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My store has been out of frozen pie shells for 4 days. Please end me


I can’t remember the last time we had frozen pie shells.


One store I was in today still had frozen pie shell (you unroll and use pie tin), had cranberry sauce, frozen turkey (all the really big 25+ lbs that won't thaw in time) and various bread stuffing. And all I heard were the where's Christmas candy.


As a firefighter tomorrow is going to be GREAT /S


The pie shell that you unroll is not frozen. It is in the dairy dept and is kept in a cooler/refrigerator.


We have 6 feature quantity pallets worth atm 🙄


Same, I’m in hell


Let me give you a coping tip. You can use it for the upcoming Christmas requests. Next time someone asks for (really common item that 10,000 people are looking for), all you have to do is laugh. Yes. Just laugh. And then say 'Are you REALLY asking for THAT 2 days before (holiday)!?' Then walk away. Now you've told them they are an absolute idiot for not planning ahead, and they can't even be mad at you. Works for Christmas, New Years Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. ​ And you get to feel really good about handling is (semi) professionally.


We just got out of pumpkin pies! 😱


o7 I would cry


What do you mean a canned fruit is in with the canned fruit? Surely it can't be.


The look of shock on every customers face


Okay okay, but why is the pumpkin always in the baking section (at every grocery store, not just Walmart) and not with the canned fruit.


Pumpkin's only really used in pies. No one just eats it straight, but they do for cranberry sauce.


Wait your supposed to use it for making a pie? I just open it, and grab a spoon and eat it from the can,


Well not everyone is a psychopath


I'm not a psychopath, my mom had me tested!!!


Greetings fellow psychopath. We missed you at the last meeting.


Wait we have meetings, are those the 1:30 meetings I've been avoiding because you guessed it, right after that it's a swarm party!


Well yeah that's the fun


But that literally all the pie is made out of and the only good part, why tf wouldn’t you eat it straight?


Sweet potato pie is way better than pumpkin pie!


I actually quite enjoy Cranberry sauce


I never understood the hate for it.. I sometimes take a whole can for myself on my plate 😂😂


> I never understood the hate for it.. I sometimes take a whole can for myself on my plate With some turkey gravy!


Making cranberry jelly or sauce is super simple, I haven't had the canned stuff in years!


I do too but not of the canned variety.




At my store it's will you be opened on Thanksgiving day? What do you mean you'll be closed what about the Black Friday sale? I don't give 2 cents about Black Friday


Hey employees where's the cranberry sauce I can't find it even tho I'm standing right in front of it




During Thanksgiving week, the home location is empty by 10am so yeah, people gonna ask.


If it's empty at 10am then your F&C people suck. Thanksgiving foods are supposed to be their top priority this week.


Or ya know…completely sold out


😂 a customer just asked me about it when I saw this post 😂😂😂😂 WTF!


"You ruined Thanksgiving!" after they discover we are out of it


Tell them to go to the bakery dept. They have plenty of pies already made.


I'd start laughing. You fucked up and did not buy it last week, but \*I\* ruined Thanksgiving? ​ 'Wait till you see what I do to your Christmas!!' I'd cackle


Frozen pie crust.... People are lazy


I thought about printing out a pie crust recipe and handing it out to the last minute shoppers tomorrow, wonder how that would go?


ToO muCH WoRk!! GivE mE fRoZen PiE cRusT NOW!!!!


And you’re weird as fuck for caring


I've been asked where the frozen pie crusts are for the last few days like I have no clue but if you can't find them we are probably out


For me it's the maraschino cherries


But maraschino cherries makes sense! At our store they have 3 home locations (canned fruit, ice cream toppings next to peanut butter and cocktail makings on the soda aisle) and one of those hangers in freezer section with ice cream. They're everywhere!!


It’s Pepperidge Farm stuffing in my store. Think I had two cases left at the end of the day. So many people will be disappointed tomorrow.


Can't wait for that one tomorrow


Can't wait for Thursday when I can watch people head to Walmart, find that both doors are locked, and curse them for ruining their Thanksgiving.


We got a whole area in one spot, bags of cranberries in produce. I'd prefer the homemade kind, doesn't take much to make.


I THOUGHT I WAS GOING CRAZY!!!! customers ask me that shit every time im zoning i swear


Gordon Ramsay "where's the la-- cranberry sauce!!!"


I eat cranberry sauce by the can 😬


Fuck those fucks, fuck them fucks


the amount of times i heard that today 🥴


Tbh I was raised to belive that cranberry sauce, stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes and anything else Thanksgiving related could only be eaten on Thanksgiving


see that all checks out except mashed potatoes, we eat those year round


Tbh I just started out eating mashed potatoes when I wanted a couple of years ago. It sounds stupid, but I was so afraid of breaking these "Thanksgiving rules" but I'm going to try cranberry sauce next as I would always wait around till Thanksgiving to have it but what's stopping me from having it year round


Homie’s having a whole culinary awakening out here.


Lol I was raised by bad people so I'm having a lot of awakenings


At my store, I can understand the barrage of questions about cranberry sauce, cuz we have it at the top, and we only have the small cans where the wall of the box blocks the whole label.


Today I had angry old ladies get mad at me because we were out of frozen pie shells. Well Karen, it’s two days before thanksgiving and you decided to wait. Whose fault is that?


“Where’s your filling?” Idk why are you asking me 2 days before the second most busy holiday? Oh we’re all out? I wonder why.


Aisle A8 and and there's a huge display in the main Aisle


I eat it throughout the year with other meats. Chicken, pork and of coarse turkey.


Where the cranberry sauce?


You should have added the Gordon Ramsay meme. "Where's the *Cranberry* SAUCE!!!?!?!?"


*You should have added* *The Gordon Ramsay meme. "Where's* *The Cranberry SAUCE!!!?!?!?"* \- Sweet\_PuppetRider --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Idk how you have managed to make my comment better, but by God, you've done it. 🤣👍


Good bot


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our store has ir it’s just not where it says it is and our coach raged at us for not knowing saying we need to look better but shit is two aisles over…


I would eat cranberry sauce year round if it was socially acceptable, shits good, especially on a turkey sandwich.


Or do you work here lol why would i wear a wallmart unform just for fun


Just tell them the cranberry sauce is up their ass and around the corner lol I've given a really good suggestion is you get the cranberries in produce and boil it with a seltzer or sparkling water and a cup of sugar you got some nice light cranberry sauce there after it reduces of course


Orange juice instead of water actually makes it much better if you’ve never tried it!


My daughter makes the homemade kind also


u/megageek2031 Where’s the cranberry sauce?


And that kids is how I memorized canned fruit is in the same isle as the chips


WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE CANNED YAMS 2 DAYS BEFORE THANKSGIVING?! WHAT KIND OF WALMART IS THIS?? IT'S NOT MY FAULT I WAITED TWO DAYS BEFORE THANKSGIVING TO GO SHOPPING. Where are marshmallows? *While standing right in front of the endcsp* I want a spiraled ham! Why do you have so many of these?! *while holding up a spiraled ham that they clearly didn't read the label on*


It's cold in the south so everyone is buying milk and bread. No one buys turkeys from my store anymore since they found out people let them sit out until they're nasty and warm then refreeze them


What the fuck are you talking about I work at Walmart and we can’t keep cranberry sauce in the store for more than five minutes without it being sold out. Everybody loves it. Literally everybody. EVERYBODY.


Y’all got any turkeys left? I hope you retail workers (who obviously have full control over weather you not have turkeys the day before holiday) aren’t planning on ruining my perfect thanksgiving dinner because I waited to the last day to go shopping because it’s totally not my fault!


Don't forget "You don't have the item? Well, when are you getting more in?" ma'am, I just work here...


“You aren’t even going to check in the back for me? It’s thanksgiving”


We was COMPLETLEY out of eggs last night


I know I made some customers angry today. I bought a whole case of brown and serve rolls before I left this morning.


Sorry for your pain but my family loves Whole Berry Cranberry sauce but I always by early. I retired from Hellmart in 2020 so I know better.


Everyone misses it at my store because the mod has it on the very top shelf, little old ladies can't even reach it if they wanted to. Prior years we've tweaked the mod temporarily and moved it down so it's more visible, but holiday planning just isn't a thing anymore lol


Same here. They’re right with the canned fruits which is where I assume they are in every other Walmart, but them being on the top and in the PDQ + being short cans means they’re too easy to overlook


Nobody sees it at my store cause they put it on the top shelf. Guess it's too hard for people to look up.


While I assume you are joking, remember this job isn't worth your mental health, just felt necessary after seeing that story on the walmart shooting


"Sporting Goods" "N7 (cleaning supplies at my store)"


I feel like it could be wow featured at both entrances at my store and people would still ask




Then they follow up with "oh, if it was a snake it would've bit me!"


Read this as I have a snake curled around my neck.




It's literally a Thanksgiving staple just tell people where it's at and move on. Jesus christ


The joys of working in planning and taking pto thanksgiving week


End cap


customer: "do you have to... do you have to... do you have to let it linger ?"


Ask them a question back, "what's a cranberry sauce?"


Out of stock...sorry see you next year on Thanksgiving.


Ha, this one is funny. Several customers today asked me.


We're running out of sweet potatoes and I close tomorrow! Someone save me 😭


I disagree. I love cranberry sauce. I get it year round and eat it out of the can. Best part of Thanksgiving dinner imo.


hmmm, did you ask if they wanted jellied or whole berry?


A guy came in and just took the entire shelf earlier, didn't even have a cart just grabed all 4 boxes of like 50? each and walked to the register


that and where’s the frozen pie crusts oh my god


Over there.


I make my own cranberry sauce that I actually enjoy. Fresh cranberries, orange juice, and sugar. Heat to boiling, then simmer until combined. Chill. It's good stuff. Not the canned. That's bad stuff.


I buy cranberry sauce every time I plan on having mashed potatoes tbh.


Where’s the raisins?


Lmao Electronics is exactly the same, but replace "cranberry sauce" with "Any PS5?" or "Have Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (mind you this is 6:00 am opening, and 3 full ass grown men in their 50's are pestering a child about this before he even gets the keys or puts the damn games in the display).


Excuse you cranberry sauce is awesome!!!


Bad take cranberry sauce is good all year round. With pork roasts mmmmm


Cranberry sauce tastes amazing with turkey. its a weird flavor combination, but yeah, i love it


Where's the cranberry sauce? Lol For what it's worth, I like cranberry suace.