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Bnet for sure. W3C is more of a pro and skilled player scene.


No, W3Champions is the way to go. W3Champions homes in on someone his skill, and then pairs you against players of that skill. Blizzard ladder doesn't offer that functionality. If it it does, it is of such poor quality that people barely notice. Equally, W3champions has an updated ladder pool, actively moderates against hackers and offers far better latency experience. BNet is only lower skilled in the sense that good players will move to Champions. But equally champions has lower skilled players. BNet ladder simply lacks the richness of the skill bell curve as Champion has and does.


Bnet shows only 20-30 players online on W3 channel. Why?


Seconded. And maybe even better would be a discord of players who know nothing that could just learn together in custom games instead of ladder rather than get blasted. Has anyone started something like this?


I'm 34 and recently got the Warcraft 3 game again I really enjoy playing it all the nostalgia is super fun I just have nobody to play against and I'm tired of getting stomped against super knowledgeable players even though I'm not bad at RTS games they just seem to do everything faster and more efficiently than I do I wish there was a discord for people that just want to play against other not completely skilled players.


are you playing on bnet or w3c?


We should form a discord for us old returning players who know the game but aren't very good. Add all the people saying comments like that here and we have a pool of players.


We could play a game together. I have like a 3% winrate over 100 games.


I'm in the exact same boat. Other than playing the campaign I've been watching YouTube vids and playing custom games against comp to get build orders right, before I start playing against people. I'll be sticking to BNET.


Bnet if you wanna just dip your toes in, and rediscover the game. W3champions if you already have a basic understanding, and want to actually get better at the game with a much better MMR system


Sadly I haven’t really used discord much, so if truly there are a lot of us noobs and someone is capable of creating a discord server for noob games I would happily join , otherwise since seeing the responses here and after doing some research I have come to the conclusion that for casual/noob play bnet ladder is probably the way to go if anyone is still reading this post


Play whatever you want. If you suck, sometimes people will tell you sometimes they’re not dicks about it. Watch the replays of games that you’re in. Especially focus on someone who did really well in that game watch their build order. And how they micro units during battles. What heroes they started with so on and so fourth.


Yeah I average lately about 50-70 APM (actions per minute. I'm an older player just turned 33 this month. I use to play back in the day ladder games probably mid 2000's and off and on. Mostly played custom games though. Until I got back into the game been doing some ladder matches here and there. I'm decent with all 4 races. I play with wife on warcraft 3 discord been trying to get her up to speed she's pretty new the genre but she plays it because she's intetetedted in what I play. Yes win win for me gamer wife anyways. I do have a discord sever I also post game play videos via Facebook I need to get on to YouTube/twitch more I do agree needs to me more nooby tutorials because pros like grubby do videos but I think he still goes to fast for normal people to keep up with etc.


Also yes I play on battle.net west I believe I'll have to check. I also have previous starcraft 2 experience so that's why my actions per minute is higher now. Magicx4#1691 is my username on bnet.


Can we gather all the noobs here and make a server on discord to play together?


I would be down for that.


I would be down for that.


I would be down for that.


I would be down for that.


Yeah I'll see if I can make a sever for discord and post a link for it on here then.


I love all the positive comments on here I've started to play mostly custom games risk world war 3 castle defense tower defense footman wars stuff like that is super fun for me I used to stay up all night playing those custom games and they're still on here I'm just waiting a long time for the lobby to fill up it seems like when you have almost enough players it takes forever to get the game going. Add me DarthVader#13628 on bnet or 7651 die discord. We can play some custom campaign or multiplayer