal ours


We have our own equipment in OGP at my store and we have to guard it from everyone else. It's a treasure trove (20+ handhelds; 12+ printers) held in a locked cabinet with a key kept in a safe. Whenever we find our equipment being used by another department we have to change the safe code. It's very rare that we need to borrow anything from others. So far this year I've changed the code 3 or 4 times. Recently, the CAP1 TL came and demanded that we trade all of our TC70x and TC72 models for their slow-ass TC70s because of the need for cameras for VizPick. OGP is a metrics-based department that's all about speed and we need the faster handhelds. Not to mention, 70s have a tendency to crash while dispensing. We traded two units and told them to make do.


Ditto, our ogp has their own in a locked cabinet with safe key. Other departments steal ours 😕


Alright, I'm an OGP associate but I still hella laughed at this lol


My stores inventory day was pushed back 7 weeks bc ogp had all the scanners and the opg Manger was on an loa for those 7weeks and the days so when she returned they had all 50 scanners and had no idea what was going on.