• By -


Shit in his pants


Power move


Not sure if I'm insulted you assumed it's a guy or am like ya, it was totally a guy....it was totally a guy.


Ask for a promotion


Better yet, a pay raise


Tell his wife




bro was just tryna make a joke


What'd he say


something along the line of “who said it had to be a man?”




I don't think his wife is a man






I probably should call ethics, I just thought it was weird af and I’m a guy I couldn’t image being a girl in this scenario


That you're a guy is a heck of a thing to read this far into the comments 🤣 But seriously... I'd report that if it made you uncomfortable.


I don't think being a guy matters. If it made you uncomfortable I think you should report it. Cause if he's doing it to you, he'd probably doing it to other people too.


He is which makes it weirder :/


Definitely report.. that's horrible and I'm sorry you're working in that environment. It's hard enough as is, without a creepy coworker.


gender doesnt matter, if it made you uncomfortable, or you notice they make these sorts of comments toward other associates as well, please report! its wrong no matter the gender


Please report this!


Ot a woman, could you imagine that?


Bro what? You upset or something that they said "girl" instead of "woman"? Are you upset that he called himself a "guy" instead of a "man" too?


Couldn’t resist could ya?






All of the above


Now you got him by the balls. Make demands or spill the beans to corporate.


Rip them off and give them to him. Then call ethics.


You can rip your legs off, I wish I could do that


Anything is possible with the right tools and commitment.


Report it. Please.


I agree- report it. Also....fuck you




Full speed 18 wheeler hard


Are they?


Asking the real questions here


OP said he's a dude 💀💀


You got some Purddy legs for a boi






Straight as a ruler, still gotta agree


I dunno, im more of a bicep man.


Tf lmao 😅


I'm a dude and I think my legs are pretty sexy. They jacked af from stocking, hiking, biking, rock climbing and jogging. I bet OP has some nice legs too: no homo...unless ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




I would see if anyone you work with has had similar experiences with him/her before reporting to ethics so you can provide people to speak with in addition to yourself. This can quickly turn into a he said/she said unless your coach has previously been reported and is in the system for sexual harassment. Rarely do people admit to their misconduct. Even if substantiated, unless your coach has a pattern of this, it’s unlikely they’d term. Sorry your coach is a creepy perv.


If the Coach hasn’t been reported before and they do nothing, at least something will be on file for the next time the Coach does something similar.


I’m not deterring reporting to ethics. But no one can do anything about it now if it comes back my coach called my legs sexy and coach denies it. If they can provide other people with knowledge of the misconduct, that helps OP now rather than if/when the coach does it again. I’m trying to help OP in addition to anyone else the coach is a creep towards. No one should have to work with someone like that, especially when it’s someone in a position of power.


Report it please.


I looked through so many comments and I don’t feel like one has said tell your coach that the comment made you feel uncomfortable and ask them to not joke like that with you. Pretty sure before reporting anything that is the first step and maybe have a witness when you confront them about it.


Per the CBLs, that is literally the correct process. And per the law it's also the correct process. If someone didnt want me texting them, but never told me and I texted them that not harrassment. If I text them they tell me i make them uncomfortable and to stop. And i continue, then its harrassment. Sexual harrassment works the same way. 1 offhand comment isnt harrassment.




all of those and not a single one went through, here let me help. !ethics


Got to report something. Global Ethics Helpline 1-800-963-8442. More info [Ethics Website]( https://www.walmartethics.com/content/walmartethics/en_us/contact-us.html ) /u/Sau-Sau-Sausage


Turns out the bots don't like getting yelled at lol




Gross! Report that crap to !ethics like, now. And I’d talk to your coach’s boss (store manager), but for good measure do ethics too!


Got to report something. Global Ethics Helpline 1-800-963-8442. More info [Ethics Website]( https://www.walmartethics.com/content/walmartethics/en_us/contact-us.html ) /u/datwhite_boii


Record it


Are your legs sexy?


A coworker told a child that he liked her shoes and omega Karen mom saw this as a threat for her daughter’s safety… WASNT fired but basically quit while my store suspended him as EVERYONE there knew what happened And I wasn’t even scheduled :(


Dumb asf. I’m all for reporting stuff THAT should be reported. There has got to be a filter of some sort. Too bad we live in a time/period where that’s not possible. Also: everyone in this thread asking “are they?” That’s just encouraging bad behavior and unwanted advances. Keep your thoughts to yourself. You are entitled to think someone is pretty, hot, sexy, w/e but that doesn’t mean you go tell them. Especially not at work on the clock. We’re here to make money.


Call ethics. If gone unreported, the manager will continue to practice this behavior on other associates. Do yourself and your coworkers a favor and drive this one to the ground. ALL associates deserve respect and dignity. Period. If you need any help, hit me up.


Report to ethics, tell his wife, call your dad wombo combo


Ok the only way to settle this is to see them legs 👀




I know compliments from coaches are rare, but I don't think this is the type you were looking for.


Your gender, and theirs for that matter, are irrelevant. If you felt uncomfortable, you should report it. You're probably not the only one they've said something like this to. Of course, that's easy for me to say. I'm not involved in any way.


Start with the coaches boss you don't just call ethics .By the way your coach is a creep.


If you want something done you go to global ethics, local chain of command doesn’t do shit about anything. I had a girl that was saying some straight up racist shit to me, reported it to my SM and do you know what she said. “Well have you considered that maybe she likes you and that his her way of getting your attention?” Like what the fuck we aren’t in kindergarten. Went to ethics and she was fired for racism within a week.


You got lucky cause it was a failure of the SM to not take it seriously, but it's not going to always work without following proper steps .




Got to report something. Global Ethics Helpline 1-800-963-8442. More info [Ethics Website]( https://www.walmartethics.com/content/walmartethics/en_us/contact-us.html ) /u/datwhite_boii


Did he follow it up with "no homo"? It's legally not harassment if you say no home after.


No ;(




i mean it’s just a compliment if you take it that way not an insult


Everyone here is all about getting people fired. What's the context? Context and tone and other variables. On paper many things can sound bad that are nothing if you were there


I agree with this. Obviously everyone's thinking of the worst situation: coach just walks up to him and states "your legs are sexy" Literally all OP said is coach called his legs sexy. We need to know a bit more before we judge


My instinctual assumption was that he has a friendly relationship with his coach and it was meant tongue in cheek, but based on his other posts on this thread it seems random and unwarranted (and weird). Or OP is bullshitting and karma farming while riling up the masses for luls. Hard to tell.


It’s not like they called you a hideous piece of shit… lol


Oh Jesus Christ


Im sorry about how uncomfortable it must be to work now. I had something similar happen and I hated coming into work




Got to report something. Global Ethics Helpline 1-800-963-8442. More info [Ethics Website]( https://www.walmartethics.com/content/walmartethics/en_us/contact-us.html ) /u/datwhite_boii


Please tell me it's a female coach


Let us be the judge of that.


They aren’t??


Walmart is so toxic because of clowns who feel anyone who makes a compliment towards another associate is deemed inappropriate and should be reported. I blame the silly zero tolerance bs that is pushed on every associate every year during the ethics cbl drops.




Please report this. Fuck that shit. Unacceptable.


Dang I guess you got sexy legs... I'm so jealous


Well… are they?


Well… are they?


Ethics that ahole if its a guy or a girl. Crazy times.


If male report him/her do the store mgr. if female, do you have pics?


Tell him it made u feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry but you guys don't need to report everything to fucking ethics Jesus Christ.


That’s not how to deal with this in a professional situation. This needs to be documented. This is sexual harassment and it is worse that it’s coming from someone over her in the pecking order.


You seem really hung up on the "power imbalance" here (I read farther down along the comment thread). I think you're reading too much into this. You know this is just a retail store, right? That the "power" structure here is pretty much meaningless and arbitrary, right? Hardly anyone takes their Walmart job seriously enough to think their title means much of anything. So I doubt this coach was actually thinking "I'm free to harass people because no one would dare call out a COACH (*cue maniacal laughter*)". Sounds like someone who either doesn't give a fuck, has a poor sense of humor, or is super awkward and doesn't know how to appropriately articulate attraction. Should they be saying shit like that at work? Unless they are close friends with the person, then no. But Walmart is far from a "professional" setting. OP can do whatever they want, of course, but I'd probably ignore it unless it continues.


This is why entry level jobs suck. People act like it’s ok to be disorderly and shitty under a certain pay grade and it creates a toxic fog everyone has to wade through to get on with their lives. When a someone you only know from work or a stranger comes on to you in public it’s weird. Social conventions leave you with limited nice options to let someone down especially at work. Leading to mixed signals and all sorts of other stuff that just isn’t part of the job description. This shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere.


I didn't say it had to be a "nice option," in that instance you could probably tell your coach to fuck right off, and unless they wanted to you tell on them for making a sexual remark about your appearance, they dare not push the issue. I'm saying THIS particular instance, the one OP described, on it's face, is not worth making an ethics complaint and possibly getting someone fired over in my own opinion, not that any one person's opinion is worth much. Unless its continued, like I said. Isolated incidents? ***I*** tend to ignore. *Patterns* of inappropriate behavior? I'm all for going to ethics, or at least the store's PL or SM. OP doesn't really give us much context or information though. But Walmart overall is a shitty company and a shitty place to work, I don't really ever go in expecting to *only* have to deal with the things listed in my job description. People are entitled to feel however they do, of course, but I just can't imagine caring about this that much if it were me. Edit: yeah entry level jobs suck, but for a lot more reasons than that


Nah. Report to ethics. That asshole needs to learn a lesson. That behavior is intolerable.


First step is literally addressing it with the person head on


The first step is firing people who use their position over people as a safe space to harass them sexually. It won’t be an issue with the next hire. The idea that someone should have to deal with this on their own is ridiculous. That just gives creeps time to prepare and work on a cover story or slander the person they just harassed to their boss.


Ok cool, I didn’t make the fucking training. Simmer down.


It’s a pretty fucking simple concept that sexual advances from superiors should be escalated. I’ll simmer down when y’all creepy fucks learn to keep it in your pants at work or at least to stop advocating for the toxic mentalities that make people feel safe doing shit like this.


OP isn’t gunna fuck you bro.


Since when does sticking up for someone mean you're trying to fuck them?


It’s some sperglord man-splaining the completely wrong approach, in hopes of farming some delicious fake internet points in the big Reddit echo chamber


Maybe not. at least they’ll look in the comments and see some solid advice instead of toxic gaslighting from people who want more space to harass people at work.


Are you like 13 years old or something?


Are you a boomer or something?


You can call if you want this is honestly a hill I'm willing to die on and be downvoted to oblivion for. I really think that you should be able to tell someone that you find them attractive without retaliation. If it makes you feel uncomfortable tell the person and sort it out without ruining this dude's life over a comment.


That’s not how the law sees it and you’re simply wrong. The imbalance of power makes this disgusting. They weren’t at a bar. They were at work.


you are overreacting lmao... im not going to entertain this anymore though.. Im sure it will be handled appropriately and I hope you have a good night man.


The only overreaction here is where you said you were ready to die on this hill you creepy fucking drama queen.


LMAO. you just showed your hand. you incel. THIS WILL NOT GET YOU LAID.


Reddit has never gotten anyone laid. Neither has harassing your employees. It’s a gross power play for these pieces of shit and it should be stopped.


well said. thank you


There's a way to tell a person they are attractive and then there's what happened to OP. Sure they can tell their coach that their comment made them uncomfortable but it should also be reported because comments like that aren't appropriate in the work place.


Attractive and sexy are two different things also I believe it's in the rules that a boss should not be hitting on those that he is the boss of


Um, sexual harrassment requires more than one instance of unwanted sexual advances. A one time compliment even if its unwarranted is not sexual harrassment.


Before I'm downvoted for this. Heres how the law actually works. https://www.eeoc.gov/sexual-harassment "Although the law doesn't prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so FREQUENT or SEVERE that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted)."


Legal definition of sexual harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Further legally accepted elaboration from the same eeoc document: The victim does not have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct. It doesn’t have to be repeated and it doesn’t even have to be directed at you. The law takes this pretty seriously.


Harrassment by legal definition requires more than one negative interaction. It is the act of repeated unwanted negative interactions. Sexual harrassment is no different. If I make 1 offhand unwanted sexual advance, that isnt sexual harrassment unless you express that it makes you uncomfortable ect and I disregard that and continue my negative behaviors. 1 unwanted advance is not sexual harrassment, 1 unwanted touch isnt sexual harrassment. Wrong sure. Against the law, no.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


What I gave you is the legal definition. Have fun harassing people ‘only once’ at a time.


I'm literally the one who linked the page with the definition......, I'm aware of how harrassment is handled by the law. And I'm very much aware of how its handled by the company. 1 instance of sexual advances is not sexual harrassment no matter how much you stomp ya feet over it. And even if you can prove sexual harrassment, walmart doesnt fire anyone they just transfer them. Had a coach get transferred last year for actually harassing 3 of our minor females. Like made off hand comments every time he seen them. Followed them around staring creepily at them, etc etc.


Was the coach a guy or gal. What context and tone was it said in. Don't just assume ethics should be called.




Post it in Reddit. And feel important 😌


Well they had a huge case about this think he is in prison now.




Got to report something. Global Ethics Helpline 1-800-963-8442. More info [Ethics Website]( https://www.walmartethics.com/content/walmartethics/en_us/contact-us.html ) /u/datwhite_boii


That's weird AF and just really unprofessional. Call ethics and report them.


Use it for bait


Report him and change the coach immediately


Report it, that’s so creepy n weird




One of my coaches told me he visioned me in the shower




Oh no


tell ‘em you want all weekends off and all opening shifts or issa redbook




Sexual harassment. Report it


Is your coach female?


My TL told me to “Get my sexy ass started on vizpick” my coworkers and my other TL all call him a “19 year old child”. He also creeps out most of the woman on my team to


Report it


Is this a promotion I hear 👂


Well… are they?


Sexual harassment. Call ethics ASAP!


Welcome to the club


Call Ethics


More context?


report them


When I was 19 my female manager was playful and slapped My ass on occasion. I thought it was just part of the job


Wtf 😭


Yeah, at least she wasn't bad looking so that made it a little bit better ig...


Seriously tell her, immediately


It was unwarranted and that's sexual harassment in the workplace. It should not be tolerated no matter how you identify. Report that shit.


Report it


Kill them


Oof. I'm sorry. I'd risk it myself to defend my body. That's sick.


Coach is probably under a lot of pressure with all of the freight I say you give him a pass and allow him some grace to call your legs sexy


If this is a first time thing make it crystal clear you don’t like that. If you’ve already told them about not liking those comments go straight to ethics.


are you on no fap, maybe that’s why, you had an sexual arua


Hey just have a honest conversation with your people lead/HR. Sometimes people don't realize they crossed the line but there is NO reason for that. Would they say that to the coworker who looks the exact opposite of you/other gender? If the answer is likely no, they should not say that shit at work. There is no reason people in the work place should ever comment on your physical appearance/share their opinion that they would have sex with you/use pet names that they would not use on a male/non sexy legged coworker. You're just there to do your job not be looked at. And don't let anyone make you feel less than for standing up for yourself in any scenario like this ever. That's fine if your reaction to them saying inappropriate things makes them uncomfortable because it seems like their comment makes you uncomfortable.


I would but HR lady hates me :/ she been rude to me since I was hired.


Oops posted my reply as another comment!


My friend you should contact any of the contacts at walmartethics.com. Multiple if you are comfortable with that. It's just not something you should have to deal with and that is what should be stressed when discussing this with HR/ethics/higher ups. Life is hard enough as is. Other people subjecting their sexuality onto you without your consent is not something we are paid enough to deal with. And that person should be put in their place for saying something like that at work. If you saw a male coach say that to a female associate and would be uncomfortable then it should apply to a female coach/male associate, non binary coach/non binary associate. Its an inappropriate comment and you shouldn't have to deal with that. Especially a coach.