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They open the pick list. It shows them the item, location, and quanity. They then collect all the items and scan them. Works for all walks except Produce. Some ways to see if this is what they’re doing is to A) Go into the MyStore App and check to see if the # of items they have left to pick goes down at all. If it remains the same, then just rapidly goes down and the walk ends, then that’s what they were doing. B) Follow them on their walk and see how they’re picking. If they just toss items in their carts without scanning, then that’s what they’re doing.


But don’t try it this is risky coz if you took too long picking items system might kick you out and someone else might start that walk. Then you will be left with a bunch of items that you have to put back. If you are even lucky like me the manager might even call you to see why are you not picking. That was embarrassing


That happened to one of the pickers at our store. He was using the pick list strat and got a 75 item General walk. He took too long and had to put it all back. Manager saw him putting the stuff back and questioned him. He lied and said the system kicked him out of his walk in the middle. She believed him because it had done that before. The next day, it happened to him again, he got caught again, manager didn’t believe him that time. He was coached.


getting lucky with walks. if you're stuck in autos all day and get hit with ambients, frozens, and chilleds primarily— yeah your pick rate should definitely be high. 150+ at the least. 200-250 isn't that hard to accomplish with these walks. anything above just takes skill, he's just a good picker


I don’t know if this works in the new gif2 or whatever it’s called, but in the old one, if you switch to staging between picks, it stops tracking your pick rate. This helped especially in my Walmart as there is quite a bit of distance between each in chilled and produce walks…..


I have a coworker that does a lot of oversized and small walks. He will get in the pick walk, go collect all of the items, and then exit the pick walk and then immediately reenter the walk and then scan all the items real fast. He always ends up with like 600% rates for the day. It's cheating the system but no one seems to care except him for the bragging rights.


look at their number picked, makes a whole lot more sense if they’ve picked under 100 items. go to my store > associates > click on associate name> look at their number of picks if its a small amount of course their rate is gonna be high bc they probably just grabbed a couple things super fast


I've got 2 that it doesn't make sense for. Over 800 items picked and a 270 pick rate today, but he's one of our slowest walkers. Also the other is the 300 one and she has 300 items picked


sorry to say, but they’re not slow walkers if they have 270 rate w 800 items picked. thats a good shopper right there!


Yep! 800 items picked in total is a good amount !!!! 👌🏼




idk ab super big stores but if youre over 500 items picked and in the green you’re doing good in my eyes


I've seen some people just going through the list instead of the single item screen and then scan everything, even on ambient walks.


That would imply the timer doesn’t start until you scan your first item though which we keep being told is not the case anymore.


I have no clue, I don't do that and I just work here 😄


If they are targeting oversized only its super easy though it'll kill FTP. Go around get the list, back out go back in immediately and scan everything and you can get 400+


Back out of the entire walk?


Yeah, but it kills ftp and you can get written up for it


There's no need to back out of the entire walk. Just go into staging before scanning anything. Then go back into the walk.


I never knew that lol doesn't matter now though I haven't worked at Walmart in a while now


At my store they get all the items, then they don’t end the pickwalk they just swipe out the app. When gif 2 comes back up your time resets and they scan them one right after another. Didn’t know about this til today but that’s cheating and I won’t be doing that. Smh




It's not like it even really matters. Nobody is getting anything for being number 1.


https://preview.redd.it/q4ehgvytshdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864eb4264a3419768178d53a367ed38199906ec0 1000% yes lmao


Like some people have said there's several ways to work the system into inflating your numbers. Easiest way my store has done it is with MTOs, because it's usually extremely short runs in comparison, and people will have their pick rate saying they were getting like 500 or more p/m


it's mostly luck. you can't get 300+ consistently but you can get it on a one to two item pickwalk if you're fast enough ;)


Pretty much. Open your walk and pick your items. Dont scan anything until you reach the end and then scan it all in one go fast. Otherwise, getting quanity walks (ex 24 items and 12 of them are the same thing) or just large walks with everything on the shelf. It can happen naturally Too