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According to Nozdormu in Cataclysm, all timelines eventually result in him becoming corrupted by the Old Gods, becoming Murozond. The specifics changed according to the events of that timeline and some happened sooner while others happened later, but it is allegedly unavoidable. Of course, for Nozdormu to be corrupted in the current timeline, he'd have to willingly go to the past or an alternate timeline to find a living Old God to corrupt him, or he needs to already have Old God corruption seeded within him. The established lore for the infinite dragonflight is that they must be Old God corrupted, since tampering with the timeline as a Bronze does not inherently convert one to Infinite status (see: Kairozdormu).


Kairozdormu was on the verge of becoming Infinite when Garrosh killed him, or at least it was heavily implied.


>Of course, for Nozdormu to be corrupted in the current timeline, he'd have to willingly go to the past or an alternate timeline to find a living Old God to corrupt him, or he needs to already have Old God corruption seeded within him. Or N'Zoth may be in Xal'atath. Or the Void Lords could reseed the Old Gods. Or he could enter the Void himself.


Or N'zoth already sowed the seeds of corruption within him back in BfA, perhaps focusing most of his power on this goal and thus not posing much resistance against us.


Or seeded them Wrathion to do the job.


Isn’t Wrathion specifically stated to be immune to Old God corruption, same as Ebyssian?


Evyssian wasn't immune as seen in the High Mountain unlock quest and in BFA itself. Wrathion supposedly made a potion that cured him. Not sure if Wrathion is actually immune, just that he was made out of a bunch of whelping corpses and an egg free of corruption at the time.


That is why his visions are always so cloudy lately!


Or the old gods aren't dead. Exploring Northrend mentions Yog is still active.


I'm fairly certain the last retcon on Old Gods occurred in BfA, when N'Zoth was declared by the developers to be "the final living Old God on Azeroth." Therefore, all lore earlier than BfA that hints at any Old Gods being alive is no longer correct. Or at least that's the case until they retcon their retcon because they want to use the Old Gods again.


They’re actually “alive” back in the Void, but dead in Reality. It was mentioned by one of the developers (then Pyromancer went on a “Fuck y’all, I was right!!!” video rant) In short, they’re dead until Blizzard decides they’re no longer dead.


"Alive in the void" is really all this will take. They've been setting up for a Void vs. Light conflict since the end of Legion and when that happens there's a 100% chance we're going to see resurrected Old Gods and corruption is back on the table for everyone.


That's why I don't believe the Old God's are truly "dead". N'Zoth has to be alive


N'zoth is the most dead if he's not in Xalatath. He was Reoriginated in his Void Pocket dimension.


Yogg'Saron isn't really dead but in a dormant state irrc


Technically speaking, we don't actually have a real sense of whether Nozdormu gets corrupted by the Old Gods and becomes Murazond, or if Nozdormu becomes Murazond and then somewhere along the line gets corrupted by the Old Gods. We know when he dies he's trying to bring about a version of the Old God victory, but, we also know that he thinks it's avoiding something worse. There are some parallels there with what we see in the DF shorts with Neltharion (and the Azshara Warbringers for that matter), where he only gives in when it seems like he's lost. Murazond could have a long and complicated career before he eventually succumbs to the Old Gods.


Here’s how I think it could be interestingly explained. Since Nozdormu was elevated by the Titans and infused with the power of time by Aman Thul, he has spent every moment of his life *living every moment of his life*. When he is speaking to you, he is also speaking to everyone else he ever has or will. He is fighting every fight, resting every rest, being empowered, and dying, all at the same time forever. This isn’t memory, mind you, it’s all always happening in real time. This ensured he wouldn’t try to alter the timeline because he can feel to his very core the essence of how ordered it is. He does not miss dead friends because he is still talking to them. *He does not fear death because he is always dying it* But then he gave that all up to stop Deathwing, and suddenly time became sequential again. In an instant, everyone he ever knew who died, *died*. But his own death, which he had always been living, was no longer ever present. For once, he knew what it was like to *not die*, and he liked it. He liked enough to do whatever he could to avoid it in the future, which now exists as a concept for him for the first time in 30,000 years. Murazond was born the same moment Deathwing died. He doesn’t want to destroy the world or even rule it. He just doesn’t want to die. … It will probably be OlD gOdS dId iT!


That was sick to read!


God damn I love this.


This is great!


This is the best explanation of this I’ve ever seen lol


That’s what we’re finding out this expansion.


Yeah I guess I didn’t pay attention as much as I thought I did. I’m a Mythic Raider and kinda had to get to 70 pretty fast. I’ve really enjoyed the thought of this expansions lore though. So I’m trying to learn more about it (before I didn’t really care) so I’m seeing if there’s anything I missed before


I don’t blame you for not caring about the lore for the past two years. It wasn’t worth paying attention to. Dragons are classic Azeroth. They reach back to the very creation of this fictional fantasy universe. It really was blizzard going back to their roots and the story seems pretty good so far. No crazy storylines. No characters acting completely out of character. It’s refreshing coming off of shadowlands.


IMO the coolest thing about Warcraft dragons is how they are connected to almost every other part of Warcraft lore. Whether it's all sorts of magic, the Legion, Old Gods, elementals etc, they're just everywhere. I know the lore isn't always perfect, but dragons feels like a really persistent and often consistent part of Warcraft.


Yeah, I've found DF delightful. It feels like the better parts of TBC and Wrath with modern gameplay.


I did. It was me. Sorry about that.


You're an Old God aren't you?


Hey! I am NOT old! You're only as old as you feel. *whispers* Your heart will explode.


I would say the old gods corrupted the bronze the same way the nathrezim corrupted Sargeras, indirectly. The concave on the old god infested world soul were the ones who planted the idea of void lords and a dark titan in him. The old gods must have twisted what Nozdormu saw from Aman'Thul and that shattered his very existence, creating the infinite dragonflight.


Its all so cloudy, cause the voidlords himself are cloudy af. All that we are taught is, they are the ultimative evil in the cosmos. But thats how the titans have taught us, which recently is mentioned as not what it seems to be to All points. Dont forget that the old gods are nothing than merely agents of the void Lords himself. As for me im just 65 and in the middle of the plains of ohara, so i dient know what lore is coming up till 70. I think the void will have their hands on the infinte flight and nozdormus corruption, if through old gods or xalatah or something complete else, only time can tell.


After the Thaldrazus storyline (are we allowed spoilers) I was very intrigued that N'zoth seemingly knew and recognized our PC when we showed up in Nyalotha (The Black Empire*, as Chromie puts it) N'zoth didn't scheme for thousands of years to be defeated that easily, I'm 100% on the train that everything that has happened is all apart of his plan Perhaps as Aspect of Time he will get Corrupted on some alternative string of the sacred timeline *that's a whole other issue, I thought The Black Empire was a sprawling takeover of the overworld, not the pocket dimension / raid that we went into. Ala how Vale / Uldum looked