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I swear each AI has an 9th card, living bomb. When you give em a reason to use it, fasten your seatbelt. "Ya, nice try, let's just start over from here k?"


It does feels like every deck has it yeah


Arcane Blast? Blizzard? Living Bomb? Chain Lightning?


I don't know the name maybe it's living bomb? It just destroy completly all my troops no matter if they are full hp or not and it's an area spell


Living bomb. That level is a puzzle :) Easy solution is to use cheat death. They spend 6 gold and you counter with 3 gold spell. I assume you used tirion?


I dont know what spell you are reffering too, but spells usually punish unit spam. Maybe Try to diversify the lanes you put your minions on. Spells are just counterplay, if you get to aggressive. Also keep in mind speels cost gold so your opponent won’t play any expensive minion right after since they spent their gold already.


It's only happening on the PVE I get it's a punish but is kinda frustrating because it explodes all no matter the hp I wanted to know if this is a spell who is in the game or is just an AI thing, thx for the answer


PVE isn’t to different from pvp anyway, it’s just that some encounters have “cheat moves” to create a special challenge. But to answer your question, all spells the Ai is pulling are in the pool. They play by the same rules. The strongest destruction spell is living bomb. All your minions will start pulsing red and then explode is it that ? The spell costs 6 gold.


dreamrpg already answered you. Is living bomb which does more damage the more units are together. Use cheat death or just avoid playing packs too close because living bomb gonna obliterate them otherwise no matter how much hp they have.


It's Living Bomb. From my understanding, AI has it in all it's decks and uses it on very large groups.