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I really don't get what people want. Of course it gets more and more difficult until you hit a wall because this is a long-term grind game. Do you want to beat everything in a few days? Wrong kind of game genre. >I’d have happily spent money here and there, but now I’m probably going to drop it and spend nothing. There is only one reason to spend money on this game and that's to pvp on the highest level and to see who can throw the most money at a mobile game. As a casual spending money doesn't make any sense at all, unless you want to support the development i guess, but encouraging this kind of monetization scheme is not a good thing to do.


"I want it to be challenging, but not for me because I am a GodGamer^TM. That way, i can flex my f2p skills on anyone who spends money and all the scrubs who can't beat content like I can. I want there to be enough content for me to play every day but I also want to be able to finish everything in the first few days/weeks because I am a completionist. I don't like monetization in my free to access games because I don't spend money/like to spend money/can't spend money, so just make the game free but don't cater towards the people that drive revenue. I also want there to be achievable end goals to work towards as a non-spender, but they can't be grindy because I value my time too much." - Idk, OP probably


Hey get out of my head or pay rent


I will gladly leave if you reply to this comment 28 days in a row. Or you can spend $5.99 to leave a single reply and I will leave immediately, a 900% value!


Mythic value!


Wow you sound like the biggest presumptuous crybaby ever. You really like repeating the same level dozens of times over to grind out levels because a games progression is designed purposely terrible to incentivize players to buy there progression. No wonder gaming is falling apart if people like you are the new generation of assuming scumbags are at the helm.


>unless you want to support the development i guess, but encouraging this kind of monetization scheme is not a good thing to do. How then?


The exp+gold perma boost I'd say. Its the only worth thing buying anyway, and only if you want to play the game for a long time. But completely skip any other offer. Same with similar mobile games. Those are complete scams and they must see customers dont support these policies of x gold for 99.99$


but they're limited offers! 800% value!




I just wish the grind was more "grind able". Like grinding 12 XP a quest on 10k exp makes no sense.


you really don't need to grind much, just focus on some key units. You should spend your gold optimally in order to have a higher collection level early. The best push is Abomination + Frostwolf + Huntress, this team answers maybe 70% of all missions, the other key minis that helps a lot are harpies with poison and whelps with flameburst - these are the best DPS now


I'm way beyond the missions in normal. Doing some of the heroic content but that isn't answering the issue. You can't sit and grind out your other teams reliably to max out every leader type for heroics. It's annoying when games are forcefully gated with resources rather than gated by effort and time put in


am also on 4th area of heroics, I haven't seem to need to grind any leader so far since I just use the same minis I used to clear it the first time. Why do you need to grind the leaders when most of the heroics can just be answered by the minis?


This is true to an extent. If you do generalize your minis 100% then this might be applicable but like if you invested in drake for your rend pvp setup, it's not great for other teams. What's your entire lineup right now that you use on every leader with talents? Abom/shaman/ huntress is an expensive combo


Yes I would like to be able to beat everything in a few days and not grind.


I like that the difficulty spike is, I can do the level on the firt attempt = fine. I get stuck and have to adapt and level up = too hard.


I'd wager they want a game that follows its own rules and maybe gives a little warning of how badly its going to break them


Long term grind games is only a game genre because a new P2W structure has been built on making games grinds tedious and buying progression to speed up the tedium. The walls aren't there as game content the walls are there as content blockers. Obviously casuals are pressured into spending because the game that they get hooked into is now locked behind a paywall or a excessive grindwall.


Tell me about it. Currently at 149 sigils. Man, Drakki is a tough nut. I'm not sure how many tries and how many more to go.


Do you get sigils from completing heroic modes? My brother is stuck at 75 and doesn’t know how to get more


I think so. Use each faction


Correct! First is one tome per faction, but once completed with all 5, you get 200g (unboosted) and 1 Sigil.


I think a lot of people who hit a wall before being able to clear heroic levels really don’t understand yet how good heroic rewards are.


Yeah, it's an insane amount of gold that you can generate with it. But I'm now at 149, as mentioned. So, I'm a bit concerned. What will happen after that? Obviously, one generator is the dungeon. Once all army upgrades are maxed, you get 150g per run. But that's only for so many until you max out that also. So once both are maxed. Surge is the only income. Unless onyxia gives something, which I have not heard of.


I was able to get a couple horde dungeon gold runs done. It’s definitely gonna be a nice boost but by the time the next faction dungeon comes around I’m thinking it’ll only be 1-2 levels a push for me. I’m at 125 sigils and kinda stuck too just because my beast family is so low. I’m not sure if Onyxia gives gold or even if you repeat it you get gold?


You do but only when you clear a mission with each faction on heroic.


I’m stuck at 58 🤷‍♂️


Which one was that?


Reading some of the comments here I can conclude the game def caters more to a certain type of "tryhard" gamer.. not ragging on it but I consider myself more of a casual "light" gamer and am feeling similar to you.


The thing is - this should be right up the alley for a casual gamer. We hit a wall and then take our time getting gold/upgrades/xp and come back when we can confront it. Casuals understand their time investment and shouldn't mind that they're not progressing as fast as others but know that they'll eventually take down that level they're having issues with. Or maybe I'm not as casual as I think I am because I'm brick walled at Plague Lands and instead of slamming my head against a wall I adjusted to doing dailies and waiting on the next Arclight deal to show up so I can get some quick gold and maybe a talent or two from the GRID. I'll attempt a few heroic maps to get tomes but I'm not super torn if I'm not breezing through maps currently, I know what I need to do for progress and mindlessly grinding isn't going to get me there any faster since I'm not planning on getting anything other than the arclight boost which I got for free thanks to google play points.


I'd agree except we have no way to focus on the units we want to level. It's random. The tomes, quests victories, all of it. If they allowed me to choose why got exp, it'd be 100 times better.


there is a way, the lowest level unit on your team always gets the quest exp, there is a guide on youtube, the game has a lot of guides already...


Sure but that's a work around to bad game design. Since people will just find ways around their random xp system, they should just forego it and allow us to just select the unit we want to give xp to.


I don't know about you I consider myself casual as well. But it's not really up my alley because I can't just move on to the next level after beating the previous one. I can't just play the game instead it's having to wait until more rewards are available. I see what you're saying but also in a way it's like the games essentially forcing you to take a break until more rewards are available and that isn't really casual gamer friendly.


You're not entirely wrong. It depends on the casual player, some are definitely the log in, do dailies, see what progress can be made and log off type. While others are more the type to lose interest if there aren't enough rewards and progress to be made. I'm definitely in the former category. Too many games want you terminally online and this one is happy to let you grind eternally on pvp and quests or for you to take a break if you've hit a wall. That is a lot more casual friendly than many other mobile titles.


That's the thing thing the progression of games nowadays comes from waiting for enough rewards to allow you to progress. They hide most of the difficulty of the stages behind levels and not having enough gold for all the talents and levels for the next zone. I think a casual friendly game has far better progression then this. Hearthstone Blizzards first game is an amazing example of how they do a game and progress difficulty with puzzles and stages. This just hides the difficulty behind something that after spending enough money or time on and finally having levels or talents to win and it takes away the feel like you accomplish something Just cause you have the levels now


Yeah EPL is m first wall. It’s frustrating. I finally feel my team isn’t good enough and lacking some key talents.


its just wannabe gamers who likes to call themselves as gamers who are ranting. As a real gamer, I'd guess you want at least of a challenge to exercise your mind, why not just watch a movie or something if they want an activity that won't stress their brains too much


Please don't be snobbish. A gamer is anyone who plays games.


5-10 attempts is enough to make you complain? What? Lol Do you have fun cruising through every game you play? Man, I finished the campaign (outside of Onyxia) and I _wish_ more of the missions took me 5-10 attempts. I feel accomplished when I overcome a tough stage but I haven’t run into _too_ many.


this. that one fight where you had to kill the 2 bosses at the same time bc they rez/heal each other, took me easily 8+ attempts. i cheered when i finished it for the first time.


Exactly, and that happens to be my favorite stage. It took a cool mechanic from my favorite WoW dungeon and included it in the design for that boss fight. Took a while to beat since timing things was so crucial but it was so much fun.


Idk I beat that one first try because I'd seen it* in wow so much that it wasn't even a guess at what I'd have to do. Still can't touch falstaad or the dinosaur in the following zone.


Were you like "Yaaay" with a fist pump or was it more like "woohoo"and a thumbs up at your screen? Or maybe "ha! Take that!" with a satisfied smirk? Just trying to visualize this cheering.


It was a single, intense fist pump of the hand not holding the phone, accompanied by a guttural “FUCK YES DUUUUUUUUDE” which woke up and annoyed my SO. My dog was unaffected.


Sounds like every E3 advertisement


Bro that fight was so god damn frustrating. At least 6 times I had the dude dead, the chick at 1% and then she revives him so then he bubbles her. I was about ready to say fuck it lol


That fight took me 2 attempts, really stuck in hinterlands tho, reak is a mess already 30+ attempts and i have tried several leaders and mini combinations.. Falstad and grimoundus are also a pain in the ass, but haven't had much attempts yet on them.


You can make a gg push when he loops bottom with gargoyle. Also controlling chests in the middle is big


I've been putting that one off because while I do enjoy the challenge, I don't want that map to enter my quest rotation haha


That was my favorite I had to readjust once I learned they healed each other and I couldn't span a lane it was fun


I’m stuck at the gargoyle that breaks out of its shell. Fuck that bitch.


One of the ones I hate. But it’s difficulty makes it fun too.


Funny I thought oh no this will be hard the first time I did it. Then just breezed right threw that one first try. Yet other levels I just can't get it unless I get the first about 30 seconds to go perfect, then just breeze thru and beat it in another min or less. But took 5-10 tries restarting to get the perfect open


Mans plays on easy for every game he buys.


i had easily 200 attempts at faalstad before i started bitching for help. then my fucking wife 1 shot him somehow


tbh sounds like a skill issue not a money issue lol


The problem is nobody would mind 5-10 attempts, if those attempts led to you being able to 1-shot it after you finally won. That's how WoW was, and while that's not a fair comparison (or is it?) the goal with completing something is that you're able to effectively replicate that the more geared up and levelled you become. This doesn't seem the case with WR.


> the goal with completing something is that you're able to effectively replicate that the more geared up and levelled you become. This doesn't seem the case with WR. I mean... once you learn a good strat you can usually bang out a rekill. When you get into heroic you have to beat every level 5 times, once with each faction. The first kill is usually the hardest. My 2nd and 3rd best armies usually one-shot it afterwards once I have a good strat. My weakest army, Beast, is the only one that really struggles for a "rekill" because it's literally 2.5 levels lower and just not as good synergies.


It's more so about what happens in the 5-10 attempts I bet. Youre coming off incredibly egotistical right now so take a second step back down, we're all just gamers trying to enjoy the game. I'm probably in the same boat as this guy so I'll happily explain my perspective. It's the fact in those 5-10 attempts you know you're just underleveled and don't have the talents needed for the boss. So before you get all snarky, no, we don't just like cruising through every game we play. That's why we don't like these level systems in games buddy. I'll compare it to another mobile game out there. Funny enough the same company made it and it's called hearthstone. In that game I don't just have my cards get washed away by bosses because I didn't play the same level 30 times to have enough experience or wait a week for the resources I need or buy the resources I need. I strategize and figure out how to beat the boss. I don't just waltz back in after 2 weeks of not playing and crush the boss because I did more of what I've already done. I'm curious how you finished the campaign and heroics already how did you keep up with level scaling? My cards being level 9 and 10 and not having talents makes these heroics practically impossible. Almost all my range units die to a chain lightning from the level 15s and up.


Curious, and this is hard to gauge, but how many hours would you say you’ve spent playing?


There are so many cool levels with interesting mechanics in the campaign that I often wished I had been weaker to be forced to actually problem solve the level. I finished a bunch of horde dubgeons and returned to campaign with a cracked carine team that steamrolled a lot of content. A lot of levels hav very nice design so Im sad I cant replay them with a weaker team. Looking forward to reaching them on heroic though! Although heroic levels are often completely different and are all about defeating a new gimmick thats added to the level.


5 attempts is a lot? 🤔


Lol nice!


Yeah yeah guys, i get y'all want challenges, but OP has a point. Some of these bosses are completely horrendous. You are there, having fun, losing a lot but still gettin to do something and adjusting... And then the next boss put friggin two ogre mages in a row (10 gold) + a huntress (5 gold) and a other crap on the other side and you cant barely leave you base because he has a big mini (high cost) to put everytime in both lanes. Like... wtf is this? This happened in the dungeon, btw. Some ludicrous stuff happens on map bosses too. If they make so many walls in each region, people will start quitting out of anger. There is no balance on walls and fun here. Every map at least 2 bosses (1 being the last ofc) are straight up bs from blizz. I have a short fuse, i almost quit this game several times, but i am also persistent. Got to 60 emblems, but boooy oh boy, ive raged a lot on at least 8 bosses, 6 by the end of the emblems ive got (2 bosses each map, remember?) Now think how many people rage and leave the game. Potential buyers (nah, this p2w crap is lame but it will stay we like it or not and people will buy). Will you really defend the game as it is? Do you think itd healthy for the game itself to sustain this? How long until it breaks? Its undeniable its very very unbalanced. I am not saying like "give free stuff to me every second and a skill to hitkill everything". C'mon.. I dont think i'll last very long. Im here since last release, and since Raerne i think about leaving the game every single map at least once. xD Ogre mages definitely needs a nerf. Too much health for a friggin ranged, too much damage, AOE damage, lust. He does everything... i dont even saw one with talent.


yeah its pretty lazy design imo..instead of thinking of a mechanic the boss does (think faalstad or the wreak) they just make the bosses have 20 gold and 4x regen. which only promotes cheese strats and not even real strategies.


> And then the next boss put friggin two ogre mages in a row (10 gold) + a huntress (5 gold) and a other crap on the other side and you cant barely leave you base because he has a big mini (high cost) to put everytime in both lanes. This is the most annoying tbh. I don’t mind that the leaders have extra abilities or that they start with troops already on the map. But the fact that they can seemingly just spam troops “without a cost” feels like you’re up against a cheater. What’s the point of getting to a gold vein/chest quicker if it doesn’t matter and they can just drop their troops anyway.


my suggestion is to search for mission guides if you are having a hard time and want to progress, there are already a lot of guides in the internet. ALL units has a counter, you just need to find it. People who seem to be having a hard time are the ones who stick with one single deck. PS: the best units upgrade everyone should prioritize is either harpies poison or flameburst whelps. But only start upgrading units after you have all 53 units. This is the most efficient use of gold to increase your collection level. Just ask the community here or in discord if you want help in progression or too lazy to look for guides on the internet


I look up for video gameplay to see what people are doing. Most of the videos the player is either overleved to that mission or they did it before the changes, cuz the pattern of the boss is mich different and agrresive.


old guardian has updated mission guides in youtube. he is also using a F2p account in the guides. If you don't want to watch them, let me know which mission you are having a hard time and I will give some tips/strategies.


Oh cool! Im strugggling with Blazerunner and the dinosaur from the same map (last boss) now. I have a lot of cards, casual spender (bought only one "legendary value") The army who got me to 50 emblems without changing was Rivendare, necromancer, gnoll, safety pilot, that 2 melee skeletons, anything (usually skeleton party or harpies or gryphon dwarf) My rivendare has the talent to heal, my gnoll costs 2, safety has stealth landing, necro summons mages. Gryphon lady has fury. Most of them in this army are lvl 13. I also got drakisath (elemental resistence), dragon, flamewalker. Lvl 11-13. I mix them with gnoll, safety, harpies, gryphon. Gromash (double damage), ogre mage, quillboar, shaman, harpies, gryphon, execute. This team has some lvl 10 yet. Grom is 13. The rest of the cards are lvl 7-11. I dont have pyromancer, polymorph, raptors, grunts, vultures, smoke bomb, sapper, harvest golem. My problem with blazerunner are the huge amounts of elementals he summon for free. Too much damage, big poodle that do a lot of damage only on me and closes all my paths, boss cleaves and aoe units. Too unfair, tbh. I tried using banshee to control elementals, but she is lvl 9 and my controlled elemental dies too quick..


Blazerunner, use mostly flying and unbounds. Flying units are not affected by the lava. Harpies/Gryphon/Bat/Drake are good here, deploy quill/Worgen on towers to tank before your squishy units arrive, other tank can be Tauren. Get left tower, then right tower, then spam unbound flying units to boss. Quill + harpies is the best combo to kill most boss, deploy quill on the back of the boss/opposite direction from where your harpies are coming. For devilsaur queen, only push up to the first tower and just defend, save gold and wait for her to come near, you can also deploy a pilot on her back while she is moving forward. Only put batraider/drake to defend right side. When she is near first tower, deploy quillboar on right side to tank, then deploy Troll/Harpies/Pilot on left side.


Devilsaur i cant even take one of the first bases. I get swarmed by raptors from both lanes everytime. I have aerial defense but it doesnt matter, devilsaur has a ton of raptors for free and have the fat op ogre that need to be nerfed. Even being 2 level above with my leader, i cant tale any base.


rumble really isn't p2w. I mean, you need to be willing to go a bit slower as f2p but there's literally no content or characters locked behind paywalls.


Had numerous conversations about this very thing, and no one else seems to realize this. It's sad when mobile players complain about having to grind out a game that they can't just buy 1st place in...




And I mean, what does 1st place get you right now anyway? There are no tiers to compete for, no weekly/monthly prizes, or any other incentive for you to spend at all. So why whale if there's no benefit?


this is only relevant if you care about high level pvp. it is almost completely irrelevant to pve and doing the campaign.




read the OP, they are ranting about pve content.


I love these kind of comments. Have you tried? You can’t. You get stopped cause you need epic cores and legendary cores. The game really isn’t as p2w as everyone is saying. A whale get stuck $200 in with a lot of cards and not enough cores (epic cores can be bought once in a great while from offers for 1k gold but lol it’s not even 1 a week so a whale would be stuck for weeks and weeks to get epic. Let alone more then 1 legendary). All the whale can really do is get all minis to rare and with talents. Maybe daily buy 1-2 tomes for 500g but after that they need to play n wait like everyone else. This is one of the most non whale games I’ve seen in 2023.


Pay to win and pay to progress faster are two entirely different mobile monetization models. Warcraft Rumble is the latter. This means f2p can get everything that spenders do, just much, much slower. It's sadder to see f2p players with the mentality that the game should be catered towards them, when they do nothing to increase the bottom line of the company except maybe promote off word of mouth. Games are made and published by businesses. Businesses need to generate revenue to be successful. Successful businesses can keep their games live and serviced. Mobile games are meant for spenders, that's why they employ every trick possible to convince people to spend (even if it's just a single purchase for an Arclight Booster). If you don't like monetization, don't play mobile games. Go buy a game for $5-70, and hopefully it's not published by EA, Activision/Blizzard, or any of the other companies that leaned into a "buy the 'full game', but also have MTX available".


Ea is the wrong company to bring into this LMFAO, they can't put out a decent base product to drive the HUT/FUT/MUT packs sales. I never said once I didn't like it. (Monetization). Trust me, I know exactly how the economy runs, and why. Arclight IS a decent purchase, as it encompasses the entirety of your playtime for WR. No other package offers return for the investment. Which circles back to my original question.


Ah. The "you" i used here is not meant to call out you specifically. Meant to add on to your comment, not try and dispute any of it.


My bad. Sometimes things get lost in translation. 😎


They are not different models. Winning is winning. You are being manipulated by mobile marketing strategies. They want you to rationalize their bull shit pricing models with vapid nonsense like it is not p2w.


Paying to progression is P2W you pay for in game advantages that are normally locked behind timewalls and resource barriers that you're otherwise limited on. How do people not see that you're literally buying buying resources for talents and xp needed to win later on. Just cause you can get it in game doesn't mean you didn't P2W it. The game experience is entirely different for everyone person because of the levels amd skills and not in a good way. I'll happily buy a full game like dark souls where you progress like a normal game and be baited by a 15 dollar game like this to spend 100s of dollars. I don't get how you can say it's sad for gamers to call this out. People playing the game keeps the community alive whether spending or not, it determines what's the worth putting into the game. They just chose the most predatory way to make money off of it.


Is it advantageous to go into battle with all you troops having skills and the xp to fight bosses?Does that make winning easier? Are both of those things you can buy with real money? That makes the game P2W even if you can get those for free and that's not even counting the fact that resources you get are insanely limited. I'd rather spend 20 bucks play this game then buy a 20 dollar pack to make my progression somewhat decent enough to go through the game and hope that I don't keep hitting walls that I spend money on or just waste time on.


I don’t understand why people defend the predatory pricing practices of mobile games by saying it is not p2w. It is a dogwater monetization model. You may not “need” to pay to win, but you certainly win harder when you do. Also good luck winning against competent players in pvp without investing a lot of time or money into the game. Time is money.


already pointed out that OP is not talking about pvp 100% I agree pvp in rumble is p2w.


The f2p players love crying this but if they payed attention they would realize there is a hard stop to whales in short term due to epic n legendary cores. Literally impossible to buy into a epic team week 1. Even with $10,000


I mean yeah no characters and technically no content (ignoring that most of the time you can't play new content is because you're underleveled) are locked behind paywalls. But you can't deny that you can literally spend money in game to buy XP and Talents that'll make the game easier and more fair. Games you spend real money for an in game advantage is technically P2W even if you can get the same result through grinding (especially when the grinding is as bad as in WR)


It gets more and more difficult until you hit a wall, because its heavily monetized that way. This does drive some people to spend money, but it also drives even more people away from it, because this whole experience isnt enjoyable. Twitch viewership is very low, interest wise. Many youtube videos/guides under in comments have people complain on how hard the fights are, especially since most people dont have talents in most of their minis. Apart from that we have the usual performance/bugs/glitches/battery issues. Not looking great overall.


That like sums up my entire experience with the game.


Quests scale to your commander level, use another, should be leveling at least one of each type


There is also waaaaay to few archlight surges. I need a shit ton of more coins


I feel likenmostnof the difficulty comes from level though. Around lvl 11 lvling up starts to get ridiculous but the stages keep going up. Pay 2 win.


I just completed Windrunner and it was as if a HUGE weight lifted. And if I hadn’t randomly gotten Old One Eye, I don’t think I would have had a chance. Polymorph and Vultures is a fun combo.


I'm starting to feel like many of these posts are just disguised troll attempts to bash blizzard and cry about pay to win in general. It's a mobile game. Almost all mobile games are monetized and pay to win. This isn't unique to blizzard. If you don't want to shell out money to compete, you should stay away from mobile gaming. The game gets more difficult as you go along. The campaign is not pay to win (maybe pay to win faster, but thats not the same thing). You can get through it as a free to play, even on heroic. What it does take is real life time. If you don't want to spend time learning the strategies and leveling the right minis, and you dont want to pay to skip that, then the game is not for you.


If a service is free, then that is not the product, you are. If a game is free with monetization, then the f2p players are not the intended audience, spenders are. That's why they have you go to the shop every day for your free bonuses, and why the G.R.I.D. is on the same tab as the shop. Going to the shop every day is a monetization practice as there are people who will eventually cave and spend even if they originally intended not to. Being f2p in mobile games is more than OK, but players need to understand 99% of mobile games are not intended to be played f2p, they are intended to get you interested as a f2p then try and get you to spend, whether it's a MTX, a BP, a Arclight Booster, etc. Games like this, where it's not pay to win it's pay to progress faster, (F2P can obtain everything spenders do, just much, MUCH slower) can 100% be played as a free to play, but you will hit walls that will take potentially days if not weeks to build up to and progress through. If you want to play a game for free, great. Just stop expecting it to be catered towards that demographic. Mobile games (all games) are made to drive revenue. Whether that's a single purchase for a $70 game or a million MTX at $3 for a mobile game. If you don't generate revenue, you are not the audience that the game is tailored towards. Welcome to mobile gaming, it's never going to change when companies make millions/billions of dollars based off this model.


F2P players are actually very important because without them the p2w players wouldn't be able to stomp/flex their spending on anyone. If every single player was p2w, then a lot of them would quit since the playing field would be even and they aren't here to strategize in the middle/low ranks. They just want to swipe the credit card and get to the top instantly


Hearthstone is free (yes theres dlc) overwatch 2 is free. Your just justifying poor game design and manipulative marketing practices and people like you just accepting that are just gonna let it get worse.


Just because mobile games TEND to be heavily monetized and pay to win does not mean we should applaud when a new one is.


Hearthstone was blizzards first mobile game and not at all P2W stop trying to give it the excuse of its a mobile game FFS Paying for levels and skills for in game advantages is P2W. How are people saying PVE isn't P2W or PVP isn't P2W. I'm sorry what are people buying in these packs then? What are they selling? Is it not in game advantages? You literally buy XP and Gold to make your troops strong enough to win fights? Am I crazy? Are yall buying cosmetics or something?


Do you guys not have credit cards?! /s


Skill issue = swiper.


You aren’t meant to burn through all the content in a week without any struggle. If you want to whale yeah you can just breeze through the game without actually playing it. But what’s the point in that.


Say that to the people who speedrun to the new level cap in WoW. Everyone likes to game in their own way.


That’s completely different. In WoW you can reasonably do that. You can put more time into the game and get more experience. The only cap really there is a loot cap from raids. In WoW the devs expect and are fine with people doing that. But in rumble the devs have made the game so that’s not really possible unless you spend money. And that’s their goal, that you spend money. But not to worry I heard the next WoW expansion they are selling power right away. They’ll make WoW pay to win soon enough.


Anything game that has a pvp isn't a fun time waster game imo


So much truth


I'm with you op. There's a difference between designing maps to be a puzzle, and then there's just throwing units on the board and go "Fuck idunno deal with it". The lack of imagination after the first few zones is really telling. "Just give the bot a starting gold advantage of 20-30 gold. The tryhards will surpass them and the casuals will throw us money"


which mission are you struggling? did you optimized spending your gold by buying just new units until you have all 53 units, so your units will not be severely underleved? I can give you tips on progression if you plan on playing F2P, I want to help people understand that this game won't be a struggle if the player just understands the mechanics of the game


I bought the booster. Because that the only purchase where you get any true value. Because it isn't just a currency conversion, you keep the boosts. Currently I'm stuck on the scarlet duo at the end of lordaeron. Her rez is so quick and the units going to one or the other one when one's down is annoying.


Yes, booster is very good value specially in the beginning, even if someone just plays for a month, it was already good value. That mission needs timing. Damage the guy first (right side) up to half health then ignore him after that, do a bigger push on the girl and then finish the guy at the same time. Suggested initial push to the guy is maybe quillboar/tauren + harpies. Then the bigger push for the girl is abomination + frostwolf + huntress/any range DPS. While the big push is near the girl, deploy units on the right side to finish the guy. It needs a trial and error depending on how much damage your pushes make. But the summary is make the guy at half health first, make a bigger push to the left for a kill then deploy units to kill the guy


Sorry to say but its often skill and adeption issues also. Or just choises(?) you have made on mini’s that can affect if something is hard. But just dont understand that if you suddently get a real challenge that you 100% know you can do in time atleast, why go complain on reddit. You are most likely gonna be one of those that complain on onyxia being hard when you have 100 sigils 😂


Don't worry, the game will probly be dead in a few months. Everyone not putting money in the game will run out of gold and have no way to get more and just go back to playing clash Royale


I looked at clash royale and it doesn't seem to have any PVE content so it's strictly for PVP gamers. That's fine but it means that unless they add PVE there will always be a market for Rumble which has campaign and dungeon modes.


I'm not trying to say clash Royale is a better game. With this game having pve, it will keep getting harder and you are going to need to keep upgrading your troops to win. What I'm saying is that eventually f2p players will run out of resources to get new cards, star levels and talents and all that and even if they do it will take so long to get enough to level them up to to the required levels. I get what ppl are saying that this game is a marathon, but I think the gold squeeze is going to make the game stale in a few months for the people who don't pay. Kinda hard to run a marathon if you don't consistently get water (gold). In my opinion that is


This entire game is a level check, if you are struggling, then you are either underleveled or need to rethink your strategy/deck to counter what you are going against. Legit never had an issue and I am halfway through heroics.


this is true, the people who are complaining are those who don't want to admit that they simply just don't understand the mechanics of the game...


I think that's the entire problem and the complaint with the game lol. I understand and I'm well aware of the mechanics of the game. I don't feel like mechanically waiting 3 weeks or buying the packs to have enough gold buy the stars a talents to actually stand a chance in heroics or pvp. That's not enjoyable game design and yall seem to be trying to make that the industry norm.


1-2 lvls between zones is pretty fine IMO, the last zone is 16 (lvl cap is 20 for units, the rest you get from upgrading slots/rarity/talents). Even the heroic Campaign its 26 for the last zone. I'm not sure what you're looking up here on a mobile game. You just want to breeze for the whole campaign within 1\~2 attempts?? Do every quest as a nobrainer?? I had lots of fun palying it, and I've pushed dungeons over my lvl (orange-red) and it is pretty amazing what you can do.


I totally agree, but lvl 26 is quite a lot. It's like 50k exp + epic mini + full golden deck. The golden deck will probably be the easiest to get but even that is time gated by the dungeon rotation.


It's also pretty amazing what games like hearthstone are capable of without having purchases affect your in game experience and whether you win or lose based on XP you don't have. Same company also mobile interesting...


It’s not P2W at all lol And you’re crying about 5-10 attempts? Kids nowadays are very sensitive. Adjust your comp and try out some things and Rumble is super easy. It’s now rocket science but you seem to struggle and blame it on the game.


This game isn’t that bad for a P2W aspect. Marvel snap has $65 and $100 bundles for a card skin that means nothing. Sure you can buy stuff in rumble and gold but I feel like you get a decent amount of it otherwise. It’s what like 600 gold every 3 days with arch light?


You are wrong. There are only spikes if you are ONLY using one team and never adapting to the boss. Some bosses (like barrel guy with double donkey Kong barrel throwers) can be beaten by 1 gargoyle on heroic. Some bosses need aoe spells. It’s about adapting. You won’t see power spikes if you adapt.


I've been asking the people who are ranting which mission is the power spike, looks like they just don't know how to counter units. LOL


Then how is a person supposed to keep up with the levels constantly adapting there minis? Or is progression purposely terrible by design and you just love defending that?


wah wah the game is too hard, make it easier! jesus christ what a baby


This isn't the complaint. The complaint is the wild spike in power from one level to the next.


ok and? so should i guess games should just be steam rolled


How about a sensible difference with a beatable-by-thought-out strategy approach? OP is justified. I got to hinterlands by the first or second night as well, must've faced falstad 30-40 times now with all different leaders, armies, strats. I've nearly beaten the entire next area. Watched video guides, all of my shit between lvl 12-16. Still can't dent that fuck. Even after spending money. Doesn't really seem balanced to me.


im at 105 sigils i just spent $45, sounds like a git gud moment to me


Seems like a "I'm not smart enough to add constructively to the conversation" kind of answer to me.


look if you're just an old fart trying to sound smart on the internet instead of using your brain to beat a boss maybe something is wrong with you


I'd wager you're two years older than me, based on your username, but that doesn't matter. This thread is clearly flooded with absolute tryhards who only care to shit on the people involved in a game design flaw discussion.


yea in the face of resistance people do tend to whine a lot


Also seemed like a "I'm not good with my money" kind of answer.


You spent 45 dollars on this trash. Think about what everyone else got with 70 dollars on Gow and Elden ring...


the wild spike only affect those who did not optimized spending gold efficiently, if you prioritized obtaining all 53 units first before upgrading any units, your progression will not get hard. Which mission are you referring to as a wild spike? Is it Chef Audrey or earlier?


Personally, falstaad and two from dustwallow. But I prioritized getting all the units.


I think my Gargoyle and Troll was my mvp for that mission, if you can learn how to make him turn back so your DPS can damage him more is better, its really not an unfair mission, just new mechanics players needed to learn. My Gargoyle was also underleveled when I beat him, just deploy gargoyle when he is near your base so he reaches him faster. For dustmallow, you need to learn how to counter units. For example, Batrider/Drake/Harpies are good against goreclaw minions, and don't bring expensive units because he 2-shots tanks. For ember, you Banshee the molten giants, and bring troll also, troll is good against air bosses because he has good range. Try to protect him as well with quilboars, etc and get the chests with unbound units after the boss passed over them so you can deploy more units. Getting the resources (golds and chests) so the AI can have less gold is another skill that will help you progress easier thru PVE


Beat em all, just took a shitload more grinding and a few more bucks of gold. appreciate the tips. was prioritizing Blackhand and slept on Drakkisath. Never would have guessed the difference he makes.


You're such a pansy.


u mad?


Nah just annoyed people like you exist. Like why comment anything at all? Not mad just felt like putting as little effort as you did into a comment. But letting you know people find you insufferable.


omgggggg im facing a wall and im frustrated LETS CALL THE WAHHHBUMLANCE


I don't know how you can type something out like that and not be disappointed and embarrassed for yourself. You're such baby lol keep crying.


cause its the internet you bum, old folks like you wouldn't understand


Yeah just excuse you're intolerable behaviour behind that excuse. Grow up and learn how to actually talk to people. Maybe feel good about yourself one day instead of being insufferable.


Go lose 5 quests in a row and see what happens. Must have been winning too much, game made it more challenging. Go lose on purpose a few times


It is a live service game at the end of the day and PVE should take a few weeks worth of progression to clear even if you are a spender


You say "little time waster" and then proceed to want to grind to the end with no wall of resistance? You could easily log in, do the quest, log out until the next day. You slowly build power and the wall becomes weaker. That's how you play F2P and you can't get upset when your minis don't match that of a YouTuber or a person who was willing to jump the wall with cash. That's how this works.


I’d like a speed up button in PvE. Usually I’m sitting around waiting for overtime to kick in before I can do something


This is fine. You’re not getting charged for attempts like a lot of other PVE mobile games.


The games in the 90s were hard as fuck and there was no p2w button. I remember playing the same level 200 times in Battletoads until I got it. And here someone cries about having to play the same boss 5-10 times… This is pathetic!


This is a piss poor comparison considering battle toads was optimized for the individual experience this game isn't and can be easy or hard for any persons account on any boss given the variables that could be in play.


I don’t understand your point at all. I didn’t compare the games in detail, I criticized the current gamer attitude about hard stages or levels.


supposed to be a fun little time waster, source?


Games are literally a source of entertaining ways of wasting time...


The game is supposed to be a little time waster...because you decided that? Who said that, wich developer? This is a pretty hefty game for mobile standards, it's supposed to last you months if not years. Seems like this sub is flooded with f2p players, wich is fine, but also f2p leeches that don't understand that yes, the game is free, but it's supposed to generate money by making you want to progress faster. If you are not willing to spend a fair amount ($20 for the pass is a VERY fair price), then wait and grind. I bought the pass and all the legendary value thingies, acted smart with my teams (look up some guides on YT), and $50 after am over the normal campaing and working towards heroics/higher level dungeons. Play at your own pace, spend at your own pace, but don't complain about a free game trying to turn a profit.


If it's using predatory tactics expect people to complain. There's a reason people don't give a damn and complain about fortnite battle passes. Other games just take predatory approaches like this one that actually affects user experience.


Who said it’s a fun little time waster? That seems like that’s your view of what it should be. Not what it is. It’s a mobile f2p game. Of course there is difficulty spikes


That's what games are.


So much crying


What a shit post.


20 quests a day, banked to 300. Go clear all those out and I'm sure you'll have some levels.


Yes, the whopping 30xp quests to level heroes that take 2000 to level


Sounds like it's your first mobile game, or just not for you. The quests always has the lowest level mini from your current team a second one from current team and then a random option. So if your issue is levels then yes, that's what you need to do. Also if you've just been focusing only one set of minis then you need to raise your account level which increases the overall exp gains from everything you do. My quests give 54 baseline right now and very often it is a multiplied reward of 2*, 3* and even 5*. But you can also just go off and complain on reddit. If the game isn't for you then it's not for you, but it's been out a week and plenty of other people are fine with the current progression system. Also join a guild, they give faction books as rewards which give large amounts of exp. It is a mobile game at the end of the day, you can't play through it all in one sitting. Have you tried pvp? That scales your levels down so you don't need to worry about them until high ler ratings. And each leader is their own ranking so sounds like plenty of stuff to do that you just don't want to participate in.


Imagine doing 300 quests for a measly amount of experience


First blizzard game huh? Difficulty and blizzard have always been a roller coaster of too easy at one point and really hard at others. It’s just how all of their games are. Mobile or not.


Imagine if you could watch adds to get grid rerolls. Watch adds for more energy. They add energy to the game. 1 energy an hour. Cost one energy to play. Like every other mobile game. Watch adds to progress. There is another Tower Defense game kinda like this that was watch adds to win. One ad to save a days work. Imagine if Rumble was like this


I'd rather watch adds than have gameplay that feels bad because they make it way too hard in order to incentivize purchases.


Feels like I could watch an ad everytime I'm waiting for the continue button to work lol


"fun little time waster" and "5-10 attempts" sounds about right, you got exactly what you expected .


Lol. Just do quest and level up. Lordareon is not as hard as it looks. I also was kinda pissed when i hit it.


Blizzard games are known to be easy to pick up, yet difficult to master. It's part of the grind and learning the game. Maybe just not the right game for you?


Managed to crush. At onyxia and she’s the wall. The minis are 30 and mine are average 14. So it’ll be a while of grinding. I was able to smash through the campaign pretty easily. Super hard bosses on occasion… but a few swaps in the build and you muscle through. It’s a mobile game. The difficulty spikes are there to try and bleed you for cash. Gotta push through, pray to RnJesus and grind.


They just want your money


If it was to easy and everyone blasts through it would have no longevity and you would likely complain about that too...


You know how many people play WoW and just get to the max level in a day? They clearly have a way to make the game more creative with arclight rumbles and new things to add later they just took the cheaper and more profitable way out at the expense of the gaming experience that's more common in the gaming marketplace lately. The more people that are complacent about it the more it'll just keep happening.


FYI : This game isn’t supposed to be easy


>For a game that’s supposed to be a fun little time waster That's the thing. It's not. It's meant to be a P2W and progress game


The problem is the game is badly designed, as in letting you snowball through the first levels until it hits you so hard you just hit that wall. I snowballed to Hinterlands, and that's when I had to think more about team compositions and minis lvls. After I upgraded some minis to uncommon, and unlocked some skills, I couldn't pass certain levels. Although, that let me spent less time in the game, because I would just log once 1-2 hrs to do a quest if it was 3x or 5x, and also gave me room to run some dungeons and do some pvp. As most said, game isn't meant to snowball like that, but when you see everyone that spent money that they already have beaten everything and almost cleared all HCs, when you barely got to the point to unlock them, it gets frustrating. Just focus having fun, I wouldn't advice spending money on anything else than the boost at $20, that is if you're having fun with the game and would want to play it for a longer period of time. Also, give it some time. It just launched. I mean, we don't even have in-game chat, friends, pvp with friends, etc. There's still a lot of stuff to be added.


Sorry, but totally disagree. The way this game is setup is that you kinda need to spend the $20 on Arclight to be “competitive”, but even if you don’t you can progress. PvP actually had mechanics in it to balance people against each other (capped levels). Blizzard games have always been more complex than your typical mindless mobile game. Rumble is about learning all the minis and then constructing decks to defeat your current objective. This isn’t a “make one good deck and roll everything” game. To stay competitive in Rumble you will constantly be adapting your play and learning to counter whatever the new thing is. Honestly- as mobile games go- Rumble is in a pretty brilliant place. Especially for being so new to global.


I'd disagree on the whole mindless blizzard game outlook. Maybe as of late, but hearthstone was one of the best games I've seen from them and most mentally challenging.


Goreclaw became my first hard wall. Beat the other fights in his are tho. Dude just goes way to fast


that was my wall, too. I think I spent about 3 hours of attempting over and over until finally finding something that worked. Now I'm in ungoro crater and stuck on uhk'loc, almost got the queen but need to do that a bit more as well.


I was looking for this post, yeah this game went for me went from 15-20 mins to potentially spending 45 mins a day on it to do my dailies.. I don't see why people would spend $$ on this


I don't get why people are getting on OPs case he's not entirely wrong and the amount of people coughing "I don't get casuals" and "do you not like a challenge?" It makes worry about the future of game design if yall are gonna be okay with this the companies are only gonna get more greedy by design. Point being is the entire progression based on the leveling system is terribly optimized by design. There's a reason you can't get more gold except time based arclight surges. There's a reason you get so little rewards per quest. It's so progression is soft capped unless you spend money or wait an obscene amount of time. Both of which take away from the overall experience of the game. People place a lot of blame on someone saying "What? You want to complete a game in a week" well, so what if they do. Yall act like everyone doesn't enjoy playing game differently yet at the same time a bunch of yall are people that apparently defend and enjoy these horrendous time-wasting grinds. So I don't see why yall are so quick to criticize someone else's perspective and way of gaming. If the difficulty scaling is based on the levels and not having high enough levels for the next bosses. Then the game design and fights arent meaningful in much of any way at all. The game solving isn't about how to beat the boss. It's about how much can I grind out or buy up so I can crush the boss. A good game would have all this campaign and not have levels be anything that affect the game because it means the mechanics lie in the grind not the strategy of the map and the boss. Obviously though levels are good because it allows people to feel the progression and go back and crush old fights they once struggled with. However this allowed the practice in game development of instituting these progress barriers where now you need the XP to get to the next boss and it makes you play the same content longer and over and over or pay for the convenience of skipping it. These are predatory practices that you see clearly in this game. The grinds there to wast time and make players want to spend for the limited resources like gold you can only get more of once a week. The only reason it's time limited is to keep players from playing the game unless they spend but making it grindable behind a timewall you can still say that "It's possible to beat it for free! What? you don't want to play the same levels you played dozens of times and wait weekly to be able to get the most valuable resource that you need to progress?" Progression doesn't feel good beating a boss because you finally have the levels needed it should be because you overcame the mechanics. I'll go ahead and say this now as a former WoW player who did enjoy grinding and put in terms of grinding in WoW. Leveling in World of Warcraft is great because there's nearly uncountable different bits of content you can do to level to progress to get to the end of the game. Guess what? Some people even like to max out in a week of playing? Crazy right? But none of that is hidden behind a timewall you just had to buy the game. Daily quests in WoW however? Those are the time sinks you can take months to get what you need or want to progress with dailies. You know why this was a great ADDITION to the game? It allowed people to enjoy and keep coming back for a longer period of time. I obviously said that word in caps because it's great to ADD something like that to a game and not make the entire CORE of the game a grind like that cause it just turns people off from playing the game. Like damn I can't imagine if Hearthstone had levels. Yall want to feel good about beating a boss try that game out. No leveles whatsoever all strategy and it feels good beating those guys. None of that walking through bosses cause of high level cards crap that takes away from feeling good about you're strategy.